NOTE: I had originally done this in a single post but the forum restrictions have caused me to need to split this into four posts. If it appears not as neat, that’s why.
There seems to be a great number of misconceptions about this fractal. Players are calling for various parts to be nerfed or for the entire fractal to be broken up. I disagree with this. The problems that players are having are due to several reasons which I will address.
General Issues
Below are some general issues not related entirely to the fractal itself. I have broken these into two categories.
These are issues that are normally in the hands of the player and their team. The extent of these issues depends entirely on them. It does not matter what level of fractals you’re in, you will encounter these issues. It was made evident in this thread that players at the highest level of fractals were running into these very issues.
Lack of skill
This can range from not knowing your class, not knowing how to stay alive, and to issue related to the individual player. Everyone has started as not being skilled at one point. It’s not something to be ashamed or embarrassed about. One problem that I’m seeing however are quite a number of players unable or unwilling to learn. I’m sure many of you saw this during the Marionette living story where players refused to listen and learn the mechanics for each warden.
Skill can be gained as quickly as it can be slowly by others. Not everyone learns at the same pace. However, fractals gets more difficult the further you progress. If you’re struggling at the higher levels, then perhaps you should step down to a level you’re more comfortable with so you can more easily improve. I by all means am not telling you what you should or shouldn’t do. This is merely a suggestion.
Lack of teamwork and coordination
The majority of this game can be done solo so this puts a large percentage of players at a disadvantage as they have no idea how to function as a team with other players. Some content can be face-rolled whole others (newer content as of late), cannot or at least not as easily for the average player.
You can probably think of some types of players that do not support their team. Signet warriors, bowbear rangers that do not use spirits, staff spamming AH guardians, and so forth. There’s nothing inherently wrong with these classes in the solo aspect of the game; however, there are problems when they’re brought in to work within a team.
Lack of coordination is another problem related to teams. While quite useful, you do not need team speak for the majority of content except for Wurm and WvW. The mechanics for Teq are pretty well known by now so most of the time you can operate without TS once you’ve properly set up. Simply stating how you plan to do something and greatly help the group if there’s usually more than one way to do something.
Lack of knowledge about mechanics
This is largely due to incomplete guides players find online and then assume as being complete. The wiki is a good example of this has it’s missing some useful tactics/mechanics for the dredge fractal that’s mentioned later on in this post. Players also have learned from other players who may or may not have been doing something the best way. There are of course many ways to do something but ultimately there’s usually one way that’s the best (dependent on the specific circumstances).
To go along with this, a lot of players appear to not have acquired the ability to analyze the obstacle if they fail and learn to adapt and overcome it. This is quite evident whenever a new living story is released with something challenging. Players were quick (within the first hour) to complain about the difficulty of Marionette and how it was unreasonable unfair. They did not take the time to figure out what it may have been that they were doing wrong and what they could possibly do better next time.
The same can be said about the Great Jungle Wurm. Players struggled and barely made a dent in the health of any of the wurms. Eventually most servers and overflow can decapitate one head the majority of the time. What’s also kind of shocking is that the large group of players, who led one of the high population servers to be successful at Teq and Wurm,are primarily WvW players. Why do you think that is? Perhaps it’s because of the strategy, teamwork, thinking outside of the box, and willingness to try new things?