Advocate of learning and being a useful party member.
Posting here in a new thread because I can’t find the reward balancing thread for the life of me.
Dungeon rewards feel far too low. Certainly with an organized, skilled group, they are almost as rewarding as a boss/ champ train.
But that requires highly skilled players, specific builds, skill changes regularly etc.
Fractals even has a heavy gear gating to it.
The effort:reward ratio is wacky.
Also, why should anyone gear anything but a warrior (easiest class to play)?
You can’t repeat the dungeon with alts (you can, but the rewards for doing so are comparable to farming white mobs).
1)restore full rewards for running dungeons on alts.
2)increase crafting material drops
3)balance end-gold better.
4) restore karma gain
Further explanation:
Justifies gearing alts.
Allows guilds to train people by re-running paths with other toons.
Crafting materials (such as t6 fines) are much easier gotten from mindless zergfest champ trains. Not what I would call “legendary”. Effort:reward ratio issue.
One idea was to add a specific tier 6 fine material to each dungeon, and award 1-5 for each path.
Commonly ran dungeons would result in a lower value reward, while the less ran dungeons(which would typically be the harder ones) would yield higher net value.
Effort:reward & time:reward is pretty wack here. Suggestion in item 2 may provide solution for this however.
I’m forced to do teq, lower level fotm, or eotm zerg train for it. Again Effort:reward.
Sorry to those who disagree (there are many from what I can tell), but skilled players should get better rewards. Being able to spam 1 with a 1500 range longbow ranger should not yield the same(currently better) rewards than highly skilled, balanced and well geared groups of players.
Linking to the guild CDI thread, people asked for raids.
The intent seemed to be 2 directs:
1) the ability to 10-15 zerg a dungeon (or comparable difficulty content) (because they are too “hard”).
2) tougher dungeons (instanced content) with better rewards.
The former is (partly) because there aren’t enough skilled players around to train the less skilled.
The latter is because the skilled players are bored.
Both: highly skilled players have left the game out of boredom.
While I won’t argue against better rewards for dungeons, your argument is pretty dumb.
“Certainly with an organized, skilled group, they are almost as rewarding as a boss/ champ train.”
Hmm, I make at least 20g in 2 hours of dungeons a night, not including tokens and drops. Way more rewarding than a champ train or doing world bosses. Plus it’s actually fun as compared to zerging and pressing 1.
“Also, why should anyone gear anything but a warrior (easiest class to play)?”
Because other classes are enjoyable? Because if there is another warrior in the group, it’s good to be able to switch to another class since you only ever should want one warrior in your group?
More t6 mats would be fine, but with all the gold I make, it’s not that big of a deal to buy the ones I need.
Karma, that I completely agree with. Have to go and run lower level fractals or do the karma train in EOTM for that right now, a dungeon path should reward a decent amount of karma.
Also I would add dragonite would be nice, but I can kind of understand why Anet has made it so you have to do multiple activities in GW2 to get all of the ascended mats you might need.
While I won’t argue against better rewards for dungeons, your argument is pretty dumb.
“Certainly with an organized, skilled group, they are almost as rewarding as a boss/ champ train.”
Hmm, I make at least 20g in 2 hours of dungeons a night, not including tokens and drops. Way more rewarding than a champ train or doing world bosses. Plus it’s actually fun as compared to zerging and pressing 1.
“Also, why should anyone gear anything but a warrior (easiest class to play)?”
Because other classes are enjoyable? Because if there is another warrior in the group, it’s good to be able to switch to another class since you only ever should want one warrior in your group?
I just did the Arah invasion. 5g worth of stuff (post tp tax) ~5 minutes. 3g on the balth temple (also post tp tax) in about 10 minutes.
Edit: this is only counting t5/6 fine mats, and rares.
Makes 20g in 2 hours look a bit weak, no?
As for multiple classes, My reasoning is the same as yours. Sadly the vast majority won’t see it that way.
(edited by Artemis Thuras.8795)
How many times per hour can you do that Arah chain? How many times per hour can you do the balth temple?
As described you made 8g in one hour. And the person you’re quoting said “without selling the drops or salvaging tokens for ecto.”
Also, why should anyone gear anything but a warrior (easiest class to play)?
Because if you want to do really fast dungeon runs, a full warrior team might not be the way you want to go.
For some dungeons the gold rewards needs a rework though (SE p2 vs SE p1).
