Dungeon Mentors [Noob]
I’d like to learn running Arah dungeon because i kinda got tired of running only AC SE TA SE HoTW and CoE, so I’m not new to dungeons, just only to Arah. I am also interested in fractals, but i have no experience there at all.
Ps. I’m playing on the US server, but I’m european so there might be a bit time difference.
HI all,
I’m looking to join WHAT.
Althoug i’m not new in this game seems like i need to learn how to run speedclears properly specially arah where i’m struggling with lupi solo.
I have 4 toons full zerker equiped and rdy to go: Warrior, Thief, Ele, Mesmer.
Hi all,
i looking a mentor to guide me to how run a dungeon with warrior
fine with general / meta
Folks, I require a mentor for high level fractals, and I’d like start running them every day like I used to in the distant past.
PM me when I’m next online or send a mail if you’re interested in taking me on as a student.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
I’m interested in joining as a student — for Arah and fractals. (I’ve done Dungeon Master, but would like to see how to do Arah faster … for fractals, the highest fractal I’ve done is 38, and my guard’s AR is 40/45 (dep on weapon set) — though I can certainly get AR up to 60 if needed.)
I’ve got a char at level 80 for every class. I mostly play guardian and elementalist — but I’d be equally interested in seeing good builds for other classes — it’s fun to play them for a change. I should be able to outfit to spec.
I’m in NA, and generally play at night Pacific Time.
I’m not sure about Arah but my group has been running Fractal 50/40/(maybe) 30 daily in late night. By no means, the run could be compared with speedclear runs from the meta guilds but we are happy to share some tips.
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
To the person who pm’d me, I can’t say your account name for fear of infraction. I am being punished so I cannot respond to your pm, therefore I have to respond publicly.
“I’m new to calling out to meta mentors. I’m interested to learn how to run the paths I haven’t run for the quick dailies.
I’m quite interested with all COE paths, the easier Arah paths and TA Up.
But I don’t mind learning unpopular paths like the ones from CM.
What’s next? I have no clue lol
My next questions to you are,
What class(s) do you play/main?
Do you have exotic berserker gear?
Do you have ascended berserker trinkets?
Do you have multiple exotic or higher weapons?
Do those weapons have stacking sigils/sigil of night/sigil of force?
Do you use the standard dps meta traits for your characters?
Sorry I can’t do this in the PM and I hope you see my response. I’m not ignoring you… just dealing with a draconian forum…
http://www.twitch.tv/tree_dnt || https://twitter.com/Tree_DnT
The meta is changing at an alarming rate!
What class(s) do you play/main?
adding onto Tree’s post, class matters a LOT. Each dungeon path has an optimal group composition in regard to classes and builds. for example, a mesmer is used in the meta comp for cof 1/2 and se 3, but not in ac. so if you only have a mesmer, I as a meta mentor can only teach you some dungeon paths, but not others.
if you are an ele/war/thief, I can teach you how to speedrun every one of the 17 paths I do daily with my guild. if you are a mes/guard/ranger, I can teach you some paths, but not others.
if you are a necro/engi, all us meta mentors can really do is give you traits and weps for the meta, but not actually show you how to use your class in dungeon speed runs. not because we dont know what a necro/engi needs to do in dungeons (ive played them, I know how to use them in each path), but because those classes are not used in the meta comp for any dungeon, so the group would be better off if you just relogged another class.
because there are optimal group comps for each dungeon, guildies in our nightly speedruns relog different classes very frequently. so I strongly recommend that all [Noob] students who contact me about coming along for a tour have multiple useful classes in meta that they can relog to, or at the very least, a single meta ele/war/thief.
(edited by Anierna.6918)
I’m not sure about Arah but my group has been running Fractal 50/40/(maybe) 30 daily in late night. By no means, the run could be compared with speedclear runs from the meta guilds but we are happy to share some tips.
Are your parties generally full? I haven’t had trouble getting through Fractals (except for an occasional PUG on lower levels) — but I’m still only doing 30s (PRL 33, though I’ve done 36 & 38 w/o trouble) … not sure if it’ll be the same over 40.
