Dungeon Forum FAQ
By the way, you can just put gw2dungeons.net without “Wethospu’s guide”. Actually make it gw2dungeons.com and it works magically!
By the way, you can just put gw2dungeons.net without “Wethospu’s guide”. Actually make it gw2dungeons.com and it works magically!
Fixed that for you, that’s what you wanted, right?
Also, Maxinion, thanks for the write up and information. At the moment I am still deciding whether or not to make an entirely new thread (I can’t really do it, as my FC
Has skyrocketed due to the misunderstanding of a single comment). I highly recommend someone else do it, and name it “Dungeon Running FAQ” and request a sticky.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Lilith, you still redirect to gw2dungeons.net for weth’s website but it’s gw2dungeons.com
Lilith, you still redirect to gw2dungeons.net for weth’s website but it’s gw2dungeons.com
Fixed now?
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Yup that’s much better
Lilith this is a great thread you have created. Personally I would have recommended to leave stacking and skipping out of it but the stacking section was very well written with a neutral explanation about it so well done there.
Kane and I regularly check the stickied thread and respond to everyone who post. The point of the thread was to give new players a friendly environment to learn basic dungeon mechanics not related to gear and builds, and to allow them to later choose how they wanted to run dungeons. We get people every week contacting us via whispers or mail so it is still an active avenue for people to get dungeon mentoring.
Knights of ARES, Dragonbrand
Good times, good memories
Kane and I regularly check the stickied thread and respond to everyone who post. The point of the thread was to give new players a friendly environment to learn basic dungeon mechanics not related to gear and builds, and to allow them to later choose how they wanted to run dungeons. We get people every week contacting us via whispers or mail so it is still an active avenue for people to get dungeon mentoring.
That’s cool. I can link your thread if you want, I just figured that since it was stickied it didn’t need to be linked.
The dungeon mentor thread has been seeing a lot of traffic, and I’m very glad to see it is still going.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Just thought I would bump the write up about stacking, since we saw another thread this week. I think the stacking question is similar to questions about kicking, etc., which are already in the FAQ. No problem if you don’t want to include this, but I don’t think starting another thread is the right idea.
Just thought I would bump the write up about stacking, since we saw another thread this week. I think the stacking question is similar to questions about kicking, etc., which are already in the FAQ. No problem if you don’t want to include this, but I don’t think starting another thread is the right idea.
I’m going to have one of my reserved posts become a “controversial” topic post. I will get around to editing it probably tonight, after work.
I prefer to do that sort of thing on a computer and not my iPad xD
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
How is that, Max?
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
How is that, Max?
Looks great Lilith! I hope it is helpful— that’s all I want. Always willing to rewrite it if it gets too “hot,” and if you’re getting flamed for it, feel free to delete it or point people my way
As you requested in another now-closed topic, here’s Robert Hrouda’s take on the skips and the path of least resistance: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/dungeons/Will-the-new-update-stop-skipping/1205684
Oh, thanks so much. I really should write up a skipping part of the FAQ… Max!!! You’re so eloquent and awesome! can you?
Or if you wanna, Fror, I’d be ever grateful.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Oh, thanks so much. I really should write up a skipping part of the FAQ… Max!!! You’re so eloquent and awesome! can you?
Or if you wanna, Fror, I’d be ever grateful.
On it.
Oh, thanks so much. I really should write up a skipping part of the FAQ… Max!!! You’re so eloquent and awesome! can you?
Or if you wanna, Fror, I’d be ever grateful.
On it.
You’re beautiful.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Q: Everyone in my group just ran past all the trash mobs! Aren’t we supposed to kill monsters in dungeons? Isn’t it cheating to just run through?
A: What you just saw is called “skipping.” Robert Hrouda, a former designer at ANet, gives a great summary of the topic here . He explains the reasons why people skip very well, and the post is worth reading.
Paraphrasing Robert, everything is related to time spent vs. reward earned. Trash mobs take quite some time to kill, and give rather poor rewards (lots of sticky gobs are not particularly exciting). Since you can skip, and most of the time this is faster, it doesn’t make sense for players to fight most of the trash mobs. There is just no incentive to do so. ANet recognizes this, and allows players to skip, as Robert’s post shows.
Keep in mind, also, that some mobs spawn infinitely (this is particularly common in Arah). You can never stop and kill everything— you have to run! Skipping has been built into the core dungeon mechanics by ANet with these infinite spawns— ANet intended for skipping to be part of the game, so it is certainly not cheating. People often just use this same tactic in other places as well.
Now, we can imagine a world without skipping— what would it look like? ANet could simply turn off leashing of mobs, and they would always follow. What would happen to dungeon runs? Well, first: people could drag them all across the dungeon into the best location to fight them. There would always be some corner which you could bring the mobs to, drop your AoE’s, and destroy everything at once. That is not much of an improvement— the mobs are still trivialized. Alternatively, people would just use stealth. Every team would require one or more thieves (imagine the LFG posts: LF thief ONLY) so that they could still skip past mobs, since at the end of the day, skipping with stealth would still be faster. This is hardly an improvement either: ideally all content in the game can be completed with any class composition, and powering up stealth play like this would make the game less egalitarian.
ANet could always turn up the incentives for killing mobs: having them drop better loot is a great way to do this. For example, the destroyer trash in Crucible of Eternity is often fought because they drop T5 and T6 claws— the drop rate is not super high, but high enough that people generally think it is worth the time. Another example is the practice of killing trash mobs to get stacks of bloodlust or perception before fighting a boss— in this case, killing trash helps your effectiveness in fighting the bosses, and people are often very happy to do it.
At the end of the day, as Robert summarized over a year ago now, it is a matter of incentives. There is usually no benefit to fighting trash, so people understandably decide not to do it.
Q: Doesn’t it take zero effort to skip? Isn’t it unfair for this reason?
A: Just because skipping takes less time, does not mean it is trivial. Mobs can use knockdown, cripple, chill, and immobilize effects to prevent you from running. A successful runner knows the tells from mobs and knows when to dodge, when to use stability, when to cleanse conditions, when to blink, when to use a bit of stealth, etc. Groups will coordinate swiftness and aegis and other shared resources. People often switch equipment (to something with centaur runes, for example, for extra swiftness) or weapons (movement with a warrior’s sword/warhorn is easier than the preferred DPS weapons of axe/mace). Running is another form of challenge in this game, and it can be quite fun to do it right.
Q: I still don’t like skipping! What should I do?
A: You are not alone! While most people seem fine with skipping, people post in the dungeon forum complaining about skipping more than once per week on average. The simplest thing to do is very clear in your LFG posts: say things like “READ PLEASE: NO SKIPPING. Path 1” and feel free to kick people who do not follow your description. But the best thing, as Robert mentioned in the point above, is to find others who agree with you, and who you can reliably run your dungeon with exactly how you want to. Keep a list of people who join your groups for no skipping runs, look for guilds which do not skip, look for other posters on the dungeon forum. Trying to convince people who like skipping won’t be very effective: the most productive thing you can do is to reduce conflict and play with people you know you can count on.