Dungeon trophy rewards only benefit certain builds?

Dungeon trophy rewards only benefit certain builds?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Six.8051


I noticed Berserker’s (Power/Precision/CritDmg%) gear wasn’t available on all of the dungeon trophy vendors in Lion’s Arch. Looking at other vendors, I noticed other stats sets aren’t available for some of the other dungeons as well.

Is this intended? If so, it sucks because it gives players wanting those stats no effective reason to run those dungeons. If they want the gear appearance from those dungeons with the stats they use for their builds, they’ll have to run one dungeon for the stats and another for the appearance, then transmute them together… that’s a lot of dungeon grinding.

Why not offer all the different stat sets on each vendor? This way, people can choose which dungeon they want to run without having to considering whether or not the vendor has gear on it that’s worthwhile stat-wise.

I, for one, will not be running Twilight Arbor anymore because of this bullcrap, so it’s back to farming CoF and Arah for now since they actually offer stats I can use.

Dungeon trophy rewards only benefit certain builds?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gray.9650


I noticed Berserker’s (Power/Precision/CritDmg%) gear wasn’t available on all of the dungeon trophy vendors in Lion’s Arch. Looking at other vendors, I noticed other stats sets aren’t available for some of the other dungeons as well.

Is this intended? If so, it sucks because it gives players wanting those stats no effective reason to run those dungeons. If they want the gear appearance from those dungeons with the stats they use for their builds, they’ll have to run one dungeon for the stats and another for the appearance, then transmute them together… that’s a lot of dungeon grinding.

Why not offer all the different stat sets on each vendor? This way, people can choose which dungeon they want to run without having to considering whether or not the vendor has gear on it that’s worthwhile stat-wise.

I, for one, will not be running Twilight Arbor anymore because of this bullcrap, so it’s back to farming CoF and Arah for now since they actually offer stats I can use.

because anet wants it this way. people that maybe grind for another armor are maybe people that buy gems. same reason why there are already runes in the items (thus making it require more tokens).
and don’t forget where you can get the fine trans stones if you want the look on an armor with the stats you need.

if it’s about the skins only they could easily offer it in a version like the hom-items (and balance the rest accordingly).

Dungeon trophy rewards only benefit certain builds?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Six.8051


If it’s their way to make some more money from the gemstore, that’s one way to do it, but it still sucks.

I mostly just hate that I’m going to be stuck farming specific dungeons for effective stats while completely ignoring the others for this reason. I’d much rather farm effective stated gear from any dungeon I run.

(edited by Six.8051)