The crafting material thing won’t work the way you’re thinking. Aside from Arah (which some groups might have a hard time with, or at least take a long time), most other dungeons are pretty close in time with each other with maybe CoE taking 1 or 2 more minutes than the others and HotW being boring as hell.
But hey, I’m not going to kitten too much about being rewarded more for what I’m already doing.
Remove the gold,remove the little crapy chests/champboxes and insert a rewarding chest at the end of the dungeon with the chance to get a rare skin similar to the aetherpath.
Remove the gold,remove the little crapy chests/champboxes and insert a rewarding chest at the end of the dungeon with the chance to get a rare skin similar to the aetherpath.
kitten THE RNG
While I do feel that some of the dungeon rewards need some tweaking (for starters, bringing the other dungeon rewards in line with AC would be nice), I think they’re pretty good as they are.
One thing I would like added is a slight buff to the rewards of Story Mode. It would be nice if completing Story Mode gave a small amount of tokens (say, 20?) as a daily bonus.
Yes please.
I would highly appreciate making more gold by facerolling content. Lets add a guaranteed legendary at the end of each path!
/sarcasm off
Just imagine the hate the “elitists“ will get when they make even more gold..
There is a good point here :
Open world rewards much more than dungeons – even basic champ farming.
With a guild with about 120 online it would be possible to spawn new maps of temples – and farm all day without any waiting restrictions at all.
The number of foes being killed in these open world events through the event chains makes it more preferable to getting better drops in open world than in dungeons.
It doesn’t even require any skill to open world pew-pew in a large Zerg.
The gold/drops/10 mins is x5 of speedy pro experienced dungeon runners.
How many times per hour can you do that Arah chain? How many times per hour can you do the balth temple?
As described you made 8g in one hour. And the person you’re quoting said “without selling the drops or salvaging tokens for ecto.”
Lyssa (maybe not so much).
Assuming each gave 3g each (last twice grenth gave more like 6g+ in the 6 minute farm at the end alone).
All of which I could do in the other 40 minutes of my hour.
I’d only need to make 2g in 40 minutes to match the quoted dungeon gold. The drops in dungeons aren’t going to add that much more to the value of the runs, compared to what repeating temples ( or other champ farms) net.
Yes please.
I would highly appreciate making more gold by facerolling content. Lets add a guaranteed legendary at the end of each path!
/sarcasm off
Just imagine the hate the “elitists“ will get when they make even more gold..
zerg events are even more faceroll than dungeons.
zerg events give more loot than dungeons.
you’re point is..?
How many times per hour can you do that Arah chain? How many times per hour can you do the balth temple?
As described you made 8g in one hour. And the person you’re quoting said “without selling the drops or salvaging tokens for ecto.”
Lyssa (maybe not so much).
Assuming each gave 3g each (last twice grenth gave more like 6g+ in the 6 minute farm at the end alone).
All of which I could do in the other 40 minutes of my hour.I’d only need to make 2g in 40 minutes to match the quoted dungeon gold. The drops in dungeons aren’t going to add that much more to the value of the runs, compared to what repeating temples ( or other champ farms) net.
You can’t do all those on demand. The chances of all (or even many) of those events coming up in a given hour is slim to none. And if they did come up, the chances being able to do all of them in an hour is slim to none.
FWIW, if I sold everything I go from a dungeon tour, you’re looking at 60g in 3 hours.
Aside from some paths dungeons are just fine. The normal tours have decent rewards. It’s just paths like SE2, COF3, HOTW (really all but esp 2/3), and such that need a little love because of the extended time. COE for example will take me 10-15 mins and yield on average for me about 2-3 gold. I average about 2 cores per full run that’s in addition to the tokens for ectos, plus various materials and my guarenteed 1 gold per path. Now… the only issue there is that I have to repeat that god kitten pre event half the time between paths, kittening megaservers…
How many times per hour can you do that Arah chain? How many times per hour can you do the balth temple?
As described you made 8g in one hour. And the person you’re quoting said “without selling the drops or salvaging tokens for ecto.”
Lyssa (maybe not so much).
Assuming each gave 3g each (last twice grenth gave more like 6g+ in the 6 minute farm at the end alone).
All of which I could do in the other 40 minutes of my hour.I’d only need to make 2g in 40 minutes to match the quoted dungeon gold. The drops in dungeons aren’t going to add that much more to the value of the runs, compared to what repeating temples ( or other champ farms) net.
