Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Airyll.7849


“I have no dungeon armor as of this time because;
A)I don’t care for them as I’m fine with my primeval armor skin.
B) I really don’t want to run the same dungeon over and over again.

If people want to run the same dungeon over and over again with increased rewards and the current dungeon token system I say fine do it! BUT increase the difficulty on ALL the dungeons because obviously they are far to “easy” as they are now for the elitist out there. So make all regular mobs silvers and all silver mobs champions and champion bosses legendary and up there unshakable buff to a 100% and all bosses can spawn champ mobs at will."

Wait, so…

You don’t run dungeons and don’t care to. Okay, that’s fine, that’s your call and that is a totally understandable one.

BUT if the system isn’t changed the way you want it to be into a way that would make you want to play dungeons, then you want everybody else to struggle as much as possible?

That is basically what I got from that post and it made absolutely no sense.

Not everybody is finding the dungeons super easy, so you sitting there and using the vocal minority as an excuse to try make dungeons “SUPER HARD MODE” is ridiculous. The fact you already say you are not running dungeons makes your argument even more invalid because it means you are not experiencing several of these dungeons in their harder explorable mode forms (and I assume you wouldn’t even if they implemented this change you want them to.)

Sorry, that isn’t how it works.

A universal token system would make everything convenient, yes. But it isn’t what the developers envisioned when they made these dungeons and, outside of that, don’t you think it would make no sense at all? Why on this good earth should I be able to purchase Orrian Arah armour if I don’t ever run Arah for shards? Convenience is a nice thing, but we as players are not entitled to it, so the idea of a universal token system at the end of the day is a bit nonsensical and doesn’t fix anything. It wouldn’t make dungeons live longer – actually it would kill them quicker as players slowly learn and work out which the easiest path was to run. And, since that one path could still get them tokens to buy any armour set they wanted, they’d then never ever need to run the actual dungeon.

And, as if this wasn’t generally enough, you also don’t take into account level scaling whatsoever for you “all dungeons should give me a universal token” quote.

If you’re a level 80 running AC explorable, it’s going to be a little easier than if you were a 35 running it. Why? Because your gear is better and is giving you better stats, and even though you have been scaled as appropriately as possible, the mathematics isn’t perfect. A full scaled down team of 80 in AC explorable is probably going to struggle less than a full 35 time, even if they all have the same tactics and the same classes in their set up. That’s just how mathematics works, I’m afraid.

Which would then mean that you basically say to all the lower level players doing explorable modes at their level range “Well basically screw you because. I’m running AC explorable as a level 80 because it’s easier and can still get me my 80 gear, but you’re running it for gear appropriate for your level and you’re going to find it even harder!”

You wanted an argument why, at the end of the day, a universal token idea was bad. Well, there you go, there’s the argument that you asked for. It makes little to no sense, the mathematics denies the claim it would make dungeons live longer (it would just kill them all quicker until the only dungeon being run happens to be the one with the easiest path, which devs would then buff and the process would rinse/repeat to find the next easiest path) and doesn’t do anything but make it slightly more convenient for a few players hither and yon.

I do entirely agree with, however, the suggestion of additional items that tokens could buy. Ectos and lodestones and the other suggestions we’ve seen so far have been really good suggestions, and these items would help dungeons be more appealing to run.

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: angelsarc.1807


I think with this great news, I am going to ask for a mile an a quarter, after the foot of good news you’ve given, Jon. Could you please increase the amount of money we receive for each chest? At the moment, because we’re choosing paths we’re comfortable with and have achieved a good semblance of coordination, I’m at about a 1:1 ratio for money:repair cost at the end. I’d like a 1.5/2:1 ratio is possible. Thanks!

Seriously? How? Do you really get defeated 10-20 times per dungeon run? I still make plenty of money doing runs even though it’s bugged for me and I get 19s and 6.5s for the first two runs that I do every day.

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: mynameisdan.5309


That I do. Or simple mistakes that gets me killed. More along the 10 line than the 20 line. For instance, if you run to where the 2 champs in Path 3 Arah are before actually making it to the path select in Arah, all of the normal mobs + the 2 or 3 silvers will casually walk toward you, eventually running into you and wiping the floor. Stuff like that. I also run full dungeons, not parts or shard runs. The legendary mobs DO hit hard, after all.

