(edited by Sondergaard.8469)
Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?
And not doing it is unfair to the game because it makes one of the more repeatable content types feel like more of a grind than it needs to. We weren’t going to release a perfect game, and can’t let things live this stop us from improving the experience for the majority of the players.
Great news and great attitude.
One consideration: if we reduced costs, then players could farm today and stockpile tokens awaiting this change eagerly. If we add more tokens, then farming is less efficient now than later, and there’s an incentive to take a break while waiting for the change.
Either is a good change, and I look forward to it.
I can agree with increasing token drops and improving the game for “majority of the players” as long as the ceiling remains high. You can and should improve the perspectives for majority of gamers but there also should be a very high and non-obligatory end line, same as in GW1. In other words, in any MMO there always should be this “insane grind” option for people who really enjoy spending their time with this particular game and can do it. A nice little thing for those biggest fanboys out there.
hey Jon,
I know the title of this thread discusses the tokens. However, I’d like to bring up the racial karma rewards.
I’ve tried to make sense of the cost on these things and I can’t wrap my head around a two handed weapon costing the same as a one handed weapon. I want to get the scepter/dagger for Sylvari and I need 130k karma to do this. This seems rather imbalanced considering I only need only 65k to get the staff. Especially considering the T1 and T2 aren’t viable as anyone leveling at a ‘normal’ pace wouldn’t have the karma to purchase these.
Not to mention the cost of the armor itself. Shouldn’t that also be karma or at least some kind of token in-game? Aren’t there enough gold sinks?
1. Please make tokens universal.
2. Please make rewards encourage players to do all of the events in the game.
(one idea would be to give players books they can hand in once they’ve done every explorable mode in every dungeon)
I wish I knew where to spend tokens…the lack of direction in this game can be overwhelming at times.
If tokens are made universal there will be winners and losers in dungeons. Simply put the majority of any player base will take the path of least resistance to anything they want. It will reduce the game to a limited number of paths being farmed in the dungeons that are deemed to be the easiest.
Contrary to the opinion of some, everyone didn’t farm CoF just because they thought the gear looked good. It was also the easiest path to the gear of that tier aside from the crafted sets.
@ Awe – you are right, but that already exists…legendary weapons serve as the “insane grind.”
Thanks for the answer Jon, it’s nice to see how much you care. Kuddos for a great game getting better.
Personally I think it’s perfect how it is. I don’t want to use the word “grind-fest”, but I do like the idea that to get this armor, the very armor that is the best of the best by the way, through a long trek. I always hate being able to get the awesome-est gear one day in, it just feels like it dis-values it for me.
Anyway, that was my two cents.
Spoiler: New playable race
http://i.imgur.com/zPNwA.jpg Seriously, check it out.
Personally I think it’s perfect how it is. I don’t want to use the word “grind-fest”, but I do like the idea that to get this armor, the very armor that is the best of the best by the way, through a long trek. I always hate being able to get the awesome-est gear one day in, it just feels like it dis-values it for me.
Anyway, that was my two cents.
Spoiler: New playable race
http://i.imgur.com/zPNwA.jpg Seriously, check it out.
If just the simple time you put into the act of getting your outfit is what puts value into it, I would probably re-think how I value stuff if I were you.
That’s not where the effort lies. The effort of getting your equipment is on one hand picking a combination that looks both good and different enough, on the other hand beating the corresponding content. That second point does not mean “beating the content and then doing it another 50 times even though you already have everything figured out and there is literally almost no real challenge left”.
nice with some of these changes to the dungeon system
i will most likely return to the game Im pve player i keep being told gw2 isnt a game for pve players well i hope these changes prove them wrong because i want to come back
How about an update from the devs on a proper LFG interface and/ or tool? The current state of group finding is abysmal and with people jumping servers all over the place, you can’t always make a full group in guild and are forced to do the tired old shouting in capital cities (LA in this case). Its great that the tokens and rewards are being tuned, but the basic setup for dungeons is annoying.
