Dungeons Need a Finder or Que System
Well, its a good idea, but I would like it to be more requirement based. As in the party leader can write requests for certain reqs to be met to be invited.
But good idea:)
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Agreed, but not before they make them actually playable.
I agree it would improve the game and make it easier to hop into a dungeon. I don’t think it needs to actually port you in the dungeon but at least help you find a group. Maybe it could use some kind of ranking to put you with similar players. For example it could place you with players based on how many times you’ve done the dungeon, so new players would get grouped with new players and experienced players with experienced. Without tanks and healers it seems a queue system might work well.
As long as you still need to travel. And that it’s for your world only.
Well, adding other servers may help boost the number of capable, new and fun players around gw2 to go into dungeons with.
But first thing is first. Dungeon bugs need to be fixed before this happens I think.
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Cross-server group finders are a bad idea, a bad bad idea. They destroy any sense of community, as players can be total kittens without any sense of accountability.
This is an MMO. People should have to communicate with one another to form groups for content.
should stay out of the way of those doing it”
- Thomas Edison
Cross-server group finders are a bad idea, a bad bad idea. They destroy any sense of community, as players can be total kittens without any sense of accountability.
Cross server? You mean like….a guesting feature that allows PvE players to hop between servers at a whim so even if they act like horrible people they have dozens of servers to choose from?
Guild wars 2 already has that planned btw….
I agree on a modified WoW style Dungeon Finder. We don’t have to 100% copy WoW like most people will rant about, but improve upon it.
For instance as a tweak to DF since areas can be captures how about the Dungeon Finder mark out dungeons that are currently held by mobs. You can then que up for a group to then free the dungeon which will most likely then run the dungeon
I would also like features such as:
Obvious level restrictions would apply
A statstic of how many people are queued for what dungeon showing something similar to Ascalon Catacombs Story Mode: 97 players in que – Twight Arbor Explorable Mode: 50 players in Que. You can then select from the list based on population. This will spread out people picking dungeons and hopefully speed que times
Also a “First Available” option – This will toss you into ANY random dungeon on whichever mode you pick. So if you are 80 for instance and pick First Available Story Mode it will toss in any story mode instance that needs a group, same for explorable.
If DF exists it must be only for your own server and not cross realm.
WoW LFG system have ruined the game.I don’t want the same to happen here
If DF exists it must be only for your own server and not cross realm.
WoW LFG system have ruined the game.I don’t want the same to happen here
The post right above you explains that you can already run a dungeon cross-server, via the guesting feature that they are planning on implementing soon.
I’m sorry that you feel that the WoW LFG system ruined the game, but it really isn’t true. After WoW released it’s dungeon finder almost every single major mmo followed suit. It’s a popular feature of any mmo that helps connect players who want to run a dungeon. The only thing it ruins is chat spam and waiting around for a dungeon forever.
I thought there was a LFG system.
I dunno – I figure /g works just fine, and pretty much anyone who’s so low on friends they need a LFG system, they prolly isn’t gonna work out to be a good party member.
I really think ANet’s plate is very full trying to get basic functionality in the game to work right now, without adding new stuff. Bugs enough with parties and guilds and squads…
Wow, what a post.
I thought there was a LFG system.
It is thoroughly unused, difficult to locate, and has dubious functionality or purpose.
I dunno – I figure /g works just fine, and pretty much anyone who’s so low on friends they need a LFG system, they prolly isn’t gonna work out to be a good party member.
Your experience is not the same as the experience of others. It’s nice that you have a guild willing to do dungeons, but that is not always the case. Many people prefer social guilds and would much more gladly represent those. Also, that last point of yours is absolutely asinine and undeserving of intelligent response.
I really think ANet’s plate is very full trying to get basic functionality in the game to work right now, without adding new stuff. Bugs enough with parties and guilds and squads…
Yes, there are bugs that must be worked out first. This has already been touched upon. But the very fact that the mentality of “they have bigger things to worry about” serves no purpose. It’s totally redundant. Of course they do. No one said this had to be moved to the top of the list. They’re just asking that it BE on the list. By the way. Forums are a persistent record (!!). They can see these suggestions even if they’re busy with other things.
I agree to the finder system!
Exactly. I’ve done only 1 dungeon so far and I wasted good amount of time trying to get at least 3 people to go into one…
It is really hard to find a group for someone who isn’t in a guild(and even being in a guild doesn’t help in case of some guilds out there), and standing for an hour begging people to go to dungeon in a group is actually pathetic.
Queue or “dungeon finder” style things have too many issues, and invite a League of Legend style culture. Annoying in PvP, but PvE doesn’t need it. If it was the only way to solve the problem here, I’d still be all for it, but there are other options.
GW1’s system (but server wide), or DDO-style systems would pretty much be flawless. You advertise your party in an interface (as opposed to advertise you are LOOKING for party…that never works), people can see who/what is in the group and contact you about it, when the group is full it vanish from the interface.
Simple to implement, easy, doesn’t have any of the “social” drawbacks of automatic dungeon finders… all around by far the best option. And they had it in GW1 (except it was zone specific. Fix that party =P), so no reason not to have it here.