Dissappointed with the new dungeons

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Snoozy.6701


Anet’s idea have been really great since the beginning. And the idea of removing the “Holy Trinity” is a bold move and somewhat creative and fun.
But the dungeons recently is getting harsher and harsher.
From Molten Facility to Aetherblade Hideout in LA and lastly the latest Twilight Arbor.
I understand Anet are trying to have different types of dungeons everytime and make it more exciting, but there’s is one thing that you need to consider, the capabilities of the players.
The terms “easy to learn, hard to master” is what describe GW2, it is indeed “hard”.
As a player that doesn’t choose their party members despite the classes and the age of the player, i went into TA and are unable to complete it. Well i understand some players can handle it easy, but some can’t.
As a ranger, i understand ranger is a class that is least needed in this dungeon because of the pets are unable to control, and without pets, rangers have lost half their firepower. Luring prove difficult in the last boss, Clockheart, because the holograms will target your pet first.
It is proven, that the best class is Guardian, in all dungeons, that is to say, by removing Holy Trinity, a party of 5 Guardians can easily do any dungeons in GW2.
Lastly, TA have proven to have remove the interest of most casual player, unlike hardcore player which is exceptional in all cases, they can complete TA without much trouble, but unlike others, are left out.

Legendary Karma [KARM]
Stormbluff Isle, SBI

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ezzyz.6045


So are you mad at the dungeon design, guardians, rangers, pugs, or better players? Trying to get a focus on this post because you went everywhere.

I also like how you took hyperbole and replaced it with proven.

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: a t s e.9614

a t s e.9614

Roll warr or guard thats what i end up doing . Its much better
To have 5 total scrubs warriors or guardian in your party
Than 5 pro eles or thieves . Why because its designed like
This , there is 1 thing that matters and its the DPS . There’s
Simply no reason to carry low dps\ armor class . Exemple
In gw1 FoWSC speedrun you needed an assassin to quest stuff
Alone because of the high mobility . U needed a BiP necro to mana regen all casters and stuff . Gw1 pve was amazing i had 4 chars that i liked equally
In gw2 my warrior is my main not because i find the clsss amazing but it ju easier . I always liked the assassin\necro in gw1 but in gw2 im the one
That kicks them from parties because i know they will lower
My gold per hour .

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Snoozy.6701


Right, i went everywhere lol. sorry for that.
What i want to mention is, anet want everybody to enjoy it.
But the difficulty level is too high that not everybody can do that.
Some players that is not pro or slow learner will have problem. Which makes them avoid dungeons overall.

And anet told us they want every class to be playable in dungeons, but its proven its not. If the high dps are the only 1 that’s suitable for dungeons, then it’s just almost the same as Holy Trinity, but, the name now is “High DPS” for dungeons.

Legendary Karma [KARM]
Stormbluff Isle, SBI

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Snoozy.6701


Re-do the Scarlet’s dungeon with 3 guardians and an elementalist, it went smooth and easy with those classes….

Legendary Karma [KARM]
Stormbluff Isle, SBI

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nike Porphyrogenita.8137

Nike Porphyrogenita.8137

The new TA is trivally easy, it’s just new and the easy ways to trivialize the encounters aren’t well known by the general population.

Think about how quickly normal groups finished the new TA the first time they went in without having any guides or speed clear tactics out. Like 45 minutes?

Now think about how quickly normal groups completed Arah path 1 the first time they went in around launch when there were no guides and no speed clear tactics published. 2 hours? 3 hours? Rage quit?

The difference in difficulty is quite literally a universe apart. You will see, in 3 months, that random pugs will be able to do the new TA in 15-20 minutes.

Death and Taxes [DnT]
DnT is Recruiting – http://www.dtguilds.com/

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nilkemia.8507


If the rewards are good enough to make them consider consecutive runs.

They’re not.

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


It’s all about team comp and coordination, that’s it.

The first time I did it, our party took about 1 hour. Nobody used guides or anything. Two guards, a war, a thief, and a mesmer.