I’m not sure I understand how any decision made about reducing the cost of gear, or increasing the token pay-out, could ever be considered “unfair” to anyone…
If I have gone through an collected a full set… and then they start giving more tokens afterward… how does this effect me? Oh right, it doesn’t.
Well, unless I’m petty and spiteful and just think everyone should have to suffer because I feel like I had to suffer.
Why? Gives needed gear…
Why do you need this gear? To do dungeons… duh.
Alright this is something from the suggestions thread I’m compiling over the first couple months of play…
Right now basically all the end game gear is the same as far as strength given the same stats so we’re basically working for vanity pieces if we care enough. So I suggest a different system on top of the current tokens for “vanity” gear.
After the dungeons have been properly adjusted for difficulty add a new vendor and a new set of tokens. Make a token that is specific to each path of the explorable mode of each dungeon. Then require a select 3 or 4 types of tokens and up to say 5 of each of those tokens to get a given piece of gear. So say I want the legendary Heavy Armor set chest piece. To get it I have to run the first path of HotW, the third path of AC, the middle path of CoF, and the first path of Arah to get the tokens I need. Now assuming there are different skins for each specific piece then maybe I have to run HotW twice as many times to get the specific skin on that piece.
So I run CoF 5 times, Arah 5 times, AC 5 times and HotW 10 times. Now to collect the other pieces of that set if I want the matching pattern say I have to run HotW 10 times for each piece but the other 3 token runs may force me into other dungeons.
An alternate possibility to this suggestion is to make it new mystic forge mats instead of new tokens…
@ Haishao.6851 “There should be achievement specifically tied to dungeons rewarding people who do all paths of a dungeon.” There already is, open H>achievements>explorer> all dungeons x/4(5 in arah) paths completed.
Giving more tokens or reducing the price is unfair to those people who already played dozens of dungeons and maybe even bought gear for those tokens.
And not doing it is unfair to the game because it makes one of the more repeatable content types feel like more of a grind than it needs to. We weren’t going to release a perfect game, and can’t let things live this stop us from improving the experience for the majority of the players.
Thanks for listening to the playerbase and for interpreting your metrics right
Making dungeons more rewarding is the thing to do, plus some fine tuning to trash and bosses.
Independant of the change itself this shows that the devs are able to look at the facts and act correspondingly instead of stubbornly insisting that they got it right and the players have no clue. Quite unlike the last mmo I played.
I’m so happy to see that the dev team is actually listening to us. Honestly I feel that it is an endless grind process for these armor sets. I’ve had instances where midway through the dungeon, I’ve just left because I’ve gotten to the point where I’m just tired of doing it. The same similar content 60+ times for this one set of armor. I’m a little more than halfway through having the full set from Citadel of Flame and I’m getting so frustrated already. I hope these changes come very soon so I can get this armor and get on with my life. Haha.
“wan… wan… mommy mommy, it’s been less than a month and I don’t have my elite set! mommy this is unfair? wan wan waaaaaan!”
Seriously? These are elite armor sets for a reason. It’s supposed to take a long time to get. It’s a prestige set. If everyone can have it at a drop of a hat, it would no longer be an elite/prestige armor set.
So please stop acting so silly!
As you play gw2 normally throughout the years, you’ll eventually have enough tokens. There’s no need to rush it.
For me it will take more than a year, probably, and that’s okay. Do I want it now:-) . Oh yes. But I want a lot of things too. If you want something, work for it.
If tokens are made universal there will be winners and losers in dungeons. Simply put the majority of any player base will take the path of least resistance to anything they want. It will reduce the game to a limited number of paths being farmed in the dungeons that are deemed to be the easiest.
Contrary to the opinion of some, everyone didn’t farm CoF just because they thought the gear looked good. It was also the easiest path to the gear of that tier aside from the crafted sets.
Which is why they should test and balance out each of the dungeons to ensure that none of them are easier than the rest but keep it challenging enough to keep them fun so you and your friends would want to go and hop around to different dungeons to keep it fresh and alive for the next few months till new content comes out.
