Dungeon run thoughts

Dungeon run thoughts

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: elinfidel.3485


Hey guys,
Though I would post this here but it’s probably equally as relevant to the suggestions forums. I ran a dungeon this morning with a friend (Ascalonian catacombs, path 1) and used GW2LFG to find a group. One of the members of the group was being super pushy and a real kitten in general the entire dungeon. Once we had the final boss down to a pixel left of health, maybe 2%, he kicked both me and the Elementalist in the group, I’m guessing because we weren’t fast enough for him. (This wasn’t a speed run by the way)

Any way this brings me to my point. After contributing to 98% of the dungeon why should a player who is kicked after that time not be given atleast some end reward for that contribution? Perhaps a mail with an item that gives you 50% of the dungeons rewards when the instance is completed? who knows, let me know what you guys think.

Dungeon run thoughts

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: codpin.6542


The whole point of kicking is that the kicked player is stripped of all the benefits of that encounter/dungeon/fractal, because if you get kicked it means that you were an a**hole and deserved no reward whatsoever. That is the good thing about kicking.

The bad thing comes from the implementation of the kicking system in GW2. As it is now, you can kick a player with only 2 votes. This is crap. There should be 4 votes and the whole thing can be easily avoided.

What you say above, never happened to me but I can imagine the frustration that comes along. Untill ANet fixes the kick system, going with pugs will be a risk.

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

Dungeon run thoughts

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: elinfidel.3485


There is no way to verify that the person being kicked is an kitten serverside. It should be 4 votes for a kick. . It became pretty clear to me and my friend we were kicked on the last 2% of health only to deny us the reward. Trolled much?