Diminishing Returns not WORKING AS INTENDED(CAPS)

Diminishing Returns not WORKING AS INTENDED(CAPS)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RamenGuy.8201


This is utter crap.

You need to fix this.

From what one of the devs told us that this wouldn’t effect taking different routes within the same dungeon.

Guess what?


I’m through with this game.

The only thing that appealed to me in this game was doing dungeons. And now that I’m nerfed down to 6 SILVER it doesn’t even warrant me to even doing the dungeon anymore. I can’t even pay my repair costs anymore with this DIMINISHING RETURNS LOAD OF SHAiT. I also have the urge to ask for a refund, because as it stands I don’t want to play this game. I’m going to step away from this game for now due to the rage brewing inside of me.

Tell me anet – why should I play dungeons in the state they are in? It’s a complete money sink for repairs. And this diminishing returns bs makes me not want tol do dungeons ever again. How is this suppose to make it any less of a grind then what it is? I’d have to do the dungeon 10x as much to even pay my repair bill as a level 80 decked out in exotics. So you contradict yourselves hardcore on every statement you make regarding dungeons and ‘grinding’.

Oh what’s that they found a way to cut dungeon times to 15minutes better punish them for being so good.


Diminishing Returns not WORKING AS INTENDED(CAPS)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dajman.2740


Oh what’s that they found a way to cut dungeon times to 15minutes better punish them for being so good.


Only one I know of that can be done in 15 minutes is a group of 80s and CM…. Buff everything in a lvl 40 dungeon because a group of people with lvl 80 gear can beat it to fast.

Great solution. Unless you are a level 40 trying to do the dungeon with a group of people geared for lvl 40.

Good luck getting your money back though. New game no test server. It will be changed within a week to be closer to what it was this morning is my guess. If it stays like this they will lose a lot more than just you.
For me the only issue I have is that the dungeons were not cake mode for people at the dungeons level. Now they are hard as hell unless you are lvl 80 and I have to go back to farming hearts so I can “experience the content to its fullest cause rushing is pointless.”

Ele lvl 70. Wish I enjoyed it more would have been 80 2 weeks ago.
Thief lvl 52. Same thing.
Ranger now! Love it! found out about dungeon farming and was so stoked I didnt have to farm hearts again. Rushed to 30 as fast as I could got it last night and went to bed excited to be able to make quick levels and finally get one I liked to 80. Woke up this morning played 2 dungeons and thought something was wrong. Came to forums and got punched in the nuts.

WHY could I not just love my first toon like I do this one?

Diminishing Returns not WORKING AS INTENDED(CAPS)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sera.6539


I think I wouldn’t mind the patch a teensy bit less (I still hate it) if the system was actually working properly. I ran a guild SE story run today to help a guildie. Two of us had already been in there once already (we did our story in the same party). We’re both level 80, we hadn’t done any dungeons run prior to it. He got 13s and 88,900 EXP, I got 9s75c and 66,675 EXP.


Gelda Nebilim – Nagare [NGE] – Crystal Desert

Diminishing Returns not WORKING AS INTENDED(CAPS)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Garrix.7036


It’s not working as they described it, and I pray that the maintenance is going ro change that.

Diminishing Returns not WORKING AS INTENDED(CAPS)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: rickets.1386


The system is buggy atm. I ran CoF once and Honor of waves(Kodan one) story mode for the first time ever yesterday and a guild mate and i received diminishing returns for both.

rickets 80 elementalist
crickits 80 ranger
crickets 80 warrior – current main