Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: FourthVariety.5463


Ascalon Catacombs
Lieutenant Kholer can be skipped. This boss should not be skippable.
The cave troll and Lieutenant Kholer can also be pulled together to fight each other.

Crucible of Eternity
Enhanced Destroyer: If you do not try to hAxx0r this boss, then the platforms on one of the sides are awfully far apart. The expected ratio of failure is so high that playing cheap carries a very high reward. It is also possible that the enhanced destroyer will cast his dragon tooth in such a fashion that none of the platforms is safe. You are then at the mercy of being lucky enough to stand close enough to the border of the platform to perform a dodge roll. The lava pit has stairs but is another 100% chance of dying, if you get tossed into it. Japanese rule of three: firing the laser three times, going down and moshing the boss should be enough. His shield respawns way too fast for this encounter to be fun. In my experience, every group just laughs at this boss and calls it a time sink.

Subject Alpha will cast his signature double-rings on every illusion and every minion. This can either lead to frustrated players griefing the group, or Mesmers being out of good options.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jiminimokna.1270


I have not farmed dungeons, so I don’t know what it was like before this patch, but I can say that I think the system for dungeons is flawed, and this has nothing to do with the difficulty of bosses and monsters, I like having to work out the new way of killing things (and surviving) in guild wars 2.

Rewards should be per boss kill, not at the end. With the way the dungeons work, if someone leaves (for whatever reason) the dungeon resets, that can be 2-3 hours lost.

If people are farming dungeons for gear tokens, then you can limit how many tokens they get after that initial run on a DR system, instead of making those of us that are not farming over and over having to suffer, especially with the current bugs in the game that can cause the dungeon to reset if someone leaves etc.

First run you get 20 tokens per boss
2nd run you get 10 tokens per boss
3rd you get 5 tokens per boss
4th+ you get none.

I don’t know what the cooldown should be but maybe allowing it to reset every 8 hours would be sufficient. If someone really has that much time to spend in the game, I dont think penalising them more than that is fair for their time invested.

There should also be something in each players UI Hero pane that tells them their cooldown.

Go Rin No Sho – Gandara EU
PvE, PvP, WvWvW

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Silverghost.4192


I posted this somewhere else but it seems to fit better here as the other spot was a tag on to a different topic.

Can you guys take a look at the Path 1 DR code for this run?
My group can clear this path in less than 15 minutes without any exploits. I heard someone say that some of the Devs play on Tarnished Coast. If you guys would like to come with us on a run to see it and make sure we’re not doing something wrong that would be great.
It really stinks when you’re exactly 60 tokens away from getting your 300 token weapon and the DR code hits you and you only get 30 tokens.
We actually did this path again in 15 minutes and then took a 15 minute break to get food before killing the last boss just so we didn’t hit the DR.
It seems like the code is 30 minutes or more for full rewards.
imo we should not have to sit and do nothing to get rewarded. If anything we should get a bonus or a reward for doing it faster.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dilandau.6048


I did my first run today on CM and got 20 tokens?? I thought the DR was fixed…

gonna ride the world like a merry-go-round

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sentinel VX.1392

Sentinel VX.1392

Inquest mega blaster(CoE Story) is ridiculous. They can almost one hit kill you with a single shot if you are trying to melee them because you can’t see the projectile coming if you are too close, even the projectile follow you around making dodging becomes useless.

Legendary Searing Effigy is too easy. It doesn’t even have an attack that can hit you really hard.

Sea of Sorrow since BWE.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Graywolves.8023


I fought Searing Effigy yet again today and I said it already but it deserves to be said again. You really need to undo the changes. This has gone from one of the most challenging encounters (which I completed first time in all blue gear, I only bring that up because for some reason people think only exotic geared people on vent can do some of the dungeons [we don’t use voice comm either]) to one of the easiest. Everything is just completely negligable. The animation/circle you added wasn’t necessary, I honestly never noticed it before and just ignore it now. His attacks literally don’t matter now. I seriously did nothing but stand there my last encounter and took his hits. Got knocked back a couple times, knocked down a couple times. Just used stun-breaker and got back up and continued hitting him.

I think we might have had 1 person occasionally killing crystals or something.

Just revert it back to the way it was, it was fine. It was very difficult but that’s something that should be expected. Perhaps add some character dialogue like “You’ll never take out all the crystals/powering shards, you better split up and keep the hurt on him while a couple keep those things at a reasonable number.”

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Robert Hrouda.1327


Robert Hrouda.1327

Content Designer


To the people claiming the Searing effigy encounter is made so much easier, please read the first page post I made about exactly what those changes were. I reduced the crystal toughness a bit, added a red ring/strike/effect to one of his attacks, and didn’t change of his numbers. He’s not any easier than he was before – people are just getting better at the encounter. I can always toughen him up though! lol

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wizardauz.3761


Lol you mention toughening him up and then it all goes quiet.

Did Searing Effigy last night for the first time. Boy, what-a-fight! 2 Guardians, Mesmer, Elementalist, and Thief. I main-tanked the boss (as best i could) while at first 2 of us only got crystals. Then more came, which eventually turned in 3 on crystals and 2 on boss.

Eventually after struggling to get him past 25% i made the call to get everyone off the crystals as soon as they killed the ones that were near them and we all did a focus fire on the last 25% and took him down.

