Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Samuel.2381


I am not going to lie, I was very disappointed by this update, reward got heavily reduced and that you have too kite the mobs for 200 seconds instead of 70 in CoF is just crazy guys, please get it back to how it was

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fluffycalico.2715


I am sad that now you get twice as many tokens yet thoughs who ran it correctly did not get extra tokens in the mail. Basically everything we did til now just got cut in half in value. Just as if they had made the items cost half as much would have done to people who already bought the gear.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ThatTallGuyX.3058


For the love of god…

ANET can you just hot fix this awful reward degradation system out of the game until you fix it. You promised your players at least 60 tokens per path a day but from the looks of it the tokens are being reduced by a percentage similar to that of the silver reduction percentage. Some players are affected and some aren’t, as of right now your poorly implemented system is causing a HUGE imbalance between players who are earning the correct amount to the players who are not.

Just take it out for now, let us get our correct amount of loot per run. Then if you want to stop us from grinding the same path a million times than just fix the system, test it properly then implement it. You are severely hurting the willpower and enthusiasm players have for your dungeons with these broken systems in place.

You can do this now that Magg’s path takes just as long as the others. That was the whole reason for the degradation system right? We were doing the same run because it was the fastest? Well if all the paths work now and they give the same loot AND we get more for doing the daily.. then why the heck would we even want to run the same path twice in a row?

Degradation system is obsolete in my opinion , the extra daily reward has made it so.

Aside from this issue great job on the dungeons I believe they are just the right difficulty all around.

Level 80

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Eley.1907


Also new badges (from CoF) do not stack with old badges

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ThatTallGuyX.3058


I am sad that now you get twice as many tokens yet thoughs who ran it correctly did not get extra tokens in the mail. Basically everything we did til now just got cut in half in value. Just as if they had made the items cost half as much would have done to people who already bought the gear.

This isn’t true we were able to obtain the gear before everyone else who got it the easy way. Also why are you upset you are getting more tokens per run now… Do some more runs and stop looking for handouts. ( I would wait till they fix the loot system first though).

Level 80

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rylain.2379


To summarise the patch:

So, if I get into a group of 4 other people in a same guild (lets say Guild X), and we reach up to the last phase of a dungeon, say CoF path 2 (Magg) for easy reference.

Then those 4 people decide to kick me and invite another Guild X member to finish up the dungeon.

So I get nothing, and all 5 of them get full reward.

I would have thought more thought was given to this before implementation.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ref.8196


Can’t you people be patient for 1 day while they fix this obvious bug?

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rylain.2379


Can’t you people be patient for 1 day while they fix this obvious bug?

Only 1 person posted on the bug, others posted on design flaws, if you bothered to read.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vexrm.6134


What is the timer to prevent farming? Even if it’s an exaggerated timer I’m good. I just want to know if I’m going to be punished running one dungeon path twice in the same number of days.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sarne.4528


While the apparent bug with some peoples’ counters not resetting is unfortunate, it was already present in the previous patch.

I do want to say that moving the token rewards to the end was an excellent change. I’m glad that people who don’t deserve the gear by exploitative farming are no longer able to do so.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rylain.2379


While the apparent bug with some peoples’ counters not resetting is unfortunate, it was already present in the previous patch.

I do want to say that moving the token rewards to the end was an excellent change. I’m glad that people who don’t deserve the gear by exploitative farming are no longer able to do so.

So if you got kicked just before the last phase by the other 4 people, and they invite another guy to replace you, you are happy with that?

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Loe.6351


Can’t you people be patient for 1 day while they fix this obvious bug?

Dungeons are bugged for one week. Cant the devs be patient and only put updates fully tested?

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dardor.9508


To summarise the patch:

So, if I get into a group of 4 other people in a same guild (lets say Guild X), and we reach up to the last phase of a dungeon, say CoF path 2 (Magg) for easy reference.

Then those 4 people decide to kick me and invite another Guild X member to finish up the dungeon.

So I get nothing, and all 5 of them get full reward.

I would have thought more thought was given to this before implementation.

Erk, didn’t even think of that. Yes it is pretty terrible implementation. Especially painful for randoms.

Game day is 12:00 AM GMT to 11:59 PM GMT. Nothing resets in between those times!

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Pony.3256


I’ll start off by saying that I am a huge complainer and I posted constantly everyday about the last dungeon update.
You can see by going to go look at my posts.

I don’t understand everyone’s anger right now.
They gave us what we asked for.
I am shocked to see that people still want more.

1.) The tokens at the end make perfect sense.
People were exploiting it and only doing first boss for tokens and re-entering to farm them.
-If your party fails and does not make it to the end, that is on your party. Not ANet’s fault.
-If someone has to leave midway, again, that is on your party. Not ANet.