Freshfruit – Guardian of Blackgate
Cat V – Necromancer of Blackgate

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gray.9650


A universal token system would make everything convenient, yes. But it isn’t what the developers envisioned when they made these dungeons and, outside of that, don’t you think it would make no sense at all? Why on this good earth should I be able to purchase Orrian Arah armour if I don’t ever run Arah for shards? Convenience is a nice thing, but we as players are not entitled to it, so the idea of a universal token system at the end of the day is a bit nonsensical and doesn’t fix anything. It wouldn’t make dungeons live longer – actually it would kill them quicker as players slowly learn and work out which the easiest path was to run. And, since that one path could still get them tokens to buy any armour set they wanted, they’d then never ever need to run the actual dungeon.

that will happen anyway, only difference is that people run the easiest route per dungeon. I’m not saying universal tokens would be a good idea, but they would still be an improvement to the current situation (so much for “don’t fix anything”) – and that just shows how bad the current situation is.

as for what the developers envisioned: gem purchases. why else would you need to put in a large amount of grind if not too keep people playing (and buying)? the sub is still there, just better hidden and distributed differently. funny fact: that type of convenience worked well in gw1 for years. yes, you can have longevity without pushing people into dungeons only to have the same endgame as every other mmo (don’t forget, this game is a revolution)

(edited by Gray.9650)

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: angelsarc.1807


That I do. Or simple mistakes that gets me killed. More along the 10 line than the 20 line. For instance, if you run to where the 2 champs in Path 3 Arah are before actually making it to the path select in Arah, all of the normal mobs + the 2 or 3 silvers will casually walk toward you, eventually running into you and wiping the floor. Stuff like that. I also run full dungeons, not parts or shard runs. The legendary mobs DO hit hard, after all.

Good. Running parts is dumb and should be discouraged, anyway. The best solution to legendaries hitting hard is to get better at avoiding their attacks. It sounds like you can work on not making simple mistakes, too. The point is that there is plenty that you can control to not need to repair a lot. You will get downed from time to time, but getting defeated is another thing entirely. If they ever get the dungeon system working like they intend, increasing the gold rewards would cause massive inflation. People would be making 4g an hour just running dungeons and that shouldn’t happen.

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Badger.9374


If you guys could make orange armor bind on equip and account bound rather than soulbound it would be super. I accidentally bought a piece of 42,000 karma orange heavy armor on my elementalist that I can’t do anything with other than destroy.


Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yawg.1294


This sounds like some good improvements BUT I think they don’t touch the real problem much.

The real problem is that you have to stick to the same one dungeon and run it over and over and over again so the rewards you got can be of any use. A player who ran the same dungeon 80 times gets the real mean rewards, another player who did 80 dungeon runs in different dungeons gets a bunch of different tokens which are (near) useless unless he does a huge lot of runs in each of those dungeons (ridiculous).

Possible Solution suggestion:

Add a conversion mechanism: 1 specific dungeon token -> 1 generic dungeon token (also account bound).

Then let us pay up to a certain part of a dungeon gear piece cost using the generic tokens.

For example: require a minimum of 1/3 tokens from the specific dungeon and up to 2/3 generic tokens. This way having dungeon gear still means you have ran this specific dungeon a significant amount of time, but you never feel not properly rewarded if you go to a different dungeon for a change.

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: theeagleeye.7693


I believe some people misinterpreted other people when they said “make tokens universal

- They probably actually meant universal for all their toons. i.e. the CM tokens acquired through my Elementalist can also be used by my new Warrior. – something I’m fine with. Other games had it, and it didn’t create a problem for the community, despite the initial opposition to the announcement.


- 1 token currency to rule them all – completely idiotic. Get over yourselves, please! Stop suggesting something like this just to make up for your lack of skill.

Some must fight, so that all may be free!

Fort Aspenwood

(edited by theeagleeye.7693)

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DaedalusDragon.3754


I would definitely like to see these become another UI currency similar to gold/silver/copper and karma.

