Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
Dungeon LFGers way to picky.
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
Teach them not to join the toxic elitist lfgs and instead to make their own “everyone is welcome” parties.
people do dungeons to grind for gold.
Very few people still play them “just for fun”.
Dungeons may be accessible to sub-80’s, but that doesn’t mean those who are level 80 want to carry you or your guildies. They want to get it done quickly and smoothly.
Taking a level 35, or taking no one would make absolutely no meaningful impact on a team with a brain between them. Why would they carry a pug that they will likely never see again?
Also 1 geared level 80 as as useful kitten level 35’s in ac explorable.
If they want to run it as a low level – thats fine. They just have to expect to run it with other low levels who don’t really care about the gold grind for legendary/asc gear yet.
It is not picky, stop feeling so entitled to hamper other peoples experience.
Try thinking about it from the party’s perspective, instead of your own.
Advocate of learning and being a useful party member.
there has to be a perfect group or there is no way to finnish a dungeon.
“Finish the dungeon” isn’t the one goal. “Doing it fast” is. Because dungeons are essentially the only reasonably fun way to make money in this game. Everything else is a complete bore, and probably not as efficient in terms of gold/hour either.
Still, people complain only because they can’t read. I often make random LFG (not speedruns) when I’m bored where I play with underlevelled pugs and when it comes to dungeons like AC it fills fast. If you don’t like speedruns make your own lfg. I’ve even seen experienced pugs start doing explanations in party chat when they saw very low AP ( 300 to 500 ~ ) pugs in the party when I made these random lfg.
Stop relying on others to get what you want. Don’t wait for lfg, make them. Don’t wait for a party leader, lead. You automatically lose any right to complain when you’re not making any effort. You can find people who will willingly join and even at times take the time to explain dungeon mechanics and the like, but you have to extend that hand, not wait for someone to grab yours while you’re hiding them behind your back.
(edited by Nikaido.3457)
Why this pickyness even if you do not look for a speed run?
My suspicion is because it takes a lot of knowlede of your own class/character, the abilities of other classes, and the mechanics of the dungeon to be able to adjust your playstyle to the party at hand. Some people don’t care to invest time (even what little of it a non-perfect group adds to the regular run time) or effort into this, while a lot more simply can’t do it, as their own knowledge and experience is not enough to comfortably deal with non-perfect conditions.
I’ve been pugging story modes on my leveling mesmer lately, at (or slightly above) level, and usually ended up with groups of people around my level and below 1.5k AP (it’s a bit embarassing when you find yourself having about 3x the AP of the rest of the group combined ). I actually had a lot of fun doing so, but I did it purely because it looked like a fun activity, not because of whatever was to be gained at the end (most traits I unlocked will probably never be used … for some reason all the traits I really want seem to be locked behind personal story and map completions).
There are a lot of people out there who play dungeons not (primarily) because it’s the kind of content they find fun right now, but for the rewards (gold, tokens, exp, whatever) at the end, and those people tend to not be willing to invest more effort than absolutely necessary in a run. There’s not just black and white, speed-run and non-speed run, but there’s a large gray area inbetween of more or less “painful” kinds of run, and for many people a group composition they are comfortable with, with people going for the same kinds of strategies, is desirable.
From my personal experience, it’s actually not that many people that are all that picky on the lfg, it’s just that groups without requirements fill up much faster and thus don’t stay on the lfg long enough to be noticed. So LFGers in general aren’t picky at all. I’d guess that the majority of lfgs actually are along the line of “p1” without requirements (beyond those enforced by the lfg tool), the picky ones just stay up so much longer that they seem to be much more than they really are.
Teach them not to join the toxic elitist lfgs and instead to make their own “everyone is welcome” parties.
This is what I do though and also I take them under my wing
Though the point of this thread was to say that there is so many ‘I play dungeons not to have fun but only to farm’ out there and that so many new players adept to this toxic behavior that it even makes some new players only gear for Zerker and deleate their Necromancer and think this is the only way to enjoy the game. In the end people do think that it is impossible to play dungeons if you are not level 80 and if you are a Necro or ranger. I have had some people tell me ’ Sorry I can’t join I don’t have level 80 zerker gear yet’. New players do not understand why they get kicked even when they join -LFG part2- groups so they ask and the answer is ‘T low level’, ‘No Minions’ or ‘Longbows are a joke’ and so on. It tells them, play this way or get kicked.
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
Thats down to lack of knowledge and experience on both sides.
