Dungeons - Nerfed & Destroyed
You stated it yourself pretty much, dungeons weren’t being run for fun or their specific I dungeon loot, they were mainly being run for their gold rewards. In addition, fractals are easier to update and customize by their disconected nature, while dungeon paths wind around each other and sometimes overlap. A change in one path can affect the rest.
Fractals and raids have their own built in gold sinks, fractals have infusions and salvage kits which costs one gold to use, dungeons have nothing. As for your comment on getting materials, you’ll need to start doing and looking for map events across tyria. I’m not big on their loot changes myself, it feels like their draining the gold dam and trying to cause a drought in gold, or deflate the value of gold. Unfortunately during this time it causes the markets to fluctuate wildly.
What they are wanting to do is try and pull people out of their farming spots and have them actually start playing and doing things in game and across multiple zones instead of just farming Orr, dungeons, even the HoT maps, they don’t want you to farm one spot they want you to farm the whole of tyria. So get walking.
Agreed, while I stopped doing dungeons in general after completing all the achieves, doing this just kills any desire to go back to em to old time’s sake.
On the bright side, that’s fewer dailies I need to bother with doing lol….
nowadays people do dungeon only to get the token for the legendary crafting….
Archeage = Farmville with PK
And even then, you’d be better off doing the PvP reward tracks. It’s faster and gives more loot! :P
If you want loot go do something else or fire up your credit card. There we much more profitable activities and ways.
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
(edited by Swagger.1459)
gotta nerf the express golden dungeon train
so you’d consider upgrading to HoT
“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
They are so easy and fast to do, the gold you got was not justified. Have you tried it with new subclasses? It’s a complete joke, you can easily duo/trio (made with DH and Herald) it. There’s no challenge, nothing. You even get about 70s and the tokens for exotics. Compared to the time and effort invested it’s still okay.
If you like the dungeons then do it for fun. I do it from time to time, rarely, but yeah, for fun! It’s not always the kittening rewards.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
They are so easy and fast to do, the gold you got was not justified. Have you tried it with new subclasses? It’s a complete joke, you can easily duo/trio (made with DH and Herald) it. There’s no challenge, nothing. You even get about 70s and the tokens for exotics. Compared to the time and effort invested it’s still okay.
If you like the dungeons then do it for fun. I do it from time to time, rarely, but yeah, for fun! It’s not always the kittening rewards.
I mostly pug so I tend to join parties that are on lfg and after HoT, almost all are casual. I noticed playing the elite spec made the gameplay a lot easier for me, but few days ago I joined a speed clear party and we ended up doing few dungeons. 4 elites + 1 vanilla and we killed bosses way faster than a speed clear party would pre-HoT. I can see what you mean but I don’t agree with how much they nerfed the gold reward. Compare it to harvesting for example, how much effort that takes and how much gold it makes.
If I could get old dungeons and old fractals back to the way they were before HoT, I’d easily trade up everything gained from this expansion.
Way it is now I log in once a week to clear a raid…
Dungeons are just as profitable as ever on a per hour basis.
And almost nobody realizes that the jeweler is playing a big role in dungeons at the moment.
Well, i think the majority of players doesn’t have many dungeon recipes or none at all, so the complaints are justified. The only ones that have lots of recipes are those who frequently did dungeons in the past.
I am referring to all kind of these ppl like the TE and so many others posting in various threads over the last weeks:
“There are many people who enjoyed doing some quickly daily dungeons, and we’ve now had that stolen from us!”
The recipes aren’t that rare!
Tried starting up Arah runs for arah tokens because I am working on Bifrost. Yea, thats never happening. There is maybe 1 group at any one time. Glad I do a lot of PvP as well or I would never be able to finish Gift of Color. Well done with the dungeon nerf’s, you now made it a hundred times harder to get a legendary simply because YOU REQUIRE DUNGEONS FOR YOUR LEGENDARY WEAPONS!