2.) Yes, some people aren’t getting all the tokens, but they already said it was a bug, so clearly it will be fixed.
The important thing is that it changed.
It’s what everyone wanted.

3.) (To the people who are saying it is unfair)
Majority of you speed ran and farmed for your previous tokens.
The new people had to deal with the bug of getting only a few tokens and having to work twice as hard as you did.
In no way should you get mailed more tokens. This update made it fair for everyone.

Now, that being said, I do agree that it wasn’t thought out correctly.
Why are we being punished for finishing a dungeon fast?
So if we have a good team, we’re marked as speed farming or something?

I also agree that things should be tested before going live.
ANet, you left us with bugged rewards for a week.
You guys need to test it before making us deal with it while we wait for the next “fix”.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sarne.4528


So if you got kicked just before the last phase by the other 4 people, and they invite another guy to replace you, you are happy with that?

I typically run with a dedicated group, so if I got replaced it was because I had a serious outage.

If you can manage to get someone else into the same instance afterward, that would be unfortunate for said user. Honestly though, this seems like a fix to prevent people from abusing “shard runs” and the like. They’ve already stated that it is not exactly permanent.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ThatTallGuyX.3058


While the apparent bug with some peoples’ counters not resetting is unfortunate, it was already present in the previous patch.

I do want to say that moving the token rewards to the end was an excellent change. I’m glad that people who don’t deserve the gear by exploitative farming are no longer able to do so.

So if you got kicked just before the last phase by the other 4 people, and they invite another guy to replace you, you are happy with that?

Good point that would not be cool lol.

I vote 20 tokens per boss only once a day… After that you can only get silver and items from the chests.

Each boss has a Daily 20 Token Reward. This would encourage that you do ALL three paths AND make players want to do other dungeons instead of grinding the same one.

It would also solve the problem of someone getting kicked say two bosses in because …well yeah they wouldn’t get the loot from the first two bosses because they already got it. BUT they would still be able to complete the dungeon with another group allowing them to get the rest of their tokens for the day.

Eh? Eh?

Level 80

(edited by ThatTallGuyX.3058)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DaedalusDragon.3754


I’ll start off by saying that I am a huge complainer and I posted constantly everyday about the last dungeon update.
You can see by going to go look at my posts.

I don’t understand everyone’s anger right now.
They gave us what we asked for.
I am shocked to see that people still want more.

1.) The tokens at the end make perfect sense.
People were exploiting it and only doing first boss for tokens and re-entering to farm them.
-If your party fails and does not make it to the end, that is on your party. Not ANet’s fault.
-If someone has to leave midway, again, that is on your party. Not ANet.

2.) Yes, some people aren’t getting all the tokens, but they already said it was a bug, so clearly it will be fixed.
The important thing is that it changed.
It’s what everyone wanted.

3.) (To the people who are saying it is unfair)
Majority of you speed ran and farmed for your previous tokens.
The new people had to deal with the bug of getting only a few tokens and having to work twice as hard as you did.
In no way should you get mailed more tokens. This update made it fair for everyone.

Now, that being said, I do agree that it wasn’t thought out correctly.
Why are we being punished for finishing a dungeon fast?
So if we have a good team, we’re marked as speed farming or something?

I also agree that things should be tested before going live.
ANet, you left us with bugged rewards for a week.
You guys need to test it before making us deal with it while we wait for the next “fix”.

The big problem (or one of them anyways) is that they are designing this game around people who “exploit” their terrible content design. I keep getting punished for playing the game the way they wanted me to because they can’t just leave it alone or take the time to figure out a smart response to this “exploiting”.

But who knows. Anyone wanna take bets on what bug will be “fixed” in the 10/1 update that is about a week away? I’m probably going to bet on the same, exact, bug that we have right now… You know what…. given all of this new information on how these patches are handled…. forget it, I don’t want them even looking at elementalists. We’ll probably get diminishing returns on attunement swapping that will be bugged and deal 200 damage each time we swap. Then it won’t get fixed for a few weeks.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Armstrong.1904


Here is the data from two runs of AC that we just finished a few minutes ago. The same five players did both runs and were all level 80. The last dungeon run prior to these two for players 1-4 was at approximately 9PM PST last night. It had been over a week since player 5 ran his last dungeon.

