(edited by Dogblaster.6713)
Dungeons in Guild Wars 2 are enjoyable. You just ...
put in 800 hours. Finished every dungeon path. Me and my guild clear Arah paths in under 30 minutes for forgotten, and around an hour for mursaat and jotun, essentially daily, and often more than once a day.
In my experience they’re still not enjoyable or fun. We do them for the tokens or the money, not because we enjoy them. Trash monsters are tedious rather than interesting 90% of the time. Bosses are usually dodge and spanks (though Arah at least tries to have boss mechanics) and even bosses with interesting mechanics typically overstay their welcome.
imo a reduction to boss and trash HP is mandatory for a majority of dungeons. Their damage is fine, hitting them for three times longer than we really needed to is not. To quote someone else who put it quite nicely “They’re dead, they just dont know it yet”
GW2 is a great game, but the dungeons are currently quite lacking. I do hope Anet improves on their design for their next dungeons, and given how good some of the other content was, I am hopeful that they can figure out what they need to do.
Trash in all MMO dungeons become tedious after the first few clears(I will say trash in GW2 has to much HP) but I think only way you can fix that is to put in a reward for killing the trash. Something like GW1 after so many kills get a small buff.
@Zenyatoo how did you guys get past deadeyes??
my groups always clear the dungeons where there’s a champion in it just for the sake of silvers :p
(edited by mbelcikuwh.1379)
Deadeyes are so easy just zerg them, its the Technicians that get annoying
@slimjim aaahh that part i know,as long as we didn’t stray too far from them..i meant how do you get past them without having have to fight them :p
put in 800 hours. Finished every dungeon path. Me and my guild clear Arah paths in under 30 minutes for forgotten, and around an hour for mursaat and jotun, essentially daily, and often more than once a day.
In my experience they’re still not enjoyable or fun. We do them for the tokens or the money, not because we enjoy them. Trash monsters are tedious rather than interesting 90% of the time. Bosses are usually dodge and spanks (though Arah at least tries to have boss mechanics) and even bosses with interesting mechanics typically overstay their welcome.
imo a reduction to boss and trash HP is mandatory for a majority of dungeons. Their damage is fine, hitting them for three times longer than we really needed to is not. To quote someone else who put it quite nicely “They’re dead, they just dont know it yet”
GW2 is a great game, but the dungeons are currently quite lacking. I do hope Anet improves on their design for their next dungeons, and given how good some of the other content was, I am hopeful that they can figure out what they need to do.
Mostly this. Cleared most of the dungeons, however aside from the first time completing them, most of them are not fun to repeat. They just end up really boring. Need more dangerous mechanics like Subject Alpha and Lt. Kohler in AC. Less “kite around for 30 minutes while beating on a boss with a ridiculous amount of hitpoints” or “kill 30 burrows” which you already did in the rest of the dungeon….
The underwater bosses are the worst. Uuuuuuuugh.
Deadeyes are so easy just zerg them, its the Technicians that get annoying
Technicans are easy too. Stability breaks their stun, as usual, so if you have a Necro in your group he can tank them in Plague form and if you have no Necro just use, pushes, pulls or fears to interrupt the Technicians lightning beam to free your party members.
Occam Pi (Ele), Acaena Elongata (Warrior), Finja Salversdotir (Ranger),
Bytestream (Engineer), Vim Whitespace (Thief)
Well If ’’tedous’’ is what you dont enjoy then you should not play mmorpg you know that? Everything you do in mmorpg one day become tedous, what the hell, even a lot of things in your real life become tedous because when you do it too many times.
I have played every mmorpg for past 8 years, had maxxed out character almost in every single of them and EVERY single of them became tedous after quite some times. Thats how mmorpg works. And I am not talking about dungeons only, but also PvP etc etc.
Every mmorpg become tedous because you play them for a long time. Thats how it is. If that is what you are angry about, then just dont play them
Even if they add exotic to every single group of trash, boss or whatever. It will become tedous cause you do it every day …
Anyway .. who cares, you always find people complaining about someting, always ..
(edited by Dogblaster.6713)
When things in real life becomes ’’tedious’’ your relationship with girlfriend, your work, your days, its only up to YOU how you deal with it, only you can change it. Go do some things you havent done before with you gf, change your work routine, make your day more interesting, etc etc..
Same goes for mmorpgs, you complain dungeons are tedous cause you do them many times per day, weeks. Ofcourse they are. So go do some spvp, wvw, puzzle instead of them. Guild Wars 2 gives you different things you can do, so do them …
Its just up to you how you deal with routine!! Devs just gives you the opportunities.
Ahem, the game has only just been released, and the dungeons are already not fun. I think it’s quite fair to criticize them if they are boring. Its not a matter of them being boring because we do them a lot. They are boring because they are boring. There’s not much to them. Just corridors and monsters. I want more out of my dungeon crawling experience!
I think dungeons are fun even on repeat.
I don’t die often at all, though. That’s probably why. I imagine that people who die a lot have issues with them.
@ mbelcikuwh
kitten these quote bugs!)
The deadeye shot can be dodged by rolling as the deadeye buff is about to end on you. Also they do “extreme ranged damage” which is a incredibly stupid tooltip description. It should read “Does more damage the further away you are” because that’s what it actually means. Standing next to them makes them do less damage with the deadeye shot.
Usually in a pack of deadeyes we just burst them down. If they have bezerkers pals I take that aggro because static field, freezing, swiftness, and generally speaking range is easy counter to melee, while my team kills the deadeyes by humping their legs until they go down. If they technician buddies its a toss up, pretty much all of us run stability in one form or another anyway, so we just use that to stunbreak. and obviously try to stand by the deadeyes to kill them first.
(Oh and you can totally roll out of the sentinel warbanner thing, I dont see people doing that ever, but its a thing)
“my groups always clear the dungeons where there’s a champion in it just for the sake of silvers :p”
That only applies to AC. I dont believe champion monsters in other dungeons drop the 5 silver. At least i’ve never noticed them doing it. (though I havent touched CM or TA in a long time because I abhor those dungeons)
I think dungeons are fun even on repeat.
I don’t die often at all, though. That’s probably why. I imagine that people who die a lot have issues with them.
Well it depends, I don’t mind dying 100 times if I messed up, for example I have a dodge ready and the boss signals a large attack → I should move, I am ok with the boss one-shotting me when I don’t dodge that attack. However, if I die because of an unfair mechanic then the whole dying experience becomes frustrating.
I like the dungeons as they are, but they could use some tweaking here and there.
@Dogblaster: I run about 10 explorable routes per day
God kitten Even if you speedrun them all in half an hour.. Organizing party, moving from dungeon to dungeon and of course the dungeon it self would still take ~5 hours. Every day???? Where do you find the time.. unemployed?