Dungeons difficulty

Dungeons difficulty

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SiR.7156


Hi all,
i’m a casual player, playing since day 1, and i have finally reached lv 80 with my beloved ranger. Now i want to gear him up in exotics: i am a trapper, so i want to collect a rabid set of gear, thus giving me as options, apart from karma farming or TP, these dungeons: Caudecus’s Manor, Twilight Arbor, Honor of the Waves and Arah.
I have never ever done none of these, so i was wondering which one is the easiest, or even better the fastest, for a casual gamer, who can play less than 2 hours continuously once in a while?
Oh, i wish to add that it’s not like i am the worst player in this world, i can push myself through any game situation without many issues, i have never been kicked out of any party i have been into.
Many thanks in advance to everyone.

PS: sorry for my english, it’s not my language, please forgive my mistakes!

Dungeons difficulty

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Minoru.1237


All of those dungeons provide armor with very different sets of stats. Caudecus’s Manor is magic find +, Twilight Arbor I’m not sure about, Honor of the Waves is power/vitality/toughness, and Arah is power/crit and toughness/power. Perhaps you should begin by deciding what stats you would like your armor to have and then choose the dungeon that provides that set of armor.

With regard to level of difficulty and time required, Arah will be the hardest and most time consuming.

Dungeons difficulty

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: lDeadeyesl.9156


For me Twilight Arbor (Story) was the easiest dungeon I have done yet. The mobs die quick and deal pretty low damage. (Compared to AC, Arah, and HoW) Also the story takes ~20 minutes so its a pretty quick venture.

Dungeons difficulty

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: PlaneWalker.8346


TA story is the longest story through all dungeons, how could it just takes you 20 mins? Or you mean exp up up path?

Anyway, you should also think about the rune in the armor. It’s better to have a set with runes that can help you. TA is pretty easy in all paths, just very few people run it today. So hard to find a group. CM is also very easy but also hard to find a team. Hotw’s first path is pretty quick so most people just do this. If you want to run full paths of Hotw it may takes you some time to find a group. Arah is the most difficult dungeon right now and you need very good patience to get an arah set. On average a PUG team takes 60-90 mins to finish the easiest path – path3. But I heard there are some quick runs now, don’t know how they run and if they could get tokens.

Dungeons difficulty

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SiR.7156


All of those dungeons provide armor with very different sets of stats. Caudecus’s Manor is magic find +, Twilight Arbor I’m not sure about, Honor of the Waves is power/vitality/toughness, and Arah is power/crit and toughness/power. Perhaps you should begin by deciding what stats you would like your armor to have and then choose the dungeon that provides that set of armor.

With regard to level of difficulty and time required, Arah will be the hardest and most time consuming.

Hi, thank you for your answer, i thought every dungeon offers multiple stat combination choiches, and the set i want, the rabid one (precision, toughness, condition damage) is available in every one i listed above, am i wrong?

@lDeadeyesl, i am referring to explorable mode for the tokens.

Thank you again!

Dungeons difficulty

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Misfit.2907


CM- one of the longer dungeons imo. Plenty of trash mobs and hard to skip places. If you want your gear quickly, I recommend skipping this one.

TA- one of the easier dungeons. Up/up takes 20 mins with a good group. F/f is also pretty quick if you can skip most of the trash along the way. The last boss in forwards up is kind of a pain in the kitten though.

HotW -as stated above, path 1 is short and sweet. Path 2 and 3 are longer and have underwater bosses with high hp pools at the end.

Arah- only one path is farm able imo and that is path 3.

Dungeons difficulty

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RedStar.4218


Hi, thank you for your answer, i thought every dungeon offers multiple stat combination choiches, and the set i want, the rabid one (precision, toughness, condition damage) is available in every one i listed above, am i wrong?
Thank you again!

No you are right, the dungeons you listed offer gear with the stats you want. You can verify that in game or here

CM runs can take from 20 minutes to an hour per path. It’s quite easy to learn too.
TA runs, like CM, can be really fast or really slow depending on your group. I find it to be more complicated than CM.
As for HotW : path 1 isn’t too bad at takes something like 20 minutes but path 2 is longer and underwater for the last part and I never did path 3.

So I’d say go for CM. Read a few guides on it on how to skip mobs, it’s quite easy (and I’m talking about those exploits where you jump on rocks to get somewhere you definitely shouldn’t be…I hope they finally got removed from the game).

(edited by RedStar.4218)

Dungeons difficulty

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

For precision, toughness, condition damage stats the dungeons you wanna run are either TA, AC, or CM. You might have to check the stats, but I think AC might give you more precision than condition dmg comapred to the TA/CM armors (which give more condition dmg over precision).

TA/AC are easy and fast…. AC is more likely to be run given it typically has a lot of opportunities for mobs to drop a few silver which people go for; this also means a greater chance to find seasoned groups.

If you really want to run the other dungeons just to see what they’re all about, that’s fine. The least you can do with tokens you obtain from those dungeons is buy the rare dungeon gear (assuming it’s higher than lvl 68) and salvage it for ectos (apparently folks are doing this, though I’ve yet to try this out and confirm whether you can actually do this)

(edited by Bruno Sardine.2907)

Dungeons difficulty

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SiR.7156


Hi guys, thank you all for your answers.
So TA is the way to go! My character is a Sylvari so the skin is the best i can achieve!
Anyway, can you suggest a site with a good guide (possibly not videoguide, i have some issue with comprehension XD) of that instance?
Moreover, any good guy or guild on Gandara that can help me with the first runs?
Thanks again!

Dungeons difficulty

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

i’m sure any youtube vid will be sufficient…. it’s really not that hard of an instance. The first pack of dogs is probably the hardest part of the instance tbh (any possibly Vevina the mesmer chick)

Dungeons difficulty

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: akamon.2769


hey SiR, i am partial towards HotW. : )) and imo, it’s one of the easiest out of all these dungeons that offer Rabid gear. or at least, run HotW path 1 once a day. or whenever you can.

and then from there, i’d say either CM or TA is fine. i’ve done CM more, just cause guildies wanted to run it. and only done each path of TA once. both have annoying mechanics yet both can be done relatively quickly if you have a good group and know what you’re doing. that being said, i still personally prefer TA over CM. though the last boss in TA can be annoying too depending on group lol

in regards to guides, i swear by Strife’s (Strifey on the forums i think) guides. here’s his youtube channel. he happens to have HotW path 1, all CM and all TA ; )) enjoy!

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