Dungeons Feedback

Dungeons Feedback

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Amon.8214



This is a short feedback from someone who has completed almost all dungeons in all exp paths with his guild and have two full exotic sets and almost completed my third. My main is a thief, so some of my experience is related to that fact. Note please, English is not my first language.


I personally find dungeons not rewarding at all. It might be fine for dungeons with easy paths but for the hard ones that takes hours to complete for few tokens it is just not worth it. All I see is blue, green and white drops mostly and sometimes, rare drops. However that’s not the point at all. If those drops wither they are white or exotic had their own style then it would have been a different story all together. Everyone can get the very best stats armor & weapons from lvl 400 crafting, so the point from dungeons is how the armor looks and not the stat.


While tokens provide a rare set and an exotic set, I think each dungeon should drop unique sets. It does not matter wither it is exotic or not so long it does have its own unique style in relation to the dungeon itself. Each exp path should drop different armor parts. Example, path 1 has a chance to drops head & shoulders, path 2 drops weapons and so on. Once more stats is not the key here, the key is the unique looks so it give us a reason to do each path instead of farming the easiest path in each dungeon.

Melee Vs Range:

I like to melee most of the times since short bow and dual pistols are inferior to sword/pistol or dagger/dagger. There is a fundamental issue with melee; we are at much higher risk of death, instant death, with veterans or bosses than rangers (not the profession but I mean attacking from afar). There is a huge obvious gap between range and melee, I would love to see that fixed specially since the whole point is to play however way we want.


In all honesty I don’t know how you would make it balanced between range and melee. However, few games after a while added passive 20%-30% extra defense for anyone who is doing melee. This definitely a solution but not one I like. I think the solution should be worked around more or faster endurance recharging when we are doing melee.


Why do we have to pay an anvil? Seriously, for a group doing a dungeon for the first time it is extremely punching because of the repair cost. Even groups who have done the dungeon a billion times would think twice about inviting someone new to their groups in fear of constant wipe.


Remove repair cost all together in dungeons or slash it by at least 70%. Add a timer on it or something so it won’t be abused by someone who is not doing dungeons. In another word repairs cost slashed by 70% after you spend 20~ minutes in a dungeon.


Some bosses need obvious animation or some sort of indications that they are about to one shot the entire team (wearing full exotic). I will never understand why MMO developers think it is fine to one shot half or the entire team just because we are fighting a boss with no obvious indications what so ever.

That’s my top list thanks for reading.

Neo Amon
Downunder Guild [DU].

(edited by Amon.8214)

Dungeons Feedback

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Strife.4956


100% Agree with all of the above

GrimmWullf – 80 Warrior, DU
Arkktos – 80 Thief, DU
Down Under Guild – Stormbluff Isle