Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: fate.4851


Running path 3 in CoF only recieved 15 tokens and later did path 1 and recieved 6 tokens. Although the rest of my party recieved 60 each. And I never did run this dungeon before.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coredusk.3156


I hope the moderator does not mean everything is working as intended??
Can we do like … Only 2 dungeons a day? It seems like you have to wait for more than 24 hours to do another dungeon?

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kKagari.6804


Overall Score: A bloody joke?

Instead of actually revisiting the designs of dungeons that allowed speed runs to actually happen, Arenanet chose to make band-aid solutions (and faulty ones at that) that are harming the legitimate players of the game. Get your act together.

A good start on the Necromancer repairs though, but you probably should aim to fix the most heinous of the bugs first; cough plague signet, bloodthirst, greater marks cough

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Soban.7182


1Played Cof today first time since the pach path 1 got 15 token and 3 silver
2 Honor of the waves for “the first time ever” spend 2 hours : path 1 got 6 token and 2.3 silver and path 3 got 6 token and 2.3 silver


Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vesi.8941


Let me first say I have loved the dungeons in this game a lot more than any other MMO. With that said, I try to run them as efficient as possible. My group can clear each path of AC and TA in about 15-20 minutes.

We have been experiencing major badge decay, just from doing what we enjoy. We are being punished. Arenanet is basically saying, don’t run our dungeons so much or we will only award you 5 badges. Thats basically the slap in the face I received last night.

Ran the multiple paths in TA for 60 badges each on the first two, then only received 45 on the third. We proceeded to AC, and got 45, then 20, then 15. I wanted to run once more with my girlfriend, so we did another run and I only received 5 badges.

Today I ran all 3 paths of AC. I received 20 for the first two and now 15 for the thrid path. It left me 5 badges short of getting the Greatsword.

My group is now just waiting a hour to 2 hours to hopefully reset the DR and get the full 60 daily bonus after reset.

I hope something will be changed, as we are not exploiting and are being punished.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Heartling.1576


SE Koptev route, 30 tokens, started at roughly 4:15 PST, ended at 4:57 PST.
SE Fergg route, done immediately after the prior run, only got 15 tokens. Finished it within 30 minutes because it’s really hard to NOT finish it that fast.

Mind you, I haven’t run any dungeons in over a week. Do this, suddenly don’t want to run dungeons in general anymore. It’s like I’m being punished for being good..

Just finished SE Rasolov. 6 tokens, 2 silver, 60 copper. 7:05 PST.

(edited by Heartling.1576)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vesi.8941


Waited 2 hours to go again after reset. We got 45 badges, not 60. =(

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cisza.9540


1st path CoF – 60 tokens.
3rd path CoF – done right after – 45 tokens.
2nd path CoF – after 30 mins break – 30 tokens.

2nd path TA – 60 tokens
3rd path TA – 60 tokens (done right after)
1st path TA – no tokens at all (done right after)

All paths done in 20-40 mins with guild group. Everyone got different rewards in CoF, same rewards in TA. We had 6 hours break between both dungeons. Everyone was running all paths as fresh ones.

Also pugged CM in between CoF and TA and got 60 tokens for about 30-40 mins clear. Fresh run ofc.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Llanowar.1603


I ran Ascalonian Catacombs for the first time in a few weeks today, the majority of my party received 60 tears, I received 15. Unfortunately I didn’t take a screen cap or anything, but I figured it was worth posting anyway.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Demosthenes.4635


OK, I ran dungeons tonight again, here are the results (sorry, no screenshots and no precise timing).

1. Did AC Ghost Eater with a PUG. They were already halfway through when I joined. I finished and got my 60 tokens. Didn’t check with the others what they got. Took ~25 minutes.

2. Did AC Story Mode for a guildie who recently hit 30, another 80 guildie Warrior and two strangers. Took more or less an hour. Got 9s 65c or something.

3. Did AC Howling King with the same 80 guildie Warrior, another 80 guildie Elementalist and 2 lower level strangers. Took about 45 minutes. Both of my guildies got 60 tokens. I got 30. One of the strangers got 15, but I don’t know how often he’s run this dungeon today.

