Dungeon Reward System Flawed

Dungeon Reward System Flawed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Einherjar.6709


Some guildies and I ran Caduceus’ Manor Explorable just now for the first time, none of us had ever before completed this dungeon on explorable (via any path) and it has been weeks since we completed it on story.

3 players received 60 Seals of Beetlerun, I received 45 Seals, and one poor guildie received only 15 Seals.

Earlier in the day, we also ran Ascalon Catacombs Explorable on two paths, everyone but one of us received 60 Tears of Ascalon for the first run (Ghost Eater) — one of us received only 45 Tears, for the second (Howler) 3 received 60 Tears, I received 45 Tears, and the same poor guildie only got 30 Tears. We ran all of these dungeons together, none of us doing anything beforehand that should have differentiated our rewards.

Obviously your system of diminishing returns isn’t working as intended, as neither my guildies nor myself have ever completed CM Explorable, how could DR possibly have taken place on us?
Please clarify, and please tell us if you will retroactively reward us our due rewards for running these dungeons … or there is very little point to continue running dungeons until it is confirmed that they are fixed. It is frustrating to say the least.

Dungeon Reward System Flawed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Acerolaorion.9320


The DR system is bugged and A-net are trying to fix it on Monday patch, MAYBE it will be fixed but it’s not 100%.

Btw, I am not going to tell you I got mega kitten by getting only 15 shards of Zhaitan from a full Arah run.


Dungeon Reward System Flawed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hayden.7920


I have been screwed over by this system too, as have many players. I have not once seen the intended 60, and after i get my semi-pleasing daily 45 the rest are bundles of 5-15 measly tokens, but just a heads up.. there’s allready a bunch of threads covering the topic and hundreads of players reporting the DR system innefective – Dev’s have even acknowledged it’s bugged. There is one thread where people were asked to report such bugs as comments… but creating new threads all together probably clutters the forums just a little and pushes other vital issues to the side/smothers them. I feel your frustration though, 100% with ya.