And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Do you even have any, Weth?
Stop pressuring me!
You’re not fashionable enough for students to take you seriously.
I hate you elitists.
Remember their manifesto? “Dress how you want”
Jealousy is like that.
And the real manifesto is #DressHowLilithWants.
I have a cute guardian and am willing to teach on tuesday, wednesday and thursday afternoon.
I will prolly change to meta mentor because Iris showed me the PuGs…
Don’t worry, I fully support your rainbow chainmail.
Can I apply as an Arah mentor?
I’m available mostly in the evenings (GMT+1), on both EU and NA. Teamspeak/Skype required, no mic needed (just be able to listen). You will also need to use an appropriate build and be ready to change your weapons/utilites. And of course bring some patience
Running any path.
I can also offer Lupi melee lessons. You should have at least 1 hour time (+a few mins to get to him) if you want to do that. Berserker or condi gear (warrs, engis, necros) required.
Noobgood does this only mean you teach warriors, engys and necros?
I’m looking to be picked up by a teacher for anything and everything but I’m running guardian, really not ready for much on my warrior yet, all the gear and no idea on him. Never really been much in Arah and would love to learn, especially melee on Lupi. I’m definitly not skilled enough for duo-ing though.
I’m in a WvW guild so I wouldn’t be able to bring a group either so I was hoping to jump in on others teachings when they needed someone to fill a slot.
No, that only means I’m not teaching condi guardians And I think I even pm’ed you once, but you were afk.
Do you guys teach meta fractal runs? I’d love to test out the guard meta hammer build for it. Most of my runs have been nothing less than disastrous with PUGs.
Also, what AR would I need for it?
EDIT: forgot to mention I’m on EU
(edited by cranos.5913)
The hammer build is sweet, if a little boring since you do nothing but just spam 1 and occasionally press 2 to do damage. But it’s great!
The hammer build is sweet, if a little boring since you do nothing but just spam 1 and occasionally press 2 to do damage. But it’s great!
I’d reckon everything will be interesting for me atm. I got to lvl 23 the hard way with PUGs running around like chicken so I have no real knowledge of tactics and mechanics whatsoever.
The hammer build is sweet, if a little boring since you do nothing but just spam 1 and occasionally press 2 to do damage. But it’s great!
hrm.. that sounds pretty sweet actually. I can honestly say that I haven’t picked up the hammer yet on my guard. I guess it’s time. Can I come too. haha 3 hammer guards in fractals, the travesty.
I can teach whatever starting in 3 hours. If people are up ?
I’m your favourite<3
Lies I’m noob’s favourite though i agree he is a really really good teacher !
I can teach whatever starting in 3 hours. If people are up ?
I would love to but unfortunately, I am in NA I so wish they had international guesting.
I can teach whatever starting in 3 hours. If people are up ?
Please teach me fractals.
I can teach whatever starting in 3 hours. If people are up ?
Please teach me fractals.
Lolz, I’m by no means a fractal teacher, but hey, whatevs !
I would like to join the guild as student.
I’m a support mesmer as main. Something my fellow guildies love in dungeons,
I still need some hints and tips on when using which utilities, when some weapons are
Needed, ranged/melee…mechanics etc.
My ingame name is Eschrah
Hello I recently made a post in reddit! and got a reply that took me here I would like to join your guild and start learning all the great dungeons that GW2 bring us
not just Arah.
My Acc is Darkls.3591
Thank for reading this
Had my first run out today in Arah with mentors Enaretos and Iris, it was amazing.
The mentors really know their stuff, explain fights, boss attacks, telegraphs, counters let you practice things like kiting lupi jsut to dodge/block his attack, and answer any general queries about anything. More importantly they have the patience of saints when it comes down to newbies messing things up
Had a great time, great laughs and learnt so much, really looking foward to more runs, thanks guys
Sorry that I couldn’t run with you! I was busy this evening making new content “for Linksville”.
Sorry that I couldn’t run with you! I was busy this evening making new content “for Linksville”.
Before you post it, check out the FAQ regarding speedrun videos. Support gave me a format on how to post the links so that the thread doesn’t go to linksville.