Pugs want smooth runs and many have had bad experiences and so filter out those.
for example I have never had a smooth run ( in the past 6 months) with 2 warriors in the party, so i actively object to that situation. Can’t blame pugs for doing the same really.
People don’t want stressful runs.
I suspect this suggestion might be something you’d go and + 1 though.
Advocate of learning and being a useful party member.
Thats down to lack of knowledge and experience on both sides.
Pugs want smooth runs and many have had bad experiences and so filter out those.
for example I have never had a smooth run ( in the past 6 months) with 2 warriors in the party, so i actively object to that situation. Can’t blame pugs for doing the same really.
People don’t want stressful runs.I suspect this suggestion might be something you’d go and + 1 though.
Thank you! yes this one I did like!
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
I don’t like putting requirement in my LFG and try to keep the kick to a minimum. I would never kick if I could. But ppl always push it too far. I just put Path 1 and someone not knowing what he does pull the Champ Wolf at CoE and wipe the part except for 1 or 2 quick enough to react and dodge pre-emptively or he don’t know what he does at the console and we end up fighting 3 waves of golem at the same time, etc.
So the next time i’m asking for exp for AC. Someone enter at level 32 with 120 Achievement points.
Next time, i’m asking for 80s, exp. Someone enter with a Minion Master Necromancer and fear everybody off the stack, agro mobs during stealth run, etc.
I’m helping a lot of ppl in my guild, running with them, explaining everything in the dungeon, helping them with their build. Hell in the last 3 weeks I completed arah path 1 and 2 with a complete experienced guild group once. Only once. All the other time I had 1 or 2 guildmate that never done it or was pretty new. I give enough time in my guild to explain stuff over voice, I don’t have as much patience with pugs anymore. When i pug, I want a smooth and fast run.
Seriously like how many times do we have to see these kinds of post? Don’t you guys ever learn to JUST POST YOUR OWN LFG can it really be that hard? I don’t get it to me it seems like people just want to get carried over. And if you don’t fill the req the post ask for don’t join it.
It just seems like people are so kitten bored in the game they have to complain about every single detail and instead they could just go and workout or do something else.
And even if you are a new player it really can’t be that hard to take initative on your own and actually search on wiki or the forums what zerker means etc. since the game been out for over 2 years.
people are just lazy
(edited by Ryze.2891)
People have their right to create group requirements.
You have the right not to play with them and create your own lfg post with your requirements.
I don’t want to feel obliged to play with you for any reason just like I believe you don’t want to be obliged to play with me or anyone else for whatever reason.
It’s very simple.
My answer is PUG’s are stupid
Creating your own post without reqs often works, but you still get dongs rather frequently. Running with friends/guildies is the way to go, even if you have to low-man :P
Whenever I post an LFG I simply state which path and include a smiley and treat it as my good deed for the day.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
Seriously like how many times do we have to see these kinds of post? Don’t you guys ever learn to JUST POST YOUR OWN LFG can it really be that hard? I don’t get it to me it seems like people just want to get carried over. And if you don’t fill the req the post ask for don’t join it.
It just seems like people are so kitten bored in the game they have to complain about every single detail and instead they could just go and workout or do something else.
And even if you are a new player it really can’t be that hard to take initative on your own and actually search on wiki or the forums what zerker means etc. since the game been out for over 2 years.
people are just lazy
Please read my OP once again and my next post in this thread, you are so way of.
And I am not bored of this game, I am one that some call White Knight or Fanboy so no I do not complain at the game and the mechanic of the LFG. I complain about that many players makes the LFG a toxic experience for new players as they learn that when you do dungeons you have to be level 80 with full exotic berserker gear or you get kicked. I do not bother to use LFG becouse I do not like PUGs but I have alot of new players in my guild that have been playing or rather tried playing with PUGs in the LFG and gotten kicked right away. Some of these players are realy realy good so I for one can’t understand.
But I have gotten alot of good replies and I do see it more clearly but still… Some talk about they pull this and that and it ends to a whipe and they are realy bad and so on. Well ‘stuff happens’. But I can’t change this. But I will try to “save” these new players I manage to get in touch with.
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
Yea man you are like a kittening hero carrying them underlevel necro minion masters through dungeons.
Most people don’t want to do that. Now can you stop ego tripping on this useless thread? It’s basically an opinion statement and nothing more. It adds nothing, it contributes nothing.
Anything my guild mates don’t agree with or qualify for is toxic.
Asking us to make our own groups is toxic.