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tarlius.7321


I like Yawg’s idea. The thing that bothers me is that to get gear I want, I have to run a specific dungeon, which might not be the one that the rest of my guild wants to do. If there was some part shared between them all, then there would be a reason for guildies to do mine, and me to do guildies’ too. 1/3 + 2/3 means we can rotate 3 different dungeons, for example. Makes it much less grindy and repetitive and lets us play more with our mates. Everyone wins?

Skill is nothing to do with it :s

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


I would run more dungeons if there was an RNG chance that one of the costume pieces would drop in a chest or from the final boss. I really don’t enjoy saving up tokens though. I used to enjoy dungeons in WoW and Rift as well up until they introduced the Tokens. Some people enjoy saving up tokens because they can calculate exactly how many runs they need to do and how many they have left, but I really really miss the rush or the hope that something cool might drop. With the hope gone, the apathy has set in and I just don’t enjoy doing the dungeon more than once on each mode. Having an option for a lucky costume drop in addition to tokens would be ideal IMO, catering to both playstyles.

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yawg.1294


Fully agree with Elthurien’s post. This touches a different problem than I did a few posts above, but is nearly as important.

The current setup where you receive a fixed number of tokens per run and getting the dungeon gear requires doing a pre-set number of runs makes it feel more like WORK than a game about hunting for rare virtual treasures. The anticipation of possible awesome treasure at the end of dungeon run is something many players love but it’s gone from this game, replaced by a fixed “salary” for the completed work.
I fully understand the tokens are good for ensuring players wouldn’t be left at the mercy of RNG and that no completed run can feel like a waste, but I think a hybrid system would feel way better.

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Agrias.2391


why didn’t they just implement wow’s random dungeon feature if they wanted people to do varied content.

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wayfinder.8452


Jon, you made my day thank you !
Please, keep improving the game and dont sucumb to elitists.

The man who can wield the power of this sword can summon to him an army
more deadly than any that walks this earth. Put aside the Ranger.
Become who you were born to be. I give hope to men. I keep none for myself.

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Paresseux.3579


Hi, I tried to read all the posts but I’m pretty sure I missed the guys who disagreed with all of this. I’m one of them.

1) The thing with dungeons is that they provide you a way to get a unique SKIN for your armor. You can get the same stats by crafting/looting/buying at the TC. But if you want this skin you have to earn it. It proves you are kind of an “expert” at a specific dungeon (I know everything is not perfectly balanced yet but that’s the idea).
Making the tokens unique accross all dungeons will destroy this thing and everybody will just say : “Oh look this guy have the Arah dungeon armor, he probably just ran CoF a few times!”.

2) I know making a reroll is supposed to be easier than creating your first char, but again with the dungeon armors, this is a SKIN, if you want it with your ranger you play with your ranger, it makes sense to me. Making the tokens account bound won’t prove that you’ve played a lot with a char, you could have done a dungeon 50 times with your guardian to get the set on your ranger.

3) I think the difficulty/rewards/armors or weapons cost is balanced. It’s not THAT long to get a set. Play the different paths instead of farming the same over and over again, you’ll event get more tokens ! It’s SUPPOSED to be long enough to create content. In a week when the people whining here that this is too expensive will have 3 sets of dungeons, they’ll come back and whine for more content in a different topic.

Arenanet listens to their community and this is great, but maybe they’re listening too much…

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


“Arenanet listens to their community and this is great, but maybe they’re listening too much…”
One of the smartest things I’ve read around the boards lately.

If u want to balance dungeons, the 1 token per 1 armor/weapon piece and make the dungeon extremely challenging and un-exploitable would work. People are finding way too many ways to exploit dungeons at the moment, sorry to say.

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kiraki.9761


Hi, I tried to read all the posts but I’m pretty sure I missed the guys who disagreed with all of this. I’m one of them.

1) The thing with dungeons is that they provide you a way to get a unique SKIN for your armor. You can get the same stats by crafting/looting/buying at the TC. But if you want this skin you have to earn it. It proves you are kind of an “expert” at a specific dungeon (I know everything is not perfectly balanced yet but that’s the idea).
Making the tokens unique accross all dungeons will destroy this thing and everybody will just say : “Oh look this guy have the Arah dungeon armor, he probably just ran CoF a few times!”..