The second time was a mesmer, 3 wars, and a thief. Sounds like a good comp, but we had no communication. Even though we were on TS3, nobody was talking/coordinating, or anything. Even when we would stack the mesmer would use GS and the thief had P/P & SB. We took about 2 hours and I had to quit on the 8 generator part before the boss.

Some groups are good, some are bad. Bad groups shouldn’t be able to do it.

RIP in peace Robert

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Geoffroy.3685


As a ranger, i understand ranger is a class that is least needed in this dungeon because of the pets are unable to control, and without pets, rangers have lost half their firepower. Luring prove difficult in the last boss, Clockheart, because the holograms will target your pet first.

I’ve run it three time, once as a mesmer and twice as a ranger, and this dungeon is quite ranger friendly. The boss health pools are quite small, therefore the full dmg zerker wars in all slots strategy isn’t really worth much there.

Actually, I found the aggro system to work as intented (for once), would it be the ooze or the holograph / clockheart kiting. I did most of the kiting duties in each of my runs.

May I suggest you try to learn to play with you pet in “avoid combat” behaviour at all times ? It require an extra push of a button (F1 or F2) to make it engage, but you’ll find that the pet dies a lot less and you won’t frustate your teammates (and yourself) with unwanted aggro anymore.

Amelia Ivardottir — Falconeer (Greatsword & Bows Ranger) — Volcanus
Emmeline Ivardottir — Duelist (Sword & Focus Mesmer) — Sunrise / The Anomaly

(edited by Geoffroy.3685)

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bunmaster.9734


Zerk gear is even more effective here, bosses hit like wet noodle and have less HP. They melt so fast in zerk groups, sometimes bosses don’t even have the chance to use their entire kitten nal.

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bright.9160


Zerk gear is even more effective here, bosses hit like wet noodle and have less HP. They melt so fast in zerk groups, sometimes bosses don’t even have the chance to use their entire kitten nal.

Man Anet, fix your flipping filter already…

Legion of Doom [LOD] – Death ’n Taxes [DnT]
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Snoozy.6701


Well, i post it up here because it only works easy with pro players.
Well players that’s 50 over will have problems.

Atse, my point is, random group with random classes cant do it properly. Which most we need is Heavy classes whcih is guardians and warriors, which contradict to no trinity, they are tankers ….

Legendary Karma [KARM]
Stormbluff Isle, SBI

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anubarak.3012


People get used to say the same thing about fractals, there are so many people who think you must have a guard for 40+
Some of my friends don’t believe me when I say I did lvl 77 with 2 ele 2 war and 1 necro with only 1 war at dredge because I changed to thief.

You can do everything with every profession. Maybe weth could show us a solo with his war


Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Snoozy.6701


Now thats just leave the slower people or older people with slower reaction.
The dungeons should be for everybody to win.
Make it short, if its ppl that keep fail at boss, make it easier every try so we can win.
Been fight a boss for 3 hours and makes people give up and makes them never to do it anymore.

Legendary Karma [KARM]
Stormbluff Isle, SBI

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Now thats just leave the slower people or older people with slower reaction.
The dungeons should be for everybody to win.
Make it short, if its ppl that keep fail at boss, make it easier every try so we can win.
Been fight a boss for 3 hours and makes people give up and makes them never to do it anymore.

Yes, because we all know, nobody likes challenges. We should just complain until it’ so easy that my 6 year old brother can do it.

RIP in peace Robert

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MastaNeenja.1537


Now thats just leave the slower people or older people with slower reaction.
The dungeons should be for everybody to win.
Make it short, if its ppl that keep fail at boss, make it easier every try so we can win.
Been fight a boss for 3 hours and makes people give up and makes them never to do it anymore.

Yes, because we all know, nobody likes challenges. We should just complain until it’ so easy that my 6 year old brother can do it.

Unfortunately that is not what dungeons are for, if they are too hard then people need to play in open world PVE. The game has something for everyone, dungeons are for people who fall asleep while trying to do map completions and heart quests.

