Dungeons: Cheating, Skipping, and Glitching
Maybe if the mobs didn’t have rediculous HP…
Yes, I agree about that.
there is a lot of threads regarding the issue you write about here. People like you forcing your way of playing a dungeon on to others.
=Skipping is allowed=
Exploiting bugs should ofc not happend but done regardless. which is something that will hopefully be fixed asap in future updates.
People who skip dont want to waste time in a dungeon. mobs with rediculous high hit points and crap loot is the main reason their skipped. As for AC Kholer he is a waste of time. yes you get a few silver from him but it takes time to kill him. Even more if you want to use the troll to kill him.
Most people who skip have also done hte dungeon a 100 times and is there only for the tokens at the end and enjoy the few silver they get on the way as a bonus. thus kholer is skipped because he takes time.
Many people only have a limited time online each day and want to do as much as possible. thus skipping, exploiting is done to ensure that the dungeon go fast.
Then there is the group you OP fit into. those who want to kill everything. If you want to kill everything you should create your own group and advertise as such. ( there is more people who want to skip than kill everything. ). that way you should get to kill everything as you want too. Skipping is the default way of playing dungeons, so its not fair that the minority who want to kill everything should dictate how a dungeon “should” be done.
Perhaps I should mention skipping is allowed by Anet…
I agree somewhat. I dislike people who skip or exploit without good reason. Why skip when the person drops good loot and we can kill it fairly easily? Why exploit when the fight goes much faster without exploiting? No clue.
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division
I agree about Kohler but skipping trash in general is a good idea. They drop so little and have too much hp to clear them quickly. Maybe clearing all the trash mobs the first 10 times might seem interesting but after 50 or 75 times it gets to be pretty blah. Also I agree with Black Wolf that there are many many other threads like this.
this might prove interesting to you as well:
Not to mention this ( reply from Anet content designer):
(edited by Black Wolf.7348)
As far as skipping is of concern: Choice. Play the way you want and let others play the way they want. To prevent any confusion while dungeoning, add specifics when posting for dungeon runs, be it “lfg full clear” or “lfg skip trash”. Join the party that fits how you wanna proceed and have fun.
Most of the parties I join either skip, cheat or glitch to get passed content in your dungeons—even in Ascalonians Catacombs, which is one of the easier dungeons. You added new loot items, (Wonderous Bags, and karma) to the Kholer boss for example, but people still insist on skipping it. I am not a fan of skipping bosses—or any enemy that I can get loot and/or money from—nor do I like cheating/glitching/exploiting. I want as much money and loot as I can get when I play a dungeon.
Even though I do not want to partake in these activities, in some cases, I understand why people resort to these cheap tactics. I believe there is a big difference between difficult and challenging. I think some of the dungeons are just too difficult (and in turn, not fun) and drive people to cheat.
Is anything being done about any of this? Thank you. I love the game.
Actually you have it completely reversed. Once you do it a few hundred times, it’s just routine and uninteresting, therefore people are more likely to skip everything and just get it over with.
In fact, I only kill mobs when I know the group isn’t competent enough to dash through things.
Most bosses aren’t challenging at all, but they have insane amount of hp. The trashes also have too much hp and there are a lot of silver mobs so people just skip them. For most people it’s not about getting a lot money per run, they count how money can get per minute. So if something takes long to kill and doesn’t drop much, then it’s not worth the effort. As for Kholer pugs have problems with him so when going with a pug I don’t want to kill him. When going with good group that can kill him quickly there is no problem.
If u want to kill Kholer just join a group that says ‘no boss skipping’ or ‘money run’. But i don’t think people will want to kill trash mobs because they don’t drop. U may tempt them with graveling champs in AC (they do drop) but trash – why take the effort if there’s no reward?
Joining fast runs, cry on forum they skipped mobs, kitten logic
maybe if those mobs did actually drop good loot no one would skip them.
I don’t mind skipping trash mobs but some people just go too far (i had a group wanting to skip the spider in AC earlier on a money run)…….
At least in FotM most of my t6 mats, rares and exotics drop from trash.
Most of the mobs in FoTM are either normal or vets.
You kill most things that are on path and most pugs don’t mind killing the 1st part at Maw fractal anymore.
But try doing full arah clear (or just 1 path if you don’t have patience) killing everything in the way and tell me how much time it takes then.
The good part about gw1 is that we had low hp and high damage so we focused on team synchrony to do specific roles. Some healed, other protected the group (which was by far more important than healing) and other did damage and countered mob builds.
In here you get lots of hp and can do anything so there’s only two ways to make things “difficult”.
1) mobs get more hp and you take ages to kill, so they slow down the group
2) insane damage to keep people on defensive, again slowing the group due to lack of dps and downed/dead time
What should have been done is dungeons filled with regular mobs and some vets that die with relative ease, 1 silver here and there to keep the group in check, and bosses not be just massive hulks of hp. Make more bosses like Maw and the Asuran cat golems, they’re way more fun and at least to me they don’t feel so boring to take down.
In glitch/exploit use you’re absolutely right. But it’s anet job to readily fix game breaking bugs (like the camera teleports and some stupid wall runnings), but with the update about to come i bet they don’t have enough time to do a thing at the moment.
First off, I am a proponent of killing mini-bosses. I just have one peeve with some dungeoners. Frequently, I hear things like “mini-bosses drop trash loot so it’s not worth the time invested to kill them”.. it just boggles my mind.
We all know good drops (AKA level 80 exotics) have a small chance to drop. If you want good drops, you have to kill him enough times so you have a large enough sample for some statistical significance. Killing a mini-boss a few tens of times and concluding “it drops crap” is just naive.
Imagine now. Imagine if all mini-bosses/bosses dropped exotics, guaranteed. Everyone farms dungeons, sells loot on TP. Supply goes up, market saturates, prices dive. When all exotic gear costs that cheap, what constitutes “good loot” then? Precursors? What would be the point in killing anything then?
It’s not that the dungeon is hard, skipping just gets you to the end reward faster and I need my kitten 60 tokens! I don’t care about your 10s loot drop from the boss that takes 5 minutes to kill.