This would also allow them to keep their anti-speed clearing tech in the game due to the fact that as long as the dungeons are balanced out people would hop around to another dungeon path or another dungeon entirely to ensure they maximize their rewards and fun each time they run a dungeon.
The people who speed-ran CoF and got their dungeon armor in 2.5-3 hours are now whining that the rest of us will have a chance to get our armors in fewer, but more time-consuming, dungeon trips? lolwut? Seriously, at the end of the day, you will still have earned more gold and obtained your armor faster than after this change is implemented. Anet introduced lowered gold rewards and reduced drop rates to discourage speed running. In order to balance that for players coming up now, they need to adjust the drop tables for tokens. The early runners do still have the advantage though of having obtained dungeon armors in 15-20 short, quick, efficient runs. Everyone else will have to take long arduous journeys. Increasing the token rates eases that sting just a bit. (Making one universal “dungeon token” currency would be even better, but I don’t see that happening.)
This is the nicest reply I’ve ever seen from a dev on any forum. I’m speechless.
“You asked so nicely, but how about we just give out more tokens instead?”
Completely screws over people who ran the dungeons instead of crying about them. As even though you know how many times each person ran them bet you won’t be giving back tokens out to us. Teaches everyone in the forum don’t do the content just whine and cry about it then once its changed do it. Seriously being able to get a piece a day of the special dungeon gear is not a grind…You already have tons of people completely geared out in everything just weeks after launch and you want to make it even quicker?
(edited by Fluffycalico.2715)
to ppl who want tokens soulbound: you really think its fun running TA with 5 rangers several times a day? I HATE IT. While GW1 rewarded you for diversity, and the more characters you had and played the better. GW2 goes: TA ranger only dung, AC war dung etc…
You need to make tokens account bound, removing the most beautiful thing about GW1 was definitely a misstep.
to ppl who want tokens soulbound: you really think its fun running TA with 5 rangers several times a day? I HATE IT. While GW1 rewarded you for diversity, and the more characters you had and played the better. GW2 goes: TA ranger only dung, AC war dung etc…
You need to make tokens account bound, removing the most beautiful thing about GW1 was definitely a misstep.
I run both those dungeons with whoever wants to join from friends list and have no issue. In fact TA is probably one of the easiest dungeons we have left after HotW. I have not needed to take a planned class into any dungeon in this game.
So I have racked up enough tokens to get all my gear, and have well over 1000 tokens sitting in my bank from various dungeons and I have never once run into this issue you speak of where a certain class is needed for a certain dungeon.
(edited by Fluffycalico.2715)
I can only find rangers for TA, me myself a ranger too, and i cant use my ele or guard bcs i need the tokens for ranger, it feels so limited. And yeah my friends wantit for achievemnt but dont want to run it again bcs they dont need the tokens bcs they arent rangers.
In GW1 i went DoA with mesmer one day, with ele the other day, and i wasnt punnished for it.
I got around 300 TA tokens now, more than half of the runs was 5 ranger group.
So I earned 9 pieces of exotic dungeon armor and 1 exotic 2 hand weapon already. Will I get any kind of refund if its getting easier? Otherwise I will be very angry.
And I dont think I used any exploits for it.
Im am not asking for giving out more tokens, all im asking for is diversity, seeing the dozens of rangers sitting infront of TA isnt what i consider enjoyable dungeon.
I can only find rangers for TA, me myself a ranger too, and i cant use my ele or guard bcs i need the tokens for ranger, it feels so limited. And yeah my friends wantit for achievemnt but dont want to run it again bcs they dont need the tokens bcs they arent rangers.
In GW1 i went DoA with mesmer one day, with ele the other day, and i wasnt punnished for it.
I got around 300 TA tokens now, more than half of the runs was 5 ranger group.
Sorry about your luck that sounds annoying. I usually invite 4 friends to “dungeon runs” and we go get our daily 30 tokens from 4-5 of them without even changing the group out. Sometimes we might have to replace someone after about 2-3 of them.
Yea i also do dungs with friends for achievements and thats awesome, we have alot fun doing those and we do various dungs.