Run 1: AC, Detha, Start time: 11:50, End time: 12:15
Player 1: 45 tokens, 19.5 silver
Player 2: 60 tokens, 26 silver
Player 3: 45 tokens, 19.5 silver
Player 4: 45 tokens, 19.5 silver
Player 5: 60 tokens, 26 silver

Run 2: AC, Tzark, Start time: 12:22, End time: 12:53
Player 1: 30 tokens, 13 silver
Player 2: 60 tokens, 26 silver
Player 3: 30 tokens, 13 silver
Player 4: 30 tokens, 13 silver
Player 5: 45 tokens, 19.5 silver

These results are similar to what we have been experiencing since the DR system was introduced. Player 2 has been consistently getting correct rewards while the rest of us are getting permanently diminished rewards when, as far as I can tell, we have not been triggering DR conditions. Even if DR conditions were being triggered, we should all be getting the same rewards which is clearly not the case.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sunva.6485


So…on days u just feel like turning on the tv while gaming or doing homework/listening to music and u just farm u will get punished!

If u run dungeons to fast..u will be punished

no shards on bosses but only for the full run and we all know not all runs go to full completion. (wich they will change so a fix for there fix :S)

AAANNNDDDD mop came out..

hows the playerbase?

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Roll.6329


What happens if all I want is the fiery CoF gear and you’re limiting the amount I can run -that- instance each day? Bad idea. Just put tokens back in chests and fix the DR problem and everyone is happy.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rylain.2379


So if you got kicked just before the last phase by the other 4 people, and they invite another guy to replace you, you are happy with that?

I typically run with a dedicated group, so if I got replaced it was because I had a serious outage.

If you can manage to get someone else into the same instance afterward, that would be unfortunate for said user. Honestly though, this seems like a fix to prevent people from abusing “shard runs” and the like. They’ve already stated that it is not exactly permanent.

My personal opinion is that I disagree with you. I was a victim of being an ‘unaware filler’ for another person right until the end phase of a dungeon, in my stated example.

If a group manage to achieve and complete a phase of a dungeon, then they should be rewarded respectively. It’s not abuse if they did their job. I haven’t done Arah so I do not know how difficult or easy it is, but if its relatively easy then its the dungeon design’s flaw, is it not?

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Pony.3256


I’ll start off by saying that I am a huge complainer and I posted constantly everyday about the last dungeon update.
You can see by going to go look at my posts.

I don’t understand everyone’s anger right now.
They gave us what we asked for.
I am shocked to see that people still want more.

1.) The tokens at the end make perfect sense.
People were exploiting it and only doing first boss for tokens and re-entering to farm them.
-If your party fails and does not make it to the end, that is on your party. Not ANet’s fault.
-If someone has to leave midway, again, that is on your party. Not ANet.

2.) Yes, some people aren’t getting all the tokens, but they already said it was a bug, so clearly it will be fixed.
The important thing is that it changed.
It’s what everyone wanted.

3.) (To the people who are saying it is unfair)
Majority of you speed ran and farmed for your previous tokens.
The new people had to deal with the bug of getting only a few tokens and having to work twice as hard as you did.
In no way should you get mailed more tokens. This update made it fair for everyone.

Now, that being said, I do agree that it wasn’t thought out correctly.
Why are we being punished for finishing a dungeon fast?
So if we have a good team, we’re marked as speed farming or something?

I also agree that things should be tested before going live.
ANet, you left us with bugged rewards for a week.
You guys need to test it before making us deal with it while we wait for the next “fix”.

The big problem (or one of them anyways) is that they are designing this game around people who “exploit” their terrible content design. I keep getting punished for playing the game the way they wanted me to because they can’t just leave it alone or take the time to figure out a smart response to this “exploiting”.

But who knows. Anyone wanna take bets on what bug will be “fixed” in the 10/1 update that is about a week away? I’m probably going to bet on the same, exact, bug that we have right now… You know what…. given all of this new information on how these patches are handled…. forget it, I don’t want them even looking at elementalists. We’ll probably get diminishing returns on attunement swapping that will be bugged and deal 200 damage each time we swap. Then it won’t get fixed for a few weeks.

I 100% agree with you.
I forgot to mention that!

It’s unfair that everyone has to suffer due to a few people exploiting things.
We legit players get punished for something we didn’t do.
I think constantly changing everything and making huge changes due to exploiters is wrong to other players.
I agree that they need to find a smart response rather than angering more people.
They really should just test things before releasing.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Maerkyrr Belle.3206

Maerkyrr Belle.3206

The changes to the dungeons are for the most part good. I love that tokens are account bound now (though not functioning correctly yet: they don’t stack and can’t be withdrawn by other characters), I even love that rewards are given at the end of the dungeon to encourage full playthough. I even love that there are diminishing returns based on the amount of times you run a specific dungeon or specific path.