People can actually play the dungeon’s story mode, it’s more tame and designed for beginners so they can enjoy them. Explorable modes are harder and have no real bearing on any story. They are there to challenge, sorry if you didn’t make the cut but there are no participation trophies here. It is simply do or do not.

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kimyrielle.3826


Yes, because we all know, nobody likes challenges. We should just complain until it’ so easy that my 6 year old brother can do it.

For me personally, it’s not that I’d mind somewhat hard content (I used to love the GW1 endgame areas), but rather that I don’t agree with ANet’s idea of difficulty, which is mainly about having to evade insta-gib skills within a 0.5 second time window. Let’s face it, most of the hard content in this game doesn’t require you to play your class all that well, or have a whole lot of battlefield awareness. It’s dodge, dodge, block, dodge and clobber the bad guy in between dodging. Many fights can be chickened by stacking your group in the right place and just whacking the bad thing dead before it even makes you do the chicken-dodge dance. The difference between experienced and not experienced players in GW2 PvE isn’t about player skill, it is knowing the correct exploi…errrm…“strategy” for each fight. Which is my main gripe with that gimmicky sort of raiding-type content in general and with the GW2 interpretation of it in particular. Underworld or Urgoz were 10,000 times more fun than any GW2 endgame instance, because they weren’t like that.

Tarnished Coast

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


@Masta. I was actually being sarcastic. So not sure if you were replying to Snoozy or me.

@Kimyrille. I agree. I think the dungeons should be harder, but I also don’t agree with what Anet thinks is hard. You’re pretty much spot on about dodge and do mega damage.

The new path is a step in the right direction. More mechanics and lower healthpools. The only issue I still have is the mechanics don’t change. Once everybody gets used to the fight, it will be easy.

Just like Teq. It took a couple of tries for one server to even beat him. People were complaining, whining, etc, crying for nerf. Now look at it. It’s a small challenge, but mostly everytime I do it (now) we kill it.

RIP in peace Robert

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Snoozy.6701


Agreeing with what u guys said.
But arena said no Holy Trinity and everybody can enjoy.
And if we avoid dungeons for slower players, arena net shout not put in update with more dungeons, which, many would avoid, which means, the updates are kinda useless

Example the dungeons in LA with aetherblades, slower players can’t get up the boxes on time while running and avoid the lasers ….
Any strategy other than running up the boxes?

Legendary Karma [KARM]
Stormbluff Isle, SBI

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Agreeing with what u guys said.
But arena said no Holy Trinity and everybody can enjoy.
And if we avoid dungeons for slower players, arena net shout not put in update with more dungeons, which, many would avoid, which means, the updates are kinda useless

Example the dungeons in LA with aetherblades, slower players can’t get up the boxes on time while running and avoid the lasers ….
Any strategy other than running up the boxes?

Look for a pattern. It’s not random. Watch from a safe spot, plan it out, then move.

Don’t wait till you see the box go away, anticipate and count how fast it’s actually on for.

RIP in peace Robert

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Snoozy.6701


Agreeing with what u guys said.
But arena said no Holy Trinity and everybody can enjoy.
And if we avoid dungeons for slower players, arena net shout not put in update with more dungeons, which, many would avoid, which means, the updates are kinda useless

Example the dungeons in LA with aetherblades, slower players can’t get up the boxes on time while running and avoid the lasers ….
Any strategy other than running up the boxes?

Look for a pattern. It’s not random. Watch from a safe spot, plan it out, then move.

Don’t wait till you see the box go away, anticipate and count how fast it’s actually on for.

Well i have done it actually with much better players (pro), my point is, slower players can’t finish it. and the GW2 Living Story require you to play it and finish it so you can follow the story.

Legendary Karma [KARM]
Stormbluff Isle, SBI

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Broadicea.8294


Agreeing with what u guys said.
But arena said no Holy Trinity and everybody can enjoy.
And if we avoid dungeons for slower players, arena net shout not put in update with more dungeons, which, many would avoid, which means, the updates are kinda useless

Example the dungeons in LA with aetherblades, slower players can’t get up the boxes on time while running and avoid the lasers ….
Any strategy other than running up the boxes?

