Dungeon Patch Discussion 11/15

Dungeon Patch Discussion 11/15

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Holm.7058


It would have been nice if it was placed elsewhere than Lion’s Arch. LA had just become a center for finding any dungeon group, I’m a huge fan of dungeoning and I would just enter the city and write “LFG any exp”. Now I spend most of the time in overflow and its noway as easy finding group for other dungeons than fractals.
I’m not into fractals itself, no real rewards and agony was a stupid idea in GW1 and it still is, but if people enjoy it, let ’em. Would have just been nice it if was outside LA.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 11/15

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


its not like you are forced to use magic find gear if you dont want a party member with magic find then dont get a party member with magic find but dont bash the rest of the population because you dint like something, if anything the dungeons need a revamp in dificulty. why should i be lvl 80 and have a party at lvl 80 so we stand a chance in a level 35-50 dungeon.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 11/15

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: haviz.1340


its not like you are forced to use magic find gear if you dont want a party member with magic find then dont get a party member with magic find but dont bash the rest of the population because you dint like something, if anything the dungeons need a revamp in dificulty. why should i be lvl 80 and have a party at lvl 80 so we stand a chance in a level 35-50 dungeon.

Few things need to be explained here. You’re not forced to use mf gear but if you’re pugging there’s a chance (even high) that someone will wear it. And since almost no one asks to ping equipment you’re unaware that you might carry his kitten

Secondly, I lvled up 2 characters solely (from 35 lvl) in dungeons so saying that you need to be lvl 80 is really out of a place. If you say that people force you to be lvl 80, hey that’s the same situation here.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 11/15

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

By the way, I want to request to please add a tutorial on infusions to the Fractals dungeon. Right now the merchant and his items are just thrown at you, with no explanation of what infusions are, and how to apply them to your equipment.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Dungeon Patch Discussion 11/15

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: octo.7123


While I do like the addition of the bags of wondrous loot I do have a problem with it with one dungeon and path in particular, Arah path 3 and the first boss(s). Yet again people are back to farming these two guys for easy shards, I recall this behavior is why you guys took the dungeon tokens out of chests to begin with.

As someone who regularly runs Arah, but does NOT farm the first boss(s) of path 3 I find this to cheapen the Arah dungeon gear as now people who can’t be bothered to properly complete this dungeon will eventually get all the gear from it.

Arah is a hard dungeon, (for the most part) and I’d like its gear to actually mean something. Now I fear that when people see me in my armor they’re just going to assume I got it by farming those easy bosses over and over. I suggest at the very least you remove the bag’s of wondrous loot from those two champion risen that comprise the first boss fight of path 3.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 11/15

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: baalblade.8465


Dungeons content probably the worse part of this game.

1) Difficult to find group, if the specific dungeon not hard enough, now we have specific separate story & explore mode. Especially with Fractal with multiple levels.

2) Lack of incentive reward. Why do this dungeon to get this little where you can do other to get more? Why do you think people like to farm AC?

3) Unbalances, many non-boss monsters just couple hits or instant kill players. It’s worse when they are in group near impossible. Recommend level is inaccurate with the dungeon difficulty (ex: CM story difficulty =/= level 40, lv40 players die constantly)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 11/15

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sitael.4680


Just two things:

1) Fractals of the Mists:
- you have to fix the Fractal-Disconnect problem. It has to be possible, that the same user with the same character can rejoin the gruop after a disconnect. This issue is the worst kind of instance desing i ever experienced in an MMO. Frustrating for all affected players and a sure way to controversy and disput in guilds/friendships till to separation.
- you need to fix the client-crush issus with fractale *
- you need to write an FAQ to the Fractals: they are so many questions – ingame to – about how to progress the levels in the fractals (the wiki describe it not good enough!) ** .

2) The new kind of Magic Find in Dungeons:
This is a 100% NOGO. This is an absolutely (pug-) group/guild killer. Remove it and just adjust the loottable for the mobs. Same chance for all group members.

ad * ) it hapens to us two times that all of us had a client crush at the same time. frustrating if this occurs just before or in the bossfight in the 3rd fractal.
ad ** ) many people do not know, that they do not lose their level if they go and help others in lower levels and so on.

(edited by Sitael.4680)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 11/15

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MKKR.9401


1) Fractals of the Mists:
- you have to fix the Fractal-Disconnect problem. It has to be possible, that the same user with the same character can rejoin the gruop after a disconnect. This issue is the worst kind of instance desing i ever experienced in an MMO. Frustrating for all affected players and a sure way to controversy and disput in guilds/friendships till to separation.
- you need to fix the client-crush issus with fractale *

this so much ;_; This issue scared my whole guild from doing any kind of fractals for a while after we crashed the first two runs lmao

Dungeon Patch Discussion 11/15

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Illiander.8049


To all the people complaining about magic find: take a loot at this thread.

