Dungeons are too easy.

Dungeons are too easy.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: wacko.7543


The mechanics of dungeons seems a bit easy. Sure creatures can one shot you, but that doesn’t make the dungeon itself a challange.

But due to the repair costs, I kinda understand that if you make something too much of a challenge, no one will do it.

So, how about something more of a challenge, and take out repair costs for that dungeon? Some of us want more difficult tasks.

Nori Senbei (Black Cloak) Blackgate

Dungeons are too easy.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: fony.5102


or have more mechanics and phases but not a bunch of unavoidable OHKO’s.

Dungeons are too easy.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RizziVanizzi.1532


once you get the mechanics down, it’s easy.
the most difficult part of the dungeons isn’t the encounters, but the trap puzzles atm.
tbh honest i expected more from arah, but it’s DoA all over again, it’s not difficult it just takes ages.

in general more bosses like kohler, lupicus and subject alpha are needed, those encounters are fun and challenging (to a certain degree, see above)

Dungeons are too easy.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lorana.2468


problem is nothing is hard once you learn the encounter.

name me a single boss from any mmo that’s difficult after you’ve learnt what to do and when, it becomes trivial compared to those first attempts at learning the encounter.

no different from GW1, once the farming builds were figured out, everything was easy.

Dungeons are too easy.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Milennin.4825


I’m pretty content with the current difficulty of dungeons. Make them too hard, and people will start looking for specific group builds only. I’d rather have profession freedom and dungeons being a bit easier, than them being very difficult but only be able to do them in certain group orders.

Just who the hell do you think I am!?

Dungeons are too easy.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hellgaunt.1734


The problem with GW2 dungeons is that they are rather lackluster in regards to difficulty as in, some abilities completely overshadows others and some mechanics are just completely harmless.

Take the last boss in CoF for example. His circle on the ground is so easily avoided it’s not even fun. His hammer attack combined with lava though is very interesting and well-thought out.

His ability to immobilize you is awesome as well and promotes teamplay…

However he hits like a wet noodle and have no gap closers or other interesting things to do and is easily kited around – and he has so much HP that it just takes ages to down him because of his frequent invulnerability stage.

He should instead just charge-jump to the middle and stomp. Or stomp in place (for example with his hammer) where he is at instead of running to the middle like a kitten and stomp. The ring should also move a lot faster than now, because as is I can fall asleep and still manage to dodge (or run out of range)!

I’m sure if Anet sat down and worked on a dungeon at a time in a scrum sort of way and reiterated on the fights to make them more interesting.

An example of a good fight is Subject Alpha when you fight him on the path choice beneath submarine. That’s an amazing fight in that tiny room where if you have the wrong tactic you’ll need to waypoint fight him (and spend 45min doing so) but if you develop the right tactic the fight lasts around 8min.

Dungeons are too easy.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Xenophon.2195


I would agree. Yesterday I did Lupicus with a group in path 2 in Arah and they’ve since fixed the waypointing. We sat and developed a strategy to kill him in the arena. It was difficult, but tense and exciting. More battles like that need to happen.

Dungeons are too easy.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kuroi.5467


The problem with GW2 dungeons is that they are rather lackluster in regards to difficulty as in, some abilities completely overshadows others and some mechanics are just completely harmless.

Take the last boss in CoF for example. His circle on the ground is so easily avoided it’s not even fun. His hammer attack combined with lava though is very interesting and well-thought out.

His ability to immobilize you is awesome as well and promotes teamplay…

However he hits like a wet noodle and have no gap closers or other interesting things to do and is easily kited around – and he has so much HP that it just takes ages to down him because of his frequent invulnerability stage.

He should instead just charge-jump to the middle and stomp. Or stomp in place (for example with his hammer) where he is at instead of running to the middle like a kitten and stomp. The ring should also move a lot faster than now, because as is I can fall asleep and still manage to dodge (or run out of range)!

I’m sure if Anet sat down and worked on a dungeon at a time in a scrum sort of way and reiterated on the fights to make them more interesting.

An example of a good fight is Subject Alpha when you fight him on the path choice beneath submarine. That’s an amazing fight in that tiny room where if you have the wrong tactic you’ll need to waypoint fight him (and spend 45min doing so) but if you develop the right tactic the fight lasts around 8min.

everyone, this is what an intelligent comment on dungeon difficulty looks like. saying “dungeons are too easy” or “some mechanics don’t work” communicates next to nothing. let’s be useful and explore what works and what doesn’t, like this fine fellow.

i definitely agree that subject alpha is an awesome fight most of the time, but i think Anet thought so too and he either needs more variety in his mechanics or he needs to show up less. for example, in one path, he could steadily gain more DPS and less HP, and on another one he could become more controll-y with lots of health and fewer ways of murdering you (he still obviously has to be a threat). maybe one path could focus on the crystal prison, another on the AoE. just an example.