My main issue is with the diminishing returns from running the dungeons too fast. I have been in groups that have skipped content before – pretty sure we probably all have. However today I ran the 3 pathes of HotW and recieved 45, 30, then 15 tokens. Other players in my group recieved the full 60 every time. And we skipped nothing, we killed every trash mob, even the dogs. It is unfair. It was my frist run of this dungeon in at least a few days so I don’t understand why my rewards were nerfed. Maybe you can apply the DR on a per dungeon basis so that you are just nerfed for the dungeon in which you were with a group that skipped content. And how long is it until your DR fall off? How long am I going to be punished for having been in a group that wanted to skip everything instead of play through it? And if I could find a group that would run the dungeons legitly I would but it is hard enough to find a group right now as it is.

I’m glad that you guys at Anet are trying to discourage running dungeons exploitively just for tokens because it honestly isn’t as fun to play through them that way imo, it is just hard to get groups for dungeons that don’t want to skip what they can to save on time. But you are punishing people who do want to play through them legitly. I honestly suggest reworking the DR to apply on a per dungeon base, because honestly I am pretty sure I am being punished for having been in a group that liked to farm TA a week ago. But now it is messing up my HotW rewards where we worked very hard an skipped nothing. I understand that checking the time it takes to complete a dungeon is probably the easiest way to fish out the exploit farmers, but it is also punishing people who just simply can do the dungeons legitly but quickly. Another suggestion would be to reward the full amount of tokens the first run no matter what and then diminish the reward if the player has somehow been flagged as an exploiting token farmer.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DaedalusDragon.3754


The changes to the dungeons are for the most part good. I love that tokens are account bound now (though not functioning correctly yet: they don’t stack and can’t be withdrawn by other characters), I even love that rewards are given at the end of the dungeon to encourage full playthough. I even love that there are diminishing returns based on the amount of times you run a specific dungeon or specific path.

My main issue is with the diminishing returns from running the dungeons too fast. I have been in groups that have skipped content before – pretty sure we probably all have. However today I ran the 3 pathes of HotW and recieved 45, 30, then 15 tokens. Other players in my group recieved the full 60 every time. And we skipped nothing, we killed every trash mob, even the dogs. It is unfair. It was my frist run of this dungeon in at least a few days so I don’t understand why my rewards were nerfed. Maybe you can apply the DR on a per dungeon basis so that you are just nerfed for the dungeon in which you were with a group that skipped content. And how long is it until your DR fall off? How long am I going to be punished for having been in a group that wanted to skip everything instead of play through it? And if I could find a group that would run the dungeons legitly I would but it is hard enough to find a group right now as it is.

I’m glad that you guys at Anet are trying to discourage running dungeons exploitively just for tokens because it honestly isn’t as fun to play through them that way imo, it is just hard to get groups for dungeons that don’t want to skip what they can to save on time. But you are punishing people who do want to play through them legitly. I honestly suggest reworking the DR to apply on a per dungeon base, because honestly I am pretty sure I am being punished for having been in a group that liked to farm TA a week ago. But now it is messing up my HotW rewards where we worked very hard an skipped nothing. I understand that checking the time it takes to complete a dungeon is probably the easiest way to fish out the exploit farmers, but it is also punishing people who just simply can do the dungeons legitly but quickly. Another suggestion would be to reward the full amount of tokens the first run no matter what and then diminish the reward if the player has somehow been flagged as an exploiting token farmer.

Your entire post sounds like you only prefer these changes because you are in some way more leet than me and many others. What reason do we have for doing these dungeons if not for the tokens? It certainly isn’t “fun” or “story”.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: saber.8416


Hi a guild group and I did path 1 did it over 30 mins, but we got many different rewards. I got 15, one other got 30, and the other 3 got 60 not sure what gives here as it was my first time in a dungeon in over a week. why did I not get the reward for this of 60 tokens. Please let me know as this does not seem fair to me as I did the same work as those that got 60, but I only got 15. thank you for your response in this matter, and I am also no not to run a dungeon till this is fixed as I will not get the tokens that I should have gotten as you do not spawn lost item please fix it.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Maerkyrr Belle.3206

Maerkyrr Belle.3206

Your entire post sounds like you only prefer these changes because you are in some way more leet than me and many others. What reason do we have for doing these dungeons if not for the tokens? It certainly isn’t “fun” or “story”.

Lol well I apologize – I in no way think I am more “leet” than you. I just like running dungeons a lot – it is what I do in games to have fun. I run them even when I have no item I want the tokens for. I like to help groups succeed and get their rewards. I do understand that the majority of people run them for the tokens alone though, but skipping content just isn’t fun or fufilling to me.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Aphix.9846


Not working correctly as usual.

First run TA ever, finished a path got 45 tokens, even tho my mate who ran it for the 1st time as well, got 60.

