Dungeon Runes - Account Bound
Wow, I could save some inventory space across all chars if I can pool them all to a bank char.
I can’t bring myself to delete these soulbound superior runes.
I would SO love for these runes to be tradable. Or at least account bound. There are workarounds for getting the soulbound runes to another character you want to use them on, at least.
There are, what are the work arounds?
Easiest workaround is to put the runes into the account bank and use them straight from there. Only the character they are bound to can take them out of the bank, but any character on your account can right-click and use them to put them on his/her equipment.
Easiest workaround is to put the runes into the account bank and use them straight from there. Only the character they are bound to can take them out of the bank, but any character on your account can right-click and use them to put them on his/her equipment.
Does that really work? =0
That would be awesome.
Because, you know… I’d need a full set of Nightmare Runes for my Condi-Necro. But afaik, Condi-Necros aren’t really helpful in TA, especially since the last boss is completely immune to conditions (according to the wiki). I COULD go there with another character (e.g. my Mesmer who’s got full zerker equipment)… but those runes also drop, and they are soulbound. Whose idea was it to make soulbound runes for condi-builds drop in a dungeon where condi-builds can’t even scratch the last boss?
Does that really work? =0
Yes it does . I just did it recently myself when I wanted to get a full set of dungeon runes for my warrior. I had one of the runes on my guardian, just placed it in the bank, and the warrior was able to put it on his armor from there.
Does that really work? =0
Yes it does
. I just did it recently myself when I wanted to get a full set of dungeon runes for my warrior. I had one of the runes on my guardian, just placed it in the bank, and the warrior was able to put it on his armor from there.
That’s nice; thanks!
Wow, nice thank you very much
Here’s the thread Izaya was talking about:
ANet moves fast, don’t they?
Watch them fix the workaround before they fix the bug -_-