Dungeons, Groups, and Soloist-Noobs

Dungeons, Groups, and Soloist-Noobs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Brap Nettwerk.4786

Brap Nettwerk.4786


Hello, novice GW2 player here! I’m having a pretty big issue with dungeons. Not the actual dungeons themselves, but the process of trying to actually play the dungeon. I can’t say I’m super down with the lingo – I know what ‘LFG AC story’ means – but other than that I’m oblivious to any other acronyms being thrown out there. But when you have a bunch of people standing around the dungeon entrance, you can only assume that you’re all there for the same thing, yet I find that it takes forever to get a group orchestrated, that is, if you can get one together at all.

I’ve been observing my boyfriend’s characters which he speedily brought up to a level 30 in order to get the dungeon portion completed on his monthly for 2/13. Only in the past 2 weeks have I witnessed his struggle to coordinate with other parties. Conversations flying back and forth in some instances, a good portion of an hour, just to get 5 people together. At times, he just had to give up. I just reached level 30 earlier today and had no avail in assembling a party. Another player told me to log on in the evening, and he had no problems getting a group together yesterday. Well yesterday evening was the mad scramble for everyone to complete their monthly dungeons so of course there wasn’t an issue. I witnessed my boyfriend form a group in 5 minutes!

I have the easiest access to the game past midnight, but I can see in group events that there are generally less players available to help compared to playing between 6 and 10pm. Since I have extremely little exposure to dungeons in the first place, is there something my bf and I are missing here to speed up this process, or is this really what we have to put up with?

I don’t have time to stand around and make idle chit-chat, nor do I want to. I just want to go in, play the game, and call it a day. Why can’t there be GW1 style heroes/henchmen available for dungeon play? This game was advertised to be geared towards solo play just as much as the PvP aspect, therefore I shouldn’t be limited to what areas of the game I can play just because I logged on at 3 in the morning.

Please tell me we are missing a key element that makes this easier.

-My boyfriend and I share this computer, therefore we cannot play the game together
-Neither he nor I are friends with anyone inside the game
-We created guilds for ourselves just to say we had them, and to stop the guild request message box from consistently popping up
-I can ‘represent’ another guild that I have saved, but I have no clue what this does for me or if this would help me with the dungeon situation
-My highest character is a level 30, his is 32. We’ve been playing the game about 2 months now, only PvE.

Dungeons, Groups, and Soloist-Noobs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Eridanus.6283



This website can be used to find/form groups. It’s really effective in the current absence of an LFG tool in-game.

When the going gets tough, make a complaint topic and claim you won’t play the game.

Scrub Logic.

Dungeons, Groups, and Soloist-Noobs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Scarn.1703


use the LFG website : gw2lfg.com

It makes finding groups much much easier. Just make sure you let everyone know that you’re new to dungeons and you shouldn’t have too many problems.

Dungeons, Groups, and Soloist-Noobs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SkyChef.5432


LFG will not solve your problem. New player, low level, no guild, 3AM in the morning all spells trouble. I suggest when you pug w/ group see who is the most helpful & nice then add them as your friend. Out of those friends, pick one to join as your guild. You build friends that way and within a couple weeks, you shouldn’t have any problem.

People are too serious of their knowledge.

(edited by SkyChef.5432)

Dungeons, Groups, and Soloist-Noobs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Brap Nettwerk.4786

Brap Nettwerk.4786

I suggest when you pug w/ group.

I’m so sorry to ask but what is ‘pug’?

Are there any other words or acronyms I should be aware of?

Dungeons, Groups, and Soloist-Noobs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SkyChef.5432


I suggest when you pug w/ group.

I’m so sorry to ask but what is ‘pug’?

Are there any other words or acronyms I should be aware of?

Sorry. It has become a bad habit. PUG stands for Pick up Group that you join from the sky and that you have no idea who they are, how good they are, how nice or nasty they are. Basically, you are totally clueless about the people you are playing with until the party is dissolved.

And BTW, if you tell them ahead you are women, they mostly treat you much nicer, even though some of them just ran away from their home in the dungeons.

People are too serious of their knowledge.

Dungeons, Groups, and Soloist-Noobs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DigitalKirin.9714


Hello! There are a lot of issues and a lot of lingo that you’ll need to catch up, yes. I’ll do my best to help out.

PUG = Pick Up Group. This is when you join a group of strangers. If you don’t know that person, they are a PUG. Similarly, you are a PUG to them. You can go PUGging, which means to join a group of people you don’t know.

LFG = Looking for Group. You are looking to join a group of people.

LFM = Looking for Members. You are in a party that needs members. Often times, the number of members needed will pop up as well. LF1M. LF3M.

GLF = Group Looking For… Another way to say LFM.

SM = Story Mode.

Exp/EM = Explorable Mode.

AC = Ascalonian Catacombs.
CM = Cadecus’s Manor.
TA = Twilight Arbor.
SE = Sorrow’s Embrace.
CoF = Citadel of Flame.
HotW = Honor of the Waves.
CoE = Crucible of Eternity.
Arah = Ruins of Arah.

CC = Crowd Control. Things like Stuns, Daze, Chill, Cripple. They are meant to keep monsters under control.

DPS = Damage per second. Just means how much damage do you do. If someone says you need more DPS, they mean you need to do more damage.

DoT = Damage over Time. Things like Bleed, Fire, Poison.

HoT = Heal over Time. You won’t hear this too much in this game, but it means heals that you cast that spread their healing out over a period of time.

AoE = Area of Effect. Things that hit an area instead of a specific target.

I’m sure I’ll think of more. Even if you’re a night owl, there are always people playing around that time. Depending on the night, I only manage to log in around 11pm PST, so my playtime extends through midnight. If you guys need assistance, put me on your friend list – if you see me, I’ll try to help out.

Genevieve Talbot [NP] – Noble Phantasm on Stormbluff Isle

Dungeons, Groups, and Soloist-Noobs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DigitalKirin.9714


Re: Guilds. Having your own guild is a good inexpensive way to have a lot of storage space. You can buy it with influence and stuff and it can be for just you and your boyfriend. However, having a guild of people that you are a part of means a community of people that you can do events with. If you don’t have any friends, seek some out.

Genevieve Talbot [NP] – Noble Phantasm on Stormbluff Isle