The strategy is to go do easier content.

Retired. Too many casuals.

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Snoozy.6701


Agreeing with what u guys said.
But arena said no Holy Trinity and everybody can enjoy.
And if we avoid dungeons for slower players, arena net shout not put in update with more dungeons, which, many would avoid, which means, the updates are kinda useless

Example the dungeons in LA with aetherblades, slower players can’t get up the boxes on time while running and avoid the lasers ….
Any strategy other than running up the boxes?

The strategy is to go do easier content.

Then it just means that slower players cant enjoy the story or content fully ….

Legendary Karma [KARM]
Stormbluff Isle, SBI

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Broadicea.8294


Agreeing with what u guys said.
But arena said no Holy Trinity and everybody can enjoy.
And if we avoid dungeons for slower players, arena net shout not put in update with more dungeons, which, many would avoid, which means, the updates are kinda useless

Example the dungeons in LA with aetherblades, slower players can’t get up the boxes on time while running and avoid the lasers ….
Any strategy other than running up the boxes?

The strategy is to go do easier content.

Then it just means that slower players cant enjoy the story or content fully ….

Content is not designed so that every single player can enjoy it! I don’t like PvP, so I don’t play it! I don’t like WvW, so I don’t play it! I don’t like open world PvE, so I don’t play it! I don’t like content that’s too easy, so I don’t play it!

Why can’t you people just NOT PLAY IT if it’s too hard?

Retired. Too many casuals.

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Agreeing with what u guys said.
But arena said no Holy Trinity and everybody can enjoy.
And if we avoid dungeons for slower players, arena net shout not put in update with more dungeons, which, many would avoid, which means, the updates are kinda useless

Example the dungeons in LA with aetherblades, slower players can’t get up the boxes on time while running and avoid the lasers ….
Any strategy other than running up the boxes?

Look for a pattern. It’s not random. Watch from a safe spot, plan it out, then move.

Don’t wait till you see the box go away, anticipate and count how fast it’s actually on for.

Well i have done it actually with much better players (pro), my point is, slower players can’t finish it. and the GW2 Living Story require you to play it and finish it so you can follow the story.

Slower players can finish it doing exactly what I said.

If they are too dumb to figure out blatant in your face patterns then they shouldn’t be able to complete it.

It’s not the issue that they are slow. It’s the issue that they see a platform and think “leeeeroy!” and then angry and kitten ed off when they are knocked down and die.

RIP in peace Robert

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ahlen.7591


I did the new path once, got my 10 achievements, and will not be going back. The time/reward is just meh.

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Snoozy.6701


Agreeing with what u guys said.
But arena said no Holy Trinity and everybody can enjoy.
And if we avoid dungeons for slower players, arena net shout not put in update with more dungeons, which, many would avoid, which means, the updates are kinda useless

Example the dungeons in LA with aetherblades, slower players can’t get up the boxes on time while running and avoid the lasers ….
Any strategy other than running up the boxes?

Look for a pattern. It’s not random. Watch from a safe spot, plan it out, then move.

Don’t wait till you see the box go away, anticipate and count how fast it’s actually on for.

Well i have done it actually with much better players (pro), my point is, slower players can’t finish it. and the GW2 Living Story require you to play it and finish it so you can follow the story.

Slower players can finish it doing exactly what I said.

If they are too dumb to figure out blatant in your face patterns then they shouldn’t be able to complete it.

It’s not the issue that they are slow. It’s the issue that they see a platform and think “leeeeroy!” and then angry and kitten ed off when they are knocked down and die.

they don’t Leroy, but their spec traits are just glass cannon. 1 shot of cog from Clockheart and a slower reaction from evasion means their are dead.
The 30 stack buff attack is enough to kill them if not downed…..

Even if they are definitely that slow, anet should look for a way for them to finish the story.