Bugged again, keep trying.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lamelas.6587


I’m not a person to rant about a game I waited for so long and liked so much the minute I laid my fingers onto it. Its just not me. But a game that “invested” so much in the word FUN thro out all of your campaign you sure aren’t going with your word when there’s dungeons around.
First of all, like many people has said, I have to say that the fact that tokens are now only given at the end of a dungeon is simply unthinkable. Yes people did use the last system to farm tokens with the first 2 bosses. But the fact that I just went to TA in a 2h run of the dungeon and didn’t actually complete the dungeon (only last boss to go) and didn’t get all the tokens for the others boss is frustrating. Not FUN, FRUSTRATING. With this system in place you’re actually discoraging people to not do the dungeons. Because people may go out of the dungeon, or have to end it sooner. To not be rewarded with the tokens really sucks.
The second part, and to me the most important part is, like I said before, I’m not having FUN. FUN is to die a couple of times and still feel rewarded for doing the dungeon. NOT FUN is to die 20/30 times with mobs. Simple mobs. I actually don’t die with Bosses go figure. Or at least not that much. NOT FUN is to lose all that coin to repair my armor, because HEY, I’m dying way to many.
I don’t consider myself a bad player. Not a great one too. But I actually think that in this kind of organized stuff I’m better then average. If I’m dying alot I try to figure a solution out. That is really cool. Thats the beauty of the game. But with mobs? Mobs should be the one’s I could manage better with. Hit, run, dodge, hit again, apply condition, etc. Thats a warrior? Well, I’ll stay far away with my thief. Thats a caster? I’ll go melee on him, that should be no problem. Thats just reasonable thinking. Or at least what I figured it was the best style for me to play (not saying thiefs can’t go head-on to melee classes).
I just hit lv80 and I had a blast all the way thro the game, and I’m not going to stop till my laptop explodes (yeh, a 6year laptop doesn’t manage so well under the pressure xD), but the fact that so far the only dungeon I felt really good by ending it was Ascalonian Catacombs is saying alot. And in that one I too had a really hard time. But it was the first one, to get the feeling of the dungeons ahead. But boy did that escalated quickly. There are actual Bosses that can do one hit kills for 3 consecutive turns. I can dodge 2. Good luck with the 3º one
So what I’m saying is that I really would like to complete all the dungeons. Story and Explorable Mode. But the way they are right now is just tookittenhard and I think the frustration I get out of them right now isn’t worth it. I’m not saying I won’t play anymore dungeons, but I really would like to see some modifications and have FUN in them.
Finally I just want to say that this “litle rant” I just did is just because I know how Anet works. So far you guys are the best company to your community, in my honest opinion. I know you see all this rants and take it in consideration to better the game, so I really had to stop by to make this text.
Take care and see you guys in game!!!

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ashgarth.1708


Today i did my first explorable dungeon and all i can say is that i wont do it again for a long long time.

After 3 people left in the middle of it we finally managed to finish it.
My reward?
30 Seals and 7 Silver.
Acording to the patch I should have gotten 60 tokens and dont get me started on how much did I have to spend on repairs. All the chests contained crappy blue gear none of wich I could use.
As a player who was looking forward to dungeons all I have to say is that my experience left me with no will to do it ever again. I didnt win anything, actually lost money and the only reward I got was half of what i should get.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Karizan.2016


“Dungeons reward 20 tokens for completion and now reward an additional 40 tokens for the first time they are completed each day.”

Good intentions, but absolutely terrible execution. This change absolutely outrages me. Without any sort of streamlined LFG system, the time it took to find a pre-patch group varied from 10min to 45min. Now, finding a group is going to be much harder. People are going to be spamming for not only the dungeon, but the path they want to take. Suddenly, this patch has effectively split and fragmented players, even though they all have the same goal. Isn’t this what ArenaNet wanted to get rid of?

Pre-patch, the one thing dungeons had going for them was that players could find a group without worry of what class you were or what path others wanted to take. Now, it’s really no different than spamming LFG for a particular class in other MMO’s, as you’ll be doing just that for a particular route. This design decision just took the problems of needing a particular class for a dungeon, and represented them in a different format. I cannot express how outraged I am about this.

I love this game, and I was REALLY looking forward to having fun doing dungeons. But now I have spend a countless amount of time porting around the world in hopes of finding others willing to do the route and dungeon I’m looking to do. Then I have to hope that this such route is actually doable and fun. This is not how it should be ArenaNet. Dungeons should be a smooth, fun, and challenging experience. Not something that makes you want to rip your hair out. Please reverse this decision and think of a better design solution that doesn’t split players apart.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gummi.4310


It seems that the corpse loot in dungeons got reduced as well. Previously I got a consistent 7+ silver off of a certain champion and 21-22 silver off of the final boss. Currently don’t receive any gold at all from these. (intentional?) Also receive the bugged token and gold rewards. E.g. 15 or 30 for paths/dungeons I haven’t done before.

