Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dub.1273


Wow, that was one nice update to mesmers. Seems anet did some good things in gw1.

Dub | [rT]
#LoveArrows2013, never forget.

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bright.9160


Wow, that was one nice update to mesmers. Seems anet did some good things in gw1.

That update was indeed really nice for mesmers, but they completely crippled Elementalists with it. The biggest issue in GW1 was that eles were the god of all nukers at the start of the game. Then Anet upped the armor on most foes, some specific to certain elements. After that, Ele’s damage was okay-ish, but not the best anymore. Then, when Hard Mode came out, the armor got even higher, which meant that elementalists did terrible damage (imagine Ranger damage, but AoE, and worse). Monks did more damage than elementalists when built for it. Can you imagine? Your healer class could nuke better than your nuker class. They never addressed the problem, and yet kept buffing mesmers and necro’s who both did armor ignoring damage. They also made the AI scatter from AoE, but they never made the AI scatter from armor ignoring AoE from Mesmers and Necro’s, crippling Ele’s even further.

They did some good, but they did a lot of terrible stuff as well. Same goes with Dervishes. They were absolutely terribad for most of the game’s life, and then they decided to buff them… And by buff, I mean BUFF. They made every other profession look like you were hitting someone with a wet tissue, and they were steel baseball bats. That was mainly in PvP though. Eventually they got toned down, but they were still stronger than other classes. Not much, but still, the PvP meta never really recovered from that Dervish buff…

Legion of Doom [LOD] – Death ’n Taxes [DnT]
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


Y’know what would just be great? Separation of spvp, wvw and Pve skills.
Screw this kitten where everything’s gotta be the same cross-gameplay, people can read the skills, people can adapt. Get over it A-Net.
It’s not working.
You split Save Yourselves. If you can do that, you can split ranger skills + pet and actually make it kittening useful in dungeons.

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nike Porphyrogenita.8137

Nike Porphyrogenita.8137

I also recommend splitting pve and spvp skills. But I DONT want them to split pve and wvw. WvW has a certain charm in that you can do over the top things with OP builds and you can’t really complain that it’s imbalanced because it isn’t supposed to be. I could see how people might find it frustrating but I think it has a certain appeal.

Death and Taxes [DnT]
DnT is Recruiting –

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ilr.9675


And I thought Necro’s would be OP both in PvP and PvE

This one got me too… don’t feel bad, I think it took all of us by surprise. …especially those of us who used to Nec in Aspenwood. I never Discorded but I’m sure it shocked the hell out of those people as well.

(sure I’m having fun stacking Fury & BiP’ing myself & then tearing through stuff like a DeathKnight in lower levels… but it’s not close to the OP’ness of Gw1 Sabway, much less the general luzly facerolling of MM’s and Cult/Soul speccers).

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zenith.7301


Exactly, boring as hell. You don’t create multi-role class just to spam autoattacks.

It’s not like you have an option for speed clear groups. You either bring lightning hammer for your sustained DPS, or they replace your non-LH kitten with someone who can bring asd much utility as a mainhand weapon ele but easily double the DPS.

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dub.1273


I wonder what would have happened to me if i had chosen a ranger as my first toon.

I know someone who left the game because he started with ranger. He found his character sucked major *, didn’t expect the fact that the pet was so much of the ranger damage and that it would never be able to be perma stowed (he hates pet mechanics) and he couldn’t bring himself to grind enough dungeons for gold for craftlvling an alt by using a char he hated, much less having to redo the whole heart questing again. Since he felt stuck with a hateful character he just chose to leave the game rather than make a new one and go through the extremely boring good old heart stuff.

I would never have found interest in trying to duo AC (→ other dungeons), would not have created a warrior, mesmer and guardian, never been able to solo stuff and therefore… probably been one of those wrongbow spammers in cleric gear who think they’re useful as last man standing.

One from our gw1 speedrunning team started with ranger, he wasnt able to speedrun/duo things because of his profession and lost interest quick. Pretty much what you said

Dub | [rT]
#LoveArrows2013, never forget.

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nike Porphyrogenita.8137

Nike Porphyrogenita.8137

I played warrior first beta weekend. Played necro second beta weekend.

