Dungeon Loot, Experience and Dungeon Finder?
I still think Dungeon Finder is necessary. For people who say it will ruin the game or match you with random noobs, you can refuse to use it and stay the old finding-dungeon way you are having now. Dungeon Finder will be a great help to people who don’t really care about PUG group or if party members are lvl80.
the dungeon finder is a necessity for sure. there are plenty of people out there that dont have huge guilds and have a problem finding people to run with. the dungeon finder does not need to mimic WoW and teleport you to the dungeon etc. they can make their own spin on it and at least pair you up with people
a huge contradiction i noticed in that interview the other day that was broadcast online was…
they want to make the game easier for people to play together
there are no plans for a dungeon finder. pretty sure the dungeon finder defines making the game easier for people to play together
Without a dungeon finder I will most likely never step foot in a dungeon.
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?
It’s just a waste not to have a dungeon finder. It’s like making a beautiful house and then requiring that people climb in through a window to get inside.
There really needs to be a dungeon finder. It’s just a necessity in a modern mmo. It turns doing a dungeon from something you have to set aside 2 hours to do into something that you can reasonably get done in under an hour. A lot of gamers now a days just don’t have the free time to commit to setting large chunks of time for a game.