Asking us to run more useful things in 2+ year old content is not just toxic but oppressive.
When we disagree with what we see it is us asserting our independence.
When you disagree with us you demonstrate your rabid and total toxicity.
We are martyrs.
You are Satan.
to be faceroll at the high levels, because it
needs to be accessible to the casuals and bads.
Anything my guild mates don’t agree with or qualify for is toxic.
Asking us to make our own groups is toxic.
Asking us to run more useful things in 2+ year old content is not just toxic but oppressive.
When we disagree with what we see it is us asserting our independence.
When you disagree with us you demonstrate your rabid and total toxicity.
We are martyrs.
You are Satan.
You summed it up pretty well.
Oh and:
I’m the Saviour of New Players from the Perils of Pugging with Toxic Oozes.
I just don’t understand new players. I have no desire to hold people back. Honestly I haven’t been kicked yet (knock on wood) but there are groups I simply want to leave because I feel like I’m holding them back. i search for info on how to get better, I pug trying to get better, I solo trying to get better. I don’t get why people feel like they should be able to jump in and be completely accepted in any group. That’s not how things work. Maybe it’s my experience with MMOs but I know there are those that hve done things before and want a smooth run, at this point there ar dungeons that I feel this way. I long for SEp1 to be fighting on nokk, for the inquest golem to be deep frozen instead of pulled to a corner, and for the 3golems to be pulled together and burned down. But, that just doesn’t happen in PUGs.
We have guilds like ARES and Noob willing to help, I really hope new players use them. I’m a member of ARES and I actively try to help and pass on info I know. please, if new players read this, USE THESE TOOLS, We want to help, we really do, when I get a group together in ARES I expect a few people to be going in for the first time or at least not know what’s going on, I expect a casual run of teaching. learn, have fun, ask questions, it’s a good thing.
Shameless plug for ARES but really, join us, learn, many of us actually enjoy helping you learn the ropes. Eventually you’ll be someone we run smooth runs with and have a lot of fun just destroying dungeons like ARAh with. No reason nto join a PUG group and hold them back when there are teachers out ther willing to help!
I just don’t understand new players. I have no desire to hold people back. Honestly I haven’t been kicked yet (knock on wood) but there are groups I simply want to leave because I feel like I’m holding them back. i search for info on how to get better, I pug trying to get better, I solo trying to get better. I don’t get why people feel like they should be able to jump in and be completely accepted in any group. That’s not how things work. Maybe it’s my experience with MMOs but I know there are those that hve done things before and want a smooth run, at this point there ar dungeons that I feel this way. I long for SEp1 to be fighting on nokk, for the inquest golem to be deep frozen instead of pulled to a corner, and for the 3golems to be pulled together and burned down. But, that just doesn’t happen in PUGs.
We have guilds like ARES and Noob willing to help, I really hope new players use them. I’m a member of ARES and I actively try to help and pass on info I know. please, if new players read this, USE THESE TOOLS, We want to help, we really do, when I get a group together in ARES I expect a few people to be going in for the first time or at least not know what’s going on, I expect a casual run of teaching. learn, have fun, ask questions, it’s a good thing.
Shameless plug for ARES but really, join us, learn, many of us actually enjoy helping you learn the ropes. Eventually you’ll be someone we run smooth runs with and have a lot of fun just destroying dungeons like ARAh with. No reason nto join a PUG group and hold them back when there are teachers out ther willing to help!
Cant agree more with this. I force myself to join anyone welcome groups for dungeons when i came back to the game because i wasn’t sure if i still remembered any paths. Sure it sucked but i felt good about it because i ended up helping others learn paths and i didn’t bother any people who wanted smooth runs.
Yea man you are like a kittening hero carrying them underlevel necro minion masters through dungeons.
Most people don’t want to do that. Now can you stop ego tripping on this useless thread? It’s basically an opinion statement and nothing more. It adds nothing, it contributes nothing.
Thank you for insulting me. I have a purpose to this thread, just becouse you and many others do not agree with my opinion doesn’t meen this thread contributes nothing. I am not ego tripping, I am just stating my opinion to that new players gets a bad experience and with help from me and other helpfull players new players will have a chance to get a good new player experience.
Also how in the whole world could one high level MM carry four other low level MM through a dungeon? Well I am sure I did alot of work but I am sure the team effort got us through the dungeons. I have tried to solo the dungeons with not so good result, so claiming I carry low levels through the dungeons is bull. Also while I play with these new players I do teach them what to do and explain why it is done.
