“I have no dungeon armor as of this time because;
A)I don’t care for them as I’m fine with my primeval armor skin.
B) I really don’t want to run the same dungeon over and over again.
If people want to run the same dungeon over and over again with increased rewards and the current dungeon token system I say fine do it! BUT increase the difficulty on ALL the dungeons because obviously they are far to “easy” as they are now for the elitist out there. So make all regular mobs silvers and all silver mobs champions and champion bosses legendary and up there unshakable buff to a 100% and all bosses can spawn champ mobs at will."
Wait, so…
You don’t run dungeons and don’t care to. Okay, that’s fine, that’s your call and that is a totally understandable one.
BUT if the system isn’t changed the way you want it to be into a way that would make you want to play dungeons, then you want everybody else to struggle as much as possible?
That is basically what I got from that post and it made absolutely no sense.
Not everybody is finding the dungeons super easy, so you sitting there and using the vocal minority as an excuse to try make dungeons “SUPER HARD MODE” is ridiculous. The fact you already say you are not running dungeons makes your argument even more invalid because it means you are not experiencing several of these dungeons in their harder explorable mode forms (and I assume you wouldn’t even if they implemented this change you want them to.)
Sorry, that isn’t how it works.
A universal token system would make everything convenient, yes. But it isn’t what the developers envisioned when they made these dungeons and, outside of that, don’t you think it would make no sense at all? Why on this good earth should I be able to purchase Orrian Arah armour if I don’t ever run Arah for shards? Convenience is a nice thing, but we as players are not entitled to it, so the idea of a universal token system at the end of the day is a bit nonsensical and doesn’t fix anything. It wouldn’t make dungeons live longer – actually it would kill them quicker as players slowly learn and work out which the easiest path was to run. And, since that one path could still get them tokens to buy any armour set they wanted, they’d then never ever need to run the actual dungeon.
And, as if this wasn’t generally enough, you also don’t take into account level scaling whatsoever for you “all dungeons should give me a universal token” quote.
If you’re a level 80 running AC explorable, it’s going to be a little easier than if you were a 35 running it. Why? Because your gear is better and is giving you better stats, and even though you have been scaled as appropriately as possible, the mathematics isn’t perfect. A full scaled down team of 80 in AC explorable is probably going to struggle less than a full 35 time, even if they all have the same tactics and the same classes in their set up. That’s just how mathematics works, I’m afraid.
Which would then mean that you basically say to all the lower level players doing explorable modes at their level range “Well basically screw you because. I’m running AC explorable as a level 80 because it’s easier and can still get me my 80 gear, but you’re running it for gear appropriate for your level and you’re going to find it even harder!”
You wanted an argument why, at the end of the day, a universal token idea was bad. Well, there you go, there’s the argument that you asked for. It makes little to no sense, the mathematics denies the claim it would make dungeons live longer (it would just kill them all quicker until the only dungeon being run happens to be the one with the easiest path, which devs would then buff and the process would rinse/repeat to find the next easiest path) and doesn’t do anything but make it slightly more convenient for a few players hither and yon.
I do entirely agree with, however, the suggestion of additional items that tokens could buy. Ectos and lodestones and the other suggestions we’ve seen so far have been really good suggestions, and these items would help dungeons be more appealing to run.