4. I knew I would be hit hard by DR again so I just did Ghost Eater again for my guildies who hadn’t done it today. Took 35 minutes. The Warrior (who also did AC Story Mode with me earlier) got 60 tokens. The Elementalist got only 45. Logically he should be eligible for at least the same amount of tokens as the Warrior. I got 15 as I expected would happen. If the system was working as expected, I think I should have had 20.

Thank you for looking into this. I believe the first two AC paths should have netted me a total of 120 tokens.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Maerkyrr Belle.3206

Maerkyrr Belle.3206

More gathered data, better reward than my other recent dungeon rewards have been:

Group of 5 ran TA Forward, Up path
5:46 – 6:30, 44minutes to completion
I have never ran this path before ever, and haven’t ran any other dungeons since yesterday. We skipped only one trash mob of like 2 npcs I believe.
My reward: 45 tokens, every other group member recieved 60 and had never even heard of the DR bug which plights me – apparently the system is working perfectly for some people. One of whom I run dungeons with very frequently so they should have the same “speed clearing” profile I do.

After this I did another entirely seperate dungeon:

HotW, Plunderer path
8:19 – 9:24, 1hr 5minutes completion time
Skipped nothing and haven’t run this dungeon in at least a day
Reward: 30 tokens, three others recieved 45, one recieved 60

As you can see I did a different dungeon, waited an hour and a half before doing the second one, and I don’t think they count as speed clears yet I am still suffering DR. Thanks for working on a fix, hope to see it soon. Any chance we will be refunded the tokens we didn’t earn because of this? I will be quite honest and say I feel a tiny bit jealous at how fast the people unaffected by the bug are getting their cool pretty armor and I can’t = / lol

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Krazed.7458


Another day, another loss of tokens.

AC 1- 18 minutes, 60 tokens for everyone
AC 2- Immediately after, 22 minutes, 45 tokens for 2, 60 tokens for 3
AC 3- 5 minutes later, 30 minutes, 30 tokens for 2, 60 tokens for 3

HotW- 10 minutes later, 31 minutes, 15 tokens for 2, 45 tokens for 1, 60 tokens for 2

This was with the SAME GROUP for all 4 runs. 3 members got shafted and lost out on a total 195 tokens and the rest didn’t. Additionally, the only way to make these runs longer for our group is if we go AFK at some point. We killed every single mob, every boss in all 3 paths. What does Anet want us to do, run it with white weapons so we slow down?

The three who got less had not run anything else today. We did the same 4 runs yesterday with the exact same outcome. Seems Anet is just randomly coding some people to get less, and if you get stuck with that flag you’re screwed.

(edited by Krazed.7458)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: aloftiu.4176


I ran TA explorable spider path for the first time ever and received 15 tokens. I tried it again today (after only doing the one run yesterday) and once again got 15 tokens.
So after that, to make sure it wasn’t just that dungeon, I ran magg in CoF and got a whopping 6 tokens. Since the dungeon nerf the first time this is the only time I’ve ran dungeons since…

I hear this also carries into WvW where you are getting limited badges of honor. Really?

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: miya.5160


Square Enix is adding a Diminishing Returns system to prevent players from farming dungeons quickly all day and to balance the rewards between casual players and powergamers. If you are able to run dungeons quickly, you are encouraged to slow down and run other dungeons or craft and do the much faster Dynamic Events for competitive rewards and enjoy Guild Wars 2 that way.

Oh wait.

I mean ArenaNet is adding a Fatigue system that slowly puts diminishing returns on the experience you get while playing the game so that casual players are on more equal footing with hardcore players. If you have more time to play, you are encouraged to craft and enjoy the other features FFXIV has to offer.

Oh wait. I just get so confused sometimes.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Blackredorangefire.7549


Anyone missing items in their inventory? I was 100% sure I had 90 Symbols of Koda from the old stack and the now its gone…

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Malethos.3726


Today we ran Ascalon catacombs explore paths starting with ghost eater. We cleared it in a reasonable amount of time, not speed running it. and with people who had never done it. Everyone got 60 tokens and full reward.

