Dungeon too easy? solo-able!
you take request??
can you make a guide on how to do CM or TA solo?
Path 1 – you cannot open gate solo.
Path 2 – you cannot get all 10 bombs to Magg in 2 mins solo
Path 3 – you cannot light 5 torches solo
Not to mention you are not able to beat any mob group solo.
I know I’m feeding troll, but…
Kill Simin solo.
Content Designer
I’m interested in seeing this as well
A post on reddit about this aswell, a guy soloing Sorrows Embrace Path 3
Will believe once I see video.
What about bosses who take 20 mins to kill? (Giganticus Lupicus comes to mind…)
Liar. You know why? Read Cisza’s post. It is impossible to run CoF alone.
This is a pathetic attempt to try to get dungeons to get raised in difficulty for the elitists who demand exclusivity for their precious flaming armor or to get absurd challenge that would ruin the game for most players. You sir are a moron.
Path 1 – you cannot open gate solo.
Path 2 – you cannot get all 10 bombs to Magg in 2 mins solo
Path 3 – you cannot light 5 torches soloNot to mention you are not able to beat any mob group solo.
I know I’m feeding troll, but…
All of the above is true, however it is possible that he asked a some friends to jump in just to do the bomb section on magg. Seen a few other people call that a solo run, i.e. as much as is in any way possible with one player. While quite possibly several EMs could potentially be solo’d in that sort of time, most if not all trash would be skipped, bosses pulled only if necessary and mostly those that are easy to cheese. Would be interested in seeing a video also.
With regards to dungeon difficulty, the majority of the EMs I’ve spent some time in could easily be done with 2 players, sometimes 3. Tis part of the reason there is this whole issue with EM difficulty, there is a vast difference in how effective peoples team play is. This is also snowballing a bit and causing the reward issue to be a bigger problem. I personally make about 75s+ per dungeon run with tokens and possible yellows. But there is a big portion of the player base making a loss on repair bills. Hitting that middle ground is very tough with that sort of a gap.
I’m the guy that soloed SE Path 3, there have been other solo dungeons ran as well.
You cannot solo any path of COF, no matter how you wanna “fake it” it’s not gonna happen. Not only would you need 5 people for certain events, but you also cannot do the magg “kite” event solo without doing 1 exploit or another. Every other section would be soloable however in the magg path.
So yeah, if I bring in extra people for bombs and kiting, I could solo magg run as well.
The only other FULL SOLO clear that I’ve heard of was another ele that did butler path in CM, I didn’t watch the whole screenshot video, but it looked legit.
People mention a necro doing arah and yet the only proof I’ve seen was him with a champion mob and him doing a single boss.
With the lack of enrage timers and room lock outs there are plenty of things you can do to bypass the intended mechanic, however you picked the wrong instance to pretend you can solo it.
Can you guys take a look at the Path 1 DR code for this run?
My group can clear this path in less than 15 minutes without any exploits. I heard someone say that some of the Devs play on Tarnished Coast. If you guys would like to come with us on a run to see it and make sure we’re not doing something wrong that would be great.
It really stinks when you’re exactly 60 tokens away from getting your 300 token weapon and the DR code hits you and you only get 30 tokens.
We actually did this path again in 15 minutes and then took a 15 minute break to get food before killing the last boss just so we didn’t hit the DR.
It seems like the code is 30 minutes or more for full rewards.
imo we should not have to sit and do nothing to get rewarded. If anything we should get a bonus or a reward for doing it faster.
Done path 1/3 on CoF – I have soloed CM Butler bosses (Banner Warrior) had to skipped past those three mobs at the end of the tunnel with traps although I probably could have killed them using the rocks and side stepping (Between the ramp/3 perma rooted mobs)
I had to run past the final mobs to jump in the water and then kill mobs to trigger boss.
But CoF1/3? The 5 torches or the 4 people next to…torches (What is with CoF and torches?) part just can’t be done solo, they aren’t BUILT to be soloable unlike CM (Who has tons of perma rooted mobs/bosses like Sure-Shot that are so easy you can melee them solo and kill him). It isn’t exactly super difficult, but no way could you solo it.
I’ve solo’d cof…but I’m sure hrouda already knows all about it.
Lets wait for datheway.8364 to upload the video.
I just love the treatment of dodge as a panacea as well.
Everyone uses that, but you only get finite dodges.
I just love the treatment of dodge as a panacea as well.
Everyone uses that, but you only get finite dodges.
Yes they are finite, but being intelligent with dodging is not. You do not have to dodge every single attack of every mob. Should be possible to dodge only when you know it will be devastating to be hit (CC, huge damage attacks, almost dead, etc.)
I just love the treatment of dodge as a panacea as well.
Everyone uses that, but you only get finite dodges.
Yes they are finite, but being intelligent with dodging is not. You do not have to dodge every single attack of every mob. Should be possible to dodge only when you know it will be devastating to be hit (CC, huge damage attacks, almost dead, etc.)
With a lot of dungeon bosses that’s about every hit :P
I suspect the OP is a necromancer. Darn you and your glorified still-in-beta class.
fail, he didn’t uploaded video, seems trying to solo and record, haha
Think you choose a bad example to say you soloed…rank this one right up there with trying to do the CoE laser trap solo.
You can solo some dungeons and duo quite a few of them…but a legit fair CoF run you claim is not one of them
That SE post is pretty cool. Hopefully this thread is true and OP posts a vid of CoF. I love this kind of thing it reminds me of the old Hunter vs. World videos from WoW classic. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoFtKeSc0Zo
The difficulty in balancing the difficulty of a dungeon is that they should all be doable by any group composition. It would go completely against Anets “no holy trinity” system to make it too hard for any one composition. You aren’t ever going to get a dungeon system that is very hard out of this game because it has to be playable by all classes and right now, most of the classes are getting so nerfed they can’t even do end game overworld pve content, none the less dungeons lol.
My Biggest problem with the dungeons is that the bosses have way to much life and they take to much time to fall.
SE story took us about 2 and a half hours to finish, and half of it was spend on fighting Kudo and his golems.
Avoiding the attacks and projectiles and stop attacking when the boss is putting up his shields is doable, but if you are doing the same thing for 15 minutes, you are destined to screw up at some point!
What the dungeons need is bosses (and enemies) that are not such HP buckets.
You waste to much time on each dungeon and even if you are rolling out of every attack, you’ll eventually screw up in a 10 minute fight.
you take request??
can you make a guide on how to do CM or TA solo?
I think he dodges laws of physics aswell. So if u see a person flying over ur head, u can be sure it’s him.:)
Jokes aside… there is no way doing CoF exp without using/abusing a bug. And don’t worry, any solo clear will be fixed and not possible in future.
The only way to solo CoF in under 20 minutes is by exploiting bugs. Skipping almost all of the content and going straight for the boss room. I know that that’s possible because a friend of mine duo’d CoF in 7 minutes. How would you do the bomb collecting room for example? How would you kill that prison warden, the nests, the run-around-for-2-minutes room, and all of that within 20 minutes, solo? If it’s exploited its not legit.
I hear this Scyte guy is the one who exploited cof to do 7 min duo