Dungeon Redesign - 3 suggestions for a better experience

Dungeon Redesign - 3 suggestions for a better experience

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: yandere.9176


This is basiclly a compilation of ideas I found in other topics in one of the many, dungeons are just horrible thread. I would like to dicuss them here with the attude dungeons are ok, but we want to make them better.

So first things I don’t want to change:

1. Dungeons should be hard.
2. The explorable mode of the dungeons should be for well organised groups not PUGs.
3. Dungeon gear should be the reward for people who fought trough all this.

Here what I want to add:

1. Dungeons should have higher accessibility
2. Dungeons should have more variety
3. Dungeons should not be about farming

Ok and here are basiclly 3 ideas how to archive that.

1. Accessibility
It is fine that dungeons are hard doon’t get me wrong on this. The problem is they are not fun to learn. So basiclly the dungeon difficulty is ok, but to learn want is required from you to live up to the challenge is for many player a frustrating experiance.
You see have feeling that you are put though a meat grinder the first 20 dungeon runs or so, until you finally get want you have to do makes dungeons unaccessibe for people how would normally enjoy this kind of content

So here the solution: Split the story and explorable mode entirely from each other. Make the story mode 8 dungeons with increasingly difficulty from: “Your mom could beat this!” to “Oh, we made it?!”.

Than introduce explorable mode in all dungeons on the “Oh my god, I have never see so much blood!!!” difficulty. This way player had 8 dungeons to learn the ropes and are prepared for what will hit them. By the way I do not say to hand out dungeon token for story mode, I am just saying story mode should lay the middle ground between you casual PvE experiance and explorable mode. It is fine when dungeons aren’t for everyone, but a middle ground is nice and will help people to get accustomed to the harder difficulty settings.

2. Variety

The dungeon token system should be change a little (again that would only affect explorable mode, since there are no dungeon tokens in story mode).

There are some people who want to change all 8 token to one standard dungeon token, that you can use to buy all dungeon sets. This would allow people to run diffrent dungeons and get their dungeon gear together without having to farm the same dungeon over and over again.
Either make this or at least make the tokens interchangeable. So that you can change one dungeon token to another for a little fee in coins, karma or perhaps even gems. I would perfer the one standard dungeon token solution… But than people would just start to run the easiest dungeon to farm their stuff and this true which would bring us to number 3.

3. No farming

Dungeons should be about farming butt the moment they are pretty much only about farming. So here is that last thing I want to bring to the table.
So how should you hand out tokens and rewards:
You get tokens when you complete a dungeon path, once per day.
You get a significant amount of tokens, when you complete all paths of a dungeon, once per month.
You get 1 Gift of Exploration when you complete all dungeon paths, once per character.
This would automaticlly bring more people together wu would run more neglected dungeon paths to gain their all path completion bonus or the Gift of Exploration. yOu wouldn’t need to farm dungeons… Well, you can’t farm dungeons, but would motivate players to try all of the dungeon routes. If this in combination with the 2nd suggestion is implemented the fastest methode of getting dungeon tokens would be to take on all dungeon routes once per day.


This is basically a pile of suggestions which I think would make the dungeons an overall more appealing experiance, and would make this part oof the game more interesting for a greater variaty of gamer. The hardcore crowd would have nothing to fear that their challenge is gone because explorable mode could still be jsut as chellanging as it is right now, or perhaps even a bit harder, because the L2P noobs would have actually a way that would allow them to L2P. And the mindless dungeon farm would also be gone becaue there would be a hard cap on how much token you can get per day.

Thanks for your feedback.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

(edited by yandere.9176)

Dungeon Redesign - 3 suggestions for a better experience

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ares.2136


2. Dungeons should be for well organised groups not PUGs.

Why? Why on earth would I want to log into this game anymore if the mentality is that unless you have a well organized group waiting for me I can’t complete a dungeon which only provides cosmetic upgrades?

The entire concept is flawed. Dungeons should be accessible, easy to learn hard to master and completable by PUGs with people who know their role and the mechanics.

The problem is there are really no true mechanics to the dungeons I’ve played so far. The ‘intended’ design is impossible and clearly hasn’t been tested in most cases. Also the mobs are boring and slow to fight; what happend to the promise of action packed fights? Thirdly, and this will be my last point, the communication system is underpowered for the user experience the devs seem to have intended for us. Without voice com there’s no way to communicate since we have no tank to hold aggro and thus fights are by design disorganized and leave you no time to type instructions to your team to dynamically react to changing situations.

Dungeon Redesign - 3 suggestions for a better experience

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nialiss.6459


I have an idea. Why don’t you get your “well organised team” and do the other dungeon paths and not farm? Seems easier than trying to force others to play the way you do…

Dungeon Redesign - 3 suggestions for a better experience

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Papaki.5690


1st fix the insane damage from normal mobs and then fix all the other.
2nd start to ban the bots that we saw more and more everyday.

Dungeon Redesign - 3 suggestions for a better experience

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: yandere.9176


Ok I jsut edited my first post, perhaps this was a bit misleading. I was wanted to say that explorable mode should be for well organized teams. I see it is very important to get very clearly state if you talk about story or explorable mode. When anyone would have actually read my post. The first suggestion actually is the one which addresses the problem that the story mode is to hard imo.

So please read the first post again, because I would like to hear your feedback on the suggestions. I know that you like many other people including myself are dissatified with current state of the dungeons.

I do not farm dungeons. I actually do not farm at all. It seems boring to me. It was jsut adressed many times that dungeons shouldn’t be about farming. This is why ArenaNet implemented anti-farming mechanisms. This has basiclly not much to du with my personal preferences as a gamer. And this has nothing to do with forcing my play style upon others. It is just that it was addressed many times that dungeons should not be about farmin an I suggested a solution to acomplish that goal. Dead simple.

And by the way I would apeachiate if less ad hominem discussion would take place because I didn’t design thedungeons at it’s current state I want to discuss how to make the more accessible a broader audiance.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Dungeon Redesign - 3 suggestions for a better experience

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Pokerjoker.7246


The main problem im having is that I acctully want to farm dunguens. I think that is fun. Its cool to have a timer on you. “guys we tok down path 3 in Arah within 30min” type of challanges.. I want to be able to run a dunguen over and over again.

As of right now you are getting punished for doing dunguens multiple times, and my “end-game” Pve experiance is coming to an end.

Dungeon Redesign - 3 suggestions for a better experience

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: yandere.9176


Yeah, I know what you feel. My endgame PvE experience isn’t that great either. I started a new character and having a lot of fun, but I totally see what you mean.

But you mented a good thing: speedrunning! A lot of people enjoy this. Perhaps introducing a speed running reward would be kind of interesting. Perhaps something diffrent from tokens: Mystic Clovers or Glob of Ectoplasm. So you would have two diffrent goals. Exploring dungeons for tokens and farming dungeons for other rare stuff that is usually hard to get. Perhaps this could address both issues?

Desolation – Mistress of significance level