Do you remember when you were new?

Do you remember when you were new?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: warllockmaster.1379


I can see on the lfg beta system that a lot of players seems to have forgotten how it was to be new? I see these posts every- 80s only, only certain professions.
Of course you are all aware of all of this no doubt.

But my main point is, maybe A-net should take away the one thing making this happen?
80’s superiority in dungeons?
Of course a lot of people will probably get very annoyed- and even though 80’s are already limited to dungeon’s stats? Maybe they should lose their trait superiority?

Right right, but back to why I am making this post gentlemen, and lovey ladies out there. Our game and our community is connected, if we want this to be a great game, we must also have a great community. If we want this game to improve and survive?
We need new players to feel welcome, I can understand how a lot of you people, of course just want a quick run-get done fast with your grind(which you obtain through cheating the system, and not actual skill or playing the game-I do it myself so I’m not one to talk) But really, do you have to make new players unwelcome?

And let’s shortly return to rag on A-net shall we? Ascalonian Catacombs [30/35]
This dungeon is suppose to be for new players, but not a single new player stands a chance against the things in there-or for most other dungeons to be precise-but mostly This dungeon is what bothers me. What is the point with these level caps in dungeons- if those they are meant for can’t do them?

Now back to us the players.
Our community right now hold three main problems which can choke this game.
1# We are all selfish and mean, which scares away new players:
2# We are a bunch of whiners who can’t even play the game with out cheating, yet we call ourselves skillful-and act like we are higher beings.
3# Dungeon sellers, I mean really that gotta take the cake of cheating the system? One person walking into a dungeon, taking all bosses down? And then holding last on 1% with out being able to die from the fight? Sure some people makes a great income, and you get your tokens? But it is still wrong, and people should be banned for it-the bosses are designed to not be solo able that easy.

I will gladly respond to any constructive and polite replies, but as for people who will try to flame-or just blow some winds? Don’t expect me to respond ^^
I of course also hope to see a respond to A-net, but I know the chances.

I further more encourage new players to add me, and poke from next Monday-til Friday, where I’ll be making some dungeon runs for new or just low people, where I’ll explain and try to uphold my duty as an experienced player to help those who is just learning about this evolving game.

again to all new players or people who never did dungeons-Poke me from Monday the 13th till Friday the 17th.

And remember all readers, this is a game yes, but it is real people in it.

Continued good winds in the land of Tyria.

Do you remember when you were new?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Iris Ng.9845

Iris Ng.9845

Oh no, why am I here again?

I’m so lost at to whom this thread is directed to…

“Raids are like fortune cookies. You eat the cookie and then read the paper scraps.”

- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids

Do you remember when you were new?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: The Mexican Cookie.3690

The Mexican Cookie.3690

This thread is worse than Gaddafi.

#LoveArrows2013, never forget.

Do you remember when you were new?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dog.1472


You act as if you are entitled to a spot in someone else’s group. If someone else doesn’t want a new and inexperienced person, then they don’t have to bring one. You speak as if you want to force everyone to bring people they would rather not have which you have absolutely no right to do.

If you are happy to help new people learn something, then please by all means do so. Likewise, if someone wants a fast run where nothing needs to be explained, then they should be more than able to do so. This is a non issue.

Also, as it has been stated, and proven many, many times, the player’s level is hardly a game breaking factor in dungeons. People have already brought 5 level 35 characters into every path of AC and cleared it very easily. This dungeon is not too difficult. It is more than possible to clear it at the recommended level. If you cannot clear this dungeon, the proper reaction is to figure out why you couldn’t clear it, and improve upon what you did wrong. Please, please stop asking for nerfs to something that has been clearly proven as easily beaten by playing as an organized and intelligent team. Dungeons are meant to be a place where players work together to clear a goal with at least some effort. If you can’t just go and push two buttons and pay no attention to what anyone else is doing, then great. The dungeon is working.