You can’t do all those on demand. The chances of all (or even many) of those events coming up in a given hour is slim to none. And if they did come up, the chances being able to do all of them in an hour is slim to none.
FWIW, if I sold everything I go from a dungeon tour, you’re looking at 60g in 3 hours.
and yet there is almost always something up in the map(s) I land in.
Then we have the world boss schedule & pres are often very lucrative.
Especially when they can be repeated within a single day.
Also, you can’t do efficient dungeon runs on demand. Gotta find the group and have people stay, or find replacements.
Also, I did the numbers and I’d estimate closer to 45g/3 hours (If a good dungeon running group is available).
Also, remember I only counted t5/6 fine mats, and rares for post tax gold.
If i were to include blues/greens/anything else it would be considerably higher also
Open wold: faceroll without any dodging, or worry about gear.
Dungeons: need zerker + meta builds with people who have experience of the dungeons for dodges etc.
Fractals: need asc gear and agony resistance, and the rewards there are pretty mediocre too.
Where’s the incentive to learn to play well, rather than just zerg spamming auto attacks?
I’d love harder dungeons, if the reward is there to justify the effort to learn. Problem is there isn’t enough justification for the majority of players to learn the easy dungeons well.
Also, I like the idea of prestigious skins (ideally asc boxes similar to teq/wurm) gated behind hard mode dungeons.
The only reason this farming is encroaching on Dungeon level of gold acquisition is due to the inflated material prices. They’ve nearly doubled in the past 6 months. Hopefully they get that under control at some point.
But even then, yes skilled play should be more rewarding than 1 spam play. But, it can’t be too large of a gap otherwise it just brews animosity between groups of players. I think it’s good that there are viable easy options to gold aquisition, and even better that it involves materials and TP, that means more materials (helps to prevent price increase on those things) and battles inflation (TP tax). Both are things that are good and benefit us as the dungeon community that brings in much much more raw gold in the economy than any other method of play.
To me the issue is the lack of supply on these materials. If there were more decent farm options in the open world they’d decrease in price making our reletive gain higher and everything would balance out.
That’s why I was thinking dungeons need to be bit better with the t6 drops.
It would be nice if the chests along the way were affected by magic find (thus had more chance of rare/exotics for the veteran players). Not sure how well this would go over, since many have a skewed vision due to diminish returns (play more toons!).
Having flashy asc gear (weapons and armor) drop from a hard mode dungeon (level 80 version) would be cool. Like ta aether, an improved (debatable for ta:ae) visual look, along with being ascended. Stats could be selection of those available in that dungeon. Drop rate a bit higher than ta:ae though..
I’d like to see a bit more gold drop from the end (possibly more tokens too), simply because I would want them to be more challenging and therefore take longer to complete. Gotta make it worth the effort, even if you don’t get extremely lucky.
kitten THE RNG
I figured I’d just quote myself I’ve had a 15+ year relationship with the RNG and at this point I just do my best to avoid it
kitten THE RNG
I figured I’d just quote myself
I’ve had a 15+ year relationship with the RNG and at this point I just do my best to avoid it
That looks a lot like high-5ing yourself.
Though it may be the whisky.
Yay whiskey, and no high-5ing, just really, any time someone mentions using the RNG for rewards I have the same opinion, kitten THAT. The way the system works is that even if you had 10% chance, that’d be 10 runs to get it on avg right? Well the way it works it’s not that unlikely that you could go 50 runs without seeing it. But, someone else could get theirs on the first run, and heck even a second after another 5 runs.
There’s no consistency, you’re just dropped into the fickle nature of luck. That’s not fun in any way to me. There’s a reason I don’t go to the liquor store and buy lottery tickets and hope I can pay rent, no I have a job, because I’d like some consistency.
(edited by Jerus.4350)
maybe asc flashy armor/weapons could use 10 times more tokens than the exotic versions, and the HM dungeon award more tokens?
Remove the gold,remove the little crapy chests/champboxes and insert a rewarding chest at the end of the dungeon with the chance to get a rare skin similar to the aetherpath.
kitten that
id rather stable/reliable rewards
then rng gated slightly better ones
I think that would be in the “rewarding chest at the end”.
