Dungeon Hosting Needs To Go.

Dungeon Hosting Needs To Go.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Toastiekins.3594


I could type something profound here, with reasoned arguments and thought provoking statements, but we all know that dungeon hosting is ridiculous. I just had a nailbiting moment near the end of a fractal today. Not that the fractal was kittenly that we had been engrossed in completing it for around 2.5 hours and were very much invested in getting it done — all of which could have been upset by the whiny complainy “Dungeon host” who threatened (near the end of Dredge, our third fractal) to leave and screw us out of our time every 20 seconds.

It’s ridiculous that all of our effort and playtime are hedged on ONE PERSON DECIDING that he would like us to finish. We eventually beat dredge, and by placating him we got to Mai Trin, where he again threatened again and again and again to screw us out of our efforts and time if a single person screwed up on Horrik’s cannons and died.

He’s an immature little kitten and I’ll never group with this individual again, but I should never have to worry about having the carpet slung out from beneath me and have 2+ hours wasted because one person wasn’t having a good time/was being an immature kitten.

I’m not alone in feeling this way, there’s been countless posts on the forums/reddit and yet one person still has the absolute power to kitten over four other people.


People put up a big enough stink about flamekissed armor on Reddit/Forums and it was changed. Why can’t this issue be next?

(edited by Toastiekins.3594)

Dungeon Hosting Needs To Go.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zeken.6587


Dungeon Hosting is a big problem for about a year now while the stupid Flamekiss Light armor was a problem for only a day and like you said ppl made a big rant about it and look how quickly it was removed.People made a larger and longer ( 1 Year) rant about how dungeon hosting needs to go and it has been completely ignored.I feel ur pain.

Dungeon Hosting Needs To Go.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: rojak.1894


Sometimes your progress just gets reset.

You can:
1. Populate your blocklist
2. Open the dungeon yourself
3. Play with friends/guildies

Dungeon Hosting Needs To Go.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Infamous Darkness.3284

Infamous Darkness.3284

I agree with this, I generally only play with friends/guildies, but for example l was running fractals 38 with a pug last night I had opened the instance and we were through two fractals, and close to the end of the third when I started getting really bad lag and disconnecting, I couldn’t leave the group because I was the instance owner, otherwise I could’ve dropped group and allowed someone else to take my spot that could actually move.

Infamous Culverin(engi[Main]), one of every other class.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”

Dungeon Hosting Needs To Go.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tree.3916


People put up a big enough stink about flamekissed armor on Reddit/Forums and it was changed. Why can’t this issue be next?

Because this issue doesn’t affect their revenue stream…

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Dungeon Hosting Needs To Go.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Factotum.2093


People have been complaining about this since beta.

Apparently no one at Arena Net has ever played other MMOs or seen how parties / dungeons work there, and probably doesn’t play them much in GW2 either.

The whole dungeon system (hosting, rewards being detached from actual participation, exploits, boring bosses, camera constantly bouncing into things, etc.) in GW2 was (and still is, more than one year later) a huge disappointment. I doubt it’ll ever improve, they’re too busy screwing up the rest of the game with “ascended” gear (which the vast majority of players said they didn’t want as soon as they announced it).

(edited by Factotum.2093)

Dungeon Hosting Needs To Go.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: caiomacos.1694


Sometimes your progress just gets reset.

You can:
1. Populate your blocklist
2. Open the dungeon yourself
3. Play with friends/guildies

But that doesnt help in the cases when host gets disconnected or game crashes.

Dungeon Hosting Needs To Go.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DonQuack.9025


1.Get reliable friends
2.Be reliable
3. Populate block list

THough It can go for all I care. I have only had 2 -3 games drop. Ever.

I rec typing in chat “LFG X dungeon” more reliable people and less of a chance someone from another server who cares less. possibly

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(edited by DonQuack.9025)

Dungeon Hosting Needs To Go.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Clivar.3176


Just lost 1 exo and 2 rares from final chest at fractals cuz pt leader left. Thanks arena net..
I honestly dont need those living story things. please fix those “minor” issues first so we can finally enjoy the game as it should be.

1) Increase stacks to 500+ from 250
2) Make it so that aslong as 1 person stays in the dungeon the session stays active.. dont put that role on one player…
3) Make fractal rings salvageable

<—- this would be a huge fix for pve

Dungeon Hosting Needs To Go.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Seveleniumus.5973


Sometimes your progress just gets reset.

You can:
1. Populate your blocklist
2. Open the dungeon yourself
3. Play with friends/guildies

But that doesnt help in the cases when host gets disconnected or game crashes.

If host get’s disconnected or crash, instance isn’t killed. Instance is only killed if host leaves/leaves dungeon AND changes the character/leaves dungeon AND changes map. I sometimes crash and my instances are just fine when I come back.

Dungeon Hosting Needs To Go.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kaffemaskin.9627


Just lost 1 exo and 2 rares from final chest at fractals cuz pt leader left. Thanks arena net..
I honestly dont need those living story things. please fix those “minor” issues first so we can finally enjoy the game as it should be.

1) Increase stacks to 500+ from 250
2) Make it so that aslong as 1 person stays in the dungeon the session stays active.. dont put that role on one player…
3) Make fractal rings salvageable

<—- this would be a huge fix for pve

This…this is good!

Dungeon Hosting Needs To Go.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: bone collector.4920

bone collector.4920

Same thins happens to me last days.
But not with threaten. The host just get a DC and all gone.
After 1.30 fractal at bonus map we just lost it!
Where are you Anet?IS such a big thing to do something about that?
You made a new Fractal session to bring ppl back to those type of Dungeon but you dont even think to resolve those minor things!
Please we need an official responce.