Dungeon Tokens Rendered Useless
There are a lot of things wrong with this game. They just keep adding to it =(
Well… you could make the same case about rares.
The thing is that the average joe and/or new players won’t be having resources to craft all ascended. Besides even an elite player with a full ascended set may think it’s a waste to go full ascended on a second set to run in only certain situations/builds.
Still, a valid concern to some extent i guess.
I don’t think they are useless as they are good for salvaging.
they will still be used for Mystic toilet weapon gamble and to change those one gloves or shoulders or w/e you don’t like.
I made a similar suggestion, but it got merged into an over 9000 comment thread. Just sell ascended armor at the dungeon token vendors, 10k per piece.
…new players…
Do you see many new players? Will we see many new players next year when games with players free of “cool flamez armors” and fairy wings are out? The only migration I’m seeing is to tittles like Elders Scrolls online and other releases. Remember that PS4 and Xbox One are already absorbing players from PC as well…
I agree with this thread.
I dont run dungeons for gear or tokens anymore
I run them for two reasons
1. COF P1 for a quick 1+ gold.
2. Because Im bored and want a change of pace.
If I want a challange I’ll go do fractals. If I want to work toward BiS gear, I’ll grind out materials for ascended.
They have abandoned dungeons.
I feel like the Ascended items were poorly implemented.
This is a 12 months old news, sadly – oh, and the whole game began to go downhill since that Nov. 2012, btw.
Now that the whole set is complete (from 10 Dec), it just becomes even more glaring….heck, they just keep doing new mistakes over the old ones.
They have abandoned dungeons.
Sligtly less old news, considered that they did AC revamp back in feb/march, Scarletification of TAFU and now Fractal mess 2.0 in the whole 2013 as DG updates.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.
flush it down the toilet or salvage it
I don’t see new characters going straight for ascended armor. That should be way down their shopping list after exotic weapons, exotic armor, and ascended weapons. If the vast majority of new characters are still going to need a set of exotic armor, even if only temporarily, then dungeons tokens are still viable for now.
Dungeon tokens are always useful. It’s the cheap way to gear up alts. You get the tokens to buy your alts items they need and the gold to use for anything else you desire. I think dungeons are okay the way they are. Fractals, on the other hand, has stuff that needs a fix. Ascended rings not being able to salvage and pristine relics that are useless after getting your rings. At least with dungeon tokens you can make legendaries or salvage for ectoplasms/dark matter.
Tokens were always primarily for skins, besides, I f.e. have 7 alts, I’m not going to craft ascended for all of them, heck it probably will take another year before I craft ascended armor for my main, as I’m more interested in legendaries, so tokens are nice way to equip all my chars as soon as they hit 80.
While I’m not a fan of adding tiers to existing gear lines, I don’t see the problem with Ascended gear allowing you to ‘skip’ everything else, unless you really don’t plan to play that character until it’s outfitted (which already happens for those of us that have alts). I don’t think anyone going form green to Ascended armor is having a realistic look at how much mats you will need to craft it and for some, the time limited parts as well.
The tokens are just as relevant as they were before. They are needed for skins and for some legendaries. They are useful for alts you don’t want to craft ascended armor for. Personally, I think the way you can outfit your alts with gear, etc… with such things as tokens indicates to me that the the whole gearing system is very well thought out.
(edited by Obtena.7952)
I have 18 sets of armor for my 7 characters, and I want more so I can run different builds when I feel like it.
It costs about 50 gold to craft an ascended weapon right now, in addition to all the grinding you have to do for account bound materials. I imagine the cost will be similar for each piece or armor.
There is no way I’ll ever be able to have all ascended gear, even one set is going to be a long term goal. Exotics are still quite useful.
Ascended looks lackluster, therefore tokens will still be needed for the skins.
If you have been playing since game release and doing dungeons often, dungeon tokens lost their original use a good while back. I geared up all my alts ages ago. Their real use these days is for salvaging ectos and inscriptions.
Do I like this system? Not really. :/
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
maybe 1500 dungeon tokens per piece for 1 ascended armor piece
26x lvl 80 Characters
Most fabulous Character: http://i.imgur.com/5JtcBI1.jpg?1
You’re forgetting that salvaging dungeon weapons allows you to get inscriptions which can be used to level up your crafting to 500. I am fairly certain this will be applied to salvaging dungeon armor as well. So it is not totally useless.
On top of that you get loads of materials from the dungeons which can be used to create ascended weapons and soon ascended armor. Although if I had one suggestion I would encourage Anet to increase the droprate on lower level crafting materials in dungeons. For example, I’d like to see more soft wood planks and iron ingots from Ascalonian Catacombs.
I’d like to see more soft wood planks and iron ingots from Ascalonian Catacombs.
Yes, because it’s not like there are literally millions of them at the trading post or anything.
