Let us start with the simple stuff.
-Lodestones and the like as token rewards. It’s been said, it should be done. Simple enough.
-Unique skins for dungeon content (Armor/weapons). This is separate from the token rewards and drop from chests.
-Better mechanics in fights. Kholer is a GOOD simple mini-boss(though he needs a health reduction). Think SE path 1 first boss, Giganticus Lupicus, fractals have much better mechanics than normal dungeons. Use those examples and revamp old encounters.
-Hard mode option. This doesn’t mean MORE HP MORE DAMAGE. Hard mode should give the bosses more skills that require attention and maybe even interrupts (IE a heal skill or something). Drop rates in hard mode will be higher, you get 10 more tokens, offers a challenge.
-Disable waypoints while dead. Use the check point system for party wipes like i fractals, stop wp zerging and make players think about what theyre doing. Make failing a punishment that matters, not 50 copper.
-Fix all exploitative spots. As a quick fix make it so that if a monster cannot deal damage to you it begins to evade and resets. WoW did this quite effectively and it really stops exploiting in most cases where it is in effect here.
-Environments that work with the encounter. Self explanatory.
-Scale down health on most of the trash / bosses. Scale down auto attack damage. They should use 1-2 heavy attacks/skills each that define them as a unit and have THOSE be the abilities to look for and dodge. Constant high auto attack damage doesnt emphasize skill, its just cheap (granted dungeons arent hard but making them more skill based is what im getting at)
At the end of a dungeon the party gets a display of the following:
Enemies killed / Enemies total:
Time Cleared:
Times Wiped:
Bosses 1 shot:
The above stats will be used to EVALUATE the run and reward extra karma / coin / tokens / bags of wonderous goods / random chest with high rare / exotic drop rate or what have you. People will want to clear trash because not only is it no longer tedious due to previous changes listed but a higher clear number with a faster clear rate (emphasizing efficient tactics) will get you a higher rating (A, B, C ,D ,F) etc.
Then in addition to that display you also get
“Under Each Player’s Name”
Direct Damage Dealt:
Conditions applied / Damage Dealt:
DPS Total(in combat):
Healing Done(to Self):
Healing Done(to Others):
HPS Total(in combat):
Boons Given to allies:
Conditions Removed from allies:
Boons Stripped:
Successful Disables:
Damage Mitigated:
Damage Taken:
Time spent idle:
Units of measurement (feet / yards) moved:
This works like l4d, lol, dota2, or many other competitive games that allow you to have a depiction of your performance after the game.
This needs a few more things in the list but u get the idea. It would not be a “damage meter” to distract you during play so much as an end of dungeon wrap sheet that allows you to access your build and the effectiveness of the people you have run with. Now you cannot see this BEFORE the run so the thought of elitism being a concern isnt even on the table. This shows all builds and how they are doing and lets YOU as the player see how your build is performing against others and maybe other builds you have tried previously, maybe this info is saved in a log (last 10 runs are saved or so)
I think this “Run assessment” will really help thwart the massive popularity skipping if it is implemented with the other changes i’ve suggested.
What do you guys think?