But yeah, a stable reward making dungeons reasonably worth it, with something super pretty/asc behind rng would be nice. I’m sure anet can design some asc skins that are dungeon themed.
maybe asc flashy armor/weapons could use 10 times more tokens than the exotic versions, and the HM dungeon award more tokens?
I like this idea. Could be something like the Fractal capacitor, where you need a billion tokens plus other materials to make successive versions of it. As long as it’s not another back piece. Maybe we could even forge/craft a dungeon-specific mini if not ascended doodads.
I’m sure anet can design some asc skins that are dungeon themed.
I probably shouldn’t say this, but I can see Anet giving us ascended dungeon weapons from reward vendors with Lv1 skins along the line of Settler’s exotics. x)
(edited by Tierce.5370)
I’m sure anet can design some asc skins that are dungeon themed.
They can do that. Too bad they won’t ever.
Artemis has a point – the dungeon rewards are pretty bad.
They aren’t even adjusting for inflation. The gold at the end was actually decent as a reward when that patch went live – but a year later it doesn’t cut it.
And let’s not even get started on the fractals rewards – which are completely terrible when looking at the effort that goes into a 50 run.
One of the issues is that dungeons – most of them being under level 80 – drop terrible terrible loot from mobs. Your MF isn’t going to help you there because the loot they drop is completely bad.
Another issue as mentioned above by a lot of people is the fact that it takes time,skill and preparation as well as 4 other players working well together to make dungeons lucrative.
In order to make profit in the “open world” you only need to press 1 and keep pressing.
Sometime ago this wasn’t necessarily true – but with the introduction of megaflows the zergs are so big everything is basically fail proof no matter how bad your gear/ ability to play is.
It’s basically handing out free rewards now.
(edited by Harper.4173)
While I agree that dungeon rewards should be looked at, it seems that people have forgotten that GW2 was designed as a game with a vast, interactive, open world. When you complain that “spamming 1 in the open world gives better rewards” then perhaps you should consider that the game was intended to be played in the open world, so is it really surprising that dungeons have “worse loot”?
There’s something I want to add to these suggestions. It happened yesterday that I was pugging in ac, and there was a guardian healer in the party (shame on me to not have regroup elsewhere…). Well, he flamed on the fact that he rather never get an exotic bag from champion kill because of the low damage his hits do.
Apart from any consideration of “why the hell a Guardian healer come in Ac and why he still exist in the game” (I totally agree btw), is it a real mechanic of the game? Anyone knows? Cause if it is, it seems broken to me.
There’s something I want to add to these suggestions. It happened yesterday that I was pugging in ac, and there was a guardian healer in the party (shame on me to not have regroup elsewhere…). Well, he flamed on the fact that he rather never get an exotic bag from champion kill because of the low damage his hits do.
Apart from any consideration of “why the hell a Guardian healer come in Ac and why he still exist in the game” (I totally agree btw), is it a real mechanic of the game? Anyone knows? Cause if it is, it seems broken to me.
People think there should be trinity.
What the masses seem to miss is that the trinity is this:
Support (blinds, aegis etc)
Also, one can do all 3 on the exact same build, by simply swapping utilities between fights, or by using different skills (whirling wrath vs binding blade vs virtue of justice).
Also some people like slow fights that take several minutes, vs fast intense, 3-10s fights. Made worse by the fact many think the difference is “just a few seconds” as opposed to the reality of several minutes difference with each fight.
This problem you face, is why dungeons are a real drag to get groups together for. Personally not so much of an issue, we train people within our guild, but for many, guilds are just services(buffs, missions)/event rostas (or taxi services) for zergfests like 3h wurm.
Many people don’t realize (often they don’t believe me) that my guardian can sustain around 8k dps in a coordinated group, as well as aegis, blind/reflect when needed (key being when needed, not just spam brainlessly). In clerics that same guardian might achieve 2-3k dps. 8k, vs 2-3k. Scale that across 5 people, and you’re looking at 10-15k vs ~50k/s dps (guardian is certainly not the highest dps class).
This is why dungeons are VASTLY underwhelming compared to zerging with “play it your way” mentality (meaning they do what they want and kitten the impact on everyone else in this multiplayer game).
As harper said, dungeon rewards used to be good. Now they are pretty equal to zerging. Yeah thats because material prices have doubled. Dungeon rewards should have scaled with the economy better – more t6 over gold would work well. Or make the chests affected by magic find so more rares/exotics.