But i also want equipment for my ranger from TA, and that i can do only with another friend who is also a ranger, and then we mostly go pick up 3 random ppl in front of TA and those are rangers only, since every ranger wants TA equipment…
I’m glad ArenaNet is actively thinking about making changes to their dungeons. I’m not the kind of person to complain about the length of time it takes to complete an armor set, but let’s face it, it certainly needs tweaks. I have no right to propose changes, because that’s not my job. I’ll leave it up to developers who have years and years of experience with game development.
I’m glad they’re thinking of increasing the token amount after dungeon completion. I think it’s one of the best solutions (but certainly not the only one) to remedy the problems that plague the dungeon system. HOWEVER, people should understand that casual players ARE NOT the same as players who are not skilled. I just don’t like the idea that some people are proposing that at the end of the dungeon run, you get a token to exchange for an armor piece. In effect, you just need to run a dungeon 7 times to complete the set, which is complete BS. There are casual players who are skilled, and casual players who go into dungeons not knowing what to do. I for one do not like the idea that players who lack skill will get the same rewards as someone who took time to study how to play his/her class, and play well with people. Get over yourselves, please! /rolleyes Not pointing fingers at anyone, but I’ve seen a fair amount of people discussing this idiotic proposition among themselves.
I guess people are twisting what ArenaNet has promised – that you can have awesome looking gear easier than other MMOs. There still has to be some effort, and awesome gear naturally requires awesome effort. Rewarding an armor piece per run is about as intelligent as eating donkey droppings. I’m so sick of seeing that kind of suggestion in these forums and other forums.
PS. I have no respect for anyone wearing CoF armor. You know why, nubs. :P
Fort Aspenwood
(edited by theeagleeye.7693)
theeagleeye.7693PS. I have no respect for anyone wearing CoF armor. You know why, nubs. :P
I intend to get that set but i haven’t even run story mode of CoF yet. It is one of the few sets where I can actually make my necromancer have gear that doesn’t make me look like a priest. I was enjoying doing the dungeons, was farming story mode on Ascalon just to help other players out, finally got into a group run for Explo AC and it bugs out on the final boss, it kind of put me off from running dungeons and the only 2 I ran after that was story mode for TA, SE, once each, and Arah story for well, personal story completion.
On note of the topic, I wouldn’t really know what to say about the whole gear situation. Sure after one partial run of explo mode pre nerf to drops and stuff I got some tokens, but when looking at the vendors in comparison with the numbers, at a glance it seems like it would end up being a farm fest just to get a set of gear. I’m sure if I actually crunched the numbers it wouldn’t seem so bad, but only running the same content gets stale relatively fast if you are running it for grind purposes (I used to raid in WoW and it felt more like a chore to play than an enjoyable experience).
“wan… wan… mommy mommy, it’s been less than a month and I don’t have my elite set! mommy this is unfair? wan wan waaaaaan!”
Seriously? These are elite armor sets for a reason. It’s supposed to take a long time to get. It’s a prestige set. If everyone can have it at a drop of a hat, it would no longer be an elite/prestige armor set.
So please stop acting so silly!
As you play gw2 normally throughout the years, you’ll eventually have enough tokens. There’s no need to rush it.For me it will take more than a year, probably, and that’s okay. Do I want it now:-) . Oh yes. But I want a lot of things too. If you want something, work for it.
Yet you and everyone else who’s bxtching about it probably got their full set in 1-3 days pre-nerf.
I finished getting my pieces after the nerf, and hell I think the sets are so ugly I transmuted most of my stuff
Working on my Ascalon shoulders and pants and this doesn’t bother me one bit
Universal tokens is a terrible terrible idea. The people wanting this probably are the same doing arah shard farming and Cof and Just want all the armor in the fastest and easiest way. It is already bad enough now that everyone are only announcing those dungeons, places like CoE would NEVER be done with universal tokens.
I’m all for one to increase the rewards, specially the money. But making universal tokens will not incentive people to do different dungeons or paths.
It is God’s decision that i fight.
As knight of honor, as protector of the sin. I sacrifice myself, for the blood of criminals.
Thank you Jon, this is great news.