It was almost 30min fight itself. (Took a while to get use to it) But we did it. Lot of fun, really challenging, out of the ordinary. Best things a boss could have. Thanks Robert

Ehmry Bay – Good Fights Guild Leader
Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ryokoalways.3450


You will need to toughen him up some in my opinion. You can kill him while completely ignoring the crystals right now, and it’s not even detrimental to dps efficiency. Avoid a couple of attacks and just mash out abilities is how the current fight is going.

I wouldn’t make the crystals harder to kill, but I think the effects of the crystal needs to be more noticeable. Additionally, the effigy itself really needs to pose a threat.

Thank you,

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Graywolves.8023


I’m flattered at the possibility that my group and I are just amazing now and roll over something we used to concider a great challenge.

So yes, please toughen him up :]

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fay.2735


Just here to give some feedback in regards to the searing effigy fight.

So in the past I voiced my concern about it being too difficult because it was too highly based on RNG and/or DPS output and there were some things the boss did that gave no indication of it happening (Such as the burning effect) and getting the regen stacks down was difficult.

I’m happy about the general improvements of the fight like being able to see the burn effect AOE that really helps a lot by giving the control back to the player in the regards to that ability. I also like that the crystals were made weaker al though I feel they were made too weak now.

So now my concern about the effigy fight is that I feel it’s been nerfed too much. I also felt like my feedback should be constructive since I was one of the ones voicing my concern of the difficulty previously and I don’t particularly want to come across as one of those typical QQ’ers but rather help balancing out the fight. I suppose it’s a hard balance to strike so after doing the fight a few times and carefully thinking of what feedback to give to balance the fight better here are some of my suggestions.

What I would suggest is making the crystals harder but not as hard as before (An in between would be better) also I would make it so that in order to do damage to the boss he has to have a maximum of 5/7 regen/might stacks on him. Any more and he becomes immune to damage. This would force people to deal with the crystals as was intended rather than burning straight through him with the help of poisons. By making the crystals a bit harder it will make the fight more challenging and less zergy in feeling.

I absolutely love the mechanics of this fight it’s one of my favourites together with subject alpha, kholer and lupicus. So I’d like to see this fight balanced perfectly so it’s not too hard or too easy and that nuking down is no longer a viable tactic.

I’m just slightly concerned as well about these suggestions because it would be very easy to make it too hard again. Currently path 1 is considered the easiest now which is not what I hoped would come out of my concern of difficulty as I’ve stated before I like the dungeons to be hard but within the players skill to combat.

My concern with the Effigy was that it was too depended on DPS output previously and the crystal tactic was hard because the crystals had too much health. I think with my above suggestions of making him immune if the crystals aren’t dealed with and making the crystals slightly harder but not as hard as before it ‘should’ strike a balance.

Either way I feel that the boss shouldn’t be able to be nuked down so easily. I’d like to see parties having to confront the mechanics of this fight as it’s good practice leading up to subject alpha and lupicus.

•— Fay Everdunes | Fay Erduna | Lilyfay (Fay.2735) — Mesmer/Revenant — [NA]FA — 8k±Hrs Played —•
Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds

(edited by Fay.2735)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Memphisjz.1405


Could any Anet Dev reading this post please reply (as my thread in Players Helping Players got no attention):

The patch notes of 25/09 mention:

“Updated vendors in the Ascalonian Catacombs and Caudecus’s Manor to sell level 80 versions of their unique skins rather than level 60 and 70. Players who purchased the level 60 and 70 versions will soon be given the opportunity to upgrade those to level 80 without having to use transmutation stones”

Was this opportunity already given? The reason I ask is that i already transmuted my ghastly shield with a level 80 (rare) shield, and i’m worried that i might no longer get this opportunity as the script looking for people who have the level 60 version might not work for me anymore?
If not, any ETA?

Hylo Hammerswing [AoA]
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Robert Hrouda.1327


Robert Hrouda.1327

Content Designer


Hey Memph,

To my knowledge it has not happened yet. I imagine it will happen on the next patch, or possibly the patch after that. To evoke Colin Johanson, we’ll do it when it’s ready!

I don’t know exactly how it will work, so I can’t say whether or not for certain your situation will be covered. I’ll flail my arms at the people responsible for implementing it to make sure it’s on their radar though.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

We would love the fix of story mode with more appropriate rewards than trash as promised, and the NPC vendor visible inworld. I’m still struck on storymode, following the advice of devs telling us to wait an update about story mode to receive better rewards completing story mode..

Dungeon Master http://i.imgur.com/Hoqw3.jpg ME http://i.imgur.com/R41MGzB.jpg Fractal Guild Promoter

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: FourthVariety.5463


Define better rewards:

Option 1: More money/karma/xp/cowbell
Welcome to Endless Farmruns Inc. If not, farm someplace else, complain about other places not living up to reward expectation. Doing explorable runs already is the fastest way to powerlevel characters, especially AC.

Option 2: More items
Most items are already down to 1-3 silver, save only for a few rare items. Let’s say you were level 60, then even among level 60 rares, there is a 66% chance you won’t even be able to equip them. Even if you could, then the stats might be not what you want. Even if you like the stats, you might not like the skin and even if you do like the skin, you need a new weapon at level 70 at the very least.

Option 3: More Tokens in Story Mode
One explorable fullrun already translates to a full set of rares from a dungeon. The special skins are level 80, so I am not sure where to this would go. A 4th path to farm daily?

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Robert Hrouda.1327


Robert Hrouda.1327

Content Designer

Instead of locking this thread down, I’m just going to un-sticky it. People can keep it alive if they so choose. Otherwise, please transition all conversation to this new super cool thread:
