Dungeons... grindfest

Dungeons... grindfest

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Dungeons , especially CoF path 1 has gone downhill to the point where if you aren’t a certain profession with certain gear , you are kicked.

When the community of players start asking each other about their gear in a dungeon and they kick for not having the required gear or profession it means dungeons have become a grind.

A newcomer can no longer enjoy a new experience until they run down their checks:

Full zerker gear ,,,,, check
Warrior, Mesmer,or Guardian,,,,,,, check
Correct trait lines,,,,, check
Skills ,,,,,, check

Dungeons are now trying to be completed in the shortest time possible just to get multiple runs in a given amount of time.

What is this called????? A GRIND!!!!!!!!!

Dungeons are no longer fun because of the content; dungeons are only fun because of the super easy steamroll that a full zerker team can do! Zerker requirement teams rake in about over 3g every 20 mins. just a fact

So should everyone just assimilate and run the same gear??? Where is the uniqueness in that?

I seriously don’t know how this can be fixed. Must not be broken. All I know is, I don’t like it. Its not what was intended I believe. Maybe should just buff dungeons so zerker gear isn’t the only gear required?

Dungeons... grindfest

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jzl.8715


From the amount of people complaining about how other people are running CoF1 I don’t understand the claim of lack of people to not wanting to run war/mes groups.


Dungeons... grindfest

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ruprect.7260


I have never had this problem. Maybe run it with your guild.

Ruprect – [DIS] Dissentient
[TC] Tarnished Coast

Dungeons... grindfest

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SkyChef.5432


From the amount of people complaining about how other people are running CoF1 I don’t understand the claim of lack of people to not wanting to run war/mes groups.

Maybe they have all the initiatives to complain but no initiative to start a group of them all?

OP, try this at GW2LFG: LF4M CoF P1, don’t care your profession or level
and you will see how fast you are going to get people. Very fast.

People are too serious of their knowledge.

(edited by SkyChef.5432)

Dungeons... grindfest

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sticks.9374


You do not HAVE to run in those groups. Even being one of the chosen classes I go out of my way to avoid those groups for 2 reasons. 1. its not really that much different with other classes too, even having just 1 warrior is enough and 2. the people that make these kind of groups are usually people I tend to avoid in general anyways as they are a waste of carbon.

Just make your own group I can make an lfg that says lf4m P1 speed farm have mesmer all classes welcome and it is full in less than a minute,

Mallet the Mad
Knight Templars
SoR Mesmer of Madness

Dungeons... grindfest

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ruprect.7260


I don’t really get it, I can run CoF P1 with a bunch of noobs and still get it done in 10 minutes. Does 3 minutes really make that big of a difference. As long as 1 person knows how to do it, it goes fast no matter what your group makeup.

Ruprect – [DIS] Dissentient
[TC] Tarnished Coast

Dungeons... grindfest

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I’m pretty sure anyone can easily find a cof group. I even saw a few 70s in pug and no one ever complain.

I think people are just upset some people can do speed run group and they can’t, which I can understand.

I think the class balance could use some work. “But” if you are doing any serious dungeon you should have various gear set. So you shouldn’t complain you can’t get in a group if you don’t have berserker gear.

Dungeons... grindfest

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Flipside.4152


How ‘bout I tell you COF 1 isnt the only dungeon. Bring that zerk gear in arah and you’ll be destroyed in 1 hit if your not l33t enough.

I agree COF 1 is the easiest dungeon but you dont need to join those “WARS/MESMERZONLYFULLLZERKZ$$$PINGor KICK” to farm it fast. Fastest group I went in was 2ele/2thieves/1mesmer rocking 6 min. per run. I rarely join those elitist groups since they usually take more time than usual if you dont know em. Bring your guildies/friends and start your own group. Faster and more fun that way.

Dungeons... grindfest

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Poweroftwo.4631


Wait… when were dungeons fun again? :S

But in all seriousness i’m assuming you don’t want to be carried (like most speedrunners seem to expect) and know your way in the dungeons so just use http://gw2lfg.com/ and make the comment “for fun”, “or casual speedruns” or something you expect to experience from that run and you’ll get grps for pretty much every exp, every path.

PS. i fail to see how speedrunning is “downhill” but maybe im to jayded, if you still find novelty in online games, more power to you.

Dungeons... grindfest

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Flipside.4152


Wait… when were dungeons fun again? :S.

Its still fun running hard content but that’s just me XD Still finding fun running that torture chamber called arah even with newbies around.

Dungeons... grindfest

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


There are plenty of normal teams. The OP either didn’t put any real effort into joining one or is simply complaining because he’s jealous others can farm that path but he can’t.

Dungeons... grindfest

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Grounder.7381


the only way you can get shut with unique profession/gear are when you go pug alone!..
just find 1 guildmates/friends to go with you and post @ gw2lfg.. i bet people will flock in to your group regardless..
cof p1 is special because it is a grind dungeon..

Dungeons... grindfest

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mark.1753


Hate posts like this first things there are loads of groups on gw2lfg and in chat that are doing non zerk speed runs so if your struggling to get a group your being lazy. Next we dont run this dungeon because were looking for fun were doing it because it is a very easy way to make quick gold infact my warrior is used for this sole reason only. I use my gaurdian for all other content.
And you wont have to worry about it for much longer because of all the drips there changeing the dungeon anyway so soon no one will be running it.

Dungeons... grindfest

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

A solution is easy: makes those dungons way harder, fix every single skip when possible with a wall until area is clear, balance every class so everyone is able to perform the exact same result, analyze with an Anet spy joining this kind of teams how they perform, why, how to fix and remove what they do so their quick run grinding is impossible. Hey i’m talking about proper design and proper programming, and a company who cares of their product and the community. Wrong game, sorry, lol

Dungeon Master http://i.imgur.com/Hoqw3.jpg ME http://i.imgur.com/R41MGzB.jpg Fractal Guild Promoter

(edited by Lucas Ashrock.8675)

Dungeons... grindfest

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


A solution is easy: makes those dungons way harder, fix every single skip when possible with a wall until area is clear, balance every class so everyone is able to perform the exact same result, analyze with an Anet spy joining this kind of teams how they perform, why, how to fix and remove what they do so their quick run grinding is impossible. Hey i’m talking about proper design and proper programming, and a company who cares of their product and the community. Wrong game, sorry, lol

What qualifications do you have that allows you to presume to know what “proper” design and programming is?

Dungeons... grindfest

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

Well, i saw mmos born. I saw what led them to the fail (junk mmo and some minor ones) and huge success (like wow during the glorious era). This game lack of basic core functions at 7th month (lfg just to mention one, or culling or unplayable content when too many people are near you, like dragons), and a proper programmer leadership and management community oriented (like this thread, completely ignored by the team, the only one reading this thread are mods ready to ban us). And performance oriented. If you think we are at 7th month and i still have 60 fps locked with a hi tech machine able to compute 120-150 fps at least with this game (like any other game around, mmos included). Go figure.
Loads reported it from months, was it fixed?
How is it possible? Evolving a game, fixing bugs. The opposite of what we are getting, with Anet.
Talking about dungeons, the solution i suggested is the easiest possible. Used by most major mmo on their success (PoE, pso2?), let’s not mention TESO. I highly doubt we will have a fail nor something barely similar with TESO. And in case, fixed asap. Be sure.
At least, that’s what happening on other successful mmos out there. Failed mmos did what Anet is doing: ignore the community, ignore core problems, allow the users to abuse of the system with systematical groups/ compositions/etc

Dungeon Master http://i.imgur.com/Hoqw3.jpg ME http://i.imgur.com/R41MGzB.jpg Fractal Guild Promoter

(edited by Lucas Ashrock.8675)

Dungeons... grindfest

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NoodllZ.8376


Dungeons , especially CoF path 1 has gone downhill to the point where if you aren’t a certain profession with certain gear , you are kicked.

When the community of players start asking each other about their gear in a dungeon and they kick for not having the required gear or profession it means dungeons have become a grind.

A newcomer can no longer enjoy a new experience until they run down their checks:

Full zerker gear ,,,,, check
Warrior, Mesmer,or Guardian,,,,,,, check
Correct trait lines,,,,, check
Skills ,,,,,, check

Dungeons are now trying to be completed in the shortest time possible just to get multiple runs in a given amount of time.

What is this called????? A GRIND!!!!!!!!!

Dungeons are no longer fun because of the content; dungeons are only fun because of the super easy steamroll that a full zerker team can do! Zerker requirement teams rake in about over 3g every 20 mins. just a fact

So should everyone just assimilate and run the same gear??? Where is the uniqueness in that?

I seriously don’t know how this can be fixed. Must not be broken. All I know is, I don’t like it. Its not what was intended I believe. Maybe should just buff dungeons so zerker gear isn’t the only gear required?

First off, if you don’t like the 4zerker warrior + mesmer meta just ignore it. At max speed they’re only around 1-2 mins faster than a mixed party in doing cof 1. Even with with that at full speed you’ll only make around 1.5g in 30mins from boss silver drops and dungeon complete bonus.

Again, if you want to do a dungeon look for a group that isn’t requesting a gear check or full zerker, 9/10 times those posts are from people without zerker gear.

Dungeons... grindfest

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Drunken Mad King.8193

Drunken Mad King.8193

I’m sorry I have to disagree with the OP. If you want to run a dungeon and don’t want to deal with the 4 zerkers and a mesmer issue then do what I do.

Make your own party, post it on LFG.com and state that you are running a casual run welcoming any class. It gets filled super quick. It’s not that much slower, you have fun and it gets done.

If you don’t like the status quo… then instead of simply complaining.. change the dynamic by getting involved. Make your own parties with the rules you like to see in place. Once other see you can run the dungeon with any mixture and that it can be fun that way then you will see more postings like that. There will always be min/max runners. That’s them and I understand them I can be in those parties if I am in the mood.

Dungeons... grindfest

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

Agree, you should cater to the no-grind player. A Mr. Noone not interested to make money ingame, without a real purpose than have some fun and logoff. Maybe even without a perfect armor missing some exotic pieces, maybe with traits like junk, maybe with performance below the noob. But hey, was a fun run for the purpose of have fun, wasn’t it?

Dungeon Master http://i.imgur.com/Hoqw3.jpg ME http://i.imgur.com/R41MGzB.jpg Fractal Guild Promoter

Dungeons... grindfest

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Matzepeng.1053


This game lack of basic core functions at 7th month (lfg just to mention one, or culling or unplayable content when too many people are near you, like dragons), and a proper programmer leadership and management community oriented (like this thread, completely ignored by the team, the only one reading this thread are mods ready to ban us). Go figure.

I really have no clue how a community rep not responding to a thread/question, which had already been directly and constructively answered by members of the community, can act as any indication of said community rep not caring? Just because they don’t reply, doesn’t mean they don’t read and pass on feedback (which is one of their main responsibilities).
As for the moderators, normally they may or may not take action after a post has been reported (if the report actually had some substance), but to sift through the whole forum to find violations would just be a complete waste of time and resources, especially since the comm reps already check the forums and will report violations against the rules. I’d be suprised if ArenaNet was handling their forum much different.
And lastly to think that a company is not caring about the one product that is the backbone of their whole operation (and probably their lifeline), is beyond me and simply a sign of ignorance IMO. We have the almost unique situation where the company can actually focus all their attention on this game, but nevertheless things take time. Why can’t people be patient I wonder.

@ OP, I’m sure the above posts gave you some ideas as to how to deal with such elitist behaviour, I would simply ignore it as well. There are plenty of players who couldn’t care less if you run in full zerker or naked, as long as it’s fun. GW2LFG or even better your guild is the way forward. I hope you have more fun on your dungeon runs in the future.

Dungeons... grindfest

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: andeysmandey.1647


Make the groups yourself, your group-your rules.

Dungeons... grindfest

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: PetricaKerempuh.7958


haven’t read all but just OP. pls answer me, what other dungeons except cof, require specific professions and roles?

Dungeons... grindfest

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Then DONT JOIN the speed run team.
Go find a normal LFXM , all class welcome team.

Or better, MAKE YOUR OWN TEAM without putting restriction.
People of slower classes will gladly join you, seriously.
But don’t try to exploit other people’s efficiency just because you’re mad that you did not meet the requirement for “maximum efficiency” but still want to salvage it.

Dungeons... grindfest

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: nesh.7234


let’s not mention TESO. I highly doubt we will have a fail nor something barely similar with TESO. And in case, fixed asap. Be sure.

Sounds familiar … hmm .. what was the last absolutely ideal, the best one … yeah, SWTOR … wow that went well …

GW2 has it’s problems, some fixes are not “ideal”, but it’s still one I prefer to play compared to others (I tried) out there. If I don’t like some aspect … i just skip it, or in the case of OP — make point to never run with groups like that, there is no fun in that and there are a lot of great players around to group with.

EU / Aurora Glade