Make dungeons repeatable on different toons – this might result in people farming one dungeon path. Using materials as rewards rather than gold would probably fix this – people farm to much, dungeon rewarded materials fall in price due to supply – profitable to move to other dungeons.
The more people there are doing dungeons for gold, the more gold is being created out of thin air which causes money supply inflation to occur.
Additionally, there are less people farming, and therefore less goods entering the market (dungeons do drop loot, but not at the rate at which event farming does). Less goods means that supply is lowered while demand remains which leads to further price increases.
These two related economic impacts mean that as more people do dungeons for gold, the faster farming will meet the expected gold per hour of dungeons.
This is because while dungeons provide a static amount of inflationary gold as a reward, farmed items have a value that scales with the economy.
Personally, I’d like to see the gold rewards for dungeon paths reduced by half, and then a new bonus reward for “vanquishing” a dungeon added which would be equal to the current dungeon rewards (essentially, if you vanquish a dungeon path you’d be getting 150% more gold than under the current system). Vanquishing would require your group to kill every single “prespawned” mob (i.e. those mobs who are present when the dungeon is entered. Mobs that spawn for specific fights wouldn’t count) in the path. Vanquishing all of a dungeon’s paths would also net you a bonus chest with some gold on top of the buffed gold rewards.
I like the vanquishing idea. Indeed, I actually proposed an idea similar to it in the past.
No vanquishing – the most stupid idea ever in a dungeon.
AC troll appears – great 10mins bashing it down due to high health pools?
Arah ? Need I go there – will double the time already required.
CM- P1? Doubles the effective time required
The list goes on
Dungeons are meant to have mobs which can be skipped – this is a mechanic.
Why punish people who can run it efficiently and speed clear it?
The loot dropping from the dungeon mobs are terrible – aligned with the lvl of the mob itself (eg lvl 35 etc=poor loot no T6 mats – etc: unless it’s a champion).
The problem is the end rewards do not align with open world events- if the daily path runs are to be kept once/account the amount of income needs to increase or much better drops on the way.
Magic find does not scale well inside a dungeon – too few mobs when compared to open world. 15 mins Balth push = 4g income from drops (excluding rares ! This is just t6 mats).
Arah Defend – 6 mins : 3G.
Grenth Chain – 15 mins : 4G
Coiled watch – 10g/hr
Dry top – 7g/hr
… The list goes on-
Dungeons – skilled group is about 6g/hr !!!
The reward is all skewy when compared to dungeons.
The reason : Not enough mobs in dungeons vs players = poor loot reward chances.
If 50 foes can be killed by a Zerg of 50- within 2-3s your chances at good loot are much higher than in any dungeon run.
Inflation of rare prices / exotic weapons / t6 mats in the last few months have made Zerg farming insanely profitable for little skill required. Dungeons require skill to complete efficiently and the reward for it is much lower than the open world events.
Dungeons should be rewarding skill – as it’s 5 of you (Not a Zerg of 50!). That reward should be better than the pew pew open world farming.
There will always be an army of open world farmers as it’s exceptionally easy
That’d be arah even more dead than currently.
even P3 would take probably an hour +
And p4?
See you in a couple of days lads..
Seriously.. 5000% more loot and i might agree with the idea.
Anything less and dungeons would never be entered again.
Introduce new titles, such as “<dungeon> Vanquisher”. If you vanquish all the dungeon paths, you get a “Dungeon Conqueror” title and a unique character icon similar to “Been There, Done That”. I guarantee you’d have a lot more people going for vanquishing after that.
Also, gold income from farming places like Orr is treated differently because the majority of your income comes from mats. That’s not generating new gold; you are merely getting gold from other players who are buying your goods. Dungeon gold rewards create new gold out of thin air. That’s why they need to be monitored more closely.
That said, I DO agree with you that dungeons could use a bit of a balance pass. People don’t bother clearing the mobs in dungeons (and thus miss out on potential loot, mats and bags) because the majority of mobs are Elites and are a pain to deal with. Perhaps ANet can look at scaling down most of these enemies to Veterans, and most of the Champions to Elites (except for named foes, which always remain Champion or higher). Legendary foes in a dungeon (like Kholer) also get bumped down to Champion status unless they are particularly noteworthy foes from a lore or gameplay perspective. The boss at the end of dungeons is always a Legendary foe.
