"Dungeon Finder" guilds.

"Dungeon Finder" guilds.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: lcpdragonslayer.7895


Comment here, whisper me in-game (David Riedmaier; I’m in New Zealand so if you’re American or European you might not see me online that much) or send me a private message if you’d like to join a newly formed AC, CM and/or TA guild. You don’t ever have to represent the guild (EDIT: in fact, please don’t represent the guild as you’ll be wasting guild influence points) – it’s just a handy list of online regular AC, CM and TA runners whom you can whisper if you want to make a party.

I have 2 or 3 people in each guild so far so it’s not working as it is intended. Ideally I’d like at least 30 people (bearing in mind everyone’s from everywhere so the timezones might mean that only 10 people are online at a time) so it’s easier to create dungeon parties on the fly. It’s going to be more organised than a PuG since you’ll be whispering regulars and hopefully it’ll save us all some time standing in LA screaming LFG LFG LFG.

It doesn’t matter what timezone you’re in or what server you’re on since you can have cross-server parties enter a single dungeon instance. Casuals who run dungeons every other day are also welcome. Just let me know if you’re interested. Thanks!

(edited by lcpdragonslayer.7895)

"Dungeon Finder" guilds.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


I hope this works out well for you. THIS is the kind of initiative I think people need to improve the quality of dungeon groups for themselves, since the dungeon will not do it for them.

"Dungeon Finder" guilds.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Poplik.8697


This applies only to these three dungeons or ?

"Dungeon Finder" guilds.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: lcpdragonslayer.7895


Eh I’ve got like 5 people in each guild so far which isn’t ideal but at least it’s not a total failure xD

You can only join a maximum of 5 guilds and I’m in 2 others, so I could only create 3 guilds. I personally only run AC, CM and TA which is why I made those guilds. Nothing’s stopping you from making your own guild for the dungeons you want to run and recruiting for it as well.