Dungeons are set too difficult

Dungeons are set too difficult

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anatax.3905


Well developers I dare you to go into one of your own dungeons at the bare level minimum with green and blue gear and try to accomplish it. I think what you have done is set the dungeons up so that players in full rare’s at level 80 are able to accomplish them, but to me that seems excessive. I went into AC explorable at level 37 on my thief. I wear greens and blues my three mates were all level 80’s in solid rare’s and exotics. I died over and over and over again while my mates were able to survive and prosper. However, we still had a very difficult time with the boss fight with the crystals, breeders and skelks because we had one guy set up full tank, all vit and toughness and heavy armor and of course me lvl 37 green and blue guy. The players got very frustrated after several wipes. They couldn’t figure out why their strats weren’t working. I’ll tell you why because the other 20 times they did the dungeon they did with a full team of 80’s in rare’s and exotics. Go ahead I dare you to play your own dungeon and maybe after 30 party wipes you will realize the problem. Bad game design difficulty implementation. A lvl 35 dungeon should be beatable by lvl 35’s not lvl 80s in great gear.

Guild member of Rethisis, proud server soldier of Darkhaven.

Dungeons are set too difficult

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Relickan.4261


I have personally had no trouble with any dungeon path exp or story. This being said no i am not level 80, no i do not have all rares, and i typically form groups to do the dungeons right when i am of capable level (Most of the time PUGs as well.) I also have not had a chance to do the level 70+ dungeons which i understand are much harder and rightfully should be.

Honestly the only frustrating group i have had that wiped enough times to become more than a nuisance was a revisit to AC story to run a friend through it with a PUG that seemed to have absolutely no idea how to play their classes. These guys couldn’t dodge, listen, and had no understanding of what a “boss” fight actually meant. Otherwise i’m 180 degrees on the other end of the spectrum, sorry bud.

Dungeons are set too difficult

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Psybunny.8906


You will not have a problem doing dungeons to your appropriate level if your team works well together. The problem you had with the burrows was the wrong approach imo. You don’t need a tank there, just heavy AoE damage and fast burst. Burrows don’t spawn infinitely.

That being said, yesterday our regular group took 2 lvl 33’s with us into explorable. We had absolutely no problems and both of them only died like 2-3 times per 3 paths, but that was due to them doing the dungeon for the first time and not knowing things like: don’t rush into melee with the goldenring scavenger.
FYI: We never skip anything and we always bring guildies alt if it’s appropriate lvl for the dungeon.

Dungeons are set too difficult

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: mentalist.3120


I have to disagree with OP. Me and my guild went into AC expert highest was me 38 lowest was 36 most of there gear is bare minimum even some of it is lower then 33. Three of us respeced before we went in. Went into toughness and vit with what points we had.

Even though it took a lil time and a few wipes we managed to get all the way to last boss. Where the instance decided not to spawn the boss apart from that we managed to do it all.

My advise to anyone going into them for 1st time like us is be prepared to wipe and respec into defense before you go in there alot diffrent than normal PvE in this game.

Dungeons are set too difficult

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Crater.1625


The way that downscaling works takes into account the extra stats available to higher leveled characters from equipment and extra trait points. I believe there’s a slight edge given to fully decked-out level 80 characters, owing to the difference between Exotic and Fine/Masterwork equipment at a given level, but it’s seriously nothing that’s going to make a massive difference one way or another. What does make a difference is having equipment that is at your level, rather than significantly lower. If you’re wearing things that you found that are still level 25-30, the difference between those and equipment at level 35-37 will almost definitely be much greater than the difference between being level 37 with 35-37 equipment and being level 80 with full exotics.

Over the last week I’ve been playing an alt exclusively in dungeons (crafted up to level 30, and basically haven’t done anything but dungeons since; currently at level 46). I’ve done all three paths in AC Explorable Mode, with my character at level 35-37 in blue equipment, and an entire PUG party made up of characters in the 35-50 level range (several of whom had never played dungeons before and so hadn’t done any particular preparation for them). At no point were there ever more than two party wipes in a particular dungeon run.

