Dungeon Rewards are clearly bugged.
Severely broken.
I’ve never gotten more than 30 tokens in AC. Every first run for that day, I will get 30 tokens. Today, I ran it a second time with a different explore path and I got a whopping 6 tokens. I have never run this explore before, ever.
Another person in my group, he will get 60 tokens… always. So while I got 36 tokens for my two runs, he got 120.
In CM, I will get 45 tokens for my first run, not the expected 60.
Anyway to get these missing tokens? It’s so annoying. I’m sure there won’t be a way; I can’t imagine ANET having the resources individually review each account and award the proper amount of token.s
But at least, i wish they could compensate us somehow.
I agree dungeon rewards are bugged.
I seem to recall Areanet saying somewhere, that diminishing returns on tokens would only affect those doing ‘speed clears’, more than 1 dungeon completition in 30 minutes. It seems to be affected all clears within 24 hours right now, regardless of how long you took to complete it.
I did TA 3 times last night.
Up, 60 tokens.
Up 2nd run, 15 tokens.
Forward Up, 45 tokens.
Would hardly call any of them a speed clear, since they took us over an hour each. Knew I wouldn’t get 60 the second run, but expected 20. No idea why I only got 15. Same for the first run of forward up, no idea why I got 45 in steadof 60. Only dungeons I did that day, no speed clears :/
Does this mean I can only do one run of TA per 24 hours, any path, without being hit with diminishing returns? :/
An other thread about tokens, lol.
Yes, DR is broken, confirmed by devs, give up, stop to play dungeons waiting a fix. Roflmao i wrote this exact post 20 times maybe
Not just severely broken, but highly frustrating as well. Finished CoE path 3 for the first time, and got ONE token right at the end. Clearly I missed something there.