Dungeon recipes chatcodes not working.

Dungeon recipes chatcodes not working.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lendruil.9061



I wanted to do some testing if I had some dungeon recipes unlocked without knowing about them on my first character back in the days when i didn’t know what they were. This character doesn’t have jeweler, thats why i wanted to get the chatcodes of the recipes and see, if it maybe says in red font “you already have unlocked that recipe”.
However, it seems that except for the bloodstone fragment recipe all the chatcodes from the wiki don’t work (Didn’t test all of them, but at least 10).
This brings me to the question if Anet maybe removed those recipes (did any1 drop a recipe since hot?) or if they just change chatcodes sometimes just for fun.

Skuldin - No Hesitation [hT]