For me the important thing is that we had fun.
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
people do dungeons to grind for gold.
Very few people still play them “just for fun”.
I love TA Aetherpath, and i usually run if for fun, but…
- There are 2 types of players, one experienced and wants to run the “meta” and tells me to kitten off cuz im not ele war guard,
- and there are the ppl who dont know what to do at all, so it takes at least 2 hours to run through with all explanations.
Tho, it could be a really nice and exciting dungeon where all classes have their own advantage.
Necro fears and pulls are good for positioning the Holograms and escorting oozes,
Thief smoke fields make the best defence at adds + pull on holograms.
Mesmer reflects make oozes and bosses rlly easy, even a second mesmer is good to have.
Warrior with retaliation+ endure pain on the center of Sparki’ spinning attack, well… numbers explode on your screen
All i have to say to those narrow sighted “meta-or-kitten-off” guys, is that you have to learn to enjoy the game and play for fun or don’t play at all. It is a game afterall.
All i have to say to those narrow sighted “meta-or-kitten-off” guys, is that you have to learn to enjoy the game and play for fun or don’t play at all. It is a game afterall.
No can do. Got to have perfect rotations and such, if a party member does something half a second too late they should be kicked and reported for griefing.
Dungeons are serious business after all.
I like a smooth run just as much as anybody else but honestly sometimes people get carried away with their whole dungeon expertise. The game has an AI that is as smart as an amoeba, aside from certain cases it does not react to what players do. Therefore a well-trained monkey could be taught to do these dungeons.
(edited by serenke.4806)
Yeh well sorry in advance to all the pugs I’m going to kitten off, and sorry to all the ones I already have. btw that’s a sarcastic sorry because I’m not sorry at all.
Number 1. Read. Actually stop, drop and read. It’s like what they tell you to do if you’re on fire except this time you don’t roll and you are on the LFG which is pretty much the same thing, -painful and not fun.
Number 2. It’s my party. SURPRISE!!!
But yeh, srsly, it’s mine. Make your own. You can have blackjack and scarlet holograms dancing in yours I don’t care, just stay the kitten away from mine unless you fit the description I put up.
Thank you for your time, members of the general public.
PS – I help new people when I feel like it. Not when they decide to encroach on my time when it suits only them. My personal flavour at the moment is to hang around the noob zones handing out money and gear + advice on builds and what to do in dungeons. Still branded as top scumbag though. /meh
(edited by J Eberle.9312)
people do dungeons to grind for gold.
Very few people still play them “just for fun”.This.
I love TA Aetherpath, and i usually run if for fun, but…
- There are 2 types of players, one experienced and wants to run the “meta” and tells me to kitten off cuz im not ele war guard,
- and there are the ppl who dont know what to do at all, so it takes at least 2 hours to run through with all explanations.
Tho, it could be a really nice and exciting dungeon where all classes have their own advantage.
Necro fears and pulls are good for positioning the Holograms and escorting oozes,
Thief smoke fields make the best defence at adds + pull on holograms.
Mesmer reflects make oozes and bosses rlly easy, even a second mesmer is good to have.
Warrior with retaliation+ endure pain on the center of Sparki’ spinning attack, well… numbers explode on your screen
etc,etc.All i have to say to those narrow sighted “meta-or-kitten-off” guys, is that you have to learn to enjoy the game and play for fun or don’t play at all. It is a game afterall.
What if i don’t find it fun to spend 2 hours in ta:aether because people can’t play their class properly?
What if i don’t find it fun doing 2 times as much work because they can’t do anything useful?
What if I don’t find it fun being the last man standing time and time again with no chance of being able to solo the boss because there is too many things that need to happen? ( such as kiting the ooze to the oil patches with sparki/slick).
P.S: please refrain from being so abusive to people who want to run meta. That kind of comment only serves to make those who run meta tell you to kitten off all the more.
Advocate of learning and being a useful party member.
Why do you assume that i’m running kittenty builds? I totally agree that zerker/assassin is the most efficient for pve and relevant builds… What i hate is that ppl decide that x class is not meta, so i’m useless, whatever build i run. Tho it must be wvw build, cuz there is no such class in pve.
I won’t ever join to LFGs which’s requirements i do not fit. But i’m quite sad when they ask for a 3rd warrior, or a guardian while they already have a thief and a mesmer. As if there was nothing else viable.
Simple thing :
Team comp > individual roles.
The above will always be true.
Let whoever is forming the party define what meta they want to run – if you don’t fit don’t join.