In answer to Tree’s questions (I didn’t PM but it sounds like I should have included this):
What class(s) do you play/main?
— especially Ele and Guard, but I’ve played all the classes some
Do you have exotic berserker gear?
— Yes; I use ascended celestial for my guard, but I do have exotic berserker + scholar’s runes (and would be able to get this for any of the alts which don’t already have it)
Do you have ascended berserker trinkets?
— Mixed berserker and celestial, but I’d be fine going to pure berserker for a couple of characters
Do you have multiple exotic or higher weapons?
— Yes, but I’d update these for whichever characters I’m going to use.
Do those weapons have stacking sigils/sigil of night/sigil of force?
— Some do, some don’t, but I’d be happy to set these up to spec.
Do you use the standard dps meta traits for your characters?
— Not sure; I’d be happy to get some pointers. (I do intend them to be DPS, but I’m not sure they’re optimal per meta. No AH or the like, though.)
I miss switching classes for optimal play the way I did w/ GW1, so I’d be happy to equip alts and relog when appropriate.
Edit: I see the reference to http://gw2dungeons.net/?Builds now; I’ll set up Thief, Ele, Ranger, and Guardian per specs there … possibly also Warrior and Mesmer, though I’m less fond of them. (I have Necro and and Engineer too … I think I have a viable build for Necro, but not for Engineer in dungeons.)
(edited by linuxotaku.4731)
To the person who pm’d me, I can’t say your account name for fear of infraction. I am being punished so I cannot respond to your pm, therefore I have to respond publicly.
“I’m new to calling out to meta mentors. I’m interested to learn how to run the paths I haven’t run for the quick dailies.
I’m quite interested with all COE paths, the easier Arah paths and TA Up.
But I don’t mind learning unpopular paths like the ones from CM.
What’s next? I have no clue lol
"My next questions to you are,
What class(s) do you play/main?
Do you have exotic berserker gear?
Do you have ascended berserker trinkets?
Do you have multiple exotic or higher weapons?
Do those weapons have stacking sigils/sigil of night/sigil of force?
Do you use the standard dps meta traits for your characters?Sorry I can’t do this in the PM and I hope you see my response. I’m not ignoring you… just dealing with a draconian forum…
Hey, thanks.
My main is a Mesmer, but I play these classes too: Guardian, Elementalist, Thief. All of them are equipped with Berserker’s gear. My Mesmer has Sup Rune of Air for the mobility I hope that’s okay.
I don’t have ascended trinkets, but I have them all on exotic Berserker’s.
Yes, my weapons are all exotic berserker’s. Sigil of BL for stacking, otherwise Force / Accuracy. I haven’t used the Sigil of the Night yet.
Yes. Standard DPS meta. Phantasm Mes. Currently, Hammer/GS on Guard, but can easily do the GS/Sw+Focus one. Either D/F Fresh Air or Sc/x LH for my Ele. Haven’t tried to use Staff Ele because I’ve been mostly pugging. The standard S/P + D/D thief.
Been playing the game off and on since it went live but have never done a single dungeon. I usually only spend my time doing WvW but want to start trying some dungeons out at least for the achievements. Since I only do WvW I am broke so I dont have full ascended gear or multiple different gear/rune sets. I do know how to play my class though. Would love to start running some dungeons so I can learn them. I keep trying to do them in LFG but its worse than the WoW LFG tool. Everyone is a jerk and you get kicked after 5 mins. How the hell do they expect you to know what to do if you never get a chance?
Have Guardian or Ele but more experienced with my Ele.
I’d like to apply as a student, mostly for TA or Arah runs, but I’m open to anything.
I main a level 80 Conditionmancer, but I have a level 80 Condition Mesmer as well (The necro is a lot better imo, though they’re both equally geared).
(edited by Haker.5067)
so how does the mentor guild work for getting groups? I really dont like sending random tells to people I dont know but people dont usually rep so I cant ask in guild chat.
so how does the mentor guild work for getting groups? I really dont like sending random tells to people I dont know but people dont usually rep so I cant ask in guild chat.
