Dungeon Token Limits
1. If its on the same character and within the same day. No. Plus, you will be subject to DR even if the second run happens to be on a subsequent day in-game unless you took 2 hours to play AC path 2 or something.
2. For the same character, when its another day on the server, its 00:00 UTC (4:00 PM PST/5:00 PM PDT updated from RedStar’s post).
3. Only if its 2 hours between runs of the same path. And yes to the second part.
4. Hard to say, there’s once that I netted 30 tokens when repeating and once when I got 27 tokens. But I think that it won’t fall below 20 tokens because that’s what you get when you repeat the dungeon on the same character on the same day.
Read this if I’m unclear in any ways. http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Explorable_mode#Explorable_mode
(edited by Shadowsong.1560)
Every path has a 40 token daily bonus. That bonus is character bound if I’m not mistaken.
The daily bonus resets at 00:00 UTC (4:00 PM PST/5:00 PM PDT)
I never did the same path 3 times on the same character on the same day.
4. depends how fast you run. my personal “best” – 3 tokens for path completion, and 8 for “first run of the day with different char”. that’s 1/8 of the regular reward (20/8=2.5 => 3, 60/8=7.5 =>8)
also as far as i know dungeon DR got 2 different components
a) runs per current dungeon/path in last 2 hours (hits for 1/2 reduction per DR stage, after 5th run)
b) runs per all dungeons in last 2? hours (hits for 1/4 reduction per DR stage, after 5th? run)
most typical DR you will see running same dungeon – 60, 60, 60, 20, 20, 10, 10, 5, 5, 3…(at this point your oldest runs starts to go out of 2 hours interval and you stay at same DR ‘depth’)
if you ‘swap’ characters while running, you get ‘win’ some cool numbers like 45, 30, 15, 8. and with some effort 37, 23, 17, 6
DISCLAIMER: if your ‘run’ takes longer then 30 minutes, then you will never get under 20 tokens.
and no worries, you don’t risk to get that low, unless you do 4-5 runs per hour (yea we talking about ac)
fun fact – story mode counts as path too.
farming opportunity – boss silver drop is not affected by DR. that’s how i collected DR data before november 15 dungeon reward buff.