Dungeon - More rewarding (scale mechanism)
While I would love hardmode in dungeons I don’t feel cheesy and annoying mechanics to eliminate skipping and stacking are the way to do it. That’s just that, annoying and not fun.
What a hardmode needs is bosses with multiple phazes and difficult mechanics (sorta like lupi but harder).
All in all I’d prefer if Anet focuses on making a NEW dungeon first. I’d love some fresh content that isn’t zerg zerg zerg. Let’s just hope if it ever comes it won’t have that “creative puzzle fun” people were talking about in the fractal CDI.
‘lets-stay on this corner and auto-attack’ that happens on some dungeons.
Oh dear… Here we go again…
OP can you record yourself and show us all that stacking is so easy and you only spam 1. Pls do it on lupicus or an risen mage trash elite.
OP can you record yourself and show us all that stacking is so easy and you only spam 1. Pls do it on lupicus or an risen mage trash elite
Yes pls! How about those 4 elite risen before grenth? ( Hunter, Illusionist, Elementalist and Mage) i think thats a very good example to proof the exploitness of stacking which only requires 1 spamming.
Youre not allowed to use ulitiys because that isnt 1.
PS: i cant do that because i suck and i only have double pistol on my thief
Double pistol? Try pistol/dagger you casual.
Yes, I too ask you to record yourself while doing all dungeons – not only AC; stack on every enemy pack and boss and spam 1 only. No utilities allowed, and no dodging because it’s an exploit.
I’ll be waiting.
Oh, and not a single skip on every mob in Arah. Not one. It’s time you guys stop ranting and start backing up your claims as the “elitists” do.
I think many people would enjoy hard modes.
But these simply seem like spiteful changes that would allow players who don’t do the speed run tactics to get extra rewards for playing inefficiently.
I do find it funny that people are so against it. It’s simply using your brain. We were cornering mobs in ‘99 in EQ, it’s an ancient tactic. In this game it’s still a high risk/high reward situation. Having all the AEs dropped on the group vs all spread out, and being range, etc. It’d be much safer to not be all sitting together, but if you’re good you can use it to your advantage knowing that it’s all landing in one spot so you can projectile block, or just time dodges.
Really want to prevent that… give more bosses whatever Feona(sp?) in TA has. She hates staying in the corner, more often than not we will have her starting on one wall and on another by half way through. So whatever they did with her works pretty well to prevent stacking.
If they really want to prevent skipping they can do the same thing they did to us in EQ, kill reqs. Simply tie in events to not start until certain criteria are met. TA the wurms don’t spawn if any of the tree people are alive. Stuff like that. AC when you collect scepter parts there’s also a graveling kill counter so you can’t just train through and warp. Stuff like that.
I just think the OPs answers to the concerns basically punishes those who use their brains and find these techniques, while offering ways to get extra rewards to those who avoid those already. The day it becomes wrong to use my brain in a game is the day I quit that game.
@ OP
Oh sure, wanting to make stealth not viable. So much thief hate for the little utility they are able to bring.
(edited by aliono nighteye.3126)
Reposting my post from another thread about how to encourage dungeon “clears”:
I would like to see more “full clears” of dungeons, but in order for that to happen, we’d need to make it more worthwhile to players from a time and loot perspective. I’d personally look at the following:
1. Currently, most enemies in dungeons tend to be Elites, which take a fair amount of time to kill for not necessarily better loot. Perhaps ANet can look at scaling down most of these enemies to Veterans, and most of the Champions to Elites (except for named foes, which always remain Champion or higher). Legendary foes in a dungeon (like Kholer) also get bumped down to Champion status unless they are particularly noteworthy foes from a lore or gameplay perspective. The boss at the end of dungeons is always a Legendary foe.
As a side benefit, this also makes foes less dangerous so there isn’t as much focus on “killing the enemy before they kill us” strategy which should help decrease emphasis on the Zerker meta.
2. To buff the loot from foes, Veterans now always drop a Loot Bag appropriate for their race/type, plus possible additional loot. Elites will always drop a non-Exotic Champ bag, plus possible additional loot. (These changes apply to the open world too.)
3. Players can still “skip” dungeon events (I’m talking about bonus events as well as main events like fighting Kholer) if they really want to, but if they complete all of the dungeon’s events, they get a bonus daily chest containing 1+ Rares (with a chance for it to be an Exotic), coin and tokens. This chest is given out once per path per account per day.
4. Introduce a “Dungeon Conqueror” title for killing every single enemy in a dungeon path in a single run (aka “vanquishing” for you GW1 vets.
). You have to vanquish all paths in each of the dungeons to get this title. (Since enemies in dungeons do not respawn, this should be feasible where it wouldn’t be in the open world. Certain dungeons like Arah where enemies DO respawn are changed so enemies are finite.)
Unless you lot have forgotten, there is no dungeon team. The only changes we will ever see to dungoens are stealth nerfs and Living Story crap. I don’t want either.
[S]illy [L]ittle [U]gly [T]rolls – our little dungeon forum community
“My mind has left, my body follows”
You could easily promote the idea of clearing dungeons by adding some kind of extra dungeon reward at the end if: “every single monster is dead at the end of the dungeon”
It would sort of be like vanquishing areas in GW1