I won’t ever join to LFGs which’s requirements i do not fit. But i’m quite sad when they ask for a 3rd warrior, or a guardian while they already have a thief and a mesmer. As if there was nothing else viable.
Let me tell you something about parties that want a 3rd warrior or some such. People like that are usually about a year or so behind not only in their thought processes but with their traits and utilities as well. You are not missing out on anything so don’t feel sad. It’s their party, let them continue thinking it’s good. Not your problem.
I’d be sad too if I couldn’t bring my mesmer to that 4 warriors party, you’re missing out a lot.
Seriously like how many times do we have to see these kinds of post? Don’t you guys ever learn to JUST POST YOUR OWN LFG can it really be that hard?
That doesn’t help. Just a few days ago, I entered cof p1, opened lfg: “p1”, 2 guys joined and i was kicked the moment one of them entered the dungeon. Probably the entrance was contested on their map. Or they where just stinky trolls. Whatever.
That doesn’t help. Just a few days ago, I entered cof p1, opened lfg: “p1”, 2 guys joined and i was kicked the moment one of them entered the dungeon. Probably the entrance was contested on their map. Or they where just stinky trolls. Whatever.
People can be jerk on the internet? Really? OMG ANET DO SOMETHING.
Seriously what do you want them to do. Report them for the abuse and continue with your life. Or complain on the post about how the kicking system need to be fix (its suppose to be 3/5 vote, but it’s not and Gaile didn’t came back with an answer yet on that).
I was not complaining, i was just telling that opening your own lfg is not necessaryly the solution. And how can i report when i don’t have the usernames…
(edited by DGenerationY.7135)
There is no way to be totally safe from kicking unless you remove kick function at all which would be brainless and even more harmful to the community.
People aren’t kicking pugs who “have bad dps rotations.”
People kick pugs when we ask the pug Guardian to bring Wall of Reflect for this boss and his reply is “no, wall of reflect isn’t part of my build.”
The community doesn’t set the bar particularly high for pugs. The only people being kicked are well and truly clueless.
Yesterday i put lfg for fractals: lvl 25 3rd fractal
A ranger lvl 35 joined. I gave him some time and asked: are you going to reroll or? Then i saw him load into the game with that ranger lvl35. I kicked him.
Then i wrote: lvl25, 2 warrs and 1 guard 6k+ach,bring a sock so i know you can read.
Then i had to kick 4 more people who i wouldn’t usually kick but sometimes you get kittened at the fact people don’t give 2 fornications about what’s written on lfg, hoping ohhh i’m sure i can just sliiiide trough nobody will notice tee hee.
Being “picky” as you say, is sometimes crucial for smooth runs. Being picky will not so much lead to a rage quit. Being picky will save your nerves.
Make your lfg and don’t be picky nobody is stopping you.
What i hate is that ppl decide that x class is not meta, so i’m useless, whatever build i run.
I won’t ever join to LFGs which’s requirements i do not fit. But i’m quite sad when they ask for a 3rd warrior, or a guardian while they already have a thief and a mesmer. As if there was nothing else viable.
As it was mentioned above, people who post that are not the proper toxic zerk elitists, they are just… “pro wannabe” 2 years behind the meta. I would never kick anyone from dungeon just because what class he plays, I do it because how he plays it. And if someone joins with necro and is unable to switch to any other class because he doesn’t have any (thus not playing necro just for fun), it already rises some suspicion. The moment you see first CC on boss being wasted to fear him out of the stack, you probably already have cursor ready on the kick button.
While adding ranger or mesmer to the group might be far more beneficial than another warrior if you already have one, the odds of getting a tolerable warrior are much much better than any other class. 80% of PUG rangers camp longbow at point blank range, or even better… are completely out of the stack (also, absolutely forget about ever getting spotter or frost spirit). If you ask for another warrior, the group won’t be ideal, but at least it will be decent. I myself try not to make (stupid) class requirements and have faith in people joining, but the sad truth is if you are making LFG, you should keep the state of pugging in mind so that you get what you want. And this might explain why people keep asking for the same classes again and again.
Well the thing I have been trying to say is that I do not complain on people who kick people when they do not qualafy for the requirements of that LFG.
If someone joins a ‘p1 exp rush’ and expects to get help is plain stupid and I do not question this behavior I accept it as it is quite clearly explain what players they are looking for.
But in those cases some of the poeple I have talked too they have constantly been kicked from LFGs that has been like just ‘p1’. In my opinion this means ‘I do not care who joins as long as you do p1 with me.’.
