Discconect at last min dungoens?What u Suggest?
Well I got disconnected from game when doing CoF and after log in, I could just go to dungeon door again and click “join my team”. As long as your team stays in dungeon you should be able to re-join them and get all reward. You can even join in the middle of dungeon if you join party with free spot. I think you can open chest if they appeared when you were in dungeon.
not really.. usually at last min… after boss dead.. they click on reward and after got token.. leave dungoens… i try it.. after boss dead..u can see chest in map.. but there is no chest for u… also there is NO token for click and got it.
totally wasting of time when this happend..
so any other suggest?:D
Sorry to be blunt, but you should stop disconnecting in the final minutes.
If you disconnect anytime before it’s absolutely fine, but sounds like a local connection issue that only you can solve.
In another MMO, they had a window of time before the disconnect reset the dungeon. Which meant you could log back in within the 3-5 min time span and continue from where you left off.
Perhaps they should work on this. Dungeons are already instanced per party, so this SHOULD be workable to some degree.
There is no time window. I guess you can event log off for hour and as long as you are still in the party and your party would not finish dungeon you can still get in and continue. But yes, if you log off just before finishing dungeon and log in after your party kill the last boss it is too late.
Guess what? If it happens when fighting boss, try asking others if they can fall back and wait for you to log in.
well i remember at WOW.. we was Report Game Master.. and he was give us Rewards. if was sure i did it.
Hope they add something like this or nethykins.7986 idea.
This happened to me few days ago, disconnected when final boss was on 5%, logged back in my party had all left the dungeon and I got zilch.
[FIRE] Serene Snow, Warrior
I agree there should be an option to report the fact you missed out on tokens just because your dc at the end of a dungeon and then someone could confirm it. I’ve missed out on 240 tokens total so far.
Get a better connection.. if you’re using wireless try get a cable.
This isn’t a fault with the game.
I always make it a point to tell my party to wait if I see that someone has disconnected at the final boss. You don’t even have to tell people if you’re doing dungeon runs with your guild – they wait for you.
If you know your internet connection is unstable, let your party know beforehand so that they can keep an eye out to see if anyone’s gone offline before finishing off the boss. There’s no point coming to the forums after it’s happened because we can’t really help you.
Well, this isn’t just a DC issue either. I was just getting to the chest after rallying from going down to a last minute bleeding and the whole party left and since I was the last one in the party and not the party leader I got booted from the dungeon with nothing.
I just stopped playing dungeons due to that and other issues I feel they should fix with them.
Lady Alexis Hawk – Main – Necromancer
Ravion Hawk – Warrior
today 2 time this happend.. now total 7th time lose my token..
i like too say something about wow.. even we was get dc.. after get back.. we was in dungoen and middle of war….i think they must change this.
ok there we are….. new dungoen in lion arch… and u get dc= u tottally out of team… so CRAZYYYYYY
also they idea put this new dungoen in lion arch its crazy.. because normally its highest player are inside this zone… and u always in overflow.