You can guess what I rolled at launch.

Death and Taxes [DnT]
DnT is Recruiting –

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Broadicea.8294


I rolled all 8 classes at launch and had them all sitting between 5-30 (ranger being one of the highest) before I settled on getting my guardian up first. Mesmer followed, with Thief and Warrior right behind. Doing the last 4 classes up to 80 was painful as kitten because I knew that I’d never play them. I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed elementalist, but the party utility just isn’t there so I don’t bother. I can’t imagine I’d have stayed with the game if I ran the trash tier classes up to 80 first and tried to get into dungeons.

Retired. Too many casuals.

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: haviz.1340


I played warrior first beta weekend. Played necro second beta weekend.

You can guess what I rolled at launch.


Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SkyChef.5432


I rolled my d/d ele as my first and really like her before they started nerfing her to death. Next, is my guard, then war, ranger, mesmer & now half hearted my thief. Every time, I took my ranger to dungeons, I was scratching my head and saying to myself why? Every other profession which I have, contributes better than my ranger. So my poor ranger is now doing nothing except running around in open world. And yes she is so powerful in Open World that all bots using rangers for gathering materials.

People are too serious of their knowledge.

(edited by SkyChef.5432)

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kain.7164


so many ppl said that good ranger exists may anyone link vid with good ranger in 40+ frak how he tanks how he dps o do cc role?

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ilr.9675


And yes she is so powerful in Open World that all bots using rangers for gathering materials.

Pretty much says it all….

Low skill index.
Low potential. …hudda hudda…

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Linguistically Inept.6583

Linguistically Inept.6583

As a Ranger, I really do not find it too hard to find a party. There are a couple of genuine kitten hole players who insist souly on Guardians and Warriors. I’d say about 80-90% of the time I am on the of the last players alive in my party and able to finish a boss off with little to no trouble while ressing people at the same time. (usually everyone else is warrior/guardian meat bags)

The biggest problems that newbie rangers have that really get them turned away by larger parties are the following:
-Not knowing when to switch your pet to Guard
-Not knowing when to stow your pet *
-Not knowing how to kite

  • Stowing your pet is a glitchy kitten function at times due to the lack of care the devs have put into testing it….

i think you missed;
-not knowing when to melee
-not knowing when not to PBS
-not knowing not to use a bear

Desolation: 80 ranger [Nightwither], 80 necro [Dusk Grimsoul]
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: hippocrytehyppo.3506


Duels in zvz have how much exactly in common with dungeons?

zergs arent duels, duels are one on one but taking on large groups in a dungeon and slowing down front lines of zergs from falling back, you can hate on ranger all you want but it works for me

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: hippocrytehyppo.3506


I cannot locate the post that got snarky saying they do no damage, yes they may be weaker but they still deal good damage, from my experience ive been able to run in the front lines of my zergs confidently so just because you cant figure out the mechanics of a ranger doesnt mean you should get all cranky and call them a bad class, EVERYONE has their own class that works best for them- mine happens to be ranger so why are you getting upset? i said my experience

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ilr.9675


Been experimenting with this whole “Piercing Arrows” Trait and I gotta say there’s a lot of Skill-index hiding in this mechanic. It’s really too bad it’s tied too heavily to some really poor-DPS “Skill Bars” though. …IE: too much of the class is based on the Auto-attack & #2 spam attack while the “skill shots” like the 10xVulnerability & Interrupt skill are on too long of a cool down. Or with the Shortbow… stacking Conditions that are underpowered or have no effect in PvE on many Dungeon targets….concussion shot being the only real “skill shot” in that category and on an even longer recharge that’s cut in half against everything that’s not a “minion”. Pfff…

Anyway, Piercing arrows is interesting b/c it’s actually a bit harder to “Aim” for maximum DPS output against multiple targets in some cases than just aiming an LMG in your average Pray&Spray FPS game is. It’s got some potential here. And “Quickdraw” is only a passive trait which means it’s supposed to suck. So what we really need here is something also equally skill-indexed involving the Pets that cuts these recharges by 40-66% … much like how quickness works: IOW, a big downside while you’re taking advantage of it…

Whatever it is, we need something that brings a big new level of skill to LOTS of Ranger builds (not just the 1 or 2 that can solo Lupi or w/e …we all know what Anet does when 1 single build is dubbed “too good”).