Everything is more than doable without cheating. In fact, most of the “cheats” pugs use are intended for organized teams and are rarely done properly. It would actually be much faster and easier for a pug to simply fight the boss normally rather than, for example, try to stack and LoS the spider queen in AC. Many pugs wipe trying to do this because they do not use proper builds, or use skills properly. If you had instead opted to fight her in that big open room and not stand in her AoE or in front of her when she does the web thing, you would discover this is an incredibly easy fight. Stop trying to stack if you don’t know what you’re doing.

And no, dungeon selling is not some crazy super hax cheat. This is a person who has taken a lot of time to memorize boss fight mechanics to a point where they can solo them. This person the takes the time to run the entire dungeon and then gives others a very fast and easy way to earn rewards for their work. That player is selling their time, absolutely no different than farming. If you do not agree with it, then do no pay that person for their time.

“Please, you can look down on people without having to be physically above them.
As an asura, I do this all the time.”

Do you remember when you were new?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: warllockmaster.1379


first of all I just write my believes, and suggestions to treat each other better in this game.
Secondly your claim to support dungeon selling: ac path 1 Burrows? How would you solo that? Thirdly I have seen people sell ways to cheat- and even skip bosses in dungeons, is that also not cheating?

Now as for your claim of me claiming to be entitled to point out stuff?
Where do I exactly claim this?

Following up for your raging at my questioning of the current leveling thing with dungeons: Were these people new players- or were they experienced player’s alt?

And let’s not forget my good man.
You really should and I mean really not feel that pressured from my post?
It is just my words, and my experience. And for a fact I know that the dungeon sellers use cheats, they have even started to sell their ways.

I have responded upon your post, because I do not find it trolling or flaming-I can certainly not call it constructive in my eyes of course.
But I do see it you are strongly against my believes, thus I responded.

But by all means point out where- I claim to be entitled to say what is right or wrong?

Do you remember when you were new?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dog.1472


You sound like you wear a fedora. I’ll assume you wear a fedora.

I have never personally solo’d AC path 1 as I never had a reason to do so. Of course if I had to, I might be able to do it on my Elementalist legitimately. Taking care of the burrows would be fairly simple, but I’m just not sure about keeping Hodgins alive. Who knows, but if it can be solo’d then again, it’s a non issue. If someone were using an exploit, that would be an issue with the exploit, not the path selling. Skipping has already been addressed by ANet as intended. They do not say that they expect you to go and kill everything in sight. If you can walk or run past something, then do it. Obviously some things in the past were not intended, like being able to run across the top of the caves in CM, which has been fixed, but that is not the same as simply running around Kholer in AC.

Player experience is irrelevant. The fact is, you can very easily clear AC explorable with a group of level 35s. In fact, in terms of how difficult it is, how complicated the fights are, it doesn’t even compare to the level of difficulty in most MMOs. It’s a very simple idea. The boss has mechanics, you learn the mechanics, and then you figure out how to beat it. AC isn’t even a progression wall. You have absolutely no reason to do it, nor do you need to do it to progress anywhere. It is entirely optional.

I would also like to point out that the “beginner” dungeons are the story modes. You bring up explorable as if that was intended for beginners, which it absolutely never was. They were intended as much more challenging paths with much better rewards.

“Please, you can look down on people without having to be physically above them.
As an asura, I do this all the time.”

Do you remember when you were new?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: thomasgjkgwdn.4760


I would also like to point out that the “beginner” dungeons are the story modes. You bring up explorable as if that was intended for beginners, which it absolutely never was. They were intended as much more challenging paths with much better rewards.

hang on… there’s but a few levels in difference. are you saying all explorables were meant for 80s?

Do you remember when you were new?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dog.1472


I would also like to point out that the “beginner” dungeons are the story modes. You bring up explorable as if that was intended for beginners, which it absolutely never was. They were intended as much more challenging paths with much better rewards.

hang on… there’s but a few levels in difference. are you saying all explorables were meant for 80s?

Yes and no. All explorables reward tokens for level 80 exotic gear and other items only usable by level 80s. They were all obviously intended to be done and rewarding for people at level 80.