Dungeons do NOT just provide you with a skin, some of those armors have stat combinations that are not craft-able at all or only found from very rare drops, so rare in fact that it is much more viable farming the dungeon to get the gear with those stats then it is hoping for the rare chance of a drop.

This leaves those that need those specific stat combinations at a huge disadvantage when trying to gain gear as opposed to those who can get the stats they want from crafted armors.

Making tokens account bound would make this at least a little bit easier in that regard.

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: theeagleeye.7693


I see one subtle problem here. The costume designers of this game are sokittengood, they’ve made everyone like the costume pieces. Almost all of them look stunning, and this is a bad thing because so many people are complaining how long it takes to acquire them, because they want to have them less than 2 months into the game. They are twisting what ArenaNet has promised about the game being less grindy. You are not compelled to grind anyway. A lot of rare drops and crafted gear look really awesome on their own, and they have formidable stats to boot. Even Order armor pieces and cultural armor pieces don’t cost a single token, and they’re even exotic (or rare?) gear.

I just really dislike some of these suggestions from other players. You’re asking for a having your cake, and eating it too type of solution.

Some must fight, so that all may be free!

Fort Aspenwood

(edited by theeagleeye.7693)

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: aleiro.8521


Maybe make a universal token system + dungeon cooldowns?
(and the cooldown can be applied to each of the 3 different runs a dungeon can have separately)
Dungeon cooldowns prevent speedruns and the universal token system allows you to play whichever dungeons you like more (or whichever you think is easier and faster) first, and if you want more tokens or have more time you can run the other dungeons in the game. Or just wait till the next day.

Perhaps this would need a correction in equipment prices or dungeon token payout.

Just an idea I’m throwing out there (hopefully someone already posted something like this) I don’t have the discipline to read all the posts so apologies in advance if I repeated someone else’s idea.
Edited to say: Instead of cooldowns, the current debuff could be applied for a certain dungeon once it has been ran that day. The debuff would end at midnight of the day in question

(edited by aleiro.8521)

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


no universal tokens + cooldowns. Especially cooldowns would ruin pve for me.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cronax.8406


I really like the idea of aleiro.8521. Right now people are pushed to repeat the same dungeon over and over again in a game that promised to be an MMO without the grind. In a system where you have a cooldown/debuff/whatever on a dungeon path to basically take away most of the rewards from that path if it’s run a second time that day and you have universal tokens, then at the very least you encourage people to run several/all of the dungeons in the game every day so they experience more of the content and it feels like far less of a grind. In such a case you don’t even have to increase the amount of tokens dropped by as much or reduce the price of the gear because you’ve already taken out the worst part of the grind. If you’re lucky you’ll even encourage people to build properly balanced groups that have a “tanky specced” character and one or two supports because even though GW2 supposedly does away with the holy trinity, the fact of the matter is that in order to complete an explorable mode you ideally do want to have people performing those 3 roles to have a smooth run. Today, this is more true in some dungeons than in others, meaning that some dungeons can have any random group of 5 succeeding where others are more strict on your group composition…

Personally, given the current state of the game, I would probably change the gear system slightly and have 2 types of tokens. I would change the gear system so that you can have one item providing you with stats and another slot for the looks of that same slot. For the tokens, one would be dungeon specific and soulbound and would be used for “vanity items” that give basic stats but have the dungeon specific look, and the other set would be account wide and would be used to purchase the specific combinations of stats that you might want. This will serve a dual purpose: people who want certain looks for their armor but can’t get the right stats on items with those looks can get their stuff with the same grind, and if you balance the amounts of tokens dropped well enough then hopefully people will actually start collecting several stat combinations so that it’s much easier to change from a ‘tank’ set to a ‘support’ or ‘dps’ set.