Would love more detailed information about game mechanics like DR in Developer Updates like in GW1. Or know what the base magic find chance is!

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ref.8196


Can’t you people be patient for 1 day while they fix this obvious bug?

Only 1 person posted on the bug, others posted on design flaws, if you bothered to read.

No, I have read the whole thing, more than 1 person has posted on the bug.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wickednisse.7209


I will never have the time to farm the required tokens for gear (setting aside hours to run one dungeon is not in my time schedule), which is fine by me, but what irritates me is that one shot kill mobs and crazy high health pools aren’t challenging – it’s boring. Give me real strategies where the group has to work as a unit to solve – not pewpewpewpew for forever and a day until a mob dies. Seriously not liking the lack of imagination that went into the dungeons.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: The Great Wikipedia.2396

The Great Wikipedia.2396

Im p****d only because i do 3 runs of ac every day, purely because i wanted twilight and a ghastly great sword, now my great sword is broken because i transmuted it to vll 80 stats, and other people that do 20 runs no will get tripple my reward, thats just not right. i want the same amount of tears as anybody else that has done 20 runs of AC :/

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kaworu.2341


I just finished CM for the first time and got only 25 token instead of 60. And we weren`t fast at all we had a lot of bumps on the road. I don`t think the new system works properly. I think dungeons are really frustrating, at least at the end give us some proper reward like more than 100 tokens so that`ll take less runs and time to buy the sets we want.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Signet of Forums.4397

Signet of Forums.4397

So…on days u just feel like turning on the tv while gaming or doing homework/listening to music and u just farm u will get punished!

If u run dungeons to fast..u will be punished

no shards on bosses but only for the full run and we all know not all runs go to full completion. (wich they will change so a fix for there fix :S)

AAANNNDDDD mop came out..

hows the playerbase?

They are cosmetic rewards that are supposed to reward doing what is theoretically the hardest content in the game. They offer no gameplay advantage whatsoever. It’s unfortunate that certain other games have fostered an attitude that the only thing that should be required to obtain anything and everything is time. There is actually plenty of that in this game. Why is it necessary that everything be that way?

Not that the dungeons’ explorable modes are all actually hard…

Therefore we proceed to write a sig.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Quiznos.4296


If things are working as described in the patch notes. Thank you.
If not, really? just really? Another broken patch? I’m angry (still, if not more)

-Going to find out now. I will post upon completion of all possible CM runs and an extra to make sure the returns diminish as described. I’ll try to provide screens when possible as well.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


My opinion is all over the place.

I like the idea that you are rewarded at the end of a dungeon. It does effectively put an end to exploitation and it provides incentive to do all three paths, which is something I was looking for.

(Ghost Eater path ftw, anyone?)

The explorable mode content was ALWAYS described as being content designed for ORGANIZED GROUPS.
Pugging it is possible but not recommended and in all reality, if you’re going into an explorable mode path with a pug, expect to die. Just expect it and don’t get mad because YOU asked for a pug. YOU voluntarily put yourself in a position that has the greatest change of you paying out the kittenhole for armor repairs.

That being said, I do agree that it is unfortunate that this design decision will separate players who do look for a pug in that they’ll be asking for specific paths now. Unfortunate, but not outrageous. Find a group, be it a guild group or just a bunch of folks that play regularly and organize a dungeon run. The game is called “Guild Wars.” Find some friends to play with. If you don’t want to do that…..I’m not sure why exactly you’re playing this game and not maybe, Skyrim.

Being rewarded at the end of a dungeon does create unfortunate scenarios in which one or more players may be kicked from a group or forced to leave because real life got in the way and find themselves with nothing to show for their time already spent in-game.
Again, this is a more common occurrence for PUGS. You find an organized group that you can play regularly with and you plan your dungeon romps around your schedules and everything will be peachy, save for pesky power outages or lag spikes but those plague every MMO here and there.

Explorable mode content is for ORGANIZED GROUPS. Do you see the pattern?

All these complaints of “this is too hard” or “what if I get kicked by my group” are so easily eliminated by simply finding 4 other guys/gals that you wanna play with and PLAY WITH THEM.

So that’s that.

The DR system i’m fine with but, like everyone else, it should not apply to speed. I DO NOT want to be punished because my group doesn’t suck. That’s stupid. Straight up.

