Colossus Rumblus:
It was amusing seeing all those red circles for the first time, I’ll give you that. However you need to choose between making a monster have an instant-kill move or have extremely powerful regular attacks, you cannot have both on the same monster, that is bad design.
-Colossus’s regular attacks do way more damage then is necessary. This wouldn’t be so bad if we had room to move around inside of Grast’s shield bubble, but there is little margin for error if you’re going to allow a monster to move around and attack while channeling an instant-kill attack.
-I understand that you allow Colossus to move around after starting the boulder drop attack but allowing him to knock you out of the shield into certain death completely? You have to allow him to move so that he can come to Grast so that people with melee builds can attack him instead of being useless inside the shield, but then you punish melee players by giving him knockback and making his regular attacks do a ridiculous amount of damage. The design choices for this fight are in conflict with one another and in the end it’s more efficient to just sit back and ranged attack him to death then risk death by pure damage or being knocked back into the rocks.
-We didn’t have any problems with Grast dying or the shield not working, but since I’m hearing reports of that too then there is definite need of some adjusting here.
How this could be fixed:
-Lower Colossus’s attack rate OR damage and remove his knockback.
-Lower the spawn rate/radius of the rocks so that if you are skilled enough you won’t die if caught outside the shield bubble.
The minor things:
-Why did you feel the need to give every single Graveling some form of knockback? Nobody likes not having control of their character that often as was evidenced by the complaints about Risen Putrifiers in Orr. This does nothing but waste everybody’s time and is an annoyance that has no place in this dungeon.
-Raising the HP of the Spider and Graveling Hatchlings. Again this does nothing but waste everybody’s time for seemingly no reason, it also makes it nearly impossible to rally yourself if you get downed.
-Raising the spawn rate of the Graveling Hatchlings and their attack power. Why was this needed? Hatchlings were already a threat if you left them alone for too long, why did you feel the need to make them a threat even in small numbers? You also broke the framerate of your game in the process, so this serves zero purpose.
-Increasing the damage and number of the poison fields that Spider Queen puts out. This wouldn’t be so bad if by simply attacking the Spider Queen we didn’t push her into a corner/wall and make it so the fields are almost constantly on top of her, thus once again making Ranged Attacks the most efficient way of dealing with a boss. I do appreciate the sound effect for the web attack though, it’s nice.
-Graveling Stalkers. You turned several mobs in the dungeon into the final boss of CoF Path 3, the path that nobody runs specifically because the boss takes too long to kill because it goes invulnerable every few seconds. This serves no purpose other than to waste people’s time, so why did you change it? I realize that it doesn’t go invulnerable if nobody gets hit by that attack, but that is asking too much of people unless they are in a static together which brings me to my last point.
-You made this dungeon completely un-friendly for any form of Pick Up Group. All of the changes require coordination that any number of random people simply do not have and that goes directly against your overall design philosophy. I have 2 friends I run with regularly, which means we need 2 random people to get a full group. Those 2 random people were the cause of most of our deaths when we did this revamped dungeon, and it wasn’t even that they were bad players, it was just that they couldn’t communicate as well with us. I suspect that even having one member in a group that isn’t established and knows how the group works together would cause unnecessary frustration. You took one of the few things in the game that was completely PUG friendly and made it a chore for them.
How to fix these:
-Return the Spider and Graveling Hatchling HP back to the original values.
-Spawn rate of Graveling Hatchlings can stay the same if the above is met and you fix the framerate issue.
-Remove the knockback from regular Gravelings.
-Remove the invulnerability from Graveling Stalkers
-Make Spider Queen easier to position and give her some form of stability so that when people hit her she doesn’t continually move backwards.
-I haven’t fought Troll yet so I don’t know if that needs to be adjusted, but if it’s anything like the above points please take a look at that too.
(Post 2 of 3)