We ran it again a second time, different path with 2 new people and 3 of the same from the first run. The new people got 60 tokens, 2 of the original group got 60 tokens, i got 45. This run was also not a speed run of any kind. We went a 3rd run, again, using the third path that noone has run. The 2 new people from the 2nd run both got 60, I got 30, and the other 2 original people got 60.

We then ran ghost eater again for the 2 newer people. I got 5 tokens, the 2 original people got 15 each, and the newer people got 60. We never dropped group or did any wacky dungeon resetting, just ran each path normally and i was hit with diminished returns immediately without ever clearing most of these paths before, and certainly not multiple times today. These were also the first dungeons i ran in a few days.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Faolchu.1629


Tried my luck again after yesterdays 2 runs for 17 tokens b. s. but now my first run of the day with my team everyone got 60 and I got 30….

Gotta love poorly tested changes just thrown into live games.

“Significant ranger improvements coming in the next patch. "-Jon Peters, Nov. 2012…

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MassDelusion.9130


Did HotW about 1 hour after this patch, got 30 tokens
(First time ever doing that path)

Just did this dungeon again right now, Butchers path, got 30 tokens again

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yulan.4069


I’ve decided to go after the Dungeon Master title since the dungeons were supposed to be fixed now.

Started with Ascalon Catacombs – 15 tokens in MY FIRST RUN EVER in the Howler King path. Very dissapointing. Read something about it being a bug, that’s ok. It happens.

Going for the second path in the other day – at least 20 hours after the first run – and got 15 tokens again. I’ve just gave up. Then some guild mates suggested that it was especific of AC.

Then we went to Caudecus Manor – again, for the very first time – I got SIX tokens. First time ever in the path, first Caudecus of the day. I’m just done with dungeons for now.

Ah, the Scepter of Orr. You have taken a risk to deliver this. Now I shall return the favor.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Legion.5297


I completed two unique paths of TA Explorable tonight, and on the second path I received a diminished reward at the completion of the second path final boss. The first path completed ended with Laurent as the final boss and was completed around 10:30pm EST on 9/26. My second TA path completed was the path in which Fyonna is the final boss and this run was finished around 12:00am EST on 9/27, so about 90 minutes after the first run wrapped up. The group for both paths was comprised of the same members, and 4/5 received the proper 60 tokens as a reward for the second path, with myself being the only one experiencing the bug. In this instance, I received 45 tokens, 133k exp and 19 silver as my final reward. The only thing I can think of is that I was dead, in immediate vicinity of the boss but not downed; dead, when one of the bosses was killed.

Those two instances were the only two I have completed today, so I can’t imagine that amount of limited dungeon experience for the day can be considered “excessive”.

Hope it helps to squash the bug!

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cdnDare.7325


Ran Warden path a total of Arah eleven times pre-patch, post-patch ran it and only received 15 shards. Ran Scholar path afterwards and received 6.

Friend that farmed it a lot more than I received 15 for both paths.

(edited by cdnDare.7325)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ShreeK.3964


Day 2:
Got a group together to attempt Sorrow’s Embrace explorable mode since it hadn’t been 24 hours since I completed HoW. The people that could zone in ended up in different instances. Group disbanded.
Found someone who had cleared up to Giganticus Lupicus (Arah) and failed and needed a 5th. I joined in, we (the group leader and I) were put into a separate instance, we had everyone re-zone, and we all ended up in a completely new instance of the dungeon. So we restarted from scratch, 2 hours later and several failed attempts at Lupicus, and group falls apart.
Joined another group for Arah, 2 hours later and several failed attempts at Lupicus, and group falls apart.
Wanted to accomplish something before I went to bed, so I hit Honor of the Waves to get one wing in. Cruised through it fairly painlessly, completed wing3 about 26 hours after I completed it yesterday, got 45 tokens (again). At this point I’ve done 4 wings in 2 days and should have 240 tokens, but I’ve only got 135.