Separately I would say the aggro system needs to be changed a bit since from my and other peoples’ experience at the moment the mobs seem to aggro people who are casting support spells and heals and who have the lowest health pool…while this makes sense in an MMO where you have snap-aggro skills and threat management skills, in GW2 you don’t have these meaning it would make more sense if the mobs target the beefier targets first…I’ve been trying to make a tanking build for my Guardian but the only thing that has been remotely successful has me basically playing a support build with some extra defensive stats tacked on…

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ciramorn.4503


Why don’t you explain why a universal token system wouldn’t work? Because a unified token system would make it too easy to get what you wanted SO NO but instead give us more tokens to do less runs of the same dungeon! Sounds like hypocrisy to me….
So you wanna grind the same dungeon over and over again?
Read my other posts in this thread.

universal tokens don’t work for the exact same reason people are running the easiest path for the dungeon they want already- a lot of people want to get their gear as fast as possible. with universal tokens you’d have people grinding the easiest dungeon path out of all of them, and good luck ever finding a pug for anything different.

account bound tokens at least reduce wasted storage space (though i’m still going to hope for them to be added to a collection section someday) and potentially encourage people to bring other characters into dungeons even if they don’t want that specific gear for that character.

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

I like the more payout idea, but is that going to be as you progress through the entire section or just a general increase? I say this just because the former gives more incentive for folks to plunge deeper into the dungeon rather than speed runs whereas the later just leaves things business-as-usual, but with higher payout.

I understand where folks are coming from with the universal or token conversion suggestions since the majority of players are mainly fixated on certain dungeons due to their rewards…. But I’m not sure that really is wise in the long run. Yes, it sucks you have to basically take a backseat while everyone else gears. You may even have to run with non-guildies to get what you want… sucks, but if they’re not gonna help you unless it helps them then that just is lame (but often happens).

I heard some suggestions about tokens for globs or other crafting mats, not sure how the devs feel about that cause you can basically convert tokens for gold. Maybe have some weekly (or weekend) rotation where these certain dungeons have bonus token payouts? The account-bound switch of tokens combined with this should make some incentive to do the dungeon unless you have no intention of creating and gearing another toon.

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DandySlayer.7019


Why don’t you explain why a universal token system wouldn’t work? Because a unified token system would make it too easy to get what you wanted SO NO but instead give us more tokens to do less runs of the same dungeon! Sounds like hypocrisy to me….
So you wanna grind the same dungeon over and over again?
Read my other posts in this thread.

universal tokens don’t work for the exact same reason people are running the easiest path for the dungeon they want already- a lot of people want to get their gear as fast as possible. with universal tokens you’d have people grinding the easiest dungeon path out of all of them, and good luck ever finding a pug for anything different.

account bound tokens at least reduce wasted storage space (though i’m still going to hope for them to be added to a collection section someday) and potentially encourage people to bring other characters into dungeons even if they don’t want that specific gear for that character.

Did you read my earlier posts at all?

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Krinthered.9763


I’m all for one to increase the rewards, specially the money. But making universal tokens will not incentive people to do different dungeons or paths.

And that’s what Jon told that they are doing, increasing the rewards to reduce the amount of times doing the same dungeon. And now you want them to give you all the dungeon rewards just for doing one path that you are able to beat it? Hell no, devs said those armor are a symbol of prestige. I shouldn’t be running around with CoE armor for abusing CoF exploits.

What about the people that ran it before the patch job and got there armor already? And what about people still doing it legitimately right now? So what about all those people running around with CoF armor now? Not very prestigious is it? People are already mad that people have “prestige” armor through an exploit NOW they have to deal with people putting in less time then them to get this “prestious” armor???
THATS BULL**** plain and simple.
Nothing in this game is prestious.
Got a commander tag that was a 100g? Exploited!
Got some cool prestigious dungeon armor? Exploited!

Balance the dungeons out and make a unified token system with no need to modify the current rewards or pricing and keep the anti-speed clearing tech.

Seconded… I spent the last week doing 4 or 5 runs a night on varying paths in TA to accumulate enough tokens for chest,legs and helm only to get this news? Im not going to stop running it and wait but i do feel jipped out of my time and effort. After farming 800+ tokens with the current gain of 5 per boss and an aditional 5 for completion. If they increase the token gain to 10 instead of 5 then i should have double the amount of tokens for the same number of runs i have done. I should have the full set already…

This is BS. As it has been stated before catering to the whiney populace gets a game nowhere. You can get the same stats as token gear from crafted items. The token gear is for prestige end of story.

