Dungeon alt switching to level up
Is there any dungeon that is possible to switch to alt for leveling “after the last boss is dead”, without someone holding the movie cut scene?
Was just wondering. I know I can just logout at boss 10% hp or have someone holding the cutscene, but…
If you’re fast enough (and your computer is fast enough) you can do this in ACp3.
Arah p1 and cm p2. End reward is triggered on entering the telescope room for arah p1. And for cm p2 its triggered on opening the cage after defeating the final boss.
All 3 CoE paths
Wouldn’t risk it unless you have a kitten nice setup. I understand in Pugging its harder to do but even if just one friend holds cutscene… CoE 1-3, AC 1/3 are good for this. They’re fast easy paths with lengthy cutscenes for slow loaders.
Arah is good also but I still remember the time when I Thief-carried a friend from Straits of Devastation all the way to Cursed Shore on his level 10 alt with an aggro range nearing 10,000. Okay slight exaggeration but seriously that aggro range is nuts.
On my comp (which isn’t that great), I can do AC p1/3, CM p1/p3 (p2, but I don’t do that anymore), TA U/F, CoF 2, CoE all paths, and Arah 1 without much trouble as long as someone holds for ~5 sec.
CoF 2 has no cutscene but you can get in there quickly enough to get the reward, so even w/o a buddy you can do it.
AC p3 is similar but also has a cutscene so there’s a ridiculous amount of time you have. Arah 1 (and CM 2) you have to trigger.
CoE 2 and 3 the other people can wait to kill the alpha essences… or hold scene, the 1g chest and cutscene won’t start for until they die, but they do disappear after ~15 sec or so. CoE 1 will trigger regardless of killing the essences though.
The rest you usually want at least one buddy to hold for you. Though unless I’m soloing I never go into a dungeon without one wingman with me anyway; it’s a recipe for disaster, unless you go in expecting to fail.
Wouldn’t risk it unless you have a kitten nice setup. I understand in Pugging its harder to do but even if just one friend holds cutscene… CoE 1-3, AC 1/3 are good for this. They’re fast easy paths with lengthy cutscenes for slow loaders.
Arah is good also but I still remember the time when I Thief-carried a friend from Straits of Devastation all the way to Cursed Shore on his level 10 alt with an aggro range nearing 10,000. Okay slight exaggeration but seriously that aggro range is nuts.
that friend also walked out of every shadow refuge