Hopefully the tokens we currently have in our bank will become account bound, too.
Universal tokens is a terrible terrible idea. The people wanting this probably are the same doing arah shard farming and Cof and Just want all the armor in the fastest and easiest way. It is already bad enough now that everyone are only announcing those dungeons, places like CoE would NEVER be done with universal tokens.
I’m all for one to increase the rewards, specially the money. But making universal tokens will not incentive people to do different dungeons or paths.
Why don’t you explain why a universal token system wouldn’t work? Because a unified token system would make it too easy to get what you wanted SO NO but instead give us more tokens to do less runs of the same dungeon! Sounds like hypocrisy to me….
So you wanna grind the same dungeon over and over again?
Read my other posts in this thread.
I have no dungeon armor as of this time because;
A)I don’t care for them as I’m fine with my primeval armor skin.
B) I really don’t want to run the same dungeon over and over again.
If people want to run the same dungeon over and over again with increased rewards and the current dungeon token system I say fine do it! BUT increase the difficulty on ALL the dungeons because obviously they are far to “easy” as they are now for the elitist out there. So make all regular mobs silvers and all silver mobs champions and champion bosses legendary and up there unshakable buff to a 100% and all bosses can spawn champ mobs at will.
(edited by DandySlayer.7019)
The game designers have stated that the philosophy behind Guild Wars 2 was to take away from the grind that MMORPGs often require so players will continue to pay a monthly subscription. Since GW2 does not have a monthly subscription their interests rely solely on “fun”.
Grinding is not fun, I do not understand why people would want to torture themselves this way. I do want to run a dungeon to get that perfect looking gear set. I do not want to run that same dungeon many many times to the point of tedium.
Could you also make the dropped runes not be soulbound please? Very annoying to get a rune I have no use, can’t sell and can’t even combine it with other runes in the mystic forge (an example is the Orrian runes from Arah).
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer
Reading comprehension, do you have it? I said i approve of better rewards to diminish the grind, and the reason that is a bad idea, is that everyone will flock to the fastest and easiest dungeon to get things done. Just like…wait for it…now. Except that with universal tokens, everyone will be running around with every dungeon armor. CoF image was already ruined, and i don’t think devs want to spread it further to other dungeons.
It is God’s decision that i fight.
As knight of honor, as protector of the sin. I sacrifice myself, for the blood of criminals.
Why yes I do sir! But let’s check to see if I do comprehend your thinking TOGETHER!
Universal tokens is a terrible terrible idea. The people wanting this probably are the same doing arah shard farming and Cof and Just want all the armor in the fastest and easiest way. It is already bad enough now that everyone are only announcing those dungeons, places like CoE would NEVER be done with universal tokens.
I’m all for one to increase the rewards, specially the money. But making universal tokens will not incentive people to do different dungeons or paths.
All I see is you attacking the idea of a unified token system in that first paragraph.
And then nowhere do I see you approve of better rewards to DIMINISH THE GRIND.
Which in all reality won’t happen but at least with a unified dungeon token system that acts just like other currency in that it won’t take up any valuable storage space, it would give players the option to either;
A)Mindlessly grind a single dungeon to death.
B) Spread the grind out so it seems less like a grind and more like fun!
SO proper writing skills, do you have them?
I’m all for one to increase the rewards, specially the money. But making universal tokens will not incentive people to do different dungeons or paths.
And that’s what Jon told that they are doing, increasing the rewards to reduce the amount of times doing the same dungeon. And now you want them to give you all the dungeon rewards just for doing one path that you are able to beat it? Hell no, devs said those armor are a symbol of prestige. I shouldn’t be running around with CoE armor for abusing CoF exploits.
It is God’s decision that i fight.
As knight of honor, as protector of the sin. I sacrifice myself, for the blood of criminals.
o.O ^^^^^ the post above me is confusing.
Oh wow, this game has turned WoW status and it hasn’t even been a month.
Why give in to the players that want instant level 80 gear within a week that will leave after a month of playing?