Legendary Karma [KARM]
Stormbluff Isle, SBI

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fror.2163


a party of 5 Guardians can easily do any dungeons in GW2.

I never saw runs as long and as boring kitten guardians runs. These runs are even doomed to fail as people think they will survive everything and everytime, I always ended up soloing or duoing the mobs.

5 guardian party? I won’t ever do that anymore! I prefer running in a party being the only guard with 4 bearbows.

Frór (yes, with the accent!)

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LastK.6158


a party of 5 Guardians can easily do any dungeons in GW2.

I never saw runs as long and as boring kitten guardians runs. These runs are even doomed to fail as people think they will survive everything and everytime, I always ended up soloing or duoing the mobs.

5 guardian party? I won’t ever do that anymore! I prefer running in a party being the only guard with 4 bearbows.

I did hotw p2 with a 5 staff guard party once, and I almost fell asleep

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Infamous Darkness.3284

Infamous Darkness.3284

you say 5 staff guardians…so you were also mashing out staff 1 :P

Infamous Culverin(engi[Main]), one of every other class.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


5 cleric staff guardians would be a pain.

1 AH, 1 knights, 3 zerk guardians might not be that bad.

RIP in peace Robert

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MastaNeenja.1537


@Masta. I was actually being sarcastic. So not sure if you were replying to Snoozy or me.

Oh no I completely agreed with you. Sorry if it came out weird.

I detected the sweet succulent scarcasam. That was my attempt to combo your sarcasm field with a more blunt blast finisher response cause i thought it might give an aoe buff …

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tree.3916


BLAST FINISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

DnT Apply today if you think you can hang with the best of the best
http://www.twitch.tv/tree_dnt || https://twitter.com/Tree_DnT
The meta is changing at an alarming rate!

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Snoozy.6701


Agreeing with what u guys said.
But arena said no Holy Trinity and everybody can enjoy.
And if we avoid dungeons for slower players, arena net shout not put in update with more dungeons, which, many would avoid, which means, the updates are kinda useless

Example the dungeons in LA with aetherblades, slower players can’t get up the boxes on time while running and avoid the lasers ….
Any strategy other than running up the boxes?

The strategy is to go do easier content.

Then it just means that slower players cant enjoy the story or content fully ….

Content is not designed so that every single player can enjoy it! I don’t like PvP, so I don’t play it! I don’t like WvW, so I don’t play it! I don’t like open world PvE, so I don’t play it! I don’t like content that’s too easy, so I don’t play it!

Why can’t you people just NOT PLAY IT if it’s too hard?

Everybody can play pvp. We can learn not to play if it is too hard. But some of us want to see the whole story. Anet use so much time to design the dungeon and created everything but not everyone can enjoy their work. That is why i said its a total fail that new content Living Story can’t be enjoyed by everyone.

Legendary Karma [KARM]
Stormbluff Isle, SBI

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nike Porphyrogenita.8137

Nike Porphyrogenita.8137

Agreeing with what u guys said.
But arena said no Holy Trinity and everybody can enjoy.
And if we avoid dungeons for slower players, arena net shout not put in update with more dungeons, which, many would avoid, which means, the updates are kinda useless

Example the dungeons in LA with aetherblades, slower players can’t get up the boxes on time while running and avoid the lasers ….
Any strategy other than running up the boxes?

The strategy is to go do easier content.

Then it just means that slower players cant enjoy the story or content fully ….

Content is not designed so that every single player can enjoy it! I don’t like PvP, so I don’t play it! I don’t like WvW, so I don’t play it! I don’t like open world PvE, so I don’t play it! I don’t like content that’s too easy, so I don’t play it!

Why can’t you people just NOT PLAY IT if it’s too hard?

That is why i said its a total fail that new content Living Story can’t be enjoyed by everyone.

Boy are you going to be kitten ed about the jumping puzzle coming back in the next patch.

Also, if you want to do this dungeon I will run you through it with a guild group for 25g. You can watch all the cut scenes and we will do the bonus achieves too.