If you’re a student, you can whisper any teacher and ask. That’s generally how it’s supposed to work. Also if you’re looking to plan a run you can plan it on this thread too.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
I might just do an EU teaching run of whatever you’ll vote for either tomorrow afternoon, thursday afternoon or even both. We’ll see.
I want less work so I can get back to actually teaching people D’:
You don’t say >.>
By the way, Weth is actually the student in the guild.
Well, I might be a mentor if I really played the game.
By the way, Weth is actually the student in the guild.
I don’t even know what that means.
Why not Weth? I’ll even play a warrior if you become a mentor. It’ll be an honor to have you as our mentor!
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
EU Student wants to be taught how to do arah
Someone teach me
pretty please. I’ll give you ice cream.
I like dungeons and Ikea.
aka Cotscene.
Hey, I’m a NA Pacific Standard Time Player (GMT -7:00 atm) looking for Arah Exp mentor and fellow students to run with. I’m usually free after reset at 5PM PDST.
I’ve been trying to get my last tokens for my Bifrost but my main guild has been very shy about doing Arah, even our veteran dungeon runners. Done a run through P2 and P3 with another guild but they rarely do it. I’m trying to learn how to gain Arah tokens more efficiently so that I can help others with runs after I finish my Gift of Zhaitan so they don’t have to go through what I’m going through right now And the current LFG tool is filled with people selling Arah…
Also, I’m interested in learning efficient dungeon running in general. I’m hoping to sign up for Fractals as well since I’m only lvl 10 and want to get better at it— and that shiny backpiece!
I main mostly a guardian who has Zerker PVE set up and a Healway/Cleric set up. I can also have a typical Zerker Warrior, zerker Thief, zerker Mesmer, zerker Ranger, and Celestial Ele exotic geared that I can also hop on to. I have a Rabid Necro but I’m not sure how he’ll last in a dungeon.
Looking forward to some great runs/tutorials
A few guildies and me are really strating to get into dungeons as an organised group, we’re speed running every dungeons except arah. So i was wondering if i could get some mentoring to get a good start about teaching our group about doing arah in an efficient way.
I’m looking for a mentor that could teach me the ins and out of Arah, but more importantly things about group composition and time optimisation.
I’m willing to put some time into it and i’ll be listen to your wise advices.
I have teamspeak and skype so there is no problem about using those.
I’m maining ranger on EU servers (sword/warhorn,dagger) not a bearbow !!
I hope I could help you a bit
Can I apply as an Arah mentor?
I’m available mostly in the evenings (GMT+1), on both EU and NA. Teamspeak/Skype required, no mic needed (just be able to listen). You will also need to use an appropriate build and be ready to change your weapons/utilites. And of course bring some patience Running any path.
I can also offer Lupi melee lessons. You should have at least 1 hour time (+a few mins to get to him) if you want to do that. Berserker or condi gear (warrs, engis, necros) required.
I can haz noobgood mentor pl0x?
I like dungeons and Ikea.
aka Cotscene.
Yea, tomorrow. I’m kind of exhausted from the 3 hour Lupicus session.
noob, welcome to the team
Add me as a student. I am down for any dungeon (Though CoF might be preferable to gear into Berserker armor).
NA player in Eastern Timezone (Currently on Kaineng)
Hello, +2 GMT EU person here from Ring of Fire, really interested in learning Arah, as it’s the only dungeon I have little to no knowledge of. Path 3 is the only one I’ve completed, and I would love to learn the rest.
There’s also the Fractals…. I would like to learn them, but I haven’t got the faintest glue how to start with them.
I have a necro with both zerk/condi gear and elementalist with zerk gear. As elementalist is more suited for group play, that’s what I’d be probably bringing in.
We could run Arah if you want. I’m just a student though.
Hi guys, I’d like to be a student in this guild. I would like to improve on my fractal skills and learn Arah on classes other than warrior as well.