They are the same ones that want the cultural armor lowered and don’t think ahead to the fact that 30g won’t be a lot later.
Always sacrificing the integrity of a game for the ones that like to put in little to no effort to earn something.
I’ll just wait to get my legendary also since within the next 2 months when people realize how hard they are to get they’ll whine on the forums again and have it put up in a vendor for 10g.
Future of Guild wars 2 right there.
Run a dungeon on all 3 paths and go to a vendor to get decked out in all your 80 gear so you can stand around in lions arch arguing with each other over who’s armor has better colors.
I’m starting to feel a bit sorry for the developers now; dungeon-specific tokens mean that each dungeon has its own value and worth, for those who wish to create some kind of universal dungeon token are actually discrediting developers intended efforts towards the design and arts in each dungeon as well as the concepts for the unique equipment.
These dungeon missions are perhaps the height of PvE difficulty and all I see are people trying to exploit the progress made in this thread =/, if you have an issue about dungeons non-specific to soul bounded tokens, maybe you should generate community feedback in a non-chaotic method by opening or commenting in a topic specific thread?
Grinding isn’t meant to be fun or simulating (unless you make it a challenge for yourself!), however the outcome reward is valued greater by the player when they earn their reward, as well as the appearance to other players.
I’m all for one to increase the rewards, specially the money. But making universal tokens will not incentive people to do different dungeons or paths.
And that’s what Jon told that they are doing, increasing the rewards to reduce the amount of times doing the same dungeon. And now you want them to give you all the dungeon rewards just for doing one path that you are able to beat it? Hell no, devs said those armor are a symbol of prestige. I shouldn’t be running around with CoE armor for abusing CoF exploits.
What about the people that ran it before the patch job and got there armor already? And what about people still doing it legitimately right now? So what about all those people running around with CoF armor now? Not very prestigious is it? People are already mad that people have “prestige” armor through an exploit NOW they have to deal with people putting in less time then them to get this “prestious” armor???
THATS BULL**** plain and simple.
Nothing in this game is prestious.
Got a commander tag that was a 100g? Exploited!
Got some cool prestigious dungeon armor? Exploited!
Balance the dungeons out and make a unified token system with no need to modify the current rewards or pricing and keep the anti-speed clearing tech.
The people who speed-ran CoF and got their dungeon armor in 2.5-3 hours are now whining that the rest of us will have a chance to get our armors in fewer, but more time-consuming, dungeon trips? lolwut? Seriously, at the end of the day, you will still have earned more gold and obtained your armor faster than after this change is implemented. Anet introduced lowered gold rewards and reduced drop rates to discourage speed running. In order to balance that for players coming up now, they need to adjust the drop tables for tokens. The early runners do still have the advantage though of having obtained dungeon armors in 15-20 short, quick, efficient runs. Everyone else will have to take long arduous journeys. Increasing the token rates eases that sting just a bit. (Making one universal “dungeon token” currency would be even better, but I don’t see that happening.)
Unless I’m missing something no one got their gear in “2.5-3 hours”. I do remember hearing that there was an exploit that allowed people to complete CoF in 1-2 minutes but I honestly don’t think that many people used it if it was actually there. I have full CoF set and it took closer to 40 hours and that was before all the buffs and the new gate exploit that people are doing (haven’t run cof in about 2 weeks now).
Still, as I said on the previous page it doesn’t bother me in the slightest that they will start giving out more tokens and people will get their armor more quickly. Because in the future should I choose to get some fancy looking armor for an alt won’t be nearly as tedious.
Before I read that they were going to adjust token rewards I would never have considered going for another set of dungeon armor for alts or alternative stat combinations for my warrior, crafted or karma all the way. But now I think I might, after they adjust rewards that is.
(edited by fellyn.5083)
The people who speed-ran CoF and got their dungeon armor in 2.5-3 hours are now whining that the rest of us will have a chance to get our armors in fewer, but more time-consuming, dungeon trips? lolwut? Seriously, at the end of the day, you will still have earned more gold and obtained your armor faster than after this change is implemented. Anet introduced lowered gold rewards and reduced drop rates to discourage speed running. In order to balance that for players coming up now, they need to adjust the drop tables for tokens. The early runners do still have the advantage though of having obtained dungeon armors in 15-20 short, quick, efficient runs. Everyone else will have to take long arduous journeys. Increasing the token rates eases that sting just a bit. (Making one universal “dungeon token” currency would be even better, but I don’t see that happening.)