At the same time, they made them accessible and beatable to people at lower levels. They gave you an option to clear them for some nice more challenging content that you continued to unlock more of as you leveled. However, the difference in difficulty between the story modes and explore modes is pretty big. The story modes are brain dead casual easy. Even Arah story is easier than every single explore mode. Again, for people that are learning and new to the game, or for people that consider themselves casuals, then story modes are for you.

Explore mode is designed to be the challenging content with story being the beginner content for people who need to learn the ropes. Simple stuff.

“Please, you can look down on people without having to be physically above them.
As an asura, I do this all the time.”

Do you remember when you were new?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


IIRC, when I was new I made my own parties.

Do you remember when you were new?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sarahfull.4930


@ Warllockmaster

I made a “teachers” thread awhile back in hopes of giving people a list of teachers to call apon if you needed help with dungeons. Would you like me to put you onto the list?

Edit: here is the link


(edited by Sarahfull.4930)

Do you remember when you were new?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: J Eberle.9312

J Eberle.9312

When I was new I didn’t expect to be carried. I busted out the wikipedia, the google, the youtubes. I crafted myself some rares, then I farmed myself some exotic gear doing faceroll easy CoF and CoE with a bunch of other scrubs which I added through using the lfg by myself. The shocking revelation that I could make my own party hit me like a guardian actually running a proper dps build.

(edited by J Eberle.9312)

Do you remember when you were new?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dog.1472


Also just feel like pointing out some hypocrisy. You ask for positive and constructive feedback which is nice.

I will gladly respond to any constructive and polite replies, but as for people who will try to flame-or just blow some winds? Don’t expect me to respond ^^
I of course also hope to see a respond to A-net, but I know the chances.

Then you go and say this

Our community right now hold three main problems which can choke this game.
1# We are all selfish and mean, which scares away new players:
2# We are a bunch of whiners who can’t even play the game with out cheating, yet we call ourselves skillful-and act like we are higher beings.

Which is incredibly nonconstructive and disrespectful to anyone who disagrees with you, or really just the entire community in general. You yourself violated what you wanted in a conversation in your first post.

“Please, you can look down on people without having to be physically above them.
As an asura, I do this all the time.”

Do you remember when you were new?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: J Eberle.9312

J Eberle.9312

Also just feel like pointing out some hypocrisy. You ask for positive and constructive feedback which is nice.

I will gladly respond to any constructive and polite replies, but as for people who will try to flame-or just blow some winds? Don’t expect me to respond ^^
I of course also hope to see a respond to A-net, but I know the chances.

Then you go and say this

Our community right now hold three main problems which can choke this game.
1# We are all selfish and mean, which scares away new players:
2# We are a bunch of whiners who can’t even play the game with out cheating, yet we call ourselves skillful-and act like we are higher beings.

Which is incredibly nonconstructive and disrespectful to anyone who disagrees with you, or really just the entire community in general. You yourself violated what you wanted in a conversation in your first post.

Add this one to the list as well:

I can understand how a lot of you people, of course just want a quick run-get done fast with your grind(which you obtain through cheating the system, and not actual skill or playing the game-I do it myself so I’m not one to talk)

Do you remember when you were new?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zeken.6587


Super Awesome Mega Ultra Pro Tip:Open LFG system,Click the dungeon you want to do,Click advertise your party,Write Path XX noobs welcome or I’m new lets learn together.

Dunno why new people join LFG description saying -Experiences only- and then make post on the dungeon forums saying people are so mean in dungeons when clearly its your own fault.

And of course I remember when I was new to the game but I watched videos of the dungeon path I wanted to run and also made my own group with other noobies or is this to hard for you folks to?

Do you remember when you were new?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: warllockmaster.1379


Hello Sarah, you can just add me to the list.

As for dog and second person who took bits of my post.
Yes those words are respect less-but are they wrong? To me they are not.
I could sugar-coat it, but that is not how I do things.

Also I didn’t ask for constructive posts, I said if you want my respond you gotta be constructive, a huge difference my friend.

Now, I’ll work on my next post-My own tips and advice for dungeons.

Continue a good day.

Do you remember when you were new?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bread.7516


this OP…just wow….so much brilliant wisdom….such capability for analysis…


Do you remember when you were new?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DigitalKirin.9714


Yes those words are respect less-but are they wrong? To me they are not.
I could sugar-coat it, but that is not how I do things.