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


I want to start a new char, but last time with my lvl 50 RANGER i had a hard time with groups for dungeons. Do i still need to choose between WARRIOR or GUARDIAN to not be kicked from a party?

You should probably hold off until 80 to do dungeons. A lvl 50 is not going to do well in any dungeons that you can join. It’s more your level than your class.

My own guildmates swore up and down that the reason we were failing explorables when I was on my GUARDIAN (level 40, & then again at 65 @ the time) was because he wasn’t 80. Guess what happened the instant I started pugging with people who actually played the first game and understood Anet’s Gimmicky nature…. We passed with flying colors. I can do the same thing on my Ranger. Unfortunately most people can’t b/c they don’t have those rote reflexes ingrained by GW1 or other action/arcade style gaming . …. or the other big factor that’s also a learned response: DONT PANIC, just focus fire and keep your skill rotations in order. The reason most groups fail is not Team composition, or Gear and it’s not always skill either. It just getting ahead of themselves & panicking instead of falling back / regrouping and actually getting eachother back up.

There’s never ANY case where something can’t be beaten by sub-par builds so long a people focus and work together. Anyone who says “this is the only way”, “that’s useless here, do it my way only”, or just calls everything and everyone stupid —- Should just instantly be put on ignore and avoided completely for the sake of your own health. It’s a wide world out there, and there’s a lot more to “success” than just number-crunching.

No one said it’s impossible. It’s just less likely and more of a pain that’s all.

When you are sub 80 doing a dungeon that is scaled to lower than yourself, like a lvl 50 in AC for example your gear will almost always be subpar of lvl 50 so when that gets scaled down to 35 not only are you nerfed in terms of less traits you are nerfed by the scaling system.

While a new lvl 80 may have the same gear problem he won’t have the same trait problem, and will have an inherent advantage.

Besides it’s always better to get more experience with the game before going into a dungeon, a first time lvl 40-50 character shouldn’t be going anywhere near pub dungeons as that is a disaster waiting to happen.

(edited by DeathPanel.8362)

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: tom.7468


To the “omg ranger sucks” guys. This is my ranger spirit guidance in tournament. The team i was in was a pug group we had no strategy at all. The ones we were fighting was a organized team all from the same guild. And guess what we won i didn’t even die. we had 2 so called underpowered rangers and dominated them. Now this is something to think about. All classes can do well when played right.


Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SkyChef.5432


Rangers are not only sucks. Some of them just can’t read and their GPS failed miserably:-)

People are too serious of their knowledge.

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


To the “omg ranger sucks” guys. This is my ranger spirit guidance in tournament. The team i was in was a pug group we had no strategy at all. The ones we were fighting was a organized team all from the same guild. And guess what we won i didn’t even die. we had 2 so called underpowered rangers and dominated them. Now this is something to think about. All classes can do well when played right.

Posts a screenshot about pvp in Dungeons thread.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: tom.7468


To the “omg ranger sucks” guys. This is my ranger spirit guidance in tournament. The team i was in was a pug group we had no strategy at all. The ones we were fighting was a organized team all from the same guild. And guess what we won i didn’t even die. we had 2 so called underpowered rangers and dominated them. Now this is something to think about. All classes can do well when played right.

Posts a screenshot about pvp in Dungeons thread.

Because pvp takes more skill. you could do any dungeon with 5 rangers or 5 necros it wont go as fast kitten war but bringing a ranger wont hurt thats the point.

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


To the “omg ranger sucks” guys. This is my ranger spirit guidance in tournament. The team i was in was a pug group we had no strategy at all. The ones we were fighting was a organized team all from the same guild. And guess what we won i didn’t even die. we had 2 so called underpowered rangers and dominated them. Now this is something to think about. All classes can do well when played right.

Posts a screenshot about pvp in Dungeons thread.

Because pvp takes more skill. you could do any dungeon with 5 rangers or 5 necros it wont go as fast kitten war but bringing a ranger wont hurt thats the point.