I know you guys at ANet are doing your best to get these things hammered out, and you’re doing an incredible job of communicating with the players, but it’s super frustrating when you (the developer) are investing time in systems to combat botters, and legitimate players catch fallout for it; provided they can even enter the dungeon.
I also feel the move to provide bonuses per wing per day was a great idea to incentivise seeing more of the game, however removing the tokens from the bosses has made it so that I basically got nothing except a repair bill for 4 hours spent in Arah.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Solace.5901


I would love to get an answer, it seems the people who say stop whining about it are the people getting 60 tokens per run. my first dungeon I did was 15 tokens then I went to a different dungeon entirely 6 tokens…. did one today ac I think it was very first time in there on my newest lvl 80 and got 15 tokens again. This is obviously broken.
I have submitted bug reports for all three without responce. This is hurting my charactures ability to gear out in a timely manner like my guildmates who havent been affected by this bug or are receiving 60 tokens every round.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kurzick.6375


There is an answer to all of this

1) No PTR no proper testing and just quick fix and nothing but quick fixes

2) They are trying to buy time because they know they don’t have enough end game content to hold out ( I mean releasing a game called Guildwars without the actual Guild vs Guild is just wrong which is one of the major feature that should have been included at release), but what they don’t understand is people are willing to run dungeons with multiple characters if the dungeons were at a reasonable state and give much more replay value to the so called end game. I for one would love to run the dungeons with different characters maybe even buy more slots to make more but with the current broken dungeons I don’t even want to run for 1 and probably not finish my other planed character.

3) They sold us a “Beta” game, This game is far from complete and polished it feels like a beta and we are suffering for it, I would have gladly waited another year to have a much better game release than this. No Guild vs Guild (I mean this was the bread and butter of GW1 and it should have been one of the main features on release or they could have changed the name to Worldwars or Dragonwars or Dungeonwars or Serverwars), vague descriptions on skills and traits, no proper buff/debuff icons, no casting bar ( I mean we have interrupt skills how are we suppose to know what to interrupt and when, what we just guess on the animation? and memorize all of the animations for each male and female races and professions to use our interrupt properly in pvp?)Events/skill challenges/escort missions half of them are getting stuck and bugged.

Over all the game has turned out to be a disappointment once you hit 80, don’t get me wrong the game is fantastic from 1-80 beautiful landscape, amazing graphics, very fun quests and world events (when they work) but like I said the game isn’t finished and we are playing a “Beta” game, maybe if we think of it as a beta it won’t be so bad, we just paid full in advance to finish the game thats all.

(edited by Kurzick.6375)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: protean pest.6592

protean pest.6592

Ran COE 3rd explore, COF 2nd and Sorrows 3rd since the patch and getting 30 tokens for all three. Other people in party got 60 and 45 tokens.
Helped someone with Arah story mode yesterday as well and got myself 3 silver whilst other people who were along and did it before got 13 silver.

And besides this, the tokens don’t stack with my older ones.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Blackout.5384


Time: 3:11am eastern
Dungeon: Ascalon Catacombs
Route: 2
First run of the day
Total tokens earned: 45

Happened yesterday as well in TA, only received 45 for first run.

New and Old tokens are not stacking either, is a hindrance with the limited bank/inventory space.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sefenald Misarah.3827

Sefenald Misarah.3827

I ran COE, front door path with four guild mates on tuesday 25.
Time : from 21h30 to 23h30 (GMT +1 / CEST) (Yeah it was our first try)
First run of the day for each person in the party.

Three of us earned 45 tokens and the two other 60.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MassDelusion.9130


Just finished a completely new path in TA (Got the 5ANet points for doing 3/4 paths) and i got 15 tokens.
(Finished about 20min ago)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yarin.7982


Dear anet support team,
Would you kindly fix this and REFUND me ASAP? It is very annoying if you play without exploiting, yet you are punished by broken DR system? Short story:
2 days ago: first time arah path 2- 45 badges
1 day ago: first time arah path 2 -45 badge, CoF route 1 -45 badges, CoF route 2 -30 badges (in each dungeon everyone else got 60!)
This is TOTALY OUTRAGEOUS! I am punished because of broken system that try to prevent exploiters. Awesome trough the roof. Really

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: GreenBook.1692


Did 2 runs in TA today just after 5pm pacific time, 1st run was route 2 (forward-up) got 60 tokens. Second run (Route 1 ‘up’, with same group) I got 45, rest of the group all got 60. Those were the only 2 dungeons I did, whereas some of the others had already ran route 1 earlier in the day and still got full credit. I did however start a dungeon hours earlier, but we never went past the first group of enemies because the person who created the instance decided to go afk. Sorry I didn’t time them, wasn’t aware you wanted that info.