Interestingly enough, I think most of the regulars in the dungeon subforums make posts like this: to the point, no sugar-coating.

Also I didn’t ask for constructive posts, I said if you want my respond you gotta be constructive, a huge difference my friend.

It’s very possible they weren’t looking for a response, just pointing out the contradictory nature in which you walk into the dungeon subforum as a relative unknown, tell everyone that we need a great community, then turn around and tell people that they’re selfish and mean, that they’re whiners who claim to be skilled but cheat, and dungeon sellers (of which many of the regulars here are) are just cheaters.

Piling generally negative comments in your posts does not produce a positive community. You’re generally shooting yourself in the foot.

If anything, I’d say sarahfull has her heart in the right place by volunteering her time to try to take new players through dungeons. If you want to promote positive change, it’s better to do it that way.

Lastly, while I don’t want to hijack your other thread, I would recommend videos of dungeon runs with running commentary if you have your heart set on making a dungeon guide. Wall of texts tend to be glazed over.

Genevieve Talbot [NP] – Noble Phantasm on Stormbluff Isle

Do you remember when you were new?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Raven.3248


To warllockmaster.1379

Just because you cant solo a boss doesnt mean no one can. if you could solo a path that some ppl cant even 5 man you would understand. GOD you are so closed minded that is agonnys me. AHHHHHHHHH

AND FYI i do noob runs
so dont get on MY case

Just another Arah veteran

Do you remember when you were new?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DigitalKirin.9714


AND FYI i do noob runs
so dont get on MY case

Doubly agreed. I also do PuG runs and I accept any experience level. However, one can only teach if the student is willing to learn.

Genevieve Talbot [NP] – Noble Phantasm on Stormbluff Isle

Do you remember when you were new?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: warllockmaster.1379


To Raven: I happen to have seen these cheats in actions, I haven even been offered to buy the information on how to skip bosses that are not meant to be skipped. I also know for a fact that soloing AC path 1 Hodgins burrow part is not doable, keeping a boss at 1% hp-while keeping people in check as they join making sure they pay, and even chatting with people while this is going is very unlikely. I have no doubt that there are players who can solo certain last bosses, but the things mentioned before is a little bit too impressive to be true.

As for Digital Kirin, hmm it is a pretty good point with a video-sadly I got no idea which program to use to record it.

Do you remember when you were new?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Raven.3248


Well, buying AC is just stupid. As for buying exploit info that is different, maybe you should buy it and inform Anet. But then you will be just wasting your money. Shame on you Anet

Just another Arah veteran

Do you remember when you were new?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kyubi.3620


’’’Everything is more than doable without cheating. In fact, most of the “cheats” pugs use are intended for organized teams and are rarely done properly. It would actually be much faster and easier for a pug to simply fight the boss normally rather than, for example, try to stack and LoS the spider queen in AC. Many pugs wipe trying to do this because they do not use proper builds, or use skills properly. If you had instead opted to fight her in that big open room and not stand in her AoE or in front of her when she does the web thing, you would discover this is an incredibly easy fight. Stop trying to stack if you don’t know what you’re doing.’’

finaly someone here got a brain i keep telling those idiots they dont have the team composition to stack in the first place but no they wipe then cry and then they leave cuz they think the party is going nowhere (dude you playing with 3 or 4 character under lvl 50 and you expect to zerg the spider queen like if everyone was in zerker with full exotic you got to be kidding right?) In the early days i was power lvling my lvl 35 character doing path 1 before they rigged up ghost eater and i started to have to run path 3 and 2 instead, maybe some people forgot that we didnt use to need those mechanics to clear the place and that a group acting at random and doing the fight as they are intended to be done may just as well work as a fully organised team?