And as far as the rewards themselves go, yes, they are probably bugged for some people. The game is still very young and it will be awhile before it “finds itself.” Be patient and just run with it.

In the meantime, for the love of Abaddon…..JUST FIND A STEADY GROUP TO DO DUNGEONS WITH AND YOU’LL BE FINE.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tempnix.9352


yay, after todays patch i had faith… Logged in and checked things out. First run of the day i cleared through CoF path 2 (Not without incident). Got my 60 Tokens, was pleased. After that the group disbanned, got another grp… tried again. epic fail after epic fail after epic fail (Bomb Door Room.. /sigh) they left, Guess what NO TOKENS since yall decided to only award em at the end. Ok, shook it off and got another grp.. Tried path 1, epic fail after epic fail.. No tokens after an hour of .. gave up, now ive had 20silver in repairs and no silver in rewards and no tokens after playing the past 4 hours.. Guess its back to logging off for another week or 2 like i did last time.. Anet come on :P

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: KryTiKaL.3125


Dungeons should be difficult, those of you who disagree clearly haven’t paid any attention to Anet’s official outlook of it. The frustration over the bugs is understandable, however they wouldn’t have to be scrambling to do these sorts of relatively quick fixes if people didn’t exploit in the first place. Granted you are always going to run into that kind of thing, that wasn’t what they are going to mainly look at when designing a dungeon. Just be patient and understand this: This is why we can’t have nice things.

As for pug groups and dungeons I honestly think pugs should be kept away from explorable mode dungeons. Why? Because it is meant to be a difficult, and a challenge to be able to get the right amount of tokens and get the armor and therefore a look that shows you busted your hump, put in the heavy effort and came out on top in a dungeon. Anet wanted this to be a competitive game as well as a cooperative one. If you are someone who pulls the “I don’t need no guild” line and yet you want to run dungeons then you’re in the wrong game. Even if you have a group of friends that you play with, that is your “guild” in a sense. If you came into this expecting to come out on top with the minimal amount of social effort then you are in the wrong genre of video games.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


yay, after todays patch i had faith… Logged in and checked things out. First run of the day i cleared through CoF path 2 (Not without incident). Got my 60 Tokens, was pleased. After that the group disbanned, got another grp… tried again. epic fail after epic fail after epic fail (Bomb Door Room.. /sigh) they left, Guess what NO TOKENS since yall decided to only award em at the end. Ok, shook it off and got another grp.. Tried path 1, epic fail after epic fail.. No tokens after an hour of .. gave up, now ive had 20silver in repairs and no silver in rewards and no tokens after playing the past 4 hours.. Guess its back to logging off for another week or 2 like i did last time.. Anet come on :P

Another example of why my earlier point is so true.

Explorable Mode: NOT FOR PUGS

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LeX.8607


it was more then 1 week since the last time I did a citadel of flame dungeon and instead of the stated 20+40 for first time of the day just got this -_- and also my teammates didnt got the right number..


Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DaedalusDragon.3754


All these complaints of “this is too hard” or “what if I get kicked by my group” are so easily eliminated by simply finding 4 other guys/gals that you wanna play with and PLAY WITH THEM.

I think that has a name…. it is called a PUG…

And a lot of things can happen even with people in organized groups. As I have said before, my real life will always trump some dungeon in a game.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Roll.6329


That’s great Oreoz, however casual players make up probably 80% of the games population and statics isn’t always an option. Guess what, casual players like instances just as much if not more than hardcore players. The issue isn’t about difficulty, it’s about punishing players for not completing an instance despite circumstances beyond their control.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

The update sounds good on paper, but rewards are still bugged, and some dungeons are still too difficult.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


All these complaints of “this is too hard” or “what if I get kicked by my group” are so easily eliminated by simply finding 4 other guys/gals that you wanna play with and PLAY WITH THEM.

I think that has a name…. it is called a PUG…

And a lot of things can happen even with people in organized groups. As I have said before, my real life will always trump some dungeon in a game.

In the context of what I was writing it’s an organized group.
You get “clever points” for only posting the part of my article you had some semblance of a retort to…barely.

And yes, alot can happen with OG. I don’t doubt that. But then, that’s why it’s organized isn’t it?

So it doesn’t happen. As often.

Stop picking fights via redundancy.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


That’s great Oreoz, however casual players make up probably 80% of the games population and statics isn’t always an option. Guess what, casual players like instances just as much if not more than hardcore players. The issue isn’t about difficulty, it’s about punishing players for not completing an instance despite circumstances beyond their control.

I’d looooooove to hear where you got the 80% from……

Anyway, you can still be casual and form an organized group.

It’s an organized group of casual players who plan their dungeon runs according to their casual schedules.