Yes, because it’s not like there are literally millions of them at the trading post or anything.
Don’t you hate it when people use the word literally when they don’t literally mean it? There are currently around 30,000 soft wood logs available at a price that’s almost 10 times as expensive as elder wood logs. Nobody wants to farm 720 soft wood logs to create an ascended staff. This makes it the most expensive material to craft ascended weapons.
I agree ascended gear should not be something that’s easily available, but things like soft wood logs force you too much towards farming.
Yes, because it’s not like there are literally millions of them at the trading post or anything.
Don’t you hate it when people use the word literally when they don’t literally mean it?
Actually, “literally” just means “as it is written”, and I wrote it, so there.
There are currently around 30,000 soft wood logs available
Really? When I try to sell them the UI tells me there are 1.4 million orders for logs, plus 28k for planks. Plus 2.7 million for iron ore and 30k for ingots.
Even assuming that includes both buy and sell orders, if I add up the ones that appear explicitly listed when I try to buy them, I get over 75k (I stopped counting at that point – it’s probably closer to 100k, just for logs).
Nobody wants to farm 720 soft wood logs to create an ascended staff.
Then don’t…?
I agree ascended gear should not be something that’s easily available, but things like soft wood logs force you too much towards farming.
I’m pretty sure no one forces you to do that. Even playing GW2 is optional. And while the game does “force” you to do some things (ex., play through the first part of the personal story, and a few other things), crafting weapons is completely voluntary.
If you find it a grind and still choose to do it, you’re basically punishing yourself.
Anyway, if you think crafting of high-level items in GW2 is grindy and nonsensical (I agree – it’s idiotic that a staff requires more wood than would be necessary to make a full ship), maybe ask / pressure Arena Net to improve it (and turn it into something that requires skill and gameplay, not just hoarding), instead of going even further down that road and asking them to increase the amount of drops (thus enabling / reinforcing the grindy design).
(edited by Factotum.2093)
I agree ascended gear should not be something that’s easily available, but things like soft wood logs force you too much towards farming.
This isn’t Burger King. You don’t get it your way. You don’t need to farm soft wood logs to make an ascended if you don’t want to.
(edited by Obtena.7952)
You’re forgetting that salvaging dungeon weapons allows you to get inscriptions which can be used to level up your crafting to 500. I am fairly certain this will be applied to salvaging dungeon armor as well. So it is not totally useless.
Does that actually work? I was under the impression that only named, dropped Exotics had a chance to salvage their inscription off. (From what I heard, dungeon weapons do not give inscriptions when salvaged, and neither do crafted Soldier’s/Magi’s/etc. Exotics.)
You’re forgetting that salvaging dungeon weapons allows you to get inscriptions which can be used to level up your crafting to 500. I am fairly certain this will be applied to salvaging dungeon armor as well. So it is not totally useless.
Does that actually work? I was under the impression that only named, dropped Exotics had a chance to salvage their inscription off. (From what I heard, dungeon weapons do not give inscriptions when salvaged, and neither do crafted Soldier’s/Magi’s/etc. Exotics.)
If you salvage soldiers or rabid stats you can get the inscriptions off them. I’ve been doing for a good while, easy money.
Ah, good to know. I’ll keep that in mind for something to do with my excess tokens. (Plus I could use more Dark Matter anyhow.)
If they don’t give us transmutation stones along with it, then yes they kind of render tokens useless. Now that we have ascended armor, we should not be required to go to the gemstore just to use dungeon skins for our armor.
Either make all dungeon armor ascended, or make them skins, or give us a way to get level 80 transmutation stone in game.
You’re forgetting that salvaging dungeon weapons allows you to get inscriptions which can be used to level up your crafting to 500. I am fairly certain this will be applied to salvaging dungeon armor as well. So it is not totally useless.
Does that actually work? I was under the impression that only named, dropped Exotics had a chance to salvage their inscription off. (From what I heard, dungeon weapons do not give inscriptions when salvaged, and neither do crafted Soldier’s/Magi’s/etc. Exotics.)
If you salvage soldiers or rabid stats you can get the inscriptions off them. I’ve been doing for a good while, easy money.
It also works with salvaging exotic dungeon weapons containing Dire, Magi and Shaman stats.
If they don’t give us transmutation stones along with it, then yes they kind of render tokens useless. Now that we have ascended armor, we should not be required to go to the gemstore just to use dungeon skins for our armor.
Either make all dungeon armor ascended, or make them skins, or give us a way to get level 80 transmutation stone in game.
Transmutation Crystals do drop (very) rarely from the Daily, but yes, I’d like a way that we can put in Transmutation Stones (say, 5?), along with Bloodstone Dust, Phil.Stones/Crystals and a Mystic Forge Stone, to create a Transmutation Crystal.