Dungeon Skins? Dungeon Runs?

Dungeon Skins? Dungeon Runs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hamfast.8719


I mostly solo PvE because I like to go at my own pace. I have very little dungeon experience, and don’t want to slow a party down or get kicked because of it. I am not against trying one of the “dungeon mentor” groups, but I really don’t feel dungeons are “my thing”. I just don’t like working in a group very much. (Don’t get me started on how I feel zergs are ruining PvE).

My problem is that I have a passion for skins. There are some dungeon skins I’ve wanted a long time. I feel that by the time I’ve “graduated” from Dungeon Mentor school for a particular path, I’ll have enough tokens to get the skin I want, and never need to go back. I don’t want to waste anyone’s time like that either.

Which brings me to “Dungeon Runs”. First off… what exactly is a dungeon run? How exactly does a dungeon run work? Why do people pay for them? Do they get tokens, or treasure chests, or is it just to complete the Dungeon Master achievement? If I can get tokens this way, how many per run? And what can I expect to pay per run? What’s the best advice on how to go about finding a run and avoid being scammed?

Options? What’s my best bet to get a few skins from various Dungeons when I really don’t expect to be doing them after I get what I want? (Although you never know… if I am steered down the path of learning the Dungeons, maybe I’ll find that I like them after all.)

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Dungeon Skins? Dungeon Runs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Buying paths is pretty much you enter the instance while the person selling is at the final boss, you pay them, they finish once the group is full and everyone has paid. You’ll get the reward chests just like you did your daily path, don’t pay for a path twice in a day though unless you’re ok only getting 1/3 of the reward and no gold

As for avoiding scammers, well it may be troublesome to start but when you have a good experience try telling them to add to friends and that you need X amount of tokens for what you want and to feel free to send a whisper if they do it again tomorrow. I know quite a few sellers who have a deep friends list of buyers just for that purpose, if you know both sides are legit rather go there than LFG.

I’d even go as far as to suggest you post your play times and what you need here and I bet you get some tells from people offering you paths.

I haven’t really sold in a while, but last I saw p2 was generally 6-8 gold, 1/3 was 8+(less often ran) and p4 was in the 20g+ because it’s generally a one time purchase for mentor, that’s for Arah.

Other paths 5-6g is what i’ve seen but really not sure if there is an average.

GL on your skins

Dungeon Skins? Dungeon Runs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rhianne.4027


Which dungeons do you want skins from? Some are easy to learn, others are sold regularly, others can be more painful. PvP reward tracks are a possible fall back if you don’t mind that – hot join doesn’t really include teamwork.

Dungeon Skins? Dungeon Runs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Casmurro.9046


I think you are mixing 2 completely different topics. Dungeon runs is just a group of people that goes to do a dungeon path, and dungeon selling is when someone runs a dungeon path (usually soloing or duoing that path) and then at the end boss this person sells the remaining spots to other people.

Selling dungeon paths is more common in arah, because even though lot of people are scared from trying to run it its the easiest dungeon to solo, so its a good market for selling runs because of this “fear” the general community has about arah and the actual reality of it being very easy to be soloed for the sellers, so its a easy money for then.

If you want to get the armor skins from the other dungeons you will have to run then with a group because i think no one sells paths for CoE or TA etc, each path you run rewards 60 tokens, if you repeat the same path in the same day you only get 20 tokens.

There is the dungeon mentors guild thread stickied on this forum, you should give it a try, you dont need to worry because they dont charge gold for the runs :P

Dungeon Skins? Dungeon Runs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LastShot.4762


First off, aside from Arah, you should never consider buying any dungeon, as they can be easily complete by pugs in 15~25 min.(just doing some “study” beforehead on youtube)

As for token, you get 40 per path from daily chest, 20 per path for completion, and a chance to get bags from 3 bosses per path(each bag contains 3 token). To complete a full dungeon set(all armors + all weapons), you need close to 10k tokens per dungeon.

Dungeon Skins? Dungeon Runs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Iris Ng.9845

Iris Ng.9845

Honor of the Wave and Caudecus’ Manor are worth buying consider the horror of pugging and waiting for the groups to fill.

The rest are fair game. AC p2, for instance, is almost never played by EU pugs.

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Dungeon Skins? Dungeon Runs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ropechef.6192



I would suggest if you are willing to come out and say for some of us to add you to our contact list. As well as some of the specific Dungeons you are after. And when we do some runs that you are looking for… provided you are online we can contact you and let you know that there are some spots available.

price to be determined. (I never charge for mine I just offer because I can, but that is me )

Dungeon Skins? Dungeon Runs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


I would encourage you to try doing some dungeons with friendly, experienced players. The dungeons are really not as bad as people make them out to be; once you know what to do, and if you’re a halfway competent player, most groups will successfully finish dungeons in a decent amount of time. You do want to stay away from the “meta/zerk/speedclear” crowd, but I do that anyway, and I’d consider myself a pretty experienced dungeon goer.

You can add me to your Friends list if you like and if you’re on NA servers. I only tend to run dungeons on weekends, but I’m happy to show you the ropes if you’re interested (and if I’m free. Weekends are usually “adventure time” for myself and my girlfriend, so I might be busy).

Otherwise, an alternative way of getting dungeon skins is by doing PvP reward tracks. In fact, if you enjoy PvP, it’s a MUCH faster way of acquiring dungeon skins than by doing the actual dungeons.

Dungeon Skins? Dungeon Runs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Add me to the list that would be happy to run things with you if you wanted. I have no problem helping someone new learn the ropes even if you don’t really want to get in dungeons. It’s actually more fun taking it a little slow and teaching someone than it is going through it effortlessly with people who know, or overly rushing for a speed run, at least to me.

Dungeon Skins? Dungeon Runs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Meryn.6875


If you’re from Europe, add me to your contacts.
I’d love to take you to some dungeon runs, i do them daily and ive done all paths lots of times (Arah excluded).

If you’re really not interested in pugging, you might wanna consider doing solo runs.
For CM (p1&3) and AC (p1&3) solo’s wont take much longer than an average pug party if you have a bit of experience in these paths.
Other solo’s that dont take that long are TA up & forward, SE p1, CM p2, HotW p1. For other dungeons/paths solo’s will take significantly longer than an average pug.

If you’d like I could teach you some dungeon solo’s!

For other runs, I do like speedruns with experienced parties for almost all dungeons. But I also like carrying noobish pugs through a dungeon (again gives you more of a solo-feeling and makes you a hero if you have to semi-solo a boss ^^). So if you’re interested in either of these, feel free to hit me up!


Dungeon Skins? Dungeon Runs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mesket.5728


If you like dungeons for the adventure and lore don’t pay for completed runs.

Its like being into flirting and romance and going to a cabaret.

Real adventurers don’t pay (?)

Zerk is the average Joe build. Don’t pat yourself in the back too hard.

Dungeon Skins? Dungeon Runs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Enaretos.8079


If you like dungeons for the adventure and lore don’t pay for completed runs.

Its like being into flirting and romance and going to a cabaret.

Real adventurers don’t pay (?)

Whatever, he pays if he wants. Maybe I’d get people to buy my AC paths on NA

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