(edited by GreenBook.1692)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kuishen.6140


Some more data from today’s runs, just after 5 PM PST, all of us had done runs approx. 24 hours earlier throughout the night (aside from the randoms we had to invite, and data does not reflect them, just the 3 of us that do this regularly).

Run 1 CM Story Mode
Start: 5:30 pm End: 5:56 pm
(This data is a “just in case”)

Run 2 CM Path 2
Start: 5:58 pm End: 7:06 pm
All got full rewards (60 Tokens/177k/26s)

Run 3 CM Path 3
Start: 7:22 pm End: 8:08 pm
All got full rewards (60 Tokens/177k/26s)

Run 4 CM Path 1
Start: 8:14 End: 8:59
All got full rewards (60 Tokens/177k/26s)

Run 5 AC Path 1
Start: 9:15 pm End: 9:58 pm
All got full rewards (60 Tokens/177k/26s)

Run 6 AC Path 2
Start: 10:06 pm End: 10:36 pm
One person got full rewards (60 Tokens/177k/26s), two of us got 45 Tokens
We all entered at the same time so even if we completed the dungeon in under 30 mins all of us should have gotten 45, but seeing as how they said you would have to do that twice in a row to trigger the DR system, and we clearly didn’t, it has to be the bug

Run 7 AC Path 3
Start: 10:43 pm End: 11:28 pm
One person got full rewards (60 Tokens/177k/26s), two of us got 45 Tokens
Same conditions as Run 6, we clearly had not completed two dungeons in a row in under 30 mins, but still got hit with DR.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Essa.5826


Ill post my reply in another thread here aswell:

Our group did AC yesterday where 3 ppl got 60 tokens, 1 got 45 and one got 15. Judging from your posts you are aware of this and working on a fix, great (first run of the day for everyone).

Bugs aside your saftey net will punish ppl in the long run. The game is one month old and we can already clear all 3 paths in AC in ~30 min each. Imagine a few months from now when ppl are in full exotics and got the dodge timing perfected, and learnt what to chainpull and how all boss mechanics work. I bet you can remove atleast 10 minutes from those timers then.

Some dungeons will require more time, but punishing ppl for being good is bad design.

That aside, when your DR system works as intended maybe we wont notice this, but if it kicks in for us being effective it sucks.


Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dekkar.7249


posting my run

Run 1 Citadel of Flame path 2, 25th sept. time: 22:00 (italy) tokens 45
Run 2 Citadel of Flame path 2, 26th sept time: 22.30 (italy)tokens 45
Run 3 Citadel of Flame path 1, 26th sept time 23.00 (italy) tokens 30

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: FunkMasterKe.9370


Here are the amounts I received with the approximate date and time for each run. Notice how I have yet to actually receive 60 tokens for any run.

All times are pacific.

September 25 2012
Approx: 12 – 2 pm
Twilight Arbor
Path Up Up: 45 tokens
Path Foward Forward: 10 tokens
Path Foward Up: 15 tokens

After reset:
Approx: 5:30 – 7:00 pm
Twilight Arbor
Path Up Up: 45 tokens
Path Foward Foward: 20 tokens

Hall of Waves
Butcher Path: 15 tokens

September 26 2012
Approx: 10:30 pm
Twilight Arbor
Path Up Up: 45

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dtRush.2861


All tokens at the end is SO FRUSTERATING. So many times has someone bailed at the last boss and then we go home with no tokens and 3-4 hours wasted. That is not fun. Oh, and the worst part is that if you leave the instance to try and find a new player, you’ll get the cannot connect to login server error and be locked out of the instance for no reason.

Also, when I am able to get to all those tokens, I always seem to get only 45 instead of 60 <_<. I’ve never gotten 60 from a single run before, ever. It always gives me 45 for the first and 15-30 after that.