Then you’re missing the “point” entirely. Everyone knows rangers are good in tpvp, this is a dungeon thread. They suck sweaty monkey stank in dungeons. Speed isn’t everything. It’s that their dps is reliant on their pets. Their pets are dead 99% of the time. In certain area, dead pets draw spammed aoes, killing the pet owner. If we wanted to know how good rangers were in pvp, this thread would have been posted in the pvp forum.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: haviz.1340


To the “omg ranger sucks” guys. This is my ranger spirit guidance in tournament. The team i was in was a pug group we had no strategy at all. The ones we were fighting was a organized team all from the same guild. And guess what we won i didn’t even die. we had 2 so called underpowered rangers and dominated them. Now this is something to think about. All classes can do well when played right.


Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


To the “omg ranger sucks” guys. This is my ranger spirit guidance in tournament. The team i was in was a pug group we had no strategy at all. The ones we were fighting was a organized team all from the same guild. And guess what we won i didn’t even die. we had 2 so called underpowered rangers and dominated them. Now this is something to think about. All classes can do well when played right.

Posts a screenshot about pvp in Dungeons thread.

Because pvp takes more skill. you could do any dungeon with 5 rangers or 5 necros it wont go as fast kitten war but bringing a ranger wont hurt thats the point.

This has nothing to do with ranger’s viability in dungeons. nothing

I destroy people with my ranger spvp, but it drags down the team in dungeons vs me playing any other class. It’s that simple. spvp and dungeons are two entirely different things.

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: tom.7468


Then i don’t know what to tell you a ranger in full berserk is going to do a good enough amount of damage i don’t mind rangers in my group. still warrior is best its what i use.

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


Then i don’t know what to tell you a ranger in full berserk is going to do a good enough amount of damage i don’t mind rangers in my group. still warrior is best its what i use.

Of course, I too, run my ranger in full zerker in dungeons and it’s just about acceptable. It passes. But you see, when it comes to maxxing out, to do runs the fastest and most efficiently, you simply cannot do it with ranger. This then has resulted in a stigma in the community, because let’s face it, the class is subpar, and as a result requires a skilled player just to make it reach an acceptable level. Most pugs are pretty horrible in this area. it doesn’t take a particularly smart person to roll a warrior with high base health, put a zerker set on it and press hundred blades every time it’s up and still be effective. I cannot tell you how many times I have seen an idiot ranger sitting in the back with his shortbow auto attack and his bear pet, drives me insane and certainly makes me anxious when I see a ranger join party.

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dub.1273


Ranger suck in PvE.

Im not a huge fan of this but..


..because anyone who says rangers are good in dungeon has absolutely no knowledge about dungeons and rangers.

Dub | [rT]
#LoveArrows2013, never forget.

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Broadicea.8294


Making this thread wise fwom it’s gwave so I can vent about the Ranger who was just in my 38 fractal who:

-was running shortbow/wrongbow with drake/lynx
-didn’t know you had to stay in shadow refuge until the duration is over
-was constantly downed
-didn’t understand that the NPCs in Ascalon needed to be pulled up so they engage the groups we pull
-left their pet dead almost the entire time
-let their pet run up and aggro dredge on the wrong side of the clown car instead of having them be pulled back behind it
-was constantly downed
-couldn’t make jumps on the Maw
-got hit by almost every tentacle attack and laser beam
-was constantly downed

After 3 minutes it was apparent they were total kitten, but before voting to kick I asked who created the fractal. It was the ranger. :/

Rangers are the worst players in the game, bar none.

P.S. Of course the ranger got a fractal weapon skin from the chest. No one else did.

Retired. Too many casuals.

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


Making this thread wise fwom it’s gwave so I can vent about the Ranger who was just in my 38 fractal who:

-was running shortbow/wrongbow with drake/lynx
-didn’t know you had to stay in shadow refuge until the duration is over
-was constantly downed
-didn’t understand that the NPCs in Ascalon needed to be pulled up so they engage the groups we pull
-left their pet dead almost the entire time
-let their pet run up and aggro dredge on the wrong side of the clown car instead of having them be pulled back behind it
-was constantly downed
-couldn’t make jumps on the Maw
-got hit by almost every tentacle attack and laser beam
-was constantly downed

After 3 minutes it was apparent they were total kitten, but before voting to kick I asked who created the fractal. It was the ranger. :/

Rangers are the worst players in the game, bar none.