Death and Taxes [DnT]
DnT is Recruiting – http://www.dtguilds.com/

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Chopps.5047


For real op? Pets are invuln to the fire in the ooze room. Axe ricochets off the gears the boss throws. And places where the pet gets blown up are not place where you need high dps (final boss for example). This dungeon was designed with rangers in mind more so than others so the complaints are unfounded as far as profession balance goes.

To beat this dungeon you must learn to manage aggro. That’s the hard part. Manage ooze aggro, manage elemental aggro, manage hologram aggro, manage tree aggro. Learn 2 Kite

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Snoozy.6701


Like i said, the new jp can be skipped because it got nothing to do with the story.
The dungeon itself is important as it show a little bit of what is happening between scarlet and caithe. If you don’t do the dungeon, you will missed out something

Legendary Karma [KARM]
Stormbluff Isle, SBI

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nike Porphyrogenita.8137

Nike Porphyrogenita.8137

Didn’t you miss out on the story by not finishing arah p4 ?

Death and Taxes [DnT]
DnT is Recruiting – http://www.dtguilds.com/

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Snoozy.6701


is there a story in p4? continue from living story?

Legendary Karma [KARM]
Stormbluff Isle, SBI

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: guanlongwucaii.3162


The lore in Arah P4 is far more interesting than the Living kittenory.

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Agreeing with what u guys said.
But arena said no Holy Trinity and everybody can enjoy.
And if we avoid dungeons for slower players, arena net shout not put in update with more dungeons, which, many would avoid, which means, the updates are kinda useless

Example the dungeons in LA with aetherblades, slower players can’t get up the boxes on time while running and avoid the lasers ….
Any strategy other than running up the boxes?

The strategy is to go do easier content.

Then it just means that slower players cant enjoy the story or content fully ….

Content is not designed so that every single player can enjoy it! I don’t like PvP, so I don’t play it! I don’t like WvW, so I don’t play it! I don’t like open world PvE, so I don’t play it! I don’t like content that’s too easy, so I don’t play it!

Why can’t you people just NOT PLAY IT if it’s too hard?

That is why i said its a total fail that new content Living Story can’t be enjoyed by everyone.

Boy are you going to be kitten ed about the jumping puzzle coming back in the next patch.

Also, if you want to do this dungeon I will run you through it with a guild group for 25g. You can watch all the cut scenes and we will do the bonus achieves too.

Every part of the game should be made to be enjoyed by every single person. If that person has the desire to experience that part of the game, then he/she should be willing to put the effort in to do it.

If there is a deaf/blind amputee, should the game be catered so they can enjoy every single aspect?

RIP in peace Robert

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Blood Red Arachnid.2493

Blood Red Arachnid.2493

I think this whole debate is temporary at best. The difficulty in the new dungeon isn’t class specifics, twitch movements, or precise action. It’s a puzzle. It’s only “hard” because the population at large hasn’t solved it yet.

When they do, magic stuff happens. I’ve been in pugs that have literally run straight up to sparki and slick, savagely beat them with no defeated players, and move on as if nothing happened. I’ve been in pugs that do the ooze section in one movement, with mere seconds to discuss “strategy”. It hasn’t happened with the clockheart yet (due to quitters mostly), but on every teaching run I’ve been on, the clockheart fight is hard until everyone “gets it”, and then suddenly clockheart is beaten like he owes us money.

Tip for Clockheart: don’t pull the hologram (unless you have something like spectral grasp or magnet). Kite the clockheart. He’ll chase you quite passionately.

Anyway, the thing with guardians is that they’re, by default, good with n00b support. It’s a shame that when my little dungeon thief perma blinds all the enemies and makes things a cakewalk, no one takes notice because it hasn’t healed anyone.

I don’t have opinions. I only have facts I can’t adequately prove.

Dissappointed with the new dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


no one takes notice because it hasn’t healed anyone.

The more I notice I’m getting healed, the more I will tend to kick somebody.

RIP in peace Robert