(edited by dtRush.2861)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Supreme.3596


This is the sequence of token I received for completing Arah(warden path) 30-10-10-30-5-10. Wat the hell? This patch is horribly broken. Please address the issue because at the moment it makes the endgame for 80’s unplayable. Fix it asap and give me my shards. Now.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gab.5630


2 AC Run (about 9.00-11.00 09/26 GMT+1)
1 Run Path 3:
Me 45 token
Other party members 60

2 Run Path 2:
Me 30 Token
Other Party members 45 (except 1 that got 60,but he wasn’t in the 1th run)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ImariKurumi.5761


Me and another friend are getting bugged rewards, only 2 of us, the other 3 are getting them correctly. I suspect DR bug is account specific cos its always the same people affected.

I hope Anet has a compensation plan for this big fcuk up. Cos they owe us tons of gold, exp and tokens which converts into kittenloads of $$$$$.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mathias.2143


Twilight Arbor, Top path, about 2:30am server time. Isle of Janthir Server. Have not done a dungeon in days though I have cleared that path once before several days ago. Only got 30 tokens instead of first day 60.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Garrix.7036


There are plenty of people already reporting it, however I would just like to add the following.

I have not gotten a full dungeon reward since the initial diminishing return system was put in. Period dot. There have been days I run one or two paths in 24h. I tend to start in the middle somewhere and go down from there. Since the recent changes, the most tokens I have got for any single run is 45. I didn’t mind it so much when I was wrongfully penalized money and experience, but now it’s hitting my token rewards as well.

This is really, really killing my dungeon mojo, and for me collecting all of the sets is one of the most fun parts of the game. Please don’t change anything else with dungeons until you fix the very important flaw in your ‘anti exploit’ system. Fix the broken things before the unbroken things.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Blackout.5384


Time: 5:57am eastern
Dungeon: HotW
First Run of the Day
Total tokens: 30

2 people in my group got 60, 2 people ended with 45 and i only got 30. The last dungeon i had run was 4 hours before which was AC path 2, and i only recieved 45 for that first run of the day. Please fix this soon, i see no point in running dungeons anymore if im not going to recieve the full reward.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cybermaohi.4310



we (2 customers, remember this) already reported a bug online with screenshots about the reward less than 60 tokens which would be normally the case as it was intended after patching

the plot :
we did TA explore mode the night after the patch with my guild : we’re not really uber geared or whatever and so we couldn’t rush through the dungeon at all (we’re really far from this since we’re still learning) … so no rush (speed clearing as you may call it) … I guess it took us 1h30 maybe more …
this was the first time for everyone this day that we entered ANY dungeon
no exploit, we fought our way in a fairly manner, paid our repairs asap

end of TA : I got 45 tokens and a guildmate got 15 … as I said previously, we reported right away

if you want to nerf rewards for people who are actually exploiting the timer I really don’t mind : I won’t spend my real life 24/7 in a imaginary digital dungeon … but if the “normal” players are also bugged in this way, I do think this is totally UNFAIR

I would like to know how this case (mine at the very least) will be handled

thank you!

we did it again yesterday night (same dungeon, same route, same time, 1st dungeon of the day) and we all had 60 tokens save the same guildmate who got 15, 2 days before …

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coredusk.3156


Can we get another post from Dev about the progression of this bug solving?

As other people pointed out, this is kind of keeping me from doing any dungeon at all..

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ImariKurumi.5761


Don’t worry, Anet is gonna fix this problem by selling dungeon tokens in Gem Store…

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mathias.2143


Twilight Arbor complete approx 3:30am server time. 2nd run of the dungeon, different path, first time clearing that path. 15 tokens. Please Anet fix this and give us the tokens we missed out on. Feels trashy doing runs and my guildies have 120tokens while I only have 45 thanks to this silly bug

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sarius.6983


Personally, from what the devs say in the Diminishing return, i think there’s a language barrier somewhere where people are getting misinformed…that and with the current bugs happening makes this a quite difficult situation to see what’s good/what’s wrong.

From what I’m gathering, the DR will hit if you repeat the paths constantly…but didn’t they say also you’ll get 60 for the first time per day per path run?