Crystal Desert, The Darknest Community P.E.T.A.
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3

Do you remember when you were new?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Iris Ng.9845

Iris Ng.9845

Now I have read responses and grasp the general ideas from the OP post. Here are my two cents:

  • When I was new, and I was too lazy to research, I joined my guild group and asked them to teach me, or just jumped in any casual runs and said “I’m a first timer. Can anyone give me a quick guide through this path?” The worst response I ever got is “No” from a very rude kid, but never mind.
  • When I was new and I had a hard time in a certain path, I looked it up on youtube and tried to learn it the proper way.
  • When I was new and I happened to be in an experienced group, I made sure not to be a hindrance and meet their requirement. It works that way outside the game, too.
  • Now when I’m a bit more experienced, I want to improve my playstyle, I seek out teachers and vets.
  • I still do regular pugs with all levels welcome, story mode and easy explorable mode.
  • I also do serious runs with experienced players in meta.
  • I’m still new to this dungeon activity. Occasionally, I get booted because I fail badly but I wouldn’t blame anyone, or ask for sympathy because they too were once noobs.
  • I’m pretty sure I’m not a part of ‘we’ as in the OP’s post. I cannot speak for ANET or question about their dungeon design. It may lack lustre to some and be not as godly hard as the dungeons I used to know in GW1. However, I thoroughly enjoy the challenge. Regardings exploits and sellers, not everyone exploits nor sells and not every sellers exploit. We all know the rules, using exploits with risk or report them and stay away from them.
  • Please, please, please read this thread. If OP fails to see the honest dedication of the dungeon regulars, I have nothing else to say.
“Raids are like fortune cookies. You eat the cookie and then read the paper scraps.”

- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids

(edited by Iris Ng.9845)

Do you remember when you were new?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: knives.6345


Super Awesome Mega Ultra Pro Tip:Open LFG system,Click the dungeon you want to do,Click advertise your party,Write Path XX noobs welcome or I’m new lets learn together.

Dunno why new people join LFG description saying -Experiences only- and then make post on the dungeon forums saying people are so mean in dungeons when clearly its your own fault.

And of course I remember when I was new to the game but I watched videos of the dungeon path I wanted to run and also made my own group with other noobies or is this to hard for you folks to?


Some people wanted to be carried I think… Not specifically referring to anyone.

Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici

Do you remember when you were new?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: J Eberle.9312

J Eberle.9312

To Raven: I happen to have seen these cheats in actions, I haven even been offered to buy the information on how to skip bosses that are not meant to be skipped. I also know for a fact that soloing AC path 1 Hodgins burrow part is not doable, keeping a boss at 1% hp-while keeping people in check as they join making sure they pay, and even chatting with people while this is going is very unlikely. I have no doubt that there are players who can solo certain last bosses, but the things mentioned before is a little bit too impressive to be true.

As for Digital Kirin, hmm it is a pretty good point with a video-sadly I got no idea which program to use to record it.

I happen to have seen a person eat waffles once. Therefore it’s likely everybody eats waffles.

Do you remember when you were new?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kyubi.3620


my answer to this…

Mo/D running Cathedral of flame 5 platinium each pay at murakai 4/5

does this ring anyone a bell? Me it does and thats the bell of the runner demise because everytime someone find a way to run something Anet fix it in the month after. You may enjoy this while it last but i tell you what Anet will likely find a fix.

Crystal Desert, The Darknest Community P.E.T.A.
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3

Do you remember when you were new?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: layzoe.6035


I am relatively new-ish. I started this game because a friend of mine asked me to join her. I joined her small but helpful guild and started dungeoneering on my first toon around level 50. We wiped few times doing it but it was fun since we were all on vent or skype. I went to different dungeons, Cof, SE, AC.. ect. I don’t think that I would have enjoyed dungeon pugging it and might have turned me away from it for a long time.

The thing is that new players have options to join guilds who would probably be more helpful to newcomers. And there are people out there who don’t care what level you are. I have had low levels on my dungeon parties and it has all gone well.. so it’s not a biggie to me. However when I want a faster and smoother run or the higher chance of it, I do ask for level 80s. I do think that lower levels are being carried by the party due to the fact that the equipment, stats and utility isn’t maximized.. no matter how good of a player you are. So it’s really depending on someone’s generosity in terms of time and the extra effort needed to put in to finish it.