P.S. Of course the ranger got a fractal weapon skin from the chest. No one else did.

Of course he did. Only the most prestigious players get the most prestigious weapons. Fractal weapons are the only prestigious weapons in the game you know. Getting them isn’t about rng or luck, it’s about hard work, skill, and dedication to the content!

/sarcasm off

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


Making this thread wise fwom it’s gwave so I can vent about the Ranger who was just in my 38 fractal who:

-was running shortbow/wrongbow with drake/lynx
-didn’t know you had to stay in shadow refuge until the duration is over
-was constantly downed
-didn’t understand that the NPCs in Ascalon needed to be pulled up so they engage the groups we pull
-left their pet dead almost the entire time
-let their pet run up and aggro dredge on the wrong side of the clown car instead of having them be pulled back behind it
-was constantly downed
-couldn’t make jumps on the Maw
-got hit by almost every tentacle attack and laser beam
-was constantly downed

After 3 minutes it was apparent they were total kitten, but before voting to kick I asked who created the fractal. It was the ranger. :/

Rangers are the worst players in the game, bar none.

P.S. Of course the ranger got a fractal weapon skin from the chest. No one else did.

Of course he did. Only the most prestigious players get the most prestigious weapons. Fractal weapons are the only prestigious weapons in the game you know. Getting them isn’t about rng or luck, it’s about hard work, skill, and dedication to the content!

/sarcasm off

/maniacal laughter.

Oh A-Net, you really have left us dungeoneers to rot.

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fror.2163


My group for fractals high level (38 and 40+) is the following:

- 1 playing thief
- 1 playing ranger
- 1 playing guardian
- 1 playing guardian or mesmer
- 1 free slot (but was 1 playing thief or guardian, now we take anyone who wants, no matter the profession)

Wait… What? Both a ranger and a thief? And maybe a second thief? Yes! And we love it, and we are good at it so what?

We are not trying to minimize the playing time, but we can do all fractals in a timely manner and without unnecessary deaths (this means one or two on the dredge one, and that’s about it).

Frór (yes, with the accent!)

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

Your group should be grouping up mobs and cleaving them. Rangers have single target dps which adds little value in that scenario which consists of half or more of a dungeon.

Thats so wrong…
Piercing shots trait is the most important ranger trait, bar none.

also longbow 5, greatsword 1 2 3.
I wont comment on other ranger weapons because I havent used them in a long time.

My ranger does excellent aoe damage. I prefer when mobs get clumped up. All those numbers from a quickening zephyr + rapid fire through a crowd… so nice.

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Broadicea.8294


Your group should be grouping up mobs and cleaving them. Rangers have single target dps which adds little value in that scenario which consists of half or more of a dungeon.

Thats so wrong…
Piercing shots trait is the most important ranger trait, bar none.

also longbow 5, greatsword 1 2 3.
I wont comment on other ranger weapons because I havent used them in a long time.

My ranger does excellent aoe damage. I prefer when mobs get clumped up. All those numbers from a quickening zephyr + rapid fire through a crowd… so nice.

“My ranger does excellent damage” is the mark of an ignorant player who has no idea what numbers real DPS classes are capable of. You can tell by the lack of qualitative data, and the over-reliance on feels for the measure of damage output.

Retired. Too many casuals.

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


Your group should be grouping up mobs and cleaving them. Rangers have single target dps which adds little value in that scenario which consists of half or more of a dungeon.

Thats so wrong…
Piercing shots trait is the most important ranger trait, bar none.

also longbow 5, greatsword 1 2 3.
I wont comment on other ranger weapons because I havent used them in a long time.

My ranger does excellent aoe damage. I prefer when mobs get clumped up. All those numbers from a quickening zephyr + rapid fire through a crowd… so nice.

“My ranger does excellent damage” is the mark of an ignorant player who has no idea what numbers real DPS classes are capable of. You can tell by the lack of qualitative data, and the over-reliance on feels for the measure of damage output.

And misuse of the terms ‘quantitative’ and ‘qualitative’ are also the mark of an ignorant player.