Anyways, if it’s like that, it’s fine… Personally though, I’m leaning myself to sacking the DR when it comes to dungeon speed clears and leaving it for those that only spam the same path over and over but since currently this is bugged and tokens are not being given in the correct manner, who knows that the way they’re implemented/planned to, works fine and we’re making mountains out of molehills?

Also, maybe the DR being global rather than fixated on dungeons and dungeons alone is what’s causing the bug? Personally, I feel like they both should be separated if you’re still going to implement things. A DR for global and one specific for dungeons. I don’t feel like we should be hit by DR for dungeons, if we ran outside and did some events and so.

Anyways, i’m done with ranting, time for bug reporting. Some of my team got 60 tokens on all runs but some did not…since we switched out some after 2 runs, i’ll just post the constant variable which was me.

AC Explorable Ghost Eater Path
Instance Entry 5pm Stormbluff Server Time/ Exit: 5:45pm
Recieved tokens 60

AC Explorable Flame Scepter Path
Instance Entry 5:50pm Stormbluff Server Time/Exit 6:31 p.m
Recieved Tokens 45

AC Explorable Colosus Rumblus Path
Instance Entry 6:35pm StormBluff Server Time/Exit 7:13pm
Recieved Tokens 30

AC Explorable Path Ghost Eater(ran it again)
Instance Entry 7:24pm StormBluff Server Time/Exit 7:45pm
Recieved Tokens 5

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yarin.7982


This is what you get as answer if you actually write them ticket about this.
(tldr = we don’t care and we won’t refund you)
Response Via Email (GM Serendipity) 09/27/2012 05:23 AM
Hey there!
As you may already be aware, we’ve made some significant updates to the dungeon rewards system in Guild Wars 2. In case you missed the Game Status update section about Dungeon Changes which explains the issue with Dungeon Rewards you are reporting, I have included the information relevant to your issue for you below:
“All of these changes have been the result of an original exploit which was letting players receive upwards of 20 levels by completing a single dungeon run. We initially closed this exploit, which caused some new problems. The result is this new system which should increase dungeon rewards for players who play though them normally but help curb inflation of rewards for those who are using exploitative methods to farm them.
1) Dungeon tokens are now rewarded at the end of an explorable chain. This was done to stop players from repeatedly entering a chain and farming the first boss that dropped tokens rather than playing the entire chain. At some point in the near future, we will make up for this by making dungeon tokens a rare drop so that even players who are not completing a chain can make partial progress toward the rewards.
2) Dungeons reward 20 tokens for completion and now reward an additional 40 tokens for the first time they are completed each day. This means that if players can complete all 3 chains of a dungeon in a day, they’ll receive a total of 180 tokens, which is enough to purchase some of the smaller rewards.
3) Dungeon tokens should be account bound. This will allow players to have a single character farm tokens for their other characters.
4) Last week, to limit the most extreme cases of dungeon speed-clearing, we introduced a system to limit rewards for rapidly repeating dungeon clears. However, a bug in that system caused it to impact more players than intended. This week, we’re updating the system to not impact clearing different chains of the same dungeon. We’ll continue to evaluate this system in coming weeks."
Thank you Game Master Serendipity

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Smooz.7186


Dont make this an asian grind game,
i get the feeling this is just a place to be upset.. and they do nothing about it. nor even read it .. but thats just a guess

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cameron.7068


I ran Sorrow’s Embrace yesterday for the first time. I had previously done story mode, but this was the first time I had done explorable mode. At the end of the run I received 6 tokens and 2.6 silver. Other party members received 60 tokens and 20.6 silver. Obviously I have lost a zero on each of these. If this could be fixed that would be great, If I could have these missing tokens given back to me that would be even better. For some of us, who aren’t particularly good at dungeons and take a long time to complete one this is a big dissapointment and greatly decreases the amount of fun I can get from the game.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Crowl.8791


Did my first dungeon runs since the weekend last night. We did Honor of the Waves Path 1 then path 3. First path I got 30 tokens and 12 silver. Third path I got 15 tokens and 6 silver. All told we spent close to 1 hour 45 minutes so no way we hit DR and my other groupmates received their 60 tokens per run.