The thing about dungeon is that it’s a five man/woman team. It’s not a massive zerg so each person has to contribute something to make it work. I know dungeons can be soloed or can be done with less people, but I am speaking in terms of an average (or pug) dungeon team. Some people choose not to help new players because their time is limited or maybe they just don’t feel like helping. They absolutely have the right to form a group that they want.

That being said, I have met some great people on this forum who have been more than willing to teach me and take me to Arah to show me the path. I met random puggers who don’t mind taking newbies. Those lfgs do fill up much quicker. The helpful people are out there.. but I don’t see this post being constructive.. the intent of it being helpful doesn’t come across, rather it seems a bit sanctimonious.

Do you remember when you were new?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Infamous Darkness.3284

Infamous Darkness.3284

here OP this is an example of an ele soloing legitimately the part I was guessing you were referring to in AC path 1. The reason I’m arguing with you is your comment about soloing being cheating, this is not the case, I often duo dungeons with a guildie but the only dungeon I’ve tried to solo ( I failed a few times but eventually completed was TA Up path).

Infamous Culverin(engi[Main]), one of every other class.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”

Do you remember when you were new?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MastaNeenja.1537


I remember when I was new, my group only 4 of us in the level 30s range did AC story a couple of months after the game’s release. We were broke and equipping our armor drops by the time we got to Ralena and Vassar we defeated them in our underwear after several failed attempts. But we did it, we finished our first run because we wanted to succeed. No one carried us and there were very few if any guides out because the game was fairly new. So yeah players today have all sorts of knowledge at their fingertips and an experienced community to get advice from. New comers have it a lot easier today.
I’ve helped pugs that wanted to get better, improve.

It all comes down to how determined you are or how willing you are to let things be handed to you.

Do you remember when you were new?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Enaretos.8079


So buying AC is stupid ?
I sold AC. It’s a quick way to level an alt : 70% of a level for 2g, that’s sweet. So there was demand, thus I sold.

What’s funnier is that i sold it with two friends, while we were leveling our alts. So you could see 3 lvl 40 characters selling AC. The dungeons is doable by lvl 35. It can be done well by lvl 35. Players at lvl 35 can kill any boss in it in a legit way and without dying, it takes just a bit more attention, because the fights draw out.

But by trio-ing it at lvl 40, it took us 15 mins more than a normal run. Which is long enough to do an Arah run. Thus some people can indeed want full lvl 80 in at least zerk exotics parties.

Snow Crows member since January 2014
My Twitch

Do you remember when you were new?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SkyChef.5432


Cool. Didn’t know that AC is selling.
I need to level up my necro (level 35) and after got 15 levels through crafting, I told myself who would be this insane to go through another 45 levels. So definitely there is a demand for it.

People are too serious of their knowledge.

Do you remember when you were new?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tachii.3506


Yet another thread criticizing the level 80s from doing their thing.

Cmon people. Even when we didn’t have the lfg tool, we used the lfg website and specified for level 80s/experienced just the same.

Yes I remember when I was new and dying repeatedly in ACp1. But I won’t waste some random person’s time and ruining their fun just because I’m new. I’d ask people I can trust to lead me through it instead.

SBI – Thief and the occasional Guardian & Warrior.

Do you remember when you were new?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laharl.8435


my answer to this…

Mo/D running Cathedral of flame 5 platinium each pay at murakai 4/5

does this ring anyone a bell? Me it does and thats the bell of the runner demise because everytime someone find a way to run something Anet fix it in the month after. You may enjoy this while it last but i tell you what Anet will likely find a fix.

Most of the arah sellers from this forum are hoping they fix the exploits.

Do you remember when you were new?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lilith Ajit.6173

Lilith Ajit.6173

So true. ^ bad for business.

And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.

Do you remember when you were new?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: xsquared.1926


Yeah, i joined a guild, made friends and became good.

Master Ruseman. Lv80 Mesmer 10/20/0/25/15
Boon Dispenser. Lv80 Guardian 15/25/0/20/10 Boom Dispenser – Lv80 Engineer 30/30/0/10/0
Chuck Thunderstruck – Lv 80 Ele 30/10/10/10/10