Rangers can output quite high dps, as can most classes. They can’t match a full glass cannon warrior—no-one can do that other than by using projectile reflects—but they can still provide a very appreciable amount of damage while remaining safer at a large range than warriors can do.

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SkyChef.5432


Here is one of those builts, damage delivery from a safe distance, courtesy of Eugene the Ranger.

People are too serious of their knowledge.

(edited by SkyChef.5432)

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dub.1273


Wow, nice.
That totally turned around my view, rangers are AMAZING damage dealers.

(Side Note: A guardian solo’s that abomination in the time the ranger didn’t even get 5% away.)

Dub | [rT]
#LoveArrows2013, never forget.

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Broadicea.8294


And misuse of the terms ‘quantitative’ and ‘qualitative’ are also the mark of an ignorant player.

Rangers can output quite high dps, as can most classes. They can’t match a full glass cannon warrior—no-one can do that other than by using projectile reflects—but they can still provide a very appreciable amount of damage while remaining safer at a large range than warriors can do.

Sorry to hurt your ranger feewings, but me making a typo doesn’t change how badly they suck compared to real DPS classes. And again, my scientifically accurate assessment is that the ranger class attracts the worst players in the game, period.

Retired. Too many casuals.

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


And misuse of the terms ‘quantitative’ and ‘qualitative’ are also the mark of an ignorant player.

Rangers can output quite high dps, as can most classes. They can’t match a full glass cannon warrior—no-one can do that other than by using projectile reflects—but they can still provide a very appreciable amount of damage while remaining safer at a large range than warriors can do.

Sorry to hurt your ranger feewings, but me making a typo doesn’t change how badly they suck compared to real DPS classes. And again, my scientifically accurate assessment is that the ranger class attracts the worst players in the game, period.

I played ranger for ages. 600+ hours. It was the most depressing class I have ever played in a dungeon. As fun as it is, you work 10x harder to pump out subpar dps and crappy group utility. Pls don’t say I’m a bad player though, I realized it for what it was. It’s the people who stay on their rangers, and lie to themselves about their effectiveness that I would bring into question.

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Broadicea.8294


I played ranger for ages. 600+ hours. It was the most depressing class I have ever played in a dungeon. As fun as it is, you work 10x harder to pump out subpar dps and crappy group utility. Pls don’t say I’m a bad player though, I realized it for what it was. It’s the people who stay on their rangers, and lie to themselves about their effectiveness that I would bring into question.

That’s exactly it, I mean I have one of every class at 80 so it’s not like I haven’t tried them. I don’t blame anyone else either for trying out a ranger or necro or whatever in dungeons. But when you stick with that class after several hundred hours and several thousand achievements, you’re either completely unaware of how kittenty and awful your class is in a dungeon group or you just like being carried. Either way, I don’t want that person on my team!

Also I agree with you that playing ranger is fun. I can’t put my finger on it, but there’s just something that’s really neat and fun about the core gameplay of the class. But until they receive a massive overhaul I won’t bother using mine outside of the occasional open world MF farming.

Retired. Too many casuals.

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ArckmngK.5172


if you were doing cof P2 in the kite part and you were the ONLY MELEE CLASS in the team while there were 1 ranger 1 thief.
You can easily figure how FRUSTRATED you can be, and start to blame those two.
Have you ever play as melee calss?
That way, you can know why ppl hate ranger and thief in their team.
for example, in AC p1 burrow part. those two class are basically useless.

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ArckmngK.5172


agree with Broadicea
Ranger dont have high DPS even with PPCri but melee class

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


Here is one of those builts, damage delivery from a safe distance, courtesy of Eugene the Ranger.

Thank You,

I was little tried of reading about QQ about bad players.

1 month ago

Summary: GW2 has an overpowered class called “Bear” who tears it up in Tyria, and? he can summon a faithful pet called “Ranger” to share in his adventures.

best comment

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vox Hollow.2736

Vox Hollow.2736

The silliest part is that a Ranger is passable (I don’t think it’s competitive given the nature of pets in dungeons, but it’s passable) in melee, while close to useless at range. I understand the whole risk-reward thing when it comes to balance but at what boardroom meeting did it make any sense for a Ranger to be most effective (relative to himself) in melee?