I’ve got everything but ranger/necro at 80 in berserker gear, though not every character has been properly geared with scholar runes and sigils.
Noobgood best student teacher 2k14
I like dungeons and Ikea.
aka Cotscene.
We could run Arah if you want. I’m just a student though.
Tee hee hee… Thanks for the friendly reminder.
To all EU students, I’m looking for 2 volunteers for an Arah run. We’ll have two new EU mentors who specialize in Arah and FoTM and are eager to meet their first students. PM me in game please
Guys I’m interested in joining as a student (EU) (character: Anniegyg) is there any details you need? I have already run quite a lot of the normal dungoens but knowing where to sit in a corner and “count to 3 then dodge” isn’t really enough for me, I’d love to learn a bit more so I figure here is the place to be.
Would I need to be speaking general mentors or meta mentors about learning things like pulling teqniques, LoS techniques, aggro ranges, talking through particular boss attacks and how they can be counter, telegraphs?
I’d most certainly be up for properly learning all dungeons any paths, in particular Arah is somewhere I’ve only ventured 5 or 6 times, but my CM definitly needs some work.
I’m also pretty experienced in fractals but my motto is you learn something new every day so I’d volunteer to be part of a group of any level (Guardian up to 50, warrior can go only to 49) if you need an extra body and I can take advantage of learning some stuff.
(edited by AnnieGYG.6842)
Hey guys, I’d like to join as a student (NA) for basically every dungeon except AC 1&3 and COF 1&2. My main is ele with AC and COF sets.
Invites sent. Welcome to [Noob]
I need more students :/
I’m your favourite<3
I like dungeons and Ikea.
aka Cotscene.
I need less students.
Do you even have any, Weth?
Can I apply as an Arah mentor?
I’m available mostly in the evenings (GMT+1), on both EU and NA. Teamspeak/Skype required, no mic needed (just be able to listen). You will also need to use an appropriate build and be ready to change your weapons/utilites. And of course bring some patience
Running any path.
I can also offer Lupi melee lessons. You should have at least 1 hour time (+a few mins to get to him) if you want to do that. Berserker or condi gear (warrs, engis, necros) required.
Noobgood does this only mean you teach warriors, engys and necros?
I’m looking to be picked up by a teacher for anything and everything but I’m running guardian, really not ready for much on my warrior yet, all the gear and no idea on him. Never really been much in Arah and would love to learn, especially melee on Lupi. I’m definitly not skilled enough for duo-ing though.
I’m in a WvW guild so I wouldn’t be able to bring a group either so I was hoping to jump in on others teachings when they needed someone to fill a slot.
The last time I wrote I needed a high level fractals mentor nobody answered me.
So I’m gonna write it again! I need someone to teach me the finer tactics in fractals so I can stop being a miserable failure in pugs and start carrying!
Okay, maybe not the carrying part…
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
The last time I wrote I needed a high level fractals mentor nobody answered me.
So I’m gonna write it again! I need someone to teach me the finer tactics in fractals so I can stop being a miserable failure in pugs and start carrying!crickets
Okay, maybe not the carrying part…
I’ll take you. Friday night is when I normally go, though.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Yay :D
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
I’m looking to be picked up by a teacher for anything and everything but I’m running guardian, really not ready for much on my warrior yet, all the gear and no idea on him. Never really been much in Arah and would love to learn, especially melee on Lupi. I’m definitly not skilled enough for duo-ing though.
I’m in a WvW guild so I wouldn’t be able to bring a group either so I was hoping to jump in on others teachings when they needed someone to fill a slot.
You should come on his lessons with me<3
I like dungeons and Ikea.
aka Cotscene.
Do you even have any, Weth?
Stop pressuring me!
Do you even have any, Weth?
Stop pressuring me!
You’re not fashionable enough for students to take you seriously.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Do you even have any, Weth?
Stop pressuring me!
You’re not fashionable enough for students to take you seriously.
I hate you elitists.
Remember GW2 manifesto? “Dress how you want”
(edited by Wethospu.6437)