It’s very easy.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


That’s great Oreoz, however casual players make up probably 80% of the games population and statics isn’t always an option. Guess what, casual players like instances just as much if not more than hardcore players. The issue isn’t about difficulty, it’s about punishing players for not completing an instance despite circumstances beyond their control.

furthermore, “circumstances beyond their control” can just as easily be applied to Arenanet.

It’s not their fault if something happens to you in the middle of your run. Deal with it and try again later.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hellkaiser.6025



How is it fair to force people to finish the dungeon to get any rewards? Shouldn’t it also be fair to not allocate any armor repair until you have completed the dungeon so you don’t have to pay for something that you weren’t rewarded for? So I shouldn’t be able to play the game content because I don’t let video games bog down my personal life? Real life > this game. There is no reason a company should punish players that don’t shut out real life while they play the game. This game has a very disgusting balance of casual and hardcore right now that really only appeals to the hardcore gamers.

@Hellkaiser You are definitely paraphrasing. If I buy the content, I want the ABILITY to play through the content with practice. I can’t/won’t look at my previous post but I still believe that you should get what you pay for. Yes, that is called entitlement. Is entitlement always bad? No. If you think it is then I would like to sell you a hamburger. What? You paid for the hamburger but I didn’t give you one? Oh well. Too bad because I decided not to give you your hamburger, and no, you aren’t getting your money back.

Apples and oranges, and a very flawed argument, but a good try that I won’t take from you.

First of all it’s a gross over-simplification, and not true IMHO, it’s more akin to A-net selling burgers that you’re supposed to eat after retrieving from shelves they place the burger in (the burger is a metaphor for content obviously) and you paying for their magical mystery deluxe combo meal which advertises you eventually get 5 delicious burgers each more delicious and filling than the last but the fun challenge is that each one requires more effort to retrieve from their shelf.
The first one is low down and they hand you a small stepladder to reach it, so the issue with getting it is nearly moot already.

Now I’ll stop and quickly state, I fully understand that there is obvious balancing issues with dungeons which are a good chunk of content, I’m not disputing that but that’s not really the issue with your claim

but lets get back to this odd analogy shall we?
The second burger is much higher up but they give you a larger ladder again this means it’s just shown to you that ladders get you burgers and thus a rule of the game or an obvious nature to it is taught to you right there, ladder = burger
the NEXT burger however starts to play with these rules, they don’t give you a ladder at all, in fact they only give you a small set of tools now at first you’d be forgiven for complaining that they’ve suddenly changed the rules to suit themselves and that burger will not be yours given they’ve “rigged the game!”

But then you stop and think, this is just a game where the goal is to use what you have in a new way to reach the goal and the reward, so you experiment and realise that you can disassemble the small and slightly larger ladder and make a bigger ladder out of them both! using the tools you were given! and the materials!

The game curved upwards in difficulty, but it did not change at it’s core, and now you have a delicious burger AND the satisfaction of knowing you beat a challenge that was set to you.

So where do they go from there? well they continue to give you more resources and whatnot and just manipulating the mechanics to fit with the rules and thus by the end of it you’re left with a ton of components that you can break down and build into all sorts of shapes sizes etc but always remains the same

A ladder, that gets you to the shelf with the delicious content burger on it.

By all means I’ll try and explain this all better if you like, or simplify or whatnot, but that’s the very essence of a game isn’t it? a set of rules and an objective and through ingenuity skill and lateral thinking you win and get the rewards whatever they may be

Irony…. xD

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wizardauz.3761


Stop flaming and insulting Anet. They are doing what they can and what they think is best, they dont have the intention of making the game worse for anyone.

1. The bug. They’ll fix it. End of story.

2. The difficulty – Tokens are suppose to be difficult to obtain, not carelessly collected. (Personally i think they upped the amount recieved by too much) You want it? Earn it. Making it harder only makes it more valuable. If you can get dungeon armor without focusing or just pissing around in the dungeon then u dont deserve it.

3. Have to leave in the middle of the dungeon? Your fault. You should of known. “BUT IT WAS AN EMERGENCY?!” well if its such a emergency, i really think the last thing you should be focused on is your dungeon tokens… Do your dungeons when you know you have time. Dungeons are really only worth it if you go all the way anyways, so whats the real problem? That you aren’t compensated for your “try” or “effort”? Guess what. You either beat the dungeon or you dont. You either win the match or you lose. You either earn the tokens or you dont. Simple.

Stop trying to make this game CATER to you. To those people consistently flaming, pushing for lower difficulties, insulting Anet, and threating to quit the game about how they’re abusing the player-population. Please quit. Your ruining this game for all us.

Ehmry Bay – Good Fights Guild Leader
Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]