I think in order to avoid breaking the risk/reward dynamic of melee and range the ‘ranged specialty’ of ranger is a factor of distance as opposed to a factor of damage or impact. Technically you’re the only class that can interact with something up to 4800-odd away. It’s a sound theory…it’s just that in practice it kind of ends up being like the aquaman of superpowers.

And dungeons are the desert.

But you know, it’s not like the meta is revolving around niches. Even classes with well defined niches in dungeonplay are subject to this endless caterwauling because the speedrun meta doesn’t care what your niche is, only that it isn’t burst.

(edited by Vox Hollow.2736)

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: haviz.1340


The silliest part is that a Ranger is passable (I don’t think it’s competitive given the nature of pets in dungeons, but it’s passable) in melee, while close to useless at range. I understand the whole risk-reward thing when it comes to balance but at what boardroom meeting did it make any sense for a Ranger to be most effective (relative to himself) in melee?

Entymology of word ranger is quite different than you think and has nothing to do with shooting arrows from range.

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ratty.5176


That way, you can know why ppl hate ranger and thief in their team.
for example, in AC p1 burrow part. those two class are basically useless.

Not actually true, both are actually quite good at protecting Hodgins. Both are naturally fast, and can put down enough AoE to pick up mobs, and have enough dodges and evasion not to die doing that. I would say they are better than a lot of classes at this job as it really isn’t about Tanking. They are less useful on Burrows.

I regularly did this job on my Ranger as many Guardians have issues on it. I know I don’t particularly like doing it on my Guard.

(edited by Ratty.5176)

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ilr.9675


Here is one of those builts, damage delivery from a safe distance, courtesy of Eugene the Ranger.

oh jeezus, how does someone with over 3000 attk rating still kill stuff so slowly?
Hilarious video…especially with the vent comments


That way, you can know why ppl hate ranger and thief in their team.
for example, in AC p1 burrow part. those two class are basically useless.

Alright as bad as ranger is, that’s a pretty scrubby thing to say… mass-aggro the adds so the Guardian on Hodgs doesn’t get overwhelmed (especially any extra LT’s/Silvers) and Kite them like a bawz while droppin’ cripple spam on your way to the next burrow. Works like a charm and guess what “OMGdaBESTevar!!1!1Warriors” can’t do that… Let’s not fool ourselves into thinking it takes a lot to drop the burrows either now that their hitboxes aren’t bugged anymore…. AC’s way too easy now to be invoking any kind of class discrimination in it

I run my friggin white Raven in that part just for the shinz&grinz. It’s a joke now.
The real problem is most rangers don’t even realize they can do stuff like that.
Most ranger players don’t belong anywhere NEAR a dungeon :p

(edited by ilr.9675)

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dub.1273


Funny thing about rangers is that they are kind of forced to go into ranged fight because their melee weapons are broken as hell.

Dub | [rT]
#LoveArrows2013, never forget.

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ilr.9675


yeah that too, now that they’re nerfing Pets for PvP, they better the hell give our melee attacks some stuff that synergizes a lot better right next to our pets like our builds in GW1. …“Oh, is that unkillable Rit boss permadazed now b/c i got a combo chain that’s broken in a GOOD way?? … yeah I think SO!” …man I miss the old bars…

My DPS and CC is Kiiiiitttten in this game… There’s no way in heck I’m bringing this overnerfed veterinarian into a COE or Arah unless it was on a Bet.

(edited by ilr.9675)

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Chopps.5047


Your group should be grouping up mobs and cleaving them. Rangers have single target dps which adds little value in that scenario which consists of half or more of a dungeon.

Thats so wrong…
Piercing shots trait is the most important ranger trait, bar none.

also longbow 5, greatsword 1 2 3.
I wont comment on other ranger weapons because I havent used them in a long time.

My ranger does excellent aoe damage. I prefer when mobs get clumped up. All those numbers from a quickening zephyr + rapid fire through a crowd… so nice.

Not only that but drake cleaves, sword cleaves, greatsword cleaves, axe cleaves, torch is aoe, offhand axe cleaves AND reflects at the same time. What in the kitten is obal talking about?

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”