Well, i think the majority of players doesn’t have many dungeon recipes or none at all, so the complaints are justified. The only ones that have lots of recipes are those who frequently did dungeons in the past.
Not really, because just from ecto salvage each dungeon path in the game is worth minimum 1g + drops.
The question isn’t whether its less than before, because it is less. The important point is that it’s still good and still worth doing. Instead of us pouting about what we’ve lost a more beneficial action is a real evaluation of what is left.
I am sorry but i dont get motivated by gold. When i comes down to the truth, gold never motivated me to do a dungeon. For me it started out as just wana have fun but then i saw there was a great potential to improve.
And almost nobody realizes that the jeweler is playing a big role in dungeons at the moment.
Only if you’re lucky to get the recipe drop. In all my years of playing GW2 i have yet to see one (and the same is true for all my guildies), they are not common at all.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
I want more reasons to run dungeons, but I don’t think a liquid gold train should be the answer. I want more rare drops from the end chest, and more uses of dungeon tokens
I think what you did with the gold rewards and experience is a complete and utter joke, and quite frankly disgusting!
There are many people who enjoyed doing some quickly daily dungeons, and we’ve now had that stolen from us!
I do not understand why this was done in the first place?! Even if the new specializations made the runs faster, that’s a good thing! These were like chores we could do each day, but at least it was earning us good coin and tokens as well which we could use to buy exptics to salvage or throw in the toilet.
Sin’ce you’ve nerfed everything in this game, all loot everywhere, dungeons, fractals etc, I’ve struggled to get crafting materials. My only option is to spend 2-3hours in HoT zone events to get barely enough materials. compared to an hour or so in dungeons, this is now a grind-fest.
As I’ve stated before, there will always be an element of grind in the game. That’s expected. But before HoT we at least had a choice where we wanted to grind! We could chose to do events, or dungeons, or fractals etc. Now it’s events or nothing, because the loot elsewhere is simply not worth the effort!
>There are many people who enjoyed doing some quickly daily dungeons, and we’ve now had that stolen from us!
>These were like chores we could do each day
Not sure if trolling or plain kittened
>enjoyed doing some quickly daily dungeons
You can still run them, they’re still there. But you won’t, suggesting that you only ran them for the money, not for the fun of running dungeons
>I do not understand why this was done in the first place?!
A 4 year old reading a paragraph on inflation would understand it
>Sin’ce you’ve nerfed everything in this game, all loot everywhere, fractals etc
Doing the fractal dailies + buying keys gives me around 30g and a ~25% shot at ascended gear, all in less than 1 hour
>I’ve struggled to get crafting materials
Any monkey able to use google will get around 20 (25 with item booster) gold worth of materials an hour by running the optimal route
>My only option is to spend 2-3hours in HoT zone events to get barely enough materials. compared to an hour or so in dungeons, this is now a grind-fest.
Did a sw chest farm, got me 54 gold in exactly 1 hour and 30 minutes. Central Tyria is still better for gold farming.
>Now it’s events or nothing, because the loot elsewhere is simply not worth the effort!
Look, I’ll make my opinion a fact!!1! No honey, just because you can’t properly use google nor the forums it doesn’t mean you’re right.
I suggest you document yourself better before starting kittenposting on the forums. Cheers
(edited by Raizen.7981)
Did you know that dungeon tours are just as profitable as before if not more so???
The reason I was running dungeons was because of the collections. Armor and weapons from that dungeon. I don’t care about the final rewards, but now it’s hard to find a group from dungeon, especially longer ones like HotW, Arah or Crucible that it’s just not worth the wait for the party to fill up. If they don’t want us to run dungeons, fine, but at least they could do that I can buy weapons and armors from that dungeon with something else rather then just tokens.
I’m noticing more folks returning to dungeons a bit, there’s still some money to be made. I want to see more token based recipes, that would do a lot for them.
Getting AC p1 done is getting challenging, as all groups are full of clueless f2p players.