Dungeon Loot to include Armor/Weapon Chests
You already get the tokens?
You already get the tokens?
Was that a question?
Ascended gear is NEEDed for higher level Fractals. Thus, it drops gear to enable players AR slots to advance to higher levels. The champ bags you get in dungeon DO have a chance to drop Asc. Chests although the odds are very low.
Oh. You mean the dungeon specific armor and weapons? That is what the token system is for. Personally, I’d rather they keep accountbound gear off of the dungeon loot tables.
You get salvageable account bound armor similar to the Karma sets.
The nice thing is that they’re the stat types that can give you inscriptions: Soldier’s, Cavalier, Magi, etc.
You already get the tokens?
Was that a question?
That was more like a statement. I don’t see a point in adding those chests as you can already buy weapons and armor with the tokens.
So basically a /no from my side..
I don’t know who that GrimmR guy is, but he sure sounds intelligent. His guild must be the best ever created!
(Anyway, yeah, that’s what tokens are for. If anything, i’d like the reward tracks of pvp to be nerfed as it’s easier to get dungeon skins by pvp than dungeoning)
Add precursor weapon chests to the loot tables of those new dodge tutorial reward chests while you’re at it!
It wouldn’t kill them, but it won’t change a lot.
Look at how terrible the drop rates are for ascended chest in fractals. Then look at how terrible they are for dungeon path recipes.
Don’t hope that it would be any better if Anet decided to put ascended chests in dungeons.
In fact, they could even lie to us and tell us they did that no one would notice.
In fact, they could even lie to us and tell us they did that no one would notice.
I’d like to see the drop rate (of asc) be a bit better in fotm first.
Maybe add to (new) level 80 exp dungeon paths like ta:ae, with prettier versions of dungeon skins.
Advocate of learning and being a useful party member.
I don’t know who that GrimmR guy is, but he sure sounds intelligent. His guild must be the best ever created!
(Anyway, yeah, that’s what tokens are for. If anything, i’d like the reward tracks of pvp to be nerfed as it’s easier to get dungeon skins by pvp than dungeoning)
Suce boulessssssss
I’m up for ascended chests for Arah and CoE.
I don’t know who that GrimmR guy is, but he sure sounds intelligent. His guild must be the best ever created!
(Anyway, yeah, that’s what tokens are for. If anything, i’d like the reward tracks of pvp to be nerfed as it’s easier to get dungeon skins by pvp than dungeoning)
We are just a bunch of hardcore roleplayers. What else should you do in this game ? If you want to join then /whisper me ingame!
FYI, a guildie got a Saphir’s Armor chest from Champion boxes looted in dungeons.
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
I’d rather just see like say 5-10 dragonite added to the completion of all dungeons. Or, heck, make story modes rewarding give them like 15-20 at the end so i can dragonite farm outside of ktraining and boring world bosses!
You already get the tokens?
Was that a question?
That was more like a statement. I don’t see a point in adding those chests as you can already buy weapons and armor with the tokens.
So basically a /no from my side..
That’s like saying you can get rings with fractal relics so why are they in the daily chest?
While i have most of the dungeon weapons & armor skins unlocked, having an additional chance at getting an exotic item would be nice. I would be all for having dungeon specific armor/weapons dropping from the end chest in the dungeon (if one exists).
Fractals after a certain point have a chance to drop rings and equipment. Would it kill for ANet to include a chance to drop Armor and Weapons like in SPVP reward tracks from the dungeon you’re in?
actually i think that’s a great idea, a reward track for repetitively doing the same dungeons over and over again, but it would be fotm exclusive
Fractals after a certain point have a chance to drop rings and equipment. Would it kill for ANet to include a chance to drop Armor and Weapons like in SPVP reward tracks from the dungeon you’re in?
It could happen but it is unnecessary. The barter tokens are in the game so you can get that armor. Barter tokens are reliable. If you want the armor then do the runs. There isn’t a problem with that, not at all.
Giving away more loot make people happy right? No not really. People then just complain they deserve more loot elsewhere to match what they get in dungeons. They would probably complain they’d got a helmet as loot when they’d spent tokens on a helmet the day before. Or they’d complain that they found a medium armor piece when they wanted to save the tokens for their Mesmer.
This already happens in TA Aether. Huge letdown to see an exotic weapon pop up only to have it be one of the standard TA weapons. Anyway, I’d rather see potential weapon/armor drops that I can salvage than another dungeon recipe that I already have unlocked. I’m not sure why anyone would be opposed. I’ve always felt that the SAB reward system (RNG+tokens) was the best way to do it and I’d love to see it implemented in more areas of the game.
Does anyone happen to know if the TA pvp track has aether skins on the loot table?
Pretty sure it doesn’t, but I can’t confirm it.
Fractals after a certain point have a chance to drop rings and equipment. Would it kill for ANet to include a chance to drop Armor and Weapons like in SPVP reward tracks from the dungeon you’re in?
It could happen but it is unnecessary. The barter tokens are in the game so you can get that armor. Barter tokens are reliable. If you want the armor then do the runs. There isn’t a problem with that, not at all.
Giving away more loot make people happy right? No not really. People then just complain they deserve more loot elsewhere to match what they get in dungeons. They would probably complain they’d got a helmet as loot when they’d spent tokens on a helmet the day before. Or they’d complain that they found a medium armor piece when they wanted to save the tokens for their Mesmer.
+ this pretty much!