Do GW2 devs want their dungeons to be played ?

Do GW2 devs want their dungeons to be played ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anon.3041


I just want to put this question out here for the devs that have gone hardcore approach on their dungeons. I’ve heard from so many ppl that the dungeons are just not in line with the rest of the game – not in terms of quality or difficulty. I’ve listened to the reasoning why it has to be hard – and I just can’t see the point.

Im one of those that dont really care about the explorable dungeons cause the overall quality is not good enough to run it repeatedly. But lately Im hitting a wall where simply no1 is even bothering doing the story mode ones for 1 single run to get them done. PPL are just not interested in doing them. Maybe because the game has already so bad rep about the dungeons. Or maybe because the last change removed any reward for ppl to do it more than once.

There must be a way to balance these dungeons so ppl can actually do them – and enjoy them. I remember many years back when some of the old WOW dungeons were 10 man but ppl could well do them 5 man and get better rewards because of it. This worked very well while ppl were learning the new mecanics and how the dungeons worked. Then when you learned the dungeons and the abilites you had – you just did it 5 man and had a blast.

Now – these were not some 10 mins long dungeons at that time. Even with 10 men you could wipe and it took more than hour to get them done. OFC when you learned them – it became easier and faster.

My point is very simple. Since the quality of the dungeons are not that great and there are obviously quite alot of issues – why is ANET not looking for a way that MORE ppl can enjoy these dungeons to learn them and learn to play the none trinity way ? Cause right now it seems like ppl make up their mind after 1 or 2 runs and just deside to dont do the dungeons while they are in this state. Or even never do them again.

I can not belive that any developer wants their content to be locked away from the gamers because they desided they didn’t like the first two dungeons. But this is the facts at this point. And how great it must be for those developers to create future dungeons where they are talked down based on the quality and the difficulty of the first dungeons they did in the game.

There has to be a better way.

Do GW2 devs want their dungeons to be played ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


I love the dungeons. Some are even a bit to easy still.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Do GW2 devs want their dungeons to be played ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anon.3041


I love the dungeons. Some are even a bit to easy still.

You are not gonna change the first impression of many of the players that have already done their last dungeon and are now telling their friends how bad they were.

Or go on twitch and ask some of the ppl there why they are not going dungeons. You will get a very clear answer. They are not worth doing.

The less ppl that play the dungeons – the fewer and less quality the future dungeons will be. Not to mention the extra internal tests that need to be done cause only very few will be testing them on the PTR.

(edited by Anon.3041)

Do GW2 devs want their dungeons to be played ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jadex.7402


I, for the most part, like the dungeons. The only thing negative I can comment on is that they could really use is a bit more puzzle-like elements and some sort of timer to prevent WP rushing.

In addition, I have yet to meet anyone who completely dislikes the dungeons who wasn’t clearly just a whining-type person to begin with. They aren’t meant to be a “jump-in for 10 minutes and get your epics” type scenario.

Do GW2 devs want their dungeons to be played ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


How are they not worth doing? You can still make 5g+ profit a day with some dungeons.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Do GW2 devs want their dungeons to be played ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TerminalMontage.5693


I like the Dungeons, but I get what OP is saying. When I ran the first dungeon with my friends, some of them absolutely hated it, and told me they wouldn’t bother doing the others because of the difficulty, they had no fun doing it.

I wouldn’t want it to be easier per se, cause if ANet appealed to people like my friends, people like me may be unhappy. But if it were easier, I’d like the dungeons to be longer. Not ‘time-wise’ but, in the size of the actual dungeon. I’m finding the scale of these dungeons to be incredibly underwhelming. When I think “dungeon” I think of a deep, long adventure through a castle, or huge underground cave. I think in these dungeons we work our way through 10 rooms, or less, and that’s it. I dunno how WoW did it, but I’m used to cool levels like old dungeon crawlers.. Like Phantasy Star Online the Ruins in that game were the best.

Do GW2 devs want their dungeons to be played ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rosen Myst.7641

Rosen Myst.7641

Well, I think it’s like ANET said… it’s going to take time for people to get used to the new style of combat. Plus in any game it always takes time to learn the mechanics of the bosses. Unavoidably there will be that initial sense of frustration. The people who say the dungeons are not that hard have probably run them enough that they know exactly what to expect and how to setup for it. People who feel they are too hard are still in the frustration stage.

I think you’re idea of allowing a bigger team to do a dungeon (SM with fewer rewards) as opposed to a 5-man team, for instance, is a good idea. It gives people a chance to learn the new system and dungeons with less frustration. People who might feel reluctant to try dungeons might be more inclined to give it a go. Right now the negative feedback is keeping people away.