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DandySlayer.7019


Wait, so…

You don’t run dungeons and don’t care to. Okay, that’s fine, that’s your call and that is a totally understandable one.

BUT if the system isn’t changed the way you want it to be into a way that would make you want to play dungeons, then you want everybody else to struggle as much as possible?

Not everybody is finding the dungeons super easy, so you sitting there and using the vocal minority as an excuse to try make dungeons “SUPER HARD MODE” is ridiculous. The fact you already say you are not running dungeons makes your argument even more invalid because it means you are not experiencing several of these dungeons in their harder explorable mode forms (and I assume you wouldn’t even if they implemented this change you want them to.)

Sorry, that isn’t how it works.

A universal token system would make everything convenient, yes. But it isn’t what the developers envisioned when they made these dungeons and, outside of that, don’t you think it would make no sense at all? Why on this good earth should I be able to purchase Orrian Arah armour if I don’t ever run Arah for shards? Convenience is a nice thing, but we as players are not entitled to it, so the idea of a universal token system at the end of the day is a bit nonsensical and doesn’t fix anything. It wouldn’t make dungeons live longer – actually it would kill them quicker as players slowly learn and work out which the easiest path was to run. And, since that one path could still get them tokens to buy any armour set they wanted, they’d then never ever need to run the actual dungeon.

And, as if this wasn’t generally enough, you also don’t take into account level scaling whatsoever for you “all dungeons should give me a universal token” quote.

If you’re a level 80 running AC explorable, it’s going to be a little easier than if you were

You wanted an argument why, at the end of the day, a universal token idea was bad. Well, there you go, there’s the argument that you asked for. It makes little to no sense, the mathematics denies the claim it would make dungeons live longer (it would just kill them all quicker until the only dungeon being run happens to be the one with the easiest path, which devs would then buff and the process would rinse/repeat to find the next easiest path) and doesn’t do anything but make it slightly more convenient for a few players hither and yon.

Yes was my response to many topics and people having stated that dungeons are to easy yet many people want a reduction of prices or increase in rewards so I thought heck maybe we should give them what they wanted! So if they wanted this armor because its “Prestige Armor” then lets make the dungeon as hard as possible and if anyone could get beat it then they could get like 200 tokens a run, so when they do have that full set then people would be like “WOAH you did that dungeon like 10 times and BEAT IT 10 times!” Then that armor would be truly Prestigious Armor.

And that’s how it should work if Anet wants people to feel like dungeon armor is prestige armor. BUT since this game was made to be accessible to all players of all ranges it would never be like that. Or who knows maybe they’ll add a hard mode?

If you had read my earlier posts in this thread which you didn’t obviously you would have read that they should properly BALANCE out all the dungeons to offer a reasonable challenge and yet never get to the point of being super easy. That would be the only way a unified token system would work! Now you do bring up a good point in the fact that why should someone get a dungeon armor for dungeon they have never done? Now with a unified dungeon token system and well balanced dungeons in place in order to get a dungeon armor from a certain dungeon you would have to complete each one of a dungeons paths ONCE in order for the vendor to sell you the items that dungeon gives. This would allow people to experience all dungeons in the game and allow everybody to get there choice armor or weapon set and enjoy whatever dungeon they wish to do! And once again this would allow Anet to keep the anti-speed clear tech in game with out people really feeling it. Oh and ensure that tokens are only received at the end chest only to prevent short 5-10 token runs from happening.

The whole scaling thing comes into the properly balancing out of dungeons section.

I wanted no arguments somebody else did and I stood up for what I said. I was looking for a discussion. And some dungeons are already basically dead as is :/

And I’m fine with the the way we get Ectos and Lodestones as of right now. No need to buy them.