an example of a good path, i blelieve, is path 2 in AC. i found all the AC paths to be pretty solid (the exception being that condition damage based players suffer needlessly against those burrows, which absolutely needs to be addressed), but Dehta’s avoids the burows almost entirely and gives you the rather fun mechanic of the trap floor, which lets you control the difficulty and variety of your experiences by assigning various numbers of players to the traps vs kiting. even the traps, if they’re going to be done properly, need proper timing and a little bit of strategy. i think the ghost fight right before the last boss is a great blend of challenge and fun. rangers, necros, and eles make formidable challengers while those warriors are almost always there to kill anyone slacking. that said, the ghost eater himself is a complete joke, especially compared to the colossus rumblus or even the howling king, which are both good boss fights, i think.

by far the most boring path i’ve ever done were the 2 i did from HotW (i did the “dry” and “moist” one, i avoided the one that i was told was almost entirely underwater), which is a shame considering i love the layout of the dungeon and story was fun and challenging. the bosses all have wayyyy too much HP without any kind of DPS to back it up. the trash mobs are actually trash, and the boss mechanics they do throw at you (those totems that grant bonuses to the boss) are almost ignorable.

in addition to these comments, i’d like to bring up the importance of what i’ve been calling path parity. each path of the same dungeon needs to be around the same difficulty. i’m perfectly fine with there being an “easier” and “harder” paths, but the jump between AC path 2 and path 3 is a little crazy. in general i think the earlier level dungeons need to be toned down a little, and the higher level dungeons toned up (i’ve never set foot in Arah, no comment there). personally i see absolutely no reason to have the dungeon level system we have (srsly, if they’re gunna kitten with our levels, make 50 the “dungeon” level and scale everything the same, if there’s not going to be any rhyme or reason to dungeon difficulty), but since it’s here people are going to assume AC is easier than HotW, which is simply untrue.

Dungeons are too easy.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kuroi.5467


problem is nothing is hard once you learn the encounter.

name me a single boss from any mmo that’s difficult after you’ve learnt what to do and when, it becomes trivial compared to those first attempts at learning the encounter.

no different from GW1, once the farming builds were figured out, everything was easy.

also, again, subject alpha. hell even colossus still gives me trouble on some runs, but i’ll bet a lot of even experienced CoE runners would agree that alpha has you on edge for most of the fight. yeah, you’re probably gunna win, but not with “trivial” amounts of effort. i see the potential in boss fights in GW because when they do work they keep me glued to the screen and incoming information for me to be constantly updating my play. i can’t just AFK alt tab like with dragon fights. i’m not saying all encounters are like this, but i definitely think a lot more of them /could/ be with minor adjustments.

Dungeons are too easy.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lorana.2468


i find Alpha incredibly easy and nothing special at all, i melee him all the time.

if your on a route where he performs his earth attack you will soon learn he always does it on his main target and always after the fire attack, a well timed dodge evades it completely.

if you get hit by the Fire attack your playing poorly, if your hit by the Ice/Earth combo your again playing poorly.

getting hit whilst in Crystals however is ofc an issue however any good team will break you out of it whilst making sure not to stand in a position that causes the aoe to overlap and generally down you instantly.

the only boss in this game that gives legitamate issues after learning the fight is Lupicus and that is simply because the AoE circles are untrustworthy and instead of avoiding them your having to avoid the actual projectiles he fires which can cause alot of deaths.

my point still stands, once you learn the patterns and rythm to the bosses abilities and attacks it’s all easy, it’s all input into your muscle memory and you react without thinking.

i agree we need harder content, im just saying that the content wont remain genuinly hard for long, unless there is alot of artifical difficulty with enemies having massive HP pools and incredibly high dmg/low cooldown spells.

Dungeons are too easy.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kuthos.9623


The fights can be hard to start with, but easy once you learn them. As it should be except for some of them which are just giant health boxes and don’t do a whole lot.

The problem is that most of the fights are BORING except for a few like Alpha and the Lt. in Ascalonian Catacombs. The bosses need more mechanics and just need to be more fun in general. Mostly they feel like dps’ing a wall and you just run around kiting them.

Something like alpha you have least have to pay attention, dodge, and dps. Makes the fight interesting.

Something like the ice barbarian in CoE it just a snooze fest. Sit near a pillar…dps….zzzzz.

More active fun fights, less boring hit point sponges please.

Dungeons are too easy.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tken.1986


But the majority of will not be willing to do it if the increased amount of difficulty = amount of time spend. (ex: 3 hrs) Some people just don’t want certain class or inexperienced people to join. They simply bothered to teach others. They think of “others” as wasting their time. Of course one would think its getting boring because you do it all the time. Think about casual players. Some people would just won’t accept pugs at all. Please be considerate before you complain dungeons being easy.

Dungeons are too easy.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kierlak.5209


problem is nothing is hard once you learn the encounter.

name me a single boss from any mmo that’s difficult after you’ve learnt what to do and when, it becomes trivial compared to those first attempts at learning the encounter.

no different from GW1, once the farming builds were figured out, everything was easy.

Baleroc heroic pre nerf when it was current content. Unless your dps was in nearly full heroic gear the enrage timer was always very close, and if a healer got linked with someone soaking torment, your tanks had to be ready to blow big cooldowns to survive until the debuff wore off. No one could slack during the fight at all.

Dungeons are too easy.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


Support, dungeons are way too easy.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.