Next, to buff the loot from foes, Veterans now always drop a Loot Bag appropriate for their race/type, plus possible additional loot. Elites will always drop a non-Exotic Champ bag, plus possible additional loot. (These changes apply to the open world too.) Most experienced dungeon players will now be able to speed-massacre these mobs for a lot more loot, making it more profitable to kill everything rather than skip everything.
Finally, players can still “skip” dungeon events (I’m talking about bonus events as well as main events like fighting Kholer) if they really want to, but if they complete all of the dungeon’s events, they get a bonus daily chest containing 1+ Rares (with a chance for it to be an Exotic), coin and tokens. This chest is given out once per path per account per day.
Vanquishing is a bad idea.
A good idea would be level 80 loot in dungeons for level 80 chars. If rare materials started to drop – such as T6 mats and whatnot – people might actually feel more rewarded.
Maybe give them out in chests at the end of the run instead of “just gold”.
I too would love to see dungeons be a little more rewarding… and by that I mean balanced with the rest of the game. I don’t particularly want any game type more rewarding than any other as I like to do a variety of game types… But the amount of time some paths take in comparison to other paths that give the same reward is just kind of crazy.. I thought the plan was to watch average completion times of dungeons and to balance dungeon rewards based on that. Maybe it’s just my imagination but I swear I read that somewhere…. I’d also really like to see the span of rewards be 1g – 5g instead of 1g – 3g. As well as have story modes be incorporated into that fold.
I’d be ok with a huge buff to dungeon mob loot, however, adding “veteran bags” similar to champs across the game is definitely not the way to do it. GG on reintroducing queensdale train. Making the loot direct drop, and re-introducing directly dropped cash (so the gold find buffs are worth more than an extra 10c).
one option is mobs drop level specific loot (being able to get linen etc) and the chests drop level specific loot, so at 80, you get t5/6 fine mats much more frequently.
I still like the idea of 1-5 (mf based) t6 from the final chest though).
Along with being able to repeat a path on a different toon for the same quantity of loot (chests, end gold etc).
(edited by Artemis Thuras.8795)
Well, the “problem” with the Queensdale Champ train (and other champ trains in general) was two-fold:
1. The Champ bags used to give a lot more raw coin. That was an issue when people could farm upwards of 30+ bags in an hour, each one giving ~10 silver. Multiply that by however many people there are in the zerg and that’s a TON of new gold being generated.
2. It was giving new players the wrong kind of idea of what GW2 was supposed to be about. (Namely, just join a train and run in circles while spamming 1.) There was also a great deal of toxicity whenever a player killed a Champ out of rotation, intentionally or otherwise.
I don’t think introducing Loot bags to all Veterans would cause an issue like the Champ bags. Firstly, Loot bags themselves give miniscule amounts of coin. Their real value lies in the materials they can drop, and this in turn would help boost supply across the board and lower prices so that farming gold becomes less of an imperative.
Because the Champs got downscaled to Elites, dungeons wouldn’t become new Champ trains either, because the non-Exotic bags don’t give anywhere near as much raw coin. They WOULD make it much more worthwhile to farm dungeons for mats of specific tiers though. For example, say you need Cotton. The best place to get Cotton now would be CM, since there are now tons of (downscaled) Veterans in there, each of which drops Bags of Purloined Goods, which can drop Cotton. Champions would drop Masterwork level bags, each of which could also drop Cotton (or other T3 mats).
While I would like to see dungeon completion rewards (the daily bonus chests) be made character specific rather than account wide, I think this wouldn’t be a good idea until some extremely easy dungeon paths got adjusted so they weren’t so easy to complete, else you’d have players basically farming those paths non-stop, like the way people used to run CoF P1 over and over.
in the example of CM, the purloined goods bags would need ~50%+ chance to drop from every single foe. Even then it would be debatable since they mostly drop less valuable materials.
EG did balth chain yesterday: 20+ large moldy bags, 30+ heavy moldy bags (selling on tp for nearly 10s).
One would need 50+ bags in a single CM path to be comparable, especially given the loot from the cm bags is typically worth much less. Moreover killing all the mobs would result in a much longer dungeon, and the loot would also need to compensate for that.
Maybe add 10-25 of those loot bags to the daily reward for each path?
Or add 5-10 to each chest along the way?
Adding fine/masterwork/rare champ bags to veterans or elites is a very bad idea though. Not to mention that wouldn’t buff dungeon loot much at all. It would buff open world trains much more.
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