Solution to magic find and power creep all in one package.

Playing on Gentoo.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 11/15

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: JackWolfsong.2690


It’s not only the dungeons’ issue the thing that you say about MF. For me it’s a big fun spoiler. Sincerely, I’m not an individual that enjoys all kinds of mini-games GW2 has to offer. I don’t like map completion chests from home locations, I don’t like jumping puzzles, I don’t care about the achievements at all but cmon guys, rack your brains to make these things enjoyable cause now they aren’t (for me at least). Grinding gamers ought to feel a little bit pressed to do other things than simple gold farming, rough gold farming is what makes your game shallow. Somebody must have suggested it before me cause it’s not my thought basicaly but I would turn Magic Find into atribute gained for some (or all) of the following:
1. Achievements (only completed ones).
2. Map Completion.
3. Opened chests during the week time.
Number of other things which don’t really make sense for my taste since would require too much counting.

If you decide to remove MF from the eq (which I hope will happen) don’t forget about compensating it to players with free-to-change-once-and-for-good-piece-of-equipement.

Well, it’s just a suggestion though ;P

Dungeon Patch Discussion 11/15

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Reaglass.9658


Alright I just wanted to thank you for Fractals. All these people who can’t see past the fact they want loot at others expense without having to work as a team can go ahead and hate it. However I think the checkpoint system should be added to all dungeons instead of waypoints. Waypoints support the “Just die and run back” idea. Its not fair because then it can be exploited as letting someone else in team die so you can just down the boss and get the loot without paying out repairs. Checkpoint supports teamwork and it’s much better than that.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 11/15

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Well, I finally got the “pleasure” of doing the swamp Fractal, since every other pug so far always instantly quits to the teleporter room when ever it comes up. I finally got to see what all the fuss is about… and as much as I tried to like it… I really hate the swamp.

Truth be told, we had an inexperienced team, and the communication wasn’t top notch. Hell, it was only at level 7, but some players already had a hard time not-dying.

But I can finally see where some of the frustration comes from. This fractal just really sucks the speed out of any run, unless you happen to have teleporting mesmers. Its not really hard, we got it in about 6 tries. But its annoying because its a time based challenge. I hate time based challenges. Usually in any of the Fractals, if someone messes up, its okay because the rest can simply continue. But with the swamp Fractal, you really need everyone to not mess up. And that’s the thing with pugs, there’s always one of two players that keep messing up. And there’s nothing you can do about it.

If a player is just really bad during a boss battle, the team will just end up having to revive him a lot, but they still can beat the boss. But with the swamp Fractal, you keep having to redo the running of the whisps thing every single time someone else messes up. And that’s just really annoying.

Perhaps worse, is that there’s really not a lot to fight in the swamp Fractal, so its really just a big waste of any magic find cookies you have active. There’s no loot, apart from the chest after beating Moss Man. There’s really not anything to look forward to when the swamp Fractal comes up.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Dungeon Patch Discussion 11/15

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: striker.3704


RNG in fractals was terrible decision. Ascended gear should be tokens just like every single other dungeon in this game.

If you want to cater to the WoW baby RNG players, do it with skins, not with top end gear.

Also the old dungeons aren’t worth doing except for skins. There needs to be even more incentive to do them.

D/S/R necromancer F/A/T elementalist
S/I/F engineer Z/R/D guard

Dungeon Patch Discussion 11/15

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Reaglass.9658


I agree and disagree with Striker. My opinion.. Let WoW baby RNG players go back to WoW. They are a plague that ruins good games. Personally I rather not see them in GW2.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 11/15

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dante.1508


Fix the old dungeons before adding new content twice today AC broke on us its tiring doing hours upon hours for nothing, and pitiful 60 token reward does not help for the hassle dungeons have become..

Dungeon Patch Discussion 11/15

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hellkaiser.6025


RNG in fractals was terrible decision. Ascended gear should be tokens just like every single other dungeon in this game.

If you want to cater to the WoW baby RNG players, do it with skins, not with top end gear.

Also the old dungeons aren’t worth doing except for skins. There needs to be even more incentive to do them.

RNG fails, that’s for sure. But you can’t blame “WoW babies” for that, it’s been a well used dynamic in rpg games for a long time.

Irony…. xD

Dungeon Patch Discussion 11/15

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: JungleNin.8379


If you want to cater to the WoW baby RNG players, do it with skins, not with top end gear..

Yeah, let’s bring back the good ol’ fashion 1e DnD version of things.