Do GW2 devs want their dungeons to be played ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: afflaq.3947


I keep seeing this “they’re not WORTH doing” thrown around, and I’m confused by it. No one is telling you that you have to do them – if they’re not fun to you, then go do something else for christ’s sake. If you want the dungeon gear, then you do the dungeons. There are two reasons to do dungeons in GW2:

  • Aesthetics -Sure, everyone wants to look cool. The dungeon gear looks amazing. Great. If you care about your aesthetics that much, then do them. It might not be easy. It might take time. The game has been out for less than a month, you’ve got plenty of time to obtain your gear if you care about it that much.
  • You like doing dungeons – Hey look these people DO exist, and they’re finally starting to show up on the forums a bit. For the most part these dungeons are perfectly fine if not a bit undertuned for good players. There are some small issues, but they’ll get sorted out. If you’re the type of person who REALLY likes doing dungeons, you’re probably the type of person that doesn’t care if it takes you 8 hours once you start, you’re going to finish thekittenthing.

Unfortunately CoF’s Magg option set a standard in some people’s mind for how easy dungeons should be and how great of a moneymaker they were – I don’t believe that either of these things (profit or ease) were the intention of explorable modes, and then they got fixed.

If the 13 minute Magg run had never existed, and Arah Shard farming had never existed, I wonder how many of you would still be here whining? If the standard across the board with ALL explorable modes was set very high and they took time, and people wiped, and people died, and people had large repair bills while they learned the encounter and learned to get better at this game, I don’t think that there’d be the amount of QQ that there is.

Unfortunately you can’t change the past, and so be it, COF was originally a little undertuned. It happens. The problem isn’t the content, the problem is all of the lazy, entitled jibberjabbering that’s going on because some people would prefer to have things handed to them instead of working for it.

Darkwing [hug], Charr Thief | Charred [hug] – Charr Elementalist | Crystal Desert

Do GW2 devs want their dungeons to be played ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gempulse.9463


I do nightly 3 path clears of dungeons with my real life friends, we find them to be a bit too easy and they are quite rewarding, to be honest.

Do GW2 devs want their dungeons to be played ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tempnix.9352


Afflaq, i see your point, but at the same time its wrong.

Honestly when i was leveling up i heard things about AC and it being just a money sink. I was like Nah yall just to n00b to do it, with an elitest mentality. Got in there and sure enough, it was pretty difficult even for a skilled grp to accomplish.

Im defiantly the first person to ask if you want someone to work for there shiny stuff. I don’t mind a grind or even a little bit of difficulty. But honestly with this many people complaining you cant help but wonder if maybe it is a little to much. some of this stuff is a bit overwhelming in my opinion. I mean if you really think about it, grinding out your gear by doing 70 runs of the same dungeon is pretty serious. Who cares if it took 10 minutes to do 1 run? thats still 70 runs and to some that is a great deal of time invested. Its their play style, not yours.

This game does need to appeal to the masses, because if it appealed to just the minority then the game wouldn’t last and the company would be broke.

All im saying is…. i see a lot of smoke coming from the Dungeons thread in the forums. Will i say there is a fire? It is definitely quite possible!

Do GW2 devs want their dungeons to be played ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gempulse.9463


Afflaq, i see your point, but at the same time its wrong.

Honestly when i was leveling up i heard things about AC and it being just a money sink. I was like Nah yall just to n00b to do it, with an elitest mentality. Got in there and sure enough, it was pretty difficult even for a skilled grp to accomplish.

Im defiantly the first person to ask if you want someone to work for there shiny stuff. I don’t mind a grind or even a little bit of difficulty. But honestly with this many people complaining you cant help but wonder if maybe it is a little to much. some of this stuff is a bit overwhelming in my opinion. I mean if you really think about it, grinding out your gear by doing 70 runs of the same dungeon is pretty serious. Who cares if it took 10 minutes to do 1 run? thats still 70 runs and to some that is a great deal of time invested. Its their play style, not yours.

This game does need to appeal to the masses, because if it appealed to just the minority then the game wouldn’t last and the company would be broke.

All im saying is…. i see a lot of smoke coming from the Dungeons thread in the forums. Will i say there is a fire? It is definitely quite possible!

That’s because the people who are enjoying the game, and even the dungeons, are in the game enjoying it. I come here because this sub forum is a great comic relief.

Do GW2 devs want their dungeons to be played ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Xetelian.9278


As someone who has 150 tokens for various dungeons I’m rather disappointed with the changes since most of the people I was running with wont run them any more because they find them to hard or have their rewards already.