Unless I’m missing something no one got their gear in “2.5-3 hours”. I do remember hearing that there was an exploit that allowed people to complete CoF in 1-2 minutes but I honestly don’t think that many people used it if it was actually there. I have full CoF set and it took closer to 40 hours and that was before all the buffs and that was doing 15-20 minute runs.
Still, as I said on the previous page it doesn’t bother me in the slightest that they will start giving out more tokens and people will get their armor more quickly. Because in the future should I choose to getting some fancy looking armor for an alt won’t be nearly as tedious.
Before I read that they were going to adjust token rewards I would never have considered going for another set of dungeon armor for alts or alternative stat combinations for my warrior, crafted or karma all the way. But now I think I might, after they adjust rewards that is.
4 runs an hr x40hrs x20 tokens=3200 tokens +10 for the first one you did each of say 5 days =3250 tokens It doesn’t cost that many for a set of armor
I think with this great news, I am going to ask for a mile an a quarter, after the foot of good news you’ve given, Jon. Could you please increase the amount of money we receive for each chest? At the moment, because we’re choosing paths we’re comfortable with and have achieved a good semblance of coordination, I’m at about a 1:1 ratio for money:repair cost at the end. I’d like a 1.5/2:1 ratio is possible. Thanks!
Cat V – Necromancer of Blackgate
The people who speed-ran CoF and got their dungeon armor in 2.5-3 hours are now whining that the rest of us will have a chance to get our armors in fewer, but more time-consuming, dungeon trips? lolwut? Seriously, at the end of the day, you will still have earned more gold and obtained your armor faster than after this change is implemented. Anet introduced lowered gold rewards and reduced drop rates to discourage speed running. In order to balance that for players coming up now, they need to adjust the drop tables for tokens. The early runners do still have the advantage though of having obtained dungeon armors in 15-20 short, quick, efficient runs. Everyone else will have to take long arduous journeys. Increasing the token rates eases that sting just a bit. (Making one universal “dungeon token” currency would be even better, but I don’t see that happening.)
Unless I’m missing something no one got their gear in “2.5-3 hours”. I do remember hearing that there was an exploit that allowed people to complete CoF in 1-2 minutes but I honestly don’t think that many people used it if it was actually there. I have full CoF set and it took closer to 40 hours and that was before all the buffs and that was doing 15-20 minute runs.
Still, as I said on the previous page it doesn’t bother me in the slightest that they will start giving out more tokens and people will get their armor more quickly. Because in the future should I choose to getting some fancy looking armor for an alt won’t be nearly as tedious.
Before I read that they were going to adjust token rewards I would never have considered going for another set of dungeon armor for alts or alternative stat combinations for my warrior, crafted or karma all the way. But now I think I might, after they adjust rewards that is.
4 runs an hr x40hrs x20 tokens=3200 tokens +10 for the first one you did each of say 5 days =3250 tokens It doesn’t cost that many for a set of armor
Except for you can’t do 4 runs an hour. With the fact that you will very likely have to wait for the events to unlock the door to CoF (a solid 20-25 minutes if the npc hasn’t spawned) you’re likely only going to get 2 runs an hour, 3 if you are lucky and you get out while the bridge defend event is almost over.
(edited by fellyn.5083)
@Fluffycalico – except for you can’t do 4 runs an hour. With the fact that you will very likely have to wait for the events to unlock the door to CoF (a solid 20-25 minutes if the npc hasn’t spawned) you’re likely only to get 2 runs an hour, 3 if you are lucky and you get out while the bridge defend event is happening.
For like a week straight on my server I never saw that dungeon either not open or at least with the bridge fight going on. Maybe it was differnt on your server but there were like 800 people farming it on mine.