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

I agree with Dandy… if it’s easy, then you shouldn’t be surprised that it feels like grindfest because it’s low risk so the payouts shouldn’t be instant as well as highly lucrative. Now if it’s hard, it should be high risk, high payout and highly lucrative (depending on how good you and your group are at avoiding death). Sure, hard might still be a little grindy, but it’s the difference of doing maybe a handful of runs rather than 100s of speed runs.

That’s why I’m in favor of increased rewards… but more on the back-end of sections or certain paths that are intentionally harder, rather than a general increase.

(edited by Bruno Sardine.2907)

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ryokoalways.3450


I will post here to avoid making a new thread since a dev did somewhat comment about dungeon reward changes.

If a reward increase is implemented, I would prefer for the dungeon reward to be increased based on performance instead of a flat increase. A ranking system based on various parameters such as clear speed (a side plug; I still strongly suggest against a speed clear threshold limitation), number of down/death, event/dungeon specific parameters (for instance, number of blossoms triggered in TA or something), etc would be more dynamic.

The concern here is that it would be hard to quantify performance in this game. Whereas there are some minor action game mechanisms in GW2, it’s still nowhere like DMC or other games of that genre, so scoring a run would need to be observed differently. Not to mention a lot of work is needed to properly specify the ranking thresholds for each path.

This is definitely not something that will be doable in the short-term, but it’s something that I hope, if possible, can be implemented eventually.

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kenral.9317


“And not doing it is unfair to the game because it makes one of the more repeatable content types feel like more of a grind than it needs to. We weren’t going to release a perfect game, and can’t let things live this stop us from improving the experience for the majority of the players.

Jon, I was royally mad…that the CoF update changed the idea of doing any dungeons for my guild mates completely we gave up.
Honestly some quit and went back to other games, and now based on your reply as above I’m going to get some good friends back I hope, they ‘love’ dungeons because of how they are constructed. I understand why they were upset, however now I greatly respect you much more and with that I would like to give you my thanks.

If I had to change anything, I would make all chest armor 250 tokens, leggings 200, and 150 for all other pieces of the ‘good’ armor. 120 for weapons.
5 tokens on first boss, 15 on second boss and above, and 50 from the from the last boss seems fair. More reward for finishing them all.

That’s my cents, thank you again Jon!

(edited by Kenral.9317)

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tenicord.9803


Thanks Jon, I’m glad to hear about the changes coming. Also, and obvious fix is the lower to obtain dungeon armor. Right now, there is absolutely no point unless you give that a unique skin also.

The easier to obtain armor has a very common skin that drops everywhere. And by the time players get enough tokens for it, they will have out leveled the stats (in all the non-80 dungeons.) So it’s not for the skin, its not for the stats, then what’s the point? May as well take it out completely if you’re not going to change it the look.

Or make dungeons have a 1.5k versions and 15k version like kurzick/luxon which i thought was a great idea.

But yes a lot more tokens please. It would still be plenty grindy.

“Our Time Is Now”
Waylon- lvl 80 Guardian
Trism – lvl 80 Engineer

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cancer.9065



Account bound tokens FTW now I’m back to wanting to do all dungeons.

Cancer is also a Zodiac sign.

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yawg.1294


I still don’t see how account bound tokens solve anything. It is a positive change but doesn’t touch the real problems. Real problems with dungeon rewards:

1. Rewards being useless unless a player sticks to one dungeon and works it over and over. Players doing a few runs of each dungeon are basically wasting time.

2. It feels like work much more than a game: Do your job, get paid a fixed salary. Then again, and again and again…

Good solutions to both have been suggested a few posts above.

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bitoku Kishi.8346

Bitoku Kishi.8346

I’m glad to hear changes are coming. Having to grind the same dungeon over and over seems counter to ANet’s philosophy of being flexible in how players play the game. And needing so many tokens from one single dungeon is just plain ridiculous and really goes against the philosophy of trying to minimize repetitive grinding.

Here’s an idea I thought up for solving this issue, and while I suspect ANet already has plans of their own to solve this issue, I’d still like to hear what other people have to say about my idea. The change is simple and basically just involves two things:
1. Have only one type of token that drops from all dungeons, and have all dungeon armors use those same tokens to buy.
2. Have each dungeon armor vendor refuse to sell you any of their token items until you’ve completed all three explorable versions of their dungeon.