Do GW2 devs want their dungeons to be played ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gempulse.9463


As someone who has 150 tokens for various dungeons I’m rather disappointed with the changes since most of the people I was running with wont run them any more because they find them to hard or have their rewards already.

I find it odd that people seem to be saying they can’t find groups to do explorable dungeons with. I see about 10 to 15 people nightly spamming map chat looking for more for explorables. This is on Darkhaven.

Not to mention you can join a PvE guild that does them?

Do GW2 devs want their dungeons to be played ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: aivedoir.3471


For the story mode dungeons at least, I think a dev said that they don’t intend for us to keep repeating them. Explorable mode is the one for that. I guess they don’t want people to level by just spamming dungeons, since yunnow, they already spent so much time and money creating a huge world to explore in.

I disagree and think story dungeons should be an alternative to leveling, but currently they’re too difficult to keep spamming with PuGs and give relatively poor exp.

Do GW2 devs want their dungeons to be played ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Xetelian.9278


As someone who has 150 tokens for various dungeons I’m rather disappointed with the changes since most of the people I was running with wont run them any more because they find them to hard or have their rewards already.

I find it odd that people seem to be saying they can’t find groups to do explorable dungeons with. I see about 10 to 15 people nightly spamming map chat looking for more for explorables. This is on Darkhaven.

Not to mention you can join a PvE guild that does them?

I’m on Crystal Desert and everyday you used to be able to find tons of shouters in LA for dungeons, now there is one or two maybe that I notice when I’m crafting.

Come over and see for yourself.

Do GW2 devs want their dungeons to be played ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gempulse.9463


As someone who has 150 tokens for various dungeons I’m rather disappointed with the changes since most of the people I was running with wont run them any more because they find them to hard or have their rewards already.

I find it odd that people seem to be saying they can’t find groups to do explorable dungeons with. I see about 10 to 15 people nightly spamming map chat looking for more for explorables. This is on Darkhaven.

Not to mention you can join a PvE guild that does them?

I’m on Crystal Desert and everyday you used to be able to find tons of shouters in LA for dungeons, now there is one or two maybe that I notice when I’m crafting.

Come over and see for yourself.

Maybe it’s the server, I don’t know. I see a ton of dungeon groups in LA during prime time. It’s very easy and very fast to find a group. shrug

Do GW2 devs want their dungeons to be played ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Grizor.6543


One of the devs themselves even agreed the dungeons are not rewarding enough, hopefully they come up with a solution to fix this.

Grizor – Charr Engineer – Gandara

Do GW2 devs want their dungeons to be played ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: wxyzabcd.2569


Do the Devs think that people playing dungeon should follow some kind of restrictions? Say, we should invest some points into toughness, vitality, etc to keep ourselves alive? Or should we have like at least 1 guardian in the party?
Shouldn’t dungeons be at least do-able for everyone in any equipments, or of any profession?
I just did the seraph path in CM and well, I’m not sure if we did bad but I end up losing 20silver after even selling the blue armors. It’s ok to have harder dungeon paths, but can the rewards be adjusted accordingly? Or do we have to be in a guild and do such dungeon paths with a “pro” party in order to enjoy ourselves?

Do GW2 devs want their dungeons to be played ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Milennin.4825


I like the dungeons, but dislike how much tokens are required to get anything worthwhile.

Just who the hell do you think I am!?

Do GW2 devs want their dungeons to be played ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mrpopo.4593


@op pointless post Anet as already said they are going to make dungeons wprth playing again they are working on it.

Do GW2 devs want their dungeons to be played ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheSabi.2378


and it’s something that should have been worked on in beta not live….like pretty much everything past lvl 70

Do GW2 devs want their dungeons to be played ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RamzaBehoulve.5640


Some people in this thread should get something straight : No you are NOT supposed to do explorable mode with any build and/or equipment.

Do GW2 devs want their dungeons to be played ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cromx.3941


Apparently not, I actually enjoy dungeon content. Its my preferred playstyle. They have actually made it so undesirable to run I feel forced to do something else. Its amazing, why does Anet have it in for 5 man group content? What do they have against it? Everything else gets rewarded, and is enjoyable. The 5 man content is pointless. And so many people enjoy playing 5 mans.

They honestly need to fire whoever is in charge of 5 man content, get something in the game that is playable and enjoyable. And something that has a chance of rewarding those playing. Heck I would just run the dungeons for money as a reward, I like to play like that. But the dungeons are a pain with zero reward.

I ran CM explore mode, after 1 1/2 hours at LEAST, I got 44k xp and 6 silver. Repair bill was close to 8 silver total. I really don’t know, its like Anet is determined to commit suicide here. Maybe because this is an Asian based MMO. It will be the last I buy I can tell you that much.