But… I already… never mind :/
Mind sharing? Either it’s not in this forum’s FAQ or I am too dumb to find it.
The last one on that post
Oh, I am so…. facepalm*
Oh, I am so…. facepalm*
It’s okay. It’s the early morning where I am, I’ll just assume the same for you.
Congratulations to Fairytayl, he’s a Lupicus slayer now!
Yay! Congratulations!
haha you even put it on the forums XD well it’s all thanks to your patience and your wonderfull teaching. Now the time is to more practice and who know one day i might get a lupi kill record like you
Hello, I’d like to join your guild as a student. I’m running a warrior. Thanks!
Congratulations to Fairytayl, he’s a Lupicus slayer now!
Am I required to send an invite?
I think I should mention I am now starting to tutor Twilight Arbor, and maybe even Sorrow’s Embrace once I remind myself how the paths go again.
I think I should mention I am now starting to tutor Twilight Arbor, and maybe even Sorrow’s Embrace once I remind myself how the paths go again.
I love teaching TA. definitely my favorite.
I’d be interested in getting mentored in pretty much every dungeon and Fractals as well. I’m kinda PuG-averse so I’ve barely touched dungeons, and since I’ve now finally got some IRL friends starting to play (and to reach 80), I’d like to be able to teach them the dungeons myself! Thus, I wish to learn them from the ground up. Look forward to seeing you all in game.
No one brave enough for Arah? I thought I would get students in this guild :/
Congratulations to Fairytayl, he’s a Lupicus slayer now!
Am I required to send an invite?
Of course.
Love to get in on the action as student. Can I get an invite for NA servers please.
awesome if i can and see you in game
Hey NOOB I would like to be added as a student & want to progress to mentor.
I won’t be in game in 4 hours. I really appreciate it if anyone can help me send the invites.
Quick question: what is the limit of members a guild can have?
I won’t be in game in 4 hours. I really appreciate it if anyone can help me send the invites.
Quick question: what is the limit of members a guild can have?
500 members I think.
Ouch, guys, you’ve got to graduate so I can kick ya!!!
Hey guys I’d like an invite for the guild. I already run daily AC 1/3, CoF 1/2, SE 1/3, HotW 1 (before troll), CM sometimes, but I want to learn CoE 1/2/3, TA up/fwd and Arah. I run meta guardian. Thanks!
All invites sent so far.
Could I get an invite? I’ve been away from the game for a LONG time, and would like to re-learn it!
Requesting an invite to the guild.
I’ve been playing the game for quite some time, but Arah has always intimidated me.
Who would be the best person to pm to ask about the NA guild? Cheers
What would you like to know? I’ll try to answer your questions. I’m currently offline and won’t be on for the next 16 hours due to a change in my internet plan, so send me a forum PM.
had a great run yesterday in Fractals
some problems (on my side) with teamspeak, but still learned A LOT.
Requesting an invite!
I’d love to learn TA once my mesmer hits 80. =)
I’d like an invite too, learning arah speedruns and get more into fractals would be awesome
I posted before and never got an invite…
I would like to be a student – Any dungeon, any path
NA player, Kaineng server
I am on ~8-12 PM Eastern time every weekday, weekends depend on my schedule.
Repping DD on all my characters (Mostly my Norn Guardian – Nordic Hammer)
Personal Side Note: I hate WvW Mapping… 98% Map Completion…
Still need more EU mentors! Most of us are not exactly people with lots of free time!
Sooooo, I happen to be free tomorrow afternoon and I’d like to take some time to teach something. Anyone up for anything ?
Hi all! I’d like to join your guild as a student. I main a guardian, but I’ve started and am loving using my engi.
I’m on NA and I’ve done all the paths of AC, CM, TA, and SE. I want to learn HotW, CoE, Arah, and Fractals.
Hello, We Teach How We Want. I would greatly appreciated being invited as a student. Learning the dungeons is a necessity for me, because I need gold and the experience(both exp. for my character, and the mental memorization experience :P)
A big thanks. It has been so hard finding anyone willing to stand still for three seconds to help me. I’m glad to finally find some people willing to help.
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