Dungeon Tokens
Each path will give you 20 tokens, and 40 bonus tokens, as well as possible another 9-12 from champs within the dungeon.
But you will only get the bonus reward once a day.
So you can do the 2 paths per day for 140 tokens or so a day.
My mistake, there is diminishing returns on the tokens as well.
So the 2nd time you do the same dungeon path you get 15 tokens, the next 10. (at least according to the wiki)
You get a lot of tokens for the first run, far fewer for the second, and even less for subsequent runs of the same path.
Someone come give numbers. I think it’s 60 —> 20 --> ???
Note that doing different paths of the same dungeon are treated separately, so the most efficient way to get a lot tokens is to run all paths once each day before doing any repeats (which aren’t usually worth it, IMO).
edit: garganor beat me to it :P
OK, ty. So looking at the wiki it seems that other than the Aether path, there is only up and forward for TA. But it should only take about 5 days running the 2 paths to get all the tokens I need. Thanks guys!
Path A: (40+20)—> 20—> 20—>20—>20 —>20… just make sure there is at least a ~20min break between the rewards.
Path B: same as A
you also get some bags from certain champs containing each 3 tokens.
next day:
Path A: 40+20—→20—>20 etc
Do UP and FF once a day. By the time you manage to the the other mats for legendary you will be around 4k TA tokens.
Ya, I find the up path quite easy. I could def run that daily (the one with the non-moving tree boss at the end)! I haven’t tried the other path yet. Is it about the same, or more time consuming/difficult?
Both are about the same difficulty, forward is a bit harder (there’s a long skip and leurent hurts). It’s also a bit longer I think, but not so much.
Thanks for all the help! Much appreciated.
should also be noted if you’ve done story mode you can get another 60 a day doing the pvp reward track for it.
Oh I will have to look up what a PvP reward track is now Thanks!