If you died a lot, it’s not because you weren’t level 80 with Exotic gear, and it’s not necessarily because you’re bad. Dungeons have a steep learning curve when you come into them from leveling and playing on the overworld. It’s normal to die a lot if you aren’t being heavily coached, and/or if the rest of your party hasn’t built in enough team support to carry you while you learn the ropes. Without seeing exactly what was happening when you played, it’s hard to offer any specific advice, but it is absolutely possible (and much more profitable than leveling on the world map) to play dungeons at their intended minimum level.

Dungeons are set too difficult

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Oh Snapalope.1378

Oh Snapalope.1378

Steep learning curve is steep. You have to get use to it and dungeons become rather easy with a group of decent players; to be honest I think a lot of dungeons paths could be made harder. Also being lvl 80 with exotics is only a slight advantage, but the advantage is big enough that a lot of groups won’t take non 80s.

Although it could just be that you’re bad and need to learn how to play dungeons better. I just ran through AC path 1 and 3 with a team of lvl 37 and 40s and we had it pretty easy.

(edited by Oh Snapalope.1378)

Dungeons are set too difficult

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anatax.3905


No, I’m not a bad player. I haven’t done much of the dungeons in this game since they were made more difficult a few weeks ago. My previous experience with dungeons in GW2 was AC story, CM story about 30 times, SE story, TA explorable, Arah Story, and CoF explore. When a silver mob can 2 shot you I definitely have to say that dungeons are set too difficult. When during the first spider boss in AC I spent nearly all the time sitting on my butt because every time i got up i got poisoned, and then either cleansed once and got poisoned soon after and watched all my health tick away. And the boss of course could 1 shot me. Meanwhile I watched the 4 level 80’s I came in with circle the Spider at close range and burn it down. Even some of the level 80’s got downed once or twice. When you have to fear trash mobs because they can 2 shot you there is a problem with the dungeons. I’ve played MMO’s since Everquest, and i’ve always been able to handle the most difficult dungeons in all the games I’ve ever played. This games trash mobs are set too difficult with their huge damage and health. I felt that because I wasn’t level 80 in good gear that I couldn’t contribute or survive enough to feel that I was helping the team instead of hindering it. Very frustrating.

Guild member of Rethisis, proud server soldier of Darkhaven.

Dungeons are set too difficult

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sentinel VX.1392

Sentinel VX.1392

Nope they are not. Infact they have nerfed CoF and CoE recently, I suppose it’s just your group being bad.

Sea of Sorrow since BWE.

Dungeons are set too difficult

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: nachtnebel.9168


Dungeons are fine, a little too easy at most.

The items you have don’t matter that much as long as everybody in your group knows what he has to do. And, what sometimes might be a problem with players that are not 80 yet, everybody should use some support and defense skills. You don’t need specific professions in GW2 to clear a dungeons, but that doesn’t mean that everybody can just play what he wants, you need to consider what your group needs when you choose your utillity skills.

Salix Babylonica (Necro), Tharnath (Guardian), N Faculty (Mesmer),
Occam Pi (Ele), Acaena Elongata (Warrior), Finja Salversdotir (Ranger),
Bytestream (Engineer), Vim Whitespace (Thief)

Dungeons are set too difficult

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Krulz.6245


Indeed they are fine, even with pugs, just don’t go mindless, well I miss just bosses drops, but in the next dungeon patch this will be addressed. \o/

Krulz – Guardian –
~Piken Square~

Dungeons are set too difficult

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NetherDiver.6079


It also helps to eat food. You get a well needed stat buff, maybe an effect (gain life for a critical hit) and you have 10% exp gain. I try to buy a stack for my party during every run.

Dungeons are set too difficult

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: curtegg.5216


Run CM (that is the easiest of the dungeons to learn). We often run a path in less than an hour. Build up your gear off that dungeon and the others will be easier. Thief or Necro’s make the mob pulls easy. Heed NetherDiver’s comments. You often get pots from those dungeons to help you on the next run.