I also really like the idea mentioned here of making the tokens account bound instead of character bound. And point 2 above would solve the concern some people have about low level characters getting the higher dungeon armor too soon.

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DandySlayer.7019


@Bitoku Kishi

check my many posts in this thread;)

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tarlius.7321


" You can get the same stats as token gear from crafted items. The token gear is for prestige end of story."
@Krinthered, and others

Sorry to skip the rest of your post, but, as has been pointed out by others, this bit is just plain wrong. I’m sure there are other examples too, but power/toughness/vit is not craftable. Karma/dungeon grind only ;_; Oh, and tbh, I hate the look of the set with it on too, so I’ll have to get another set for transmute >.>;

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Melana.8345


Universal tokens is a terrible terrible idea. The people wanting this probably are the same doing arah shard farming and Cof and Just want all the armor in the fastest and easiest way. It is already bad enough now that everyone are only announcing those dungeons, places like CoE would NEVER be done with universal tokens.

I’m all for one to increase the rewards, specially the money. But making universal tokens will not incentive people to do different dungeons or paths.

I have no issues with needing to work for armor…with it taking time. It took me 5 years (2.5 actually actively working towards it) to earn my GWAMM title in GW1, and 1 year actively working towards it to earn my Obsidian Armor in GW1 – and for that I didn’t farm the Underworld heavily, I earned about 20% myself in the Underworld and the other 80% from playing the rest of the game to earn the money to buy the rest of the mats from other players.

I have huge issues with having to repeat the exact same content over and over and over without a break until the sheer monotony of the repetition sends me into a screaming fit and I quit the game in utter disgust. I detest being locked into doing the exact same thing in order to progress when there is a whole world out there to explore.

I’m looking forward to spending probably the next 1-2 years working towards a legendary weapon…but the requirement to have to repeatedly farm the same dungeon 40-50 times pretty much makes me want to puke.

There’s 8 dungeons each with (at least?) 3 different paths…why should I be locked into a single set of 3 paths instead of being able to gain progress from all of them – especially considering how many runs are required to earn the mats for weapons/armor? If I’m after something specific, the current set up means that I get no progress at all towards whatever I want to work on if I don’t stick to the same dungeon, thus reducing the whole game to a single instance. Yuck!

And no – I haven’t done any Arah shard farming, or CoF farming – I haven’t started explorable dungeons at all yet. I’ve been waiting for a few more Guild members to hit 80 so that we can do the explorable modes of dungeons together.

I have no problem doing content more than once…the fact that I had 24 characters in GW1 proves that. I DO have issues with being able to only do a single piece of content on a single character repeatedly with nothing else I can vary it up with. That becomes a grind, and I have quit other games as a direct result of it.

Edit: And as a Ranger, I have zero incentive to do CoE as you’re wanting. For the longbow, I have to stick to TA. I strongly dislike the medium armor CoE skin, so apart from one run of each explorable mode to get the achievement, there is currently absolutely zero incentive for me to do CoE at all – it’s actually detrimental to progressing with what I want to achieve in game and provides no rewards that I’m interested in earning. Making tokens universal changes that, as it opens CoE up as being something else I can do.

Edit #2: Today’s update fixes a lot of the repetition issue – having to do each explorable path for a piece of armor, or 3 times each for legendary weapon tokens, and actually needing to complete the paths is a lot more reasonable than the huge number of repetitions previously needed.

Despaired Ranger: Crafted The Dreamer, lost range, lost GS condi damage for synergy.
Pet AI awful. Sword root+Aussie latency unmanagable. Lost playstyle, lost legendary, given up.
Mell: 80 Asura Guardian (+7 other 80s) | Aus Serenity [AUS] | Jade Quarry

(edited by Melana.8345)

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ntsan.3106


Hi, todays update change to the token to account bound, but my other character can’t take it out, and can’t mix the token together

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Chrysalis.3142


Yeah, I can’t put the tokens from one characters inventory, into another’s.

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Moderator.1462



Since account bound tokens are implemented in game, this thread can be closed.