Today I (For the first time in a long long time) started my own ‘p1’ LFG. It went well but just as we entered the dungeon one player was rushing through the dungeon like he had ants in his pants and another player stayed behind and didn’t know a thing about the dungeon he was like ‘Uh, what now?’ The rest (me included) was trying to keep up with this first character but also not rush in to a safe death. Well… To me it looked like the first character though I had typed ‘P1 exp rush’ I dunno. Not gonna complain at this guy as he later realized that there where some who hadn’t done the dungeon and he started to guide and help instead.
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
‘I do not care who joins as long as you do p1 with me.’.
(edited by DonQuack.9025)
I really hate those people who put something like “p1” or lfgs at all. What if I want to do p2 or even a different dungeon or just don’t want to see your lfg? Why people are so picky and force their ways on others?
We have guilds like ARES and Noob willing to help, I really hope new players use them. I’m a member of ARES and I actively try to help and pass on info I know. please, if new players read this, USE THESE TOOLS, We want to help, we really do, when I get a group together in ARES I expect a few people to be going in for the first time or at least not know what’s going on, I expect a casual run of teaching. learn, have fun, ask questions, it’s a good thing.
Shameless plug for ARES but really, join us, learn, many of us actually enjoy helping you learn the ropes. Eventually you’ll be someone we run smooth runs with and have a lot of fun just destroying dungeons like ARAh with. No reason nto join a PUG group and hold them back when there are teachers out ther willing to help!
QFT! (Though I’m obviously biased )
I really hate those people who put something like “p1” or lfgs at all. What if I want to do p2 or even a different dungeon or just don’t want to see your lfg? Why people are so picky and force their ways on others?
Are you serious or are you just trying to mock me? If you are trying to be funny… Well then you didn’t understand my post at all, as many other posters seems to do.
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
That’s quite likely because I didn’t read any posts in this topic. :P
Why this pickyness even if you do not look for a speed run?
Because 1) stigma 2) they don’t want to spend time with noobs 3) they just need their rewards fast.
Most of the time it’s all 3 of them.
My answer is PUG’s are stupid
Creating your own post without reqs often works, but you still get dongs rather frequently. Running with friends/guildies is the way to go, even if you have to low-man :P
Everyone is a PUG to someone else.
Yesterday i put lfg for fractals: lvl 25 3rd fractal
A ranger lvl 35 joined. I gave him some time and asked: are you going to reroll or? Then i saw him load into the game with that ranger lvl35. I kicked him.
Then i wrote: lvl25, 2 warrs and 1 guard 6k+ach,bring a sock so i know you can read.
Then i had to kick 4 more people who i wouldn’t usually kick but sometimes you get kittened at the fact people don’t give 2 fornications about what’s written on lfg, hoping ohhh i’m sure i can just sliiiide trough nobody will notice tee hee.
Being “picky” as you say, is sometimes crucial for smooth runs. Being picky will not so much lead to a rage quit. Being picky will save your nerves.
Make your lfg and don’t be picky nobody is stopping you.
blame anet for the confusion between level of fractal, and level of the players who can join.
if you are giving us a quote on what you said
“are you going to reroll.. or”
wouldnt mean anything to someone with that type of error.
Are you serious or are you just trying to mock me?
Welcome to the forums. Snark > constructive discussion, and reading is an exploit.
Pugging dungeons is like a box of chocolates, you never know what are you gonna get. Pugging FoTM 50, 50% of them run non meta builds but it is surprisingly smooth most of the time. FoTM 50 is definitely the number 1 choice for pugging in my books.
Wynd Cloud | Fierce N Licious
(I was frustrated when I posted that … )
(edited by WabbaJaga.3861)
Are you serious or are you just trying to mock me?
Welcome to the forums. Snark > constructive discussion, and reading is an exploit.
Ok, I admit I acted bit hastily. I give my sincere apologies to the original post if he didn’t insult anyone on his posts.
Are you serious or are you just trying to mock me?
Welcome to the forums. Snark > constructive discussion, and reading is an exploit.
Ok, I admit I acted bit hastily. I give my sincere apologies to the original post if he didn’t insult anyone on his posts.
I don’t think apologies are necessary here.
OP went on a moral high ground rant and pretty much promoted his style as the one right way while insinuating that the community is too toxic for having any expectations.
to be faceroll at the high levels, because it
needs to be accessible to the casuals and bads.