Dungeon Team EU

Dungeon Team EU

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Target.6379


Hey guys,

We currently have a group of about 25 of us who do daily arah, CoE, Fractals 40+ and other dungeons depending on what tickles our fancy.

I want to expand this to 35 players so we always are able to form groups.

There are a few requirements to join;
1. Good knowledge of most if not all dungeon paths.
2. Availability of 2 out of the 3 classes; Guardian, War & Mes.
——->Builds and stuff can be sorted out at the time.
3. Able to get on TS3, no requirement for a mic though.

If you have any queries please reply on this thread or message me in game.

p.s I have turned this into a small guild, representing only when in a guild dungeon/fractal run.

(edited by Target.6379)

Dungeon Team EU

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SnoodBeAR.5286


I would be up for something like this, I have an 80 guardian and warrior both with builds I enjoy… and a level 75 mesmer that could reach 80 with little effort

Dungeon Team EU

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


This sounds awsome!

I have a full exo/ascended warr and mesmer at my disposal atm.

Warr has “only” 35 AR (will get 40 in a week, 45 in two i hope) while mesmer is sitting on 45

[Piken Square]

Dungeon Team EU

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Target.6379


Bump….Still loooooking!

Dungeon Team EU

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Predator.9214



I would definitely be interested in joining you, since I do run Arah, CoE, Fractals and CoF all the time. I consider myself very experienced, done all dungeons and have completed 2 legendaries so far (not saying it means anything, just throwing that in there).

Send me a message in game I sure would love meeting new peeps for dungeon crawling.

Mistwarden Lara (Herald)
Assassin Stef (Daredevil)
Snow Crows (SC) | Seafarer’s Rest

Dungeon Team EU

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Raven.3248



Add me, i can melee GL but not a big Fractals fan.
I am a skilled dps warrior and dont play other classis.
Love Arah and it it almost every day but like doing Dungeons so will be up for any other dungeon.
FYI- i dont farm, i play for fun

Just another Arah veteran

(edited by Raven.3248)