Dungeons = Babysitter Simulator?!
See https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/dungeons/Confirmed-by-Colin-Dungeons-are-Dead/first
No changes coming to current dungeons
Remove NPCs? :O
Who doesn’t love it when Varra makes lupi teleport all over the arena, making him go invisible for no reason?!?!?!?
Am I missing anything? If not, I’m going to yell at Detha to just summon ghost but her AI script broke because she swore vengeance to some random graveling 300 feet away outside the room.
Oh my god, that made my day
Or make them similar to the NPCs in TA Aetherpath, they don’t kitten your kitten up as much as the ones in Arah and AC but still manage quite well to tell their fascinating story to the players..
+1 remove NPCs. They just give devs more bugs to fix.
Wow wow wow! Why would u say that? I LOVE all the NPC’s, especially Traffa picking up fights when ever that’s possible, endless Caithe monologues and Agent Spire uber slow moon walking to 